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Cleaner Wrasses 6/9/07 Bob, <Tom> Good article on cleaner wrasses, I just read it. You've advised me on my angel issues, recently, FYI. As bad as these little guys fair in aquaria, it's amazing (and a shame) that they are offered regularly. <... "They sell"...> I was thinking about that, the one store I go to keeps them in numerous tanks where the tangs & angels are for sale, I suppose to get rid of visible parasites, even though their systems should be on copper. Anyway, just wanted to say it was really informative. I think the next time I'm there I will ask them in an inquisitive manner as to why they stock cleaner wrasses, then tell them what I think (Which is now what you think!) Keep up the good work. Thomas PS, I'm still getting an Angel!!!! :-) <BobF> Replaced The Tangs - 01/10/06 Selection, Labroides... Dear Eric <<Hi Akila!>> I'm still waiting for your feedback on my earlier email. Anyway just reply me whenever you are free. Thanks <<Mmm, I have replied to all I have received.>> I returned the Powder Blue Tang and the huge Clown Wrasse (Red Coris Wrasse) I bought earlier and replaced them with one Banner Fish (5") and a Threadfin Butterfly (5"). How is my choice this time? <<Much better...though you still have the Clown Tang...trouble down the road I fear.>> I read many articles that said they are easy to maintain. <<Easier/more suitable than the Powder Blue...agreed.>> Also they look amazingly pictorial. <<Agreed again>> I also bought a small 1-1/2 inch Cleaner Wrasse cuz I read on the net that they are very good for removing parasites from other animals in the tank. Is this true? <<I wish you had dug a bit deeper Akila. While it is true the Cleaner Wrasses (Labroides sp.) are good at what they do, they make poor aquarium choices due to their preferred/specified diet. Most will accept no other source of food other than what they can pick off the fish, and your aquarium fish won't be able to provide enough nourishment...not to mention the constant harassment/stress incurred by the fish from the starving attentions of the Cleaner Wrasse. If you want a "cleaner" fish, better to go with a Cleaner "Goby" like Gobiosoma oceanops.>> Anyway let me know about the Seaweed also. Please refer to my earlier email. <<Hmm, thought I did...but here it is again...(Hmm, having not traveled (yet) that part of the world I have no idea what might be available to you. See if you can get some dried Nori from a market/specialty food store, else order some algae flake foods from the from etailers on the internet.)>> Appreciate your response Thanks Best regards Akila <<Be chatting...EricR>> Your Writings on Labroides Hi Bob, <Jeff> Just wanted to say how much I appreciated your article on cleaner wrasse. I was just doing one of my favorite activities, poking around online livestock sites, looking at pics and reading blurbs about behavior, temperament and care to see if I found anything interesting I might read more about. Well, I have to confess that I went to a "reef safe wrasse" section to see what was in there, and found the common blue cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) and was like.. "hmm that would be sweet in my large reef setup". So, I do what I always do when that happens, I pop over to WWM and look it up. Now coming to the point of my e-mail to you, I read your article "Cleaner Wrasses in the Genus Labroides". I just finished and have to say that it was such a great thing to be able to hop over here and quickly find out that what I was considering purchasing actually turned out to be something that shouldn't even be for sale. So, this time my e-mail to you is not asking for help, but to tell you that the work you guys are doing at WWM is incredible, and mostly to let you know that your hopes for raising awareness and EDUCATING people is working. <Very glad to read/realize this> Thanks so much for all your efforts, I just wanted to let you know that you really are making a difference in this community and those of us that do care about the marine environment over how cool the tank in my living room looks, and those who do their research, are only going to increase with quality materials like these at the ready. Respectfully, Jeff <Thank you for your note, input. Bob Fenner> Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse?!? Hi Bob, <Brian> Sorry to be bothering you again, but when I was looking for a new addition to my tank I stumbled upon the site, Overnight Fish. I do believe the collection and sale of cleaner wrasses is highly unethical and that the human race is not obligated to remove such valuable recourses from the reef, but they are selling the Hawaiian cleaner wrasse which I think I read in one of your articles are rare. <Mmm, not rare, but... not of great number, easily