Family Gobiidae, the
Combtooth Gobies.
Genus Amblyeleotris: twenty three described
Amblyeleotris diagonalis Polunin &
Lubbock 1979, the Diagonal Shrimpgoby. Indo-Pacific; East Africa,
Red Sea to Indonesia, GBR. To 8 cm. in length. Lives in association
with the alpheid Alpheus bellulus. Told apart from
other similar-appearing shrimpgobies by the thin diagonal lines on
the head. N. Sulawesi pic. |

Amblyeleotris fasciata (Herre 1953), the
Red-banded Shrimp-Goby. Western central Pacific in distribution. To
a little over three and a half inches in length. Occasionally
imported as an aquarium species. |
Amblyeleotris guttata (Fowler 1938), the
Spotted Prawn-Goby. Western Pacific. To nearly four inches total
length. Found in coarse gravel in shallow reefs. One in
Mabul, Malaysia, another in captivity. |

Amblyeleotris gymnocephala (Bleeker 1853),
the Masked Shrimp Goby. Indo-west Pacific. To nearly six inches in
length. One in Pulau Redang, Malaysia in about ten feet of water,
the other in N. Sulawesi. |

Amblyeleotris latifasciata Polunin &
Lubbock 1979. Western Pacific; Gulf of Thailand and the
Philippines. One and its alpheid prawn cohort photographed in Pulau
Redang, Malaysia, another in N. Sulawesi. |

Genus Asterropteryx:
Asterropteryx ensifera (Bleeker 1874), the
Blue-speckled Rubble Goby. East Indo-West Pacific; Andaman Sea, New
Guinea, Indonesia, Southern Japan. To 35 mm. in length. This one in
N. Sulawesi. |

Genus Bryaninops: Whip and Coral Gobies; most
often found on Black Corals and Gorgonians.
Bryaninops amplus Larson 1985, the Large
Whip Goby. Indo-Pacific; Madagascar, Seychelles to Hawai'i. To
6 cm. This one off of Queensland, Australia. |

Bryaninops loki Larson 1985, the Loki Whip
Goby. Tropical Indo-Pacific; Australia, Japan, Indonesia,
Philippines. To a measly 30 mm. in length. Found in silty areas on
Gorgonians and Sea Whips. N. Sulawesi pix, an adult and a juvenile
(transparent) with parasitic copepods dorsally. |

Bryaninops yongei (Davis & Cohen 1968),
the Whip Goby. West to Mid-Pacific; Australia to Rapa, Hawai'i.
To four cm. This one off of Mabul, Malaysia. Here in a typical pose
where a pair will reside, the antipatharian Cirripathes
anguina. Look for them when underwater (found 3-45 m depth).
Below, in Hawai'i with eggs, Mabul, Malaysia and Nuka Hiva,
Marquesas, Polynesia pix. |
Genus Eviota: Small and often beautiful.
Eviota prasites Jordan & Seale 1906, the
Prasites Goby. West Pacific; Moluccas to Samoa. To less than an
inch in length. This one photographed off of Queensland,
Australia. |

Eviota sebreei Jordan & Seale 1906,
Sebree's Pygmy Goby. Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Samoa, to the
northern GBR, Micronesians. To less than an inch in total length.
This one perched on a Porites coral in Pulau Redang,
Malaysia. |

Genus Fusigobius:
Genus Istigobius: Good looking reef sand-dwelling
fishes. The genus comprises eleven species.
The Decorated Goby, Istigobius decoratus
(Herre 1927) in the Red Sea To about five inches in length
and found from the Red Sea to Micronesia. |

The Ornate Goby, Istigobius ornatus
(Rupell 1830) in an aquarium, Fiji and N. Sulawesi. To about five
inches in length and found from the Red Sea to
Micronesia |
Istigobius rigilius (Herre 1953), the
Orange-Spotted Goby. Molucca, Philippine Islands to Australia, over
to Fiji and Marshall Islands. To four inches in length. Here in
Queensland, Australia and S. Sulawesi. |
Genus Pleurosicya: Tiny host gobies
Pleurosicya micheli Formanoir 1971,
Michel's Host Goby. A transparent species with an internal red
striped on top of its vertebral column. To one inch in length.
Indo-Pacific. This one in Hawai'i perched on a Porites
Coral. |

Pleurosicya spongicola Larson 1990. Western
Pacific; Indonesia. Found associate with, on sponges. N. Sulawesi
pix. |
Pleurosicya sp. Found associate with, on
sponges. S. Sulawesi pix. |
Genus Trimma:
Trimma sp.. S. Sulawesi pix. |

Trimma sp.. S. Sulawesi pix. |

Trimma sp.. S. Sulawesi pix. |

Firefishes, Dartfishes,
Family Microdesmidae, Subfamily Ptereleotrinae: Not really
"True" Gobies, but called Dart Gobies by some...
"Gobies", Dragonets, Psychedelic
Nemateleotris decora Randall & Allen
1973, the Elegant Firefish. Indo-Pacific in distribution, Mauritius
to Micronesia. To three and a half inches in length. This one
in an aquarium. |

Nemateleotris magnifica Fowler 1938, the
Fire Goby. Indo-Pacific, eastern African coast to Hawai'i. To
three and a half inches long. The most popular aquarium species.
This one in a typical pose in the Maldives... ready to dart back
into its hole in the substrate. |

Ptereleotris evides Jordan & Hubbs 1925,
the Blackfin Dartfish. Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, eastern African coast
to the Society Islands. To nearly six inches in length. Unusual for
tending to swim away from divers rather than dart into burrows. One
photographed in the Red Sea, another in N. Sulawesi. |

Ptereleotris zebra (Fowler 1938), the
Chinese Zebra Goby. Indo-Pacific, Red Sea to Marquesas. To a bit
over four inches in length. Found in groups in the wild. Below two
in captivity, and a small group in Nuka Hiva, Marquesas, Polynesia,
about to dive into their rocky cave abode. |