Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Watanabei/bleeding stomach; dis., sel...
Hey bob, crew
<Big B>
Picked up this watanabei, 2 inch specimen two days ago.
<Mmm, really too small for Genicanthus Angels to be collected. Like Goldilocks
and the tres Ursids and porridge ave. kinetic energy, there is an ideal range of
size for gathering wild stocks... too small and they don't survive trauma,
stress of netting, holding, shipping... too large they don't adapt to
Had him in quarantine since, and on day 3 developed an odd swimming pattern.
He would swim head up, close proximity to surface. At times he would “pipe” at
surface. Didn’t eat last day.
<Damaged likely>
Came home and he was dead about 6 hours later. An apparent wound or lesion in
lower belly area, unilateral. Only fish in tank, no sharp rocks or edges other
than pvc. Please see photo:
Would swim bladder issue present itself as a bleeding wound? I’m thinking it
could be Uronema.
<No time for parasites... Likely as stated. Try a 3-4" specimen in good shape to
Thanks, bob
<Bob Fenner>
.jpeg) |
Re: Watanabei/bleeding stomach
Thank you. Didn’t realize that was still too small, I passed over 1 inch
specimens for this 2.5 inch.
The lfs I acquired him from brought in two of these. The one I got, and another
one, the same size.
That one is still alive. When someone like me sees the one I got dead, who came
on same time as the one who is still alive (same size) can the hobbyist
attribute that to the one I got had 1 more move and acclimation (mine) and
that’s what did/ will do them in?
<Not enough sample size to state anything with certainty>
He offered me the other fish still there at reduced cost, but I am going to
Thanks again, Bobby
<Welcome. BobF>
Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large
system 4/13/17
<Hi Jen>
I appreciate your site and all you do for us and the creatures of the sea!
I'm a prior reefer who had to put it on hold due to a major career change and
after 5 years am finally ready to resume the obsession.
<Ah; welcome back to the fold>
I'm planning a 748 gallon reef(120" x 48" x 30") with lots of live rock and
mixed corals.
Would one Regal Angel (Pygoplites Diacanthus) and a pair(male and female) of
Genicanthus Bellus tend to have enough space to avoid animosity in this setup?
<Oh yes>
I'll have a 100 gallon quarantine tank with established live rock and plan to
quarantine each specimen alone and slowly in order of shyness prior to adding to
the tank. My entire livestock list will be added this way. These will be the
only Angels in the system and be fed several times per day.
I have a 200 gallon refugium/sump on an opposite lighting schedule. I want to
grow Chaetomorpha mainly for filtering and secondarily for food but also would
like to grow Red Gracilaria for the excellent nutrition(for the
Regal). I know you're not supposed to mix Algae, but I've heard of people having
a veritable Macro algae garden of mixed types in large Refugiums.
Would I be able to do just these two in this system if I keep them on opposite
ends of the refugium, lower lighting on the Red Macro and trimmed up?
<Yes to growing multiple types/species here. Really is more a matter of culture
Or any tips? I'll have a skimmer rated for a heavy bio load at 1,000 gallons. I
haven't decided which brand yet. Thank you,
<Exciting! Please do periodically update us with your ideas, progress. Bob
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system; Now
Ozone 4/13/17
Hi Bob,
Big fan of yours for many years. Every time I veer from your advice I wish I
would've followed it. On this subject, I was pretty sure of the answer, but it's
always nice to get a professional affirmation. I will keep you
updated. Thanks!
<Glad to share w/ you Jenny. BobF>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system
What size ozone generator would you recommend for this system? I want to try to
get to 400, but they say to undersize a little. You think a 360 would do it?
<400 mg/h is about right. See my writings on sizing such ( 0.3 to 0.5 mg/hour
per gallon of aquarium water)... I'd get/use, run full output at this size, no
worries. Bob Fenner>
Re: Pygoplites Diacanthus/Genicanthus Bellus Compatibility in large system
Great thank you!!
Angelfish Disease.... more HLLE
We have some sick angelfish and would like your advise on what you think it
could be.
I have attached a picture of another angelfish that shows the disease.
<Mmm; looks to be "classic" HLLE.... due to? Most likely nutritional and water
quality issues, and able to be corrected to degrees by improving same... via
water... as marine fishes drink their environment. A few folks speculate that
carbon (filtration) is a contributor, still others, stray electrical current.
All this is gone over on WWW. Start reading here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus semifasciatus question; sys., comp. 8/5/14
Dear WWM Crew,
I have a 120g FOWLR and a 60g sump, it's been running for over a year. The tank
is dimly lit.
It's inhabitants are a pair of Lineatus wrasse, a pair of Hooded wrasse, a male
Exquisite wrasse, a male Lubbock wrasse, a Marine Betta, a Royal Gramma and 3
Pajama cardinals. There are no aggression between the wrasses at all.
I would like to add a pair or trio of Genicanthus into the mix but I've read
somewhere that these species like colder temp, like in the mid 70's.
<Mmm; yes... though I've encountered most species in the upper 70's. Am sure you
can search on re from type locations>
My tank runs around 79-80 degrees, is that too hot for them?