replaced nature. Please see fishbase.org and http://www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dar/pubs/ar_hrs188F5.pdf> Is this an ethical practice (as if the sale of all cleaner wrasse are) and if so, what can I do to stop it?!? Very great site by the way! Brian <Ultimately, as good consumers, aquarists should avoid the purchase of this endemic, and all other Labroides wrasses IMO... They just don't live in aquarium circumstances by and large, and I do agree (though there is evidence by some to the contrary) that their removal from the wild is "too costly". Bob Fenner> Marine Velvet, Marine Betta and Cleaner Wrasse 4/15/05 Just a quick question. I have a 125gal reef tank. I had an episode of Marine Velvet about 3.5 weeks ago. All I have left is my Firefish, glass goby, Scarlet lady shrimp, my Anemones, and coral. Tank was treated with Stop Parasites. Did a lot of water changes and turkey blasting and for the past 2.5 weeks everything has been fine. <Stop Parasites is rough stuff! The water changes are a good idea. Beware that velvet has a life cycle that is about three weeks long. Many aquarists are lulled into a false sense of security because their fish are parasite free. Then, a week or so later, all of the resting cysts hatch and it is worse than before.> I saw a young Marine Betta at a store in Fredericksburg VA, called Maru. The Betta is only 1.5 inches, and seems peaceful. I was just wondering if the Marine Betta would be okay. <Introducing any new fish to your system would be a bad idea. I would suggest waiting at least 6 weeks (two life cycles of the parasites) before adding any new fish. When the Betta gets larger, it will eat your ornamental shrimps.> I have also thought about getting a yellow or blue spotted Jawfish. Find them very fascinating. I wondered if I got a Cleaner wrasse if it would eat Copepods. I have quit a few. Thanks love your site you guys are my main source for aquarium info. <Jawfish are very fascinating! However, I would apply the same waiting period as for the Betta. Also, Jawfish require at least 3-4" of sand to construct a burrow and can topple live rock with their digging. This must be considered when setting up a tank for them. Cleaner Wrasses may eat copepods, but not enough to sustain them. 99% or more of the Cleaner Wrasses sold die quickly of starvation. Also, they don't eat Ick and Velvet parasites (these parasites are too small), and often die of those diseases themselves when they are introduced as a possible treatment. Please leave cleaner wrasses in the ocean! Best Regards. AdamC.> Cleaner Wrasse..? Nope, Probably a Mimic! Hi, I recently purchased a cleaner wrasse, I think, I was just wondering what are the differences between the real cleaner wrasse and the false one. Also I have a 9cm maroon clown female and she doesn't like the cleaner wrasse coming near it or trying to clean it and tries to bite it, what is the problem? <The false cleaners actually take hunks of meat off the fish it is supposedly servicing. James (Salty Dog)> Cleaner Wrasse or.. Why Not Satisfied with Previous Answer? Don't Keep Resending! Hi, I recently purchased a cleaner wrasse, I think, I was just wondering what are the differences between the real cleaner wrasse and the false one? <When referring to cleaner wrasses you probably mean Labroides dimidiates, a small black\white\blue wrasse that eats parasites (among other things) off of other fish. The 'false cleaner wrasse' (Aspidontus taeniatus taeniatus), instead of providing parasite removal, nips other fish and proceeds to nip at fins, scales, and anything else that looks tasty on the host fish. Neither of these fish should be purchased for the home aquarium. The 'true' cleaner wrasse will starve to death in a matter of weeks, as no home aquarist can provide it with enough parasite infected fish to meet it's dietary needs, and it rarely accepts alternatives> Also I have a 9cm maroon clown female and she doesn't like the cleaner wrasse coming near it or trying to clean it and tries to bite it what is the problem? <Clownfish in the wild rarely if ever accept\need the services of a cleaner wrasse - if it is indeed a 'true' cleaner wrasse. My advice is to return the fish, and stay away from cleaner wrasses completely. M. Maddox> Juvenile purple wrasses? Bob, <Lee> I bought 3 juvenile purple wrasses, at my local wholesalers. Thinking they were Hawaiian cleaner wrasses. <?> I am now worried because I have 12 cleaner shrimps in my 240 gallon tank. I pray that these wrasses will not grow up and eat my shrimps. What do you think? Also do you know the scientific names of these wrasses?? Thanks again. Lee <Umm, not familiar with the common name "purple wrasses"... neither is fishbase.org... But, a few things to impart... I would NOT put three Labroides spp. wrasses in this size system... I would definitely research all purchases ahead of acquisition... and I WOULD definitely quarantine all new livestock... You're playing the petfish equivalent of Russian Roulette my friend. Bob Fenner> Treating A Cleaner Wrasse Dear Crew members, <Scott F. here today!