Related FAQs:
Part 1: Amblyeleotris,
Part 2:
Asterropteryx, Cryptocentrus & Ctenogobiops, Part 3:
Mahidolia, Stonogobiops, Tomiyamichthys &
Vanderhorstia), Shrimp
Gobies, Shrimp Gobies
2, Pistol Shrimp and Goby
Biotopes, & Shrimp Goby Identification,
Shrimp Goby Behavior, Shrimp Goby Compatibility, Shrimp Goby Selection, Shrimp Goby Systems, Shrimp Goby Feeding, Shrimp Goby Disease, Shrimp Goby Reproduction, &
Shrimp they
associate with, Shrimp Identification, Shrimp Behavior, Alpheid (including Shrimp)
Gobies, True
Gobies, Gobies
2, Goby Identification,
Goby Behavior, Goby Selection, Goby Compatibility, Goby Feeding, Goby Systems, Goby Disease, Goby Reproduction, Amblygobius Gobies,
Clown Gobies, Neon Gobies, Genus Coryphopterus Gobies, Mudskippers, Sifter Gobies,
Related Articles: Gobioids, Marine Shrimp,
Marine Scavengers, Alpheid (including
Shrimp) Gobies,
/The Conscientious Reef Aquarist
Shrimp or
Watchman Gobies

By Bob Fenner
Amblyeleotris randalli
Shrimp-Goby Symbionts
The Pistol or Snapping Shrimps of the genus
Alpheus, family Alpheidae really "live-together" with
fishes. Gobies in the genera Amblyeleotris, Cryptocentrus,
Ctenogobiops, Istigobius, Stonogobiops and more form mutualistic
symbiotic relationships with these crustaceans; the shrimp digging
their shared burrow home, the goby keeping a sharp vigil against
predators. Partner gobies eat micro-fauna they find near the bottom,
the shrimps feed on what they find in their burrowing.
The shrimps are virtually blind and use their antennae
for partner goby communication at all times at the surface.
These partner, prawn, shrimp or watchman goby fish/shrimp
associations make for fascinating presentations. Successful habitats
call for broken rubble and coarse sand of two or more inches depth, or
an artificial PVC pipe burrow (See Michael), a single or pair of gobies
matched with an appropriate Alpheid. See re likely
matching symbiont species.