<It is not too hot>
Will they acclimate to the temp of my tank?
<As stated; yes>
Also, will these angels chase my fairy wrasses?
<Possibly as they grow larger>
Thank you for these great service,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus question ; hlth.
Hello, Crew
Thank you for your continuing support. I had recently purchased a male
swallowtail angelfish. It has been in my QT
<Mmm; this genus does exceedingly poorly in small, unstable
circumstances... I urge expediting them through a short duration
dip/bath, directly into main displays unless there is obvious concern>
for 4 days. It has something hanging on his left gill area and I don't
know what it is. Photos are attached. He is swimming and eating just
I'm thinking may be an injury from trying to get him out of the bag
during acclimation? Will it heal on its own? Thanks.
<Can't make out in these blurry pix... The white injury area on
the left pectoral...
Again, I'd dip and place this fish... pH adjusted freshwater; w/
formalin if you have it.
Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus... mostly stkg/sel.
Dear WWM Crew,
I had a pair of Swallow tail angels Genicanthus melanospilos, in QT
doing well till I came home last night and found the male belly up.
<Happens... these gentle Pomacanthids don't "ship well"... nor survive
close confines like quarantine>
The female looks fine, no apparent issues with her, so a little
confused. I will try to diagnose the problem but was hoping for some
advice and sorry if this is rather elementary. We'd still like a
pair and was wondering if it would be better to get another male, bigger
or smaller; or instead get a smaller female and hope the current female
changes male?
<Either way... IF there's space, habitat where they'll be meeting, they
can be "about the same"; otherwise better for one to be
Is there a time frame in which one course of action is advised over the
other (i.e. if I can introduce a male in under 2 weeks then go male, and
after 2 weeks go female).
<Not really; no>
Also are there any special considerations for introducing them, obviously
I'll make sure the female is clean first but should I introduce them in
QT together, QT separate and introduce into the main at the same time or
any other considerations, I know with clowns you can dim the lights
on a stubborn two and they will often pair)?
<Don't live in pairs, but in harems... DO read here:
Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus in a reef 9/20/13
I was wondering what your thoughts are on Genicanthus melanospilos in a
220gal reef that is dominated mostly by Acropora and Montipora with a
couple of Euphyllia and a Tridacnid?
<This genus, species... Angels are well-worth "the risk" of possible
nibbling in such a system and size/volume.
Bob Fenner>
Fish ID please
<... nine megs in pix? Why do we allow only a few hundred Kbytes?>
Hello there crew,
I have just one very simple and as far as I can see straight forward
I have purchased what I believe to be a Genicanthus melanospilos male
and female from my LFS. They however sold the male as a
Genicanthus caudovittatus.
<Mmm, no; this is a G. melanospilos... the dorsal bar you mention, black
radiating lines below eye is missing per G. caudovittatus>
It is hard to tell from my male perfectly but as far as I can see and
research the most glaring difference is the presence of a black section
in the Dorsal fin. My male appears to lack this trait and I am
hoping that indeed I have a male and female of the same species.
Any help with any other trait such as body shape etc. from the following
to ID please would be greatly appreciative.
Jordan Brown
<See the works of Gerald Allen with others. Bob Fenner>
Watanabe Angelfish Emergency - Diagnosis Please!
First off, thanks as always for the great site and great knowledge!
I was given this Watanabe angel by a LFS since she had black
Turbellarian worms and Amyloodinium.
<And a very bad apparent bacterial infection>
Needless to say, she was near death when I got her, but she's come around.
Now...she has this horrific thing. What is it? I thought it was
either Vibriosis
<Could be>
or Uronema. More details below.
First night...(Thursday)
- Acclimated
- Freshwater dip w/ Methylene blue @ 30 minutes (worms seemed gone)
- Placed into QT tank w/ formalin
- No appetite
<... more weight to gastroenteritis from Vibrio>
- Gasping at surface...breathing rate around 180 breaths/minute
<Stress period... osmotic shock/imbalance, hemolysis due to FW
immersion, handling>
Second night...(Friday)
- Freshwater dip w/ Methylene blue @ 10 minutes (velvet lessened)
- Placed into new QT tank w/ formalin
- No appetite
- Breathing slowed to ~70 breaths per minute
- Noticed lighter patch on her side
- Very twitchy
Third night...(Saturday)
- Freshwater dip w/ Methylene blue @ 10 minutes (skin nearly clear)
- Placed into new QT tank w/ Furan 2
- No appetite
- Breathing is good
- Patch worsening...grows noticeably larger w/in hours
- Very twitchy
Fourth night...(Sunday)
- Added second dose of Furan 2 as per instructions
- No appetite
- Breathing is good
- Patch is really bad...might've hit the blood stream?
- Noticed second patch starting
- Very twitchy
So... at first I thought Uronema, but I would've thought the 3
freshwater/Methylene blue dips plus the formalin baths would've curbed
<Yes; agreed>
Then I thought Vibriosis, but the Furan 2 isn't helping either. Did I
start the Furan 2 too late? Any other ideas on what it might be?