> I have a common cleaner wrasse, which has lived for more than 6 months in my tank. It adapts well in the environment & I must confess that it seldom does any cleaning on other fish. Taking in dried flakes (small pieces ..), minute chopped shrimp meats & some Nori ..etc, it eats anything & is extremely active. <Glad to hear that...We really discourage keeping cleaner wrasses for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that they generally fail to adapt to captive fare...Sounds like yours has beaten the odds in the short run!> The main tank is going through a "fallow" now because of a marine velvet outbreak. All fish are taken out & housed in various quarantine tanks, including the small cleaner wrasse. It stays with my majestic angel. I am also treating Copper on all quarantine tanks which house fish, except this tank which houses the Cleaner & the Majestic. Its because I am not sure if the cleaner wrasse can tolerate Cu treatment or not? I intend to use 2/3 dosage anyway as I have to consider the angel too. Please advise me if Cleaner Wrasse can tolerate Copper treatment well? <I'd avoid copper with this fish. If the fish is, indeed sick, a Formalin-based remedy is a safer bet, IMO. Even then, I urge you to be careful...If the fish is not displaying signs of the illness, I would not use medication at this point. Just observe carefully.> By the way: what is IMO, which is frequently quoted by you people? <"In My Opinion"...FYI: "For Your Information", HTH: "Hope This Helps"...There are many others, of course- but these are common ones you see here!> I have to confess, too, that I bought this wrasse before reading your article on the poor survival record of this type of fish. More so that I intend to provide good for this small fellow as it is so valuable & I like to see it live for long. Your help is much appreciated. Best regards. <If this fish has to be in captivity, I'm glad that it has a dedicated owner like yourself! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Blue Cleaner Wrasse looking thin Dear crew, <Scott> I have a 55 gallon Marine Aquarium with the whole back wall made up of live rock. It has a bed of Coral sand and I have 1 Clark's Clown, 2 Reef Chromis, 1 Sand Sifting Star Fish, 1 Cleaner Wrasse, a Dot Dash Blenny, 8 red legged hermit crabs and 2 turbo snails. I have an External Eheim power filter, an Aqua-Medic external protein skimmer, two marine white tubes and a UV Sterilizer. All has been running really nice and has been running for 6 months now. PH = 8.0 Salinity = 1.023 Nitrite = 0 Ammonia = 0 Nitrate = 15 Calcium = 455 I feed the fish mainly Brine Shrimp and occasionally some fine cockles. I also have some red plankton that I use (not too often). I try Mysis but they are not too keen on it. I feed once a day in the evening and feed as much as they can eat in 2 minutes, all fish appear to eat and look very healthy with vibrant colours. However, the Blue Cleaner Wrasse (who appears happy and busy cleaning fish and rocks etc) has gotten much thinner than he/she was when we first bought them (looking almost gaunt). We have had the fish around 2 - 3 weeks now. <Yes... this species is an obligate cleaner... almost all individuals feed solely on the parasites, diseased skin of other fishes...> I am somewhat worried incase I am feeding the wrong food. It does appear to be feeding from the tank as we have a healthy bloom of algae. Any suggestions? Kind Regards, Scott. <Please read here re Labroides: http://wetwebmedia.com/labroide.htm Bob Fenner> Why puffers don't tolerate cleaner wrasses, PP's turn Hi crew <Hi Lorenzo, I'd like to know why puffers don't tolerate cleaner wrasses (Labroides dimidiatus)? <Wrasses have to pick at the skin of fish to remove the parasites and that can be painful for some fish. Puffers generally don't do well with wrasses because they have very sensitive skin.> I had two Labroides in my tank (250 gallons) who were keeping to nip my poor white spotted puffer. I had to take off them from my tank because my puffer was very afraid and irritated. Now I'd need to put back Labroides because my fishes have many parasites on their bodies and gills. <Your best move would be to move the puffers into a separate tank or use something else, for instance cleaner shrimp to remove the parasites. Generally they are a bit easier on fish like puffers than a cleaner wrasse is.> How can I do? Thanks a lot for your help! Best regards Lorenzo Why puffers don't tolerate cleaner wrasses, MacL's turn Hi crew, <Hi Lorenzo, MacL here with you tonight.