Related FAQs: Cardinalfishes, Banggai Cardinals, Banggai ID, Banggai
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Banggai Feeding, Banggai Disease, Banggai Reproduction,
Related Articles: Cardinalfishes,
/Fishwatcher's Guide
Cardinalfishes, Family

Bob Fenner |
Pterapogon kauderni
Genus Apogon:
Apogon aureus (Lacepede 1802), the Ring-Tail
Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea, east Africa to New Caledonia.
To nearly five inches in length. One off of Gili Air, Lombok, and a
pair in N. Sulawesi. |
Apogon bandanensis Bleeker
1854, the Bigeye Cardinalfish. West-Pacific in distribution (this
one in Fiji). To four inches in length. |

Apogon compressus (Smith & Radcliffe
1913), the Ochre-Striped Cardinalfish. Western Pacific; Malaysia to
Micronesia down to the GBR. To nearly five inches in length. Often
found as here, amongst branches of Porites
(cylindrica and nigrescens principally). Pulau
Redang, Malaysia and N. Sulawesi pix. |
Apogon cookii (formerly robustus) Maccleay
1881, Cook's Cardinalfish. Indo-West Pacific including the Red
Sea where the first image was made at night, the other an aquarium
shot. |
Apogon cyanosoma Bleeker 1853, the
Yellow-Striped Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific including the Red Sea. To
three inches in length. One off Australia's Heron Island, Great
Barrier Reef, and a group in shallow water in Fiji. |
Apogon fraenatus Valenciennes 1832, the
Bridled Cardinalfish. To four inches in length. Indo-Pacific; from
Durban, South Africa to Tuamotus. Images from Fiji at
night. |
Apogon hartzfeldii Hatzfeld's
Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific; Malaysia, PNG, GBR. To four inches
in length. Mabul, Sabah, Malaysia and N. Sulawesi (Lembeh Strait)
pix. |
Apogon kallopterus Bleeker 1856, the
Iridescent Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea (where
this one was photographed at night while foraging). To six inches
in length. A larger specimen out during the day in the Maldives
also shown. |
Apogon leptacanthus Bleeker 1856-57,
Threadfin Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific including the Red Sea. To a
little over two inches in length. Found in dense school in the
wild. This group in a friends aquarium. |

Apogon nigrofasciatus Lachner 1953, the
Blackstriped Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to the Tuamotus.
This one in Fiji at night. |

Apogon sealei (Fowler 1918), Seale's
Cardinalfish. Western Pacific; Malaysia to Micronesia. To three
inches in length. One in Redang, Malaysia and a pair in N.
Sulawesi. |
Genus Cheilodipterus:
Cheilodipterus alleni Gon 1993, Southwestern
Pacific; New Guinea, Indonesia. To four inches for males, about
2.5" for females. This one in the area of Gili Air, Lombok,
Indonesia. |

Cheilodipterus isostigmus (Schultz 1940),
the Dog-Toothed Cardinalfish. West-central Pacific. To nearly four
inches in length. This three inch one in Fiji. |

Cheilodipterus macrodon (Lacepede 1802), the
Largetoothed Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific; East Africa to the
Marshall Islands. To nearly ten inches in length. A six inch
specimen in Manado/Sulawesi/Indonesia,and a male of about the same
size in the Red Sea "with a mouthful" of young. |
Genus Pseudamia:
Pseudamia amblyuroptera (Bleeker 1856).
Indo-West Pacific. To six inches in length. Not a great beauty, but
one of the more common Cardinalfishes of this genus offered in the
hobby. |
Genus Pterapogon:
Pterapogon kauderni Koumans 1933, the
Banggai Cardinalfish. Restricted in distribution to Banggai Island,
Indonesia, though commercially produced in good numbers in
Indonesia and elsewhere. To three inches in length. A darling of
the ornamental aquatics industry and hobby. Readily reproduced in
captivity. Young cluster about the spines of the Urchin Diadema
setosum when threatened as pictured. |
Genus Sphaeremia: Pajamafishes.
Sphaeramia nematoptera (Bleeker 1856), the
Pajama Cardinalfish. West Pacific. To three inches in length. A
long-standing favorite in the aquarium trade. Second perhaps only
to the Banggai in use. |

Sphaeramia orbicularis (Cuvier 1828), the
Orbiculate Cardinalfish. Indo-Pacific. To four inches in length. An
uglier version of the Pajamafish, but hardy just the same. |