<Too many to list... I would likely just hope and pray at this
juncture... unless subcutaneous injection (intramuscular) of Furan,
Sulfonamides is not beyond you>
The scary thing is that I had three Anthias in the same quarantine tanks
(they were brand new setups at the time.) They all developed the exact
same thing and died.
<Ahh, bad>
I thought they were fighting and that the wounds were inflicted by the
others. I tried treating with erythromycin (all I had on hand at the
time), but that did nothing.
<... some affect of gram negative bacteria... but not useful w/
After they died, I bleached all
the tanks, dried them, and let them sit for about a month before setting
them up for this fish.
What's going on and how do I deal with this???
<Have just quickly reviewed Noga 2d ed. pp. 193-196, and the few
scholarly pc.s via Google on Vibrio in ornamental marine fishes... and
the real answer: "not much". The situation bodes poorly for this
I've attached a photo of her
wound. She's the only fish in the QT tank, and this issue started
in the QT tank. Temp is 78 degrees, salinity is 1.025, and ammonia
is maintained at 0 with tank transfers or Amquel.
<I would not move or manipulate this fish further>
Thanks again for all the help!
<I wish I could offer you a/the "miracle cure". Not yet. Bob Fenner>
Re: Watanabe Angelfish Emergency - Diagnosis Please!
Mr. Fenner,
Thank you so much for your timely and expert advice. Unfortunately,
injections are currently beyond my hobbyist-level experience. The
Furan 2 has definitely slowed the progression, but it has still worsened.
I'll continue the Furan 2 treatment and just hope and pray.
<Ah good>
Thanks again - your help really means a lot.
<Am glad to share with you. BobF> |
help diagnosing issue with Wantanabei angel
Hello all,
I bought a female Wantanabei angel last Thursday. I did a dip in MB
as per your suggestions, and put it into QT with a few gobies and a
Temp is at 80, sponge filter is giving filtration and aeration. It eats
well - Mysis, Spirulina, NLS pellets (Thera A) and cut up scallops.
for the first time, I noticed a lot of grey/brown tissue around its
mouth, and two spots on the top side of the rear fin. Any ideas?
<Mmm, send along a well-resolved pic or two please>
Treatments? It is still eating well. Sorry, can't get a photo.
Other fish show no signs of problems.
<May just be coloration... perhaps abrasion from capture/netting... I
wouldn't "treat" per se. BobF>
Paul B.
Re: help diagnosing issue with Wantanabei angel
Bob, photos attached. Best I could do.
<Yeeikes! This fish is extremely damaged... as prev. stated, likely
during/via collection, handling. It will highly likely perish. I'd be
contacting your source and asking for credit/replacement. Bob Fenner>
G. melanospilos Compatibility... FO
stkg....? 2/13/12
Dear Crew,
Juvenile female Genicanthus melanospilos (approx. 3.5").
72 Gal Bowfront (48"), w' royal gramma
(2.5"), false Perc (3"). There's a skunk cleaner, fire
cleaner, and a small hermit. Base rock is about 1yr old.
Far from being established, but it has some patches of growth that are
very interesting to the fish. Substrate is fine aragonite. "Reef
capable" (lol)
LED, and a skimmer.
The swallowtail's a recent addition, and getting along with the
existing residents at this point. I like peaceful reef species,
but preferably fish with some color, and big enough to be seen from
across the room. Am I going off the path with this angel,
<Likely so, but it really needs more room than this>
Could you recommend any of the following for this tank (not interested
in adding a bunch of fish or any incompatible species, just wondering
which ones might be compatible with the swallowtail, and suitable to a
48" tank.) Flame angel, coral beauty, fox face, A. bahianus,
yellow tang, Firefish goby, purple Firefish.
<The last three are viable possibilities>
Not trying to add them all, just wondering who's compatible.
It's a royal pain to quarantine a fish only to find that he
won't come out from under the rocks or behind the overflow box.
Please feel free to suggest something I might find interesting if
you think it would be a particularly good neighbor.
<Better for you to keep reading, searching... over time, you'll
find there are many possibilities. Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus watanabei compatibility
Dear WWM Crew,
Happy New Year guys. I have a 135g (72x18x24")
tank that I'm in a process of starting up, will be tied
into my 300g tank with a 125g refuge and a 100g sump. This system has
been running over a year now.
I would like to have a Genicanthus watanabei trio (1 male and 2
females) as the main focus of this tank but would also like to
add a group of Squareback or Lyretail Anthias and a pair of Fairy
Wrasses like the Lineatus, Exquisite or Red Velvet but
I've read somewhere that these Angels may not get along with some
species of Anthias and Fairy Wrasses, is that true?
<Mmm, can be a bit territorial... not so much in general given more
I give you good odds here of all getting along>
If the scenario above is ok, in what order should I add these
<The Angels last>
Thank you so much for offering this great service to our beloved
Best regards,
B. Woo
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Sent from my iPad while driving.......just kidding!
Re: Genicanthus watanabei compatibility, now
fdg. 1/13/12
Thanks for your quick response and advise.
The Watanabei trio arrived yesterday and are in my 75g QT.