> I'd like to know why puffers don't tolerate cleaner wrasses (Labroides dimidiatus)? <Puffers have very sensitive skin and cleaner wrasses picking at them bother puffers.> I had two Labroides in my tank (250 gallons) who were keeping to nip my poor white spotted puffer. <Probably really irritating his delicate skin. I'm guessing he hid a lot.> I had to take off them from my tank because my puffer was very afraid and irritated. Now I'd need to put back Labroides because my fishes have many parasites on their bodies and gills. How can I do? <Perhaps you should consider some cleaner shrimp or other types of cleaners that might be a bit easier on a puffers skin. Or remove the puffers into a separate situation.> Thanks a lot for your help! <Good luck and let us know what you decide. MacL> Best regards Lorenzo Puffer Problem, New Cleaner Wrasse 5/4/04 Hi, your site is great and a big help to us fish keepers. <Good Evening Leslie here with you tonight. Thank you; it is a pleasure to help!> I have a little problem with my dog faced puffer, <Utto> last week I added a cleaner wrasse and ever since he has changed to a darker color and spends most of his time sat in the corner. <I suspect your Puffer is trying to be inconspicuous.... by blending into the rock and sand. Cleaner wrasses and gobies are not recommended tankmates for Puffers. The incessant pecking is often stressful and to much for their sensitive hides. The Labroides is doing his job very well and my puffer seems to pose for him as do the rest of the fish, the only problem is that every so often the wrasse picks a little too hard and the fish chase him a bit but always go back for more. As a marine biologist myself this suggests that the wrasse is just hungry and the fish are 'too clean' so I have made sure there is plenty of food in the tank. <These fish do not fare well in captivity and are better left in the ocean for many reasons. Please have a look at this article Cleaner Wrasses in the Genus Labroides here.....http://www.wetwebmedia.com/labroide.htm Is there anything you could suggest as of why my puffer seems down? <My guess is he does not like being picked at> My nitrate is also a little high, about 15-30, I'm doing plenty of water changes but struggling to keep it down. If you do not already have a protein skimmer I would strongly suggest one. Some other interventions include adding some additional live rock and some macroalgae for nutrient export. > Also what would you say to a porcupine puffer as a little tank mate? <Little? Not for long. This would really depend on just how big ....big enough is. Definitely not until you have a handle on those nitrates. These endearing fish are hard to resist. I know they are one of my favorites. They are quite messy eaters and big waste producers. You are already having trouble keeping your Nitrates below 30. If you add another Puffer it will unfortunately only get worse. > The tank is big enough and is fish only. <Big enough? I have seen and heard some interesting assessments of big enough over the years. I guess this would depend on just how big your tank is and what other fish are already present. A general stocking rule for Puffers is 10g of water to each inch of fish. Each of those fish will eventually be a foot or more depending on the species you are keeping. So unless the tank is 200+ gallons or the Puffers are small and you plan on a bigger tank in the near future this would not be recommended. > Thanks for your time. Phil. <You are most welcome! Leslie> Cleaner Wrasses... eating First of all I would like to start by saying how much I appreciate the work you guys have done putting this site together. I have found it to be an invaluable resource and contains some great information. I am writing this not as a question but more as an experience that I would like to share. I recently got 2 cleaner wrasses, a powder blue tang, and a yellow tang from liveaquaria.com I have had the fish for 2 days and they are all doing great. However, after doing research on your site about cleaner wrasses I felt terrible about the purchase that I had made. I read that people were saying to have only one per tank and here I have gone and bought two and that it is very difficult to get them to eat. I thought they would be in trouble for sure. The first time I tried to feed them I mixed frozen brine, Mysis, and Cyclop-eeze. The Mysis and the brine is much too large for the wrasses but they went crazy over the Cyclop-eeze. I know that it has only been two days but it looks good so far. Thank you for listening and I hope that this finds its way to others who are having trouble getting their cleaners to eat prepared foods. Thank you for your time. Sean Mathes <Thank you for your report. I do hope your Labroides prosper. Please do write back in a month or so