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Longfin Bannerfish For Beginner?/Heniochus
/Systems/Compatibility 5/2/2011 Heniochus Concern, Too Much Fish, Too Little Space! 2/23/07 Hi all - <Hi Jim, Mich here.> I'm concerned about my Heniochus. He's withdrawn to the top corner of my tank - near the filter unit, and doesn't seem too adventurous, swimming the entire tank anymore. He's active enough - when feeding time comes, eating well. The tank water is fine - just did a partial change, checked everything and it's good. It's an established 60 Gal FOWLR, with a couple damsels, the Heni and a blue tang. <Too much fish, not enough psychological space.> Both the Heni and the tang are small - about 4 inches, with the Heni a bit bigger. I have the suspicion that the Heni is bothered by something. <Yes, likely his cramped quarters.> The damsels are afraid of the larger Heni & tang, so they're not the issue - and I haven't seen the tang display any aggression, either. There are no bite marks - no ripped or frayed fins on the Heni, so if someone is picking/bullying him, I don't know who it is. <Sounds like a good bit of stress in the tank with even the damsels in hiding.> I'm surprised, actually, because for the five months I've had the Heni & tang (got them the same day), the Heni has always been bigger and more "assertive" in the tank. I always thought he/she was the boss! So, I'm now wondering what's up? I've tried different foods, changed water, rearranged the rock - but the Heni still doesn't want to swim the entire tank freely anymore. It's as if he's sulking to the corner top or bottom, and is being pressured somehow. I had thought he was sick at first - but when it's feeding time, he's his old, assertive self, pushing his way into the feeding frenzy! I was wondering if this was normal? <Normal for a stressed fish.> Any ideas? IF you think perhaps the tang is pressuring the Heni - should I get another Heni to solve the problem <NO! Even more crowded!> or get rid of the tang? (HATE to do that!) <I know you won't like hearing this, so I am sorry, but both fish belong in bigger homes.> Any ideas or advice is most welcome!!! <Both of these fish should be kept in tanks that are at least 100 gallons. Like an adult sleeping in a crib, it just doesn't work very well. Have you considered upgrading?> Thanks! <You're welcome. -Mich> Jim Heniochus acuminatus approp. tank size 12/17/06 Hello again Mich, <Tom, my friend, hello to you.> Well, as much as I would LOVE to start a giant tank, like you said, it is quite hard on the pocketbook. <Yep! I hear you!> A little too hard for my liking. <I understand!> Well today's question is about Heniochus acuminatus. <Alrighty then.> On your site it says that this type of butterfly needs a minimum tank size of 15 or 20 gallons. <Hmmm, I read this also. Seems kind of small> Is this really true? Or did they mean to say 150 or 200 gallon tanks? <This was my initial thought also. I have seen references of this fish reaching lengths of nearly 10 inches.> If they can really live in a 15 or 20G do you think I would be able to keep a group (2-3) in a 90G tank? <According to what RMF has previously posted, yes in theory this should be OK. RMF, this is correct?> <<Yes. RMF>> I read that they live in groups in the sea but do you think that they would get along in an aquarium? <Yes, in theory.> Thanks for your time. <You are quite welcome.> Please do tell me if I am taking up too much of your time. I'm guessing you don't get paid so I don't want to take advantage of you. <I have very much enjoyed our exchanges, the pleasure is mine! I look forward to more.> I hope you had a great weekend. <And you also! -Mich> Tom Banner Fish Not "banner" Reef Citizen Hi gang, We have a 55 gal. w/80 lbs live rock. Currently there are 3 Perc. clowns, a blue damsel, a lemon peel angel, hi-fin goby & pistol shrimp, a blood shrimp and sea star. We would like to add a pair of Long Fin Banner fish. There are mixed reviews on required gallons for these fish and we want to make sure that 1. we won't have too many fish, and 2. they won't become too large for our tank. Any suggestions??? <The Heniochus can attain a length of up to 10" in it's hometown. Most are sold from 2 1/2 to 3". A 50 would be all right for a while but as they grow they will need larger quarters. I might point out to you that if you have nice rock with fan worms, other nice stuff, then this fish isn't for you. They will pick at rocks looking for goodies and are not considered reef safe. James (Salty Dog)> Heniochus systems 9/21/05 Hey Bob how's it going?
<Ooh, he summons the master and gets the rookie, Adam J here with
you tonight.> I was wondering how many Heniochus acuminatus (since
they're not as demanding as a lot of marine fish) I can put in a
65g FOWLR? <Unfortunately I cannot recommend any Heniochus
Acuminatus, these fish get large (10' long and over 12' tall)
and need LOTS of swimming room, I cannot recommend less than a US 100
gallon tank minimum for one specimen let alone a school.>
There's is plenty of space with the live rock being
pushed close to the back of the tank and the Heniochus will be the only
species in the tank. <Unfortunately the confines are still too
small.> My mom really likes them and that's all she
wants to have. She would prefer a school of them of two or
more. Will they school in a 65g? <See above.>
Thanks. Sincerely, Jay <Adam J.> If not, what about
Heniochus diphreutes, since their maximum size is smaller than the
acuminatus? <Honestly, I am still of the opinion that this species
and its genus in general are inappropriate specimens for your set
up.> <Adam J.> Heniochus Butterfly...Worms In My Live Rock - 02/18/06 Good
afternoon! <<Hello...evening here>> I read on your site
that Heniochus Butterfly fish require 15 to 20 gallons (minimum) per
copy. Does this mean that I can add 2 to a 72 gallon tank?
<<Possibly...depending on what else is in/going in to the
tank. There are about a dozen different species of Heniochus
but the two most commonly available are H. acuminatus and H.
diphreutes...I assume you refer to one of these? >> Also, I
purchased some live rock from a dealer on the internet, the owner said
that he was sending fully cured rock but there were worms in it (or at
least they resembled worms). <<Very normal, desirable
even.>> I managed to pull most of them out except one.
<<Why?>> I put the live rock in the tank. The
rock has been in there approx. 2 weeks. Do you think I
should look for the rock and try to get the worm out again?
<<Nope>> I am a little afraid that this will affect my tank
in the long run. <<Doubtful...wouldn't worry about
it. Regards EricR>>
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