The male did not ship well, after acclimating, put him in the tank with
the females, he laid on his side for a while but later he came
around and started swimming.
At first he was swimming kind of funny, bobbing a little up and
down but as time went by, he started to swim normal.
<Not atypical for the genus>
Yes, I know you said to add these Angels last but I plan to QT these
trio for 5-6 weeks or longer and by then, I'll have the Anthias and
Fairy Wrasses ready to go, they will be QTed in another tanks and I
don't plan to QT them as long as the Angels.
Try to feed the Angels the 1st day and none of them ate, tried Mysis
shrimp, plankton, NLS pellets and even frozen brine
Today, the 2nd day, one of the female ate some Mysis but not with
gusto, the male and the other female didn't touch the food.
BTW, I soak all my food with Selcon. Put a seaweed strip on
a clip and they were totally afraid of it. I always thought
Diver's Den's fish, all get acclimated to eat plus they also
use seaweed on a clip....
<Mmm, shipping stress... you have live rock present? They'll
nibble there>
Should I be worried? Or is it too soon to worry?
<Too soon>
How long can they go without eating before it's
downhill? What should I try next?
<See that word patience again... try offering just a small bit of
foods twice daily... Don't panic>
Thanks again,
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Genicanthus watanabei compatibility
Dear Bob,
To answer your question in the earlier email, the tank does have about
20lbs. of LR in it. These LR have been in my refuge for over a
<Ah good>
I've been doing what you suggested, feeding twice a day, different
foods....tried just about everything and now all 3 won't
eat. Got them on Wed. and now it's Sunday morning.
Any other suggestions to get these guys eating? Fresh clam
on a half shell from the market?
Besides that, they are actually looking good, not totally thin
yet. Right now, I have a very dim light over the tank, do you
think it should be brighter?
Could that be the cause for not eating?
<No... tis very dim at times/places in the wild>
I have a 24" fluorescent strip light over the tank since I thought
that these are deep water Angels and everything I read points out that
they need a dim lighted tank to get them acclimated.
As you know, I plan to have a few Anthias and Fairy Wrasses with these
Angels, could I add a Bristletooth Tomini Tang to this mix?
Add the Tang last?
Had a Kole Tang in another tank years ago and I remember that he was
pretty aggressive, are the Tomini Tang less aggressive?
<Trend to less, yes>
On another note, I have a 125g refugium with a DSB and I see lots of
detritus on the bed and since I have never disturbed the sand bed,
should I add a few Fighting Conchs and Nassarius snails to take care of
the detritus?
<I wouldn't>
If so, how many of each?
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Healthy Fish. Genicanthus, Cu use
I have a female swallowtail angel in QT, going on two weeks now, who
exhibits no signs of crypt or any other illness.
I have tang in my display tank who is absolutely sensitive to
crypt. I recognize the possibility that the angel could make it through
quarantine without a crypt outbreak, and then "carry" it to
my display tank where my other fish would be devastated by it.
<Okay... and recognize that there may well be a resident
infestation of Crypt in the main/display tank...>
Could you weigh in on the idea of preemptively treating the QT with
<Yes. Am not a fan of copper use on Angels... see my opinions, the
rationale for them posted over and over on WWM re>
In my experience angels are the worst fish for copper, but
they're also among the worst for carrying bugs without displaying
<I'd be using a quinine compound here... also posted...
I do not believe tangs can coexist in a tank with crypt,
<You'd be wrong here>
and I really don't want to crash my tank with Ich. Also,
there seems to be a crackdown on quinine antimalarials. I
can't find the stuff in stock,
<See here:
so at this point I really think it's copper or it's nothing at
<Up to you>
Thanks in advance,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus Angelfish, stkg.
Dear WWM Crew,
I'm planning to build a 135g tank (72x18x24) specifically for a
pair or group of Genicanthus Angelfish.
<Need more room for a group>
I currently have a 75g tank with about 100lbs of LR with a sump and I
intend to take that tank down and transfer all the LR to the new 135
and tie in this new tank with my current 300g (running for about 2
years). They will share a 125 refugium and a 100g sump.
Planning to set up the 135, add live sand (about 2-3"), add all
the LR from the 75g, a few cups of live sand from the refugium and let
it run for a few days with some power heads. Then tie into the 300g
system, will I see a mini cycle?
<Not likely, no>
Once that is done, I like to get a pair or a group of Caudovittatus.
How hardy are these Angels?
<Quite, as far as marine fishes go>
Would you buy a pair or a group of females and hopefully one of them
will turn into a male.
<Mmm, a better route to go than buying a determinate male... The
latter approach is fraught w/ potential issues... Poor adaptation to
confinement mostly>
They will be joined by a group of Fairy Wrasses, one 2" Lemonpeel
Angel and maybe a 5" Harlequin Tusk.
<Mmm, IF you hope to breed these fishes leave out the last
Will the Tusk or the Lemonpeel present a problem for the Genicanthus
<In time, possibly>
If so, the Tusk and the Lemonpeel can go into the 300g. Also, what
species of Anthias would you suggest to add with these Angels?