re their progress. Bob Fenner> Re: Cleaner Wrasses... eating I wanted to provide you with an update on my cleaner wrasses'. Both of them are doing great. I have had them for a week now and I wanted to add another food that they are eating now. They have begun to eat Nori out of my lettuce clips. I found this to be extremely unusual as I thought that they were strict carnivores. Hope this info proves to be useful. thank you Sean <Very unusual. Bob Fenner> Re: Cleaner Wrasse eating Hi Folks, <Hello there> I am an avid reader of your site, and you have given me a lot of good advice in the past. I just read the thread from the guy who bought 2 cleaners, and that they are with 2 other fish. I wanted to share my experience with a common cleaner wrasse for the benefit of others. I've had this guy for over a year and a half! He's thinking of starting his own cleaning business! Knock on Plexiglas - I've never had an ick problem with him around. On the flip side, however, he is the only one in a 300 gallon tank, and he has a lot of friends to clean. In fact, he can be downright obnoxious about it. Size doesn't matter, either. He is fairly big, and he will even clean blennies. I've often thought that two cleaners is too many for any but the hugest tank. What do you think? Thanks for the airwaves! Dale M. <Good points and data input. In the wild cleaning stations are often "manned" by pairs, sometimes a pair and a juvenile... but these territories are indeed huge. Congrats on yours health. Bob Fenner> Use of Hawaiian cleaner wrasse photo Aloha Bob, <Hello Anne> I am writing to you to request your permission to use your photo of the Hawaiian cleaner wrasse (from your website) in a column called "Sea Secrets" that I write (for free, as an educational service) for the news weekly Maui Weekly. <You have it> We would be happy to provide a credit for the photo. Please let us know how that should read. <Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia.com> Thank you very much for your help. If you have questions, please call me at 244-8390. Best regards, Anne Rillero <Make it known if you need a larger, better scan or format. Bob Fenner> Anne Rillero Director of Marketing and Public Relations Pacific Whale Foundation 300 Ma'alaea Rd., Suite 211 The Harbor Shops at Ma'alaea Wailuku, HI 96793 Pass On This Wrasse! Thanks Scott <Always a pleasure!> Don't think I am gonna go with corals just gonna stick with the live rock. <Nothing wrong with that plan> You mentioned "sans cleaner wrasse", what is this? <Heh, Heh- it's me using some funny language! "Sans" essentially is my perverted use of a French word for "without"...My point was that you should employ your stocking plan, minus the wrasse! No species called a "sans wrasse"...LOL> Could I possibly keep this species? <I personally do not recommend the keeping of any cleaner wrasses in captivity...> I was thinking of the blue line one. <I think you are referring to a Labroides species...More adaptable than many others, but I still don't like 'em...> Please advise. <You got it! Happy New Year! Regards, Scott F.> Cleaner Wrasse Bob, I have a question about the Cleaner Wrasse, Labroides sp. <Okay> I agree they should stay in the ocean. Poor survivability in captivity and the constant stress they cause by harassing other occupants should be reason enough. <We agree... 'cept for folks with mucho experience, knowledge beforehand of their likelihood of success... large, well-established, lots-o-fishes tanks... leave them Labroides be> I recall a BBC documentary which claimed the adults revert from parasites to fish flesh, much like the look-a-like Fang Tooth Blenny, Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos. <Interesting... in observing a few species in the wild, some of their "hosts" do seem to "really flinch" at times... am not so sure that only necrotic tissue and parasites are all that is being extracted> I also remember reading something to this effect but can't remember the author. Was this your article? <Possibly... all is stored on WetWebMedia(.com)> Do you have any further information on this topic? I looked through most of your archives, however missed anything on adult behavior. <Am going to be adding (sigh) a "Behavior FAQs" folder/page to all organismal groups in time... this will go there for the genus> As I stated I believe they should stay in the sea and I'm trying to gather all the information I can to pass along to other hobbyists. <Sounds like a/the grand opportunity to get out in the field and do a bit of scientific collecting. Am cc'ing Dr. Randall here to see if he can offer input. Jack? Bob Fenner> Thanks, Ed Kruzel President El Paso Marine Aquarium Society <Be seeing you, Bob Fenner> Re: Cleaner Wrasse Bob: <Dr. Randall> I have one comment. When I described the Hawaiian cleaner wrasse, I