<See WWM re:
and the linked files above>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus semifasciata specimen -- 10/07/11
Dear WWM,
If a single female Genicanthus semifasciata (female Japanese
Swallowtail Angelfish) specimen were placed in a 120 gallon
(48"x24"x24") reef tank, would this fish morph into a
male at any given point?
<Could well do so in time>
Tank mates would be a Yellow Tang, Midas Blenny, Candy Basslet, and
Diamond Watchman Goby.
Thanks in advance,
Laura Garmizo
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Japanese Swallowtails Sick?/Genicanthus Health
I purchased this 6" long Zebra Angel male and 3" long
Swallow Tail female 2 weeks ago. Last week, I noticed the female
getting these white blotches on the tips of its tail fins and the
male has some deterioration on the little
spear shaped appendages below the gills. These guys are being
quarantined in a 30 gallon tank and not knowing what I am dealing
with, I used Lifeguard medication by Red Sea.
<Is not a good idea to medicate fish without accurately
diagnosing the problem.>
Needless to say, I ran the medicine at the recommended dosage and
the fish look the same. The water parameters are good. The fish
are eating Mysis shrimp soaked in garlic and Selcon. They are not
interested in seaweed. I am not sure what I am dealing with or
what to do.
<The fish do appear healthy to me. Like all angelfish, the
appendages you refer to are easily damaged by improper
netting/handling and will heal in time. The same can also be said
of fin deterioration.>
Thank you in advance. I love your website and am appreciative of
your site.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
<<Looks like Lymphocystis on the one... Please read here
and the linked files above.
As you'll come to understand, not a "very"
debilitating situation, and one that can only be improved through
time... with good care mostly. BobF>>

Re Japanese Swallowtails Sick?/Genicanthus Health
Should I keep them I'm QT until it goes away? Is it
<<RMF would move them to the main/display system... Much
more likely to recover there... not-contagious>>
They have been in QT for over 2 weeks know.
<Do read where Bob referred you.>
Thank you for the help.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)
Re: More re: Japanese Swallowtails Sick?
<Hey James>
For some reason James could not open the last photo hence the
<I only saw... what I think might be Lymph... from opening the
last pic as well as "hitting the auto fix button" in
the simple MS Office Picture Manager program on the terminus/rear
of the female's dorsal and anal fins... After seeing it on
that pic, I think I see it similarly in the third image>
Seems like I've been having a few problems lately opening up
photos. Will need to look into that.
Anywho, thanks for your valuable input.
<Again James... I don't really know if this is a viral
issue or no... but the S.O.P. for such is what I'd follow
under the current circumstances as advanced by the querior.
Cheers, BobF>
Re: More re: Japanese Swallowtails Sick?
You guys are awesome. Thank you for being such a great
<You're welcome. Bob/James>
Watanabei Angel...90g Stocking/Overstocking, and comp.
f' -- 03/23/10
Hi all!
<<Howdy Chris!>>
I have been reading up on all the info you have on Watanabei Angels -
So far I have learned that that my 90 gallon (with 20 gallon sump and
refugium) would be the absolute minimum tank that I could keep one
<<Agreed 'and then, not too heavily stocked>>
and that my yellow tang may be a bit territorial at first.
<<Indeed 'likely some 'chasing about' of the new
I am very curious to know whether the yellow tang along with:
1 flame angel
4 clownfish
1 Sixline wrasse
1 Firefish goby
2 neon gobies
Would cause me to be overstocked?
<<Could work 'though you're right on the edge of the
envelope I think>>
Would any combination of the above fish just be too much for the
Watanabei to handle in order for it to be happy?
<<Ah yes'¦ The Flame Angel may prove to be more
problematic than the Yellow Tang 'likely best to decide on one
Angel over the other>>
Thanks so much,
Chris K.
<<Happy to share'¦ EricR>>
Re: Watanabei Angel...90g Stocking/Overstocking -
Hi Eric!
<<Hey Chris!>>
Thanks for the info --
<<Quite welcome>>
I thought the rule of thumb was to never keep more than one dwarf angel
in the same tank - that is why I began looking at the larger (but not
TOO large) angels.
<<It can be done (I/others have kept multiple species or pairs in
the same system on more than one occasion) but much relies on the size
and composition of the system, the experience of the hobbyist, and even
the individualities of the fishes>>
But in reality - it seems best to stick with only one angel per tank
<<In this instance/system 'yes, very likely
I am so grateful that there is a place to ask these types of
<<We are happy to be here. Cheers, EricR>>
R2: Watanabei Angel...90g Stocking/Overstocking -
Boy! A girl just can't seem to get a break on adding a blue colored
fish to her aquarium!
<<Ah yes 'best considered in the early planning stages
'before' any stocking of the tank>>
But I will keep looking (and double checking with you guys) - one day I
will find a compatible one!
<<Hmmm, perhaps a Blue Assessor would suit you 'though
that Sixline Wrasse may be an issue in this instance. But do check it
out, research compatibility/suitability to your system 'is a
better choice than the Watanabei, in my opinion>>
Enjoy your day and thanks again for the response!!
<<And you too! EricR>>
R3: Watanabei Angel...90g Stocking/Overstocking -
Actually just as an FYI - I thought I had it all planned out a long
time ago.
My blue fish was going to be a yellow tail blue damsel which according
to my LFS would be "no problem" as long as I added it
<<Mmm, I see 'and you obviously learned
So I have spent over two years trying to build my tank up slowly and
patiently. However, within that time I discovered your website and
learned that I was misinformed.
And extremely grateful I am too - because there is a lot of bad
information out there from people who just want to sell you things
<<Unfortunately this is so 'but there is also a wealth
of knowledge available from other sources. The onus is upon the
hobbyist to research differing sources and then use their own good
judgment to make a decision>>
- and this website has helped me through and saved me from many an
<<Redeeming to know>>
You guys are great and I know I can trust you.
<<Oh geez'¦pressure now [grin]>>
(So it's still "no" with the yellow tail blue huh.... ya
I know.)
<<Indeed 'though the problem is as much the size of your
system as it is the fish, and the fact that you can't keep a large
shoal of these to spread aggression among conspecifics (keeping a
single individual in a small system only worsens things for the smaller
non-conspecifics present). There is a tropical West Atlantic endemic
Chromis species that is 'quite blue' and somewhat better
mannered than the Yellowtail Blue Damsel you sought 'but the
same problem applies re the size of the system as these too still need
to be kept in groups, and also get considerably larger than the
somewhat small Chrysiptera species mentioned here. So, I guess the
point of this wandering long-winded reply is'¦ Yes, keep
searching [grin]. Cheers, Chris'¦ Eric Russell>>
R4: Watanabei Angel...90g Stocking/Overstocking -
Yes the blue reef Chromis (?)
<<Indeed'¦Chromis cyanea>>
had my hopes up for a little while... Eric, I realize that this website
is a wonderful tool and is not to be wasted on "idol
<<No worries here Chris>>
If you are so inclined to indulge a frivolous question you may be able
to assist me for the future and possibly maintain my sanity.
<<Happy to try'¦>>
Simply put - does a safe compatibility even exist in a 90 gallon that
would allow me to have at least two clowns, a red (please say flame
<<Yes 'and an excellent choice among the Centropyge
species in my opinion>>
Yellow (crossing my fingers for tang here),
<<The 90g is 'acceptable' for keeping Zebrasoma
flavissimus>> <flavescens>
and beautiful blue fish?
<<Herein lies the rub... Not because there are no blue fishes
available, but as you make mention, finding a 'compatible'
solution is key. I do believe you also have a Sixline Wrasse and a Fire
Goby in this system which also adds to the difficulty of finding a
'compatible' addition>>
Maybe that is the ultimate question that I need answered before I
continue my search. Perhaps it was never a realistic option to begin
<<Not being able to 'keep everything I want' is the
reality captive care 'with one's options obviously limited
by the size of their system>>
And now that I have for all intents and purposes painted myself into a
corner could you advise me on what I should/could have done differently
if I could enter the 'way back' machine, in order to obtain my
embarrassingly rudimentary goal?
<<Mmm, well'¦ Much could be discussed here, but in a
nutshell'¦ You seem to have had a definite idea of what you
wanted re the color palette of fishes so, your first step should have
been to research what was available to the hobby and then to research
and determine their compatibility AND their suitability to your planned
system type and size. In this case (as in many), the size of the system
seems to be the most limiting factor. If the size of the system
can't be adjusted (increased), then more often, concessions need be
made re fish selection>>
Maybe an example of what could work?
<<If going to a larger system is an option (ideally, a 6-foot
tank), doing so would make the addition of a few C. cyanea viable. If
not, perhaps learning to be satisfied with what you have is your best
route. But if you like, feel free to keep looking for other
ideas/possibilities and then bring them to me for
Thanks again for all your help!
<<I do wish I had a simpler and more satisfying answer for you.
Always welcome'¦ EricR>>
R5: Watanabei Angel...90g Stocking/Overstocking -
<<Hiya Chris>>
- would clowns, flame angel, yellow tang and three yellow tail blue
damsels been compatible in my 90 gallon if that were all the fish I
<<Yes and no'¦. Though the Damsels would likely be
little problem for the fishes you listed, it isn't likely they
would tolerate 'each other' well. Most likely, sooner or later,
the squabbling would end up with just the single dominant specimen
left. There are always exceptions, but it's not a good gamble (I
have seen the same happen in tanks twice the size of yours).
Keeping in mind of course that I do not plan to make any fish changes
because it would not be worth it to me
- most of my fish, including the gobies came from my 46 gallon when I
upgraded (recently - like 3 months ago - and is punishable by certain
death if I attempt to upgrade again to a six footer anytime soon, or
possibly anytime ever (smile)!
<<Mmm, okay'¦hubby doesn't 'share the
passion,' eh>>
This all began because my son adopted 1 guppy from school 3 years ago.
My husband rues the day! I have a beautiful flow right now and I can
actually see the individual "personalities" of my fish.
Really, who could ask for more?