thought its principal source of food was crustacean ectoparasites of reef fishes. Now we know that it may be mucus. Gorlick (1980) determined that considerable mucus is ingested by the Hawaiian Labroides, which shows a preference for cleaning fishes with much mucus. I have suggested that the bilobed lower lip of the species of Labroides may serve as a scoop to facilitate the removal of mucus. Aloha, Jack <Very interesting... am sure there is more to the nutritional needs of this wrasse than mucin... but that most energy needs are derived from skin mucus?... Thank you. Bob Fenner> Blue cleaner wrasse on pyramidellid snails Hi! I have a giant clam which has pyramidellid snails on it. I introduced some blue cleaner wrasse knowing that wrasses eat these parasites. <wrasses do eat them but not cleaner wrasses. A six line or four line will do the trick> Is blue cleaner wrasse good in eating pyrams? <no> When is wrasse more effective? day or night? <depends on wrasse cleaner wrasses more active during day> I am planning to do a little experiment on the feeding habits of the blue cleaner wrasse that I bought. Do you know the rate of feeding of this wrasse on pyrams? <no feeding> I want to know if the result of my experiment will be correct. Thanks a lot! I want to be a marine biologist someday... <Thanks for the question Mike H> Feeding A Cleaner Wrasse... Hi, <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> I'm sorry to say that I recently purchased a common cleaner wrasse and unfortunately I did not browse your website concerning this fish until afterwards. <Bummer...> I am currently doing the best I can to make sure that the wrasse eats, offering food several times each day. I am currently feeding all the fish in my tank (blue velvet damsel, Kole yellow-eye tang, two percula clowns, and the wrasse) half a cube of ocean nutrition formula one and half a cube of brine shrimp plus soaked in Selcon and divided into three pieces over the day. The wrasse seems to be picking at this food, but I was wondering if you could recommend anything else to help its survivability. Thanks, Rem <Well, Rem- there is not a whole lot more that you can do...Just try a variety of foods to see if he eats them. Keep the tank well stocked with fishes, and hopefully, he'll be able to "earn a living"...No guarantees, however. Hang in there! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Re: cleaner wrasse I have purchased my second cleaner wrasse after my first one died. My PH was low maybe that was the cause? now this was is swimming upside down and jerking itself around. Last night it was swimming up to the top of the tank to get air. Am I doing something wrong? I checked my levels with my salt water test kit last night and all were normal. <Please see here re Labroides Wrasses: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/labroide.htm and the FAQs beyond. These wrasses don't generally live long in captivity. Read on other, more aquarium-hardy cleaner species on WetWebMedia.com like Gobiosoma gobies, Lysmata shrimps... Bob Fenner> Hassling Wrasse! WWM Crew, <Scott F. here tonight!> Hello again. You guys have been so helpful in the past, I thought I'd pose another question. The California Ray has been, as I've e-mailed to you before, acquiring sores. At first I thought it was the substrate and high nitrates (down to 20 ppm now), but I sequestered her until she healed, and rearranged things to where she could bury in the sand rather than the gravel-like substrate. The wounds reappeared anyway. The culprit turned out to be the Moorish Idol (I never would have suspected until I witnessed it myself). The Moorish Idol now resides in a different tank. There is also a cleaner wrasse in the tank with the ray, which ceaselessly attempts to 'clean' the wounds. Now, the Ray HATES that. She always hated the cleaning though, even before she had any wounds. Is it possible the wrasse is hurting her? <Well, the wrasse may not be causing more injury to the ray, but the resulting stress from the "harassment" definitely is not doing her any good!> It doesn't seem to be the case because she's not getting worse, she's healing. Very rapidly. But I keep getting complaints (The tanks are here at the museum where I work) that the wrasse is "attacking" the ray. Am I accurate in thinking the wrasse is not actually hurting the ray, though maybe aggravating her? <Yes- I really think that the wrasse may be causing additional stress to the ray, which is the last thing a recovering animal needs! So-you may want to remove the wrasse> Thanks for your time. If you say to leave the ray and the wrasse together, I'm just going to post a sign explaining the behavior of these two creatures. Rochelle. <Give the wrasse a vacation! Take Care! Scott F.>
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