<<Then perhaps it is best you should not risk the upset of this
I would not risk that for anything, not even the color blue.
<<Ah'¦well then'¦>>
But could it have ever been that simple?
<<Likely, no'¦>>
As for me - it looks like I am going to slap on a blue background and
call it a day!
In fact - I think I am going try to use blue Plexiglas and figure out a
way to backlight it.
<<Should prove interesting>>
That ought to keep me out of your hair for a while.
<<No worries here my friend>>
Eric, you guys
<<And gals!>>
are awesome!
<<We thank you for the kind words>>
Best regards, Chris K
<<And to you in kind'¦ Eric Russell>>
What's wrong with my fish? Genicanthus
flatulence? 2/26/10
Hello I have a question, I read a lot in books and Internet to find
what kind of disease it may be but found nothing so I'm asking you
hope you will be able to help :)I have a watanabei angel female and she
poop bubble of air... it's like she's having a hard time
swimming, she float to much. But she still eat and swim around, she
have no sign of disease on her skin do you know what is wrong with
her?? and how can I help her? thank you Marie
<Mmm, perhaps something she ate... really. Gas as in humans
consuming some types of foods. I would not be alarmed to the point of
treating the fish, system. Bob Fenner>
Bellus angel troubles 12/1/09
Hello All,
I've been reading your site for years and have learned so much from
all of you, a very big Thank You!
I purchased two female Bellus angels, 3-4 inches, last Wednesday, after
a 2.5 hour acclimation,
<Mmm, curious. Why so long?>
I got them into the QT, kept the lights of for several hours and they
seemed to be doing ok, swimming, but that were not eating,
<Not atypical>
I figured they were just a bit stressed from shipping and their new
digs, today, five days later the smaller one died, not visual signs of
anything, clear eyes, beautiful skin color, the larger of the two is
now swimming and then hiding, face down, swimming some more and hiding,
still not eating, I have tried Mysis soaked in garlic, Mysis, no
garlic, pellets, flake, Cyclop-eeze, and a variety of other foods to no
avail. Tank parameters, ammonia-0 nitrate and nitrite-0 salinity 35
ppt, temp 78.6 calc- 410, alk 9. I'm really at a loss as to what to
do, hoping you can offer some help, I
really don't want to loose the remaining Bellus.
Thanks in advance
<I want to ask a few preliminary questions. Had the dealer you
purchased these fish from had them long? Did you see them eating
anything there?
Swallowtail Angels, genus Genicanthus are more than "average"
given to anomalous deaths (for Pomacanthids), especially on first
arrival or being successively moved. I would opt for purchasing these
from a very good
etailer like myself if you can't find a local LFS
that is willing to hold onto new ones for a week or two for you before
taking possession. The simple, too-easy answer is that these fish
suffered from "stress", maybe from collection damage. Bob
Watanabe Angel in 90 gal/ Sex change 6/18/09
Hello and thank you to who ever may be answering today. I have few
questions about putting a Watanabe angel in my 90 gal tank that has yet
to be set-up. I read that a 90 gal is the absolute minimum for this
particular fish.
<IMO is about>
Current stocking of my 55 gal is as follows:1- 2 in Ocellaris, 1- 2 in
Sixline Wrasse, 1-2 in Blue Damsel, 1- 3 in Male Lyretail Anthias,
<A social species>
1- 3 in Red Coris Wrasse, 1-2 in Coral Beauty Angel, 1- 3 in Lawnmower
Blenny. Could the Watanabe be introduced into the 90 gal with all of
these fish?
<Likely so... but would it be happy there?>
If I need to remove fish to be able to introduce the Watanabe, what
fish would you suggest?
<None more than others>
Also, understanding that the Watanabe can change sex, could I buy a
female in hopes of it changing to a male?
I know i don't have the space for a pair so that's not really
an option. If you don't consider this fish an option, is there
another fish that could serve as my "centerpiece"? Thank you
for your time. Andy
<Many possibilities and welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Reef Safe Butterfly Fish? Now Genicanthus Angelfish
2/4/09 Thank you James for the prompt reply. <You're
welcome. Now a couple of rules for being a groupie; Do cap all proper
nouns such as names of fish, my name, "I's "etc. Makes
our volunteer job much easier if we do not have to correct. Most of us
spend an hour or two per day doing this, and taking extra time to
correct queries before posting, lowers the amount of queries each crew
member can answer. I won't correct this one so you can see what I
am referring to. And, always reply to the original email. Once the
query is posted, they are deleted and we have no way of knowing what
has transpired in the thread, or the subject of the thread.> -sigh-
guess i will have to find some other fish to stock up my tank with :) I
have a coral beauty that is very aggressive towards other dwarf
angels...and i have tried all methods to get both angels to
co-exist...don't seem to work with the mafia of my tank that is the
coral beauty. <Yes, your square area of the tank is too small,
behavioral/territorial problems will exist. Even though your tank looks
like a 90 gallon, the swimming area isn't there. In choosing a 90,
a better choice would be a 60" x 18" x 18", much more
area for inhabitants and gas exchange.> Oh well...i probably do not
need another potential coral pecker in my tank...keeping a sharp eye at
my coral beauty. How do you think a bellus angelfish would fare in my
tank given the size? i heard that all Genicanthus angelfish are reef
safe :) I love bellus angelfishes...however i am unsure if my coral
beauty will pose a threat to it? perhaps not since the bellus does not
belong to the Centropyge genus? <Here we go again. Genicanthus
angels need more room and the care level required is often moderate to
difficult. Read here and articles/FAQ's above.>
Looking forward to your reply :)Your groupie <Cheers. James (Salty
Dog)> Kai
Spot on Bellus Angel 1/21/09 2 days ago I
noticed that my bellus angel had a discoloration on her head.
Although it is not all that clear in the picture, the bump is
raised and looks as though it would be hard (although I
haven't touched it. She is still active, eats like a horse
and is breathing normally. She is not showing any signs of
scratching. The water parameters are all acceptable. Please let
me know if you have any ideas of what this is and what I can do
to help her get better. Since I know with diagnosing diseases a
picture is worth a thousand words, I'll attach the two best
pictures I have. Thank you so much, Alison <Likely a result
from a physical injury... swimming into something... and likely
will self-cure. Bob Fenner>
Compatibility/Chevron Tang And Japanese Swallowtail
Angel 1/5/09 Hello Crew <Hi Nemo> I
wonder if a Chevron Tang and a Japanese Swallowtail will ever get
along? Here's the story....I purchased a Swallow tail last Friday
and put her on my 100 g reef, inhabitants are 3 Green Chromis, 1 Neon
Goby, 1 Lyretail Anthias (male), 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Blue Tang (hippo), 1
Blue Damsel and of course the famous Chevy Tang. As soon as I put the
Swallowtail, Mr. Chevy start harassing the poor fish and pushed her in
the corner. Today is Sunday, and nothing is changed, Mr. Chevy is still
pushing her in one corner. I really want to keep these both
fishies...and I'm wondering if they will both get along after
sometimes, or is there anything that you guys can suggest. I read
Bob's comment on the Chevron that it may spar for "just a
while" with a dwarf angel... meaning just "for a while"
because of same body shape, I don't know how long will this far it doesn't turn "that" bloody as of yet
but it's really frustrating seeing them like this. I kinda
re-arrange the rocks but I can't do much since I have a lot of
Corals...I thought it might distract the Chevy but it looks like it
didn't work. Pls pls give me some advise or technique on how to
keep these both fishies. OMG! you should see this Swallowtail...
it's just remarkably gorgeous fish. <Quite possible the tang may
feel threatened as to it's food supply since both of these fish
pretty much share the same diet. On the other hand, if your 100 gallon
tank is of the four foot long type, and not the six footer, territorial
issues can be a little more intense here. One thing you may try is to
feed more often but feed less per feeding. Keep an eye on the situation
and if it doesn't subside you will have to remove the swallowtail
or it will more than likely starve to death.> Thanks in advance
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Salamat po as we say in P
I <Ah, a Philippine Island chap.> Nemo1
Watanabei for Christmas? Sel./comp. 11/26/08 Hi
Eric, <<Hey Michael>> Quick question, <<Okay>>
I have the possibility of purchasing a Genicanthus watanabei, I love
that fish. Will it work in my tank, and is it "reef safe" in
your opinion? <<It is at least as reef safe as the Centropyge
species you have now some may say more so>> Maybe too much
bioload with my Yellow Tang and Rusty Angel? <<This is a concern,
yes>> If I give up on the Rusty (previous email)? <<This
would be better>> Looking forward to your reply. Keeping my
fingers crossed. Michael <<Cheers, EricR>>
Re: Watanabei for Christmas? 11/28/08 Hi Eric,
<<Hey Michael>> Thanks for your reply <<Quite
welcome>> So you wouldn't add it to the tank without moving
the Rusty? Or you wouldn't add it at all? (Just need to be sure)
<<The former? If I recall correctly your tank is not overly
stocked, but removal of the Rusty should make the environment more
hospitable towards the Watanabei>> Thanks Eric <<Quite
welcome Michael>> P.S. What is your take on its hardiness?
<<Properly selected (healthy) and well acclimated specimens seem
to do fine in aquaria>> Live Aquaria deems it difficult, but
others (including Bob right?) says that it is hardy. <<Generally
speaking it is not an easy fish but is (as Bob explains) among the more
hardy species of its genus. EricR>>
R2: Watanabei for Christmas? 11/28/08 Hi Eric,
<<Michael>> Just thought I should mention that the specimen
in question is a female. Is there any problem in having just one?
<<This is probably fine though I must say my observations of this
fish in captivity have been with paired specimens in all
instances>> I'm calling the LFS to tell them to hold it for
me, until I hear from you. Michael <<Cheers, EricR>>
R3: Watanabei for Christmas? 11/29/08 Hi Eric,
<<Hello Michael>> Couldn't wait. <<I see>>
Picked it up today, the LFS had a 20% discount today. <<I guess
it was Black Friday all round the world [grin]>> Plus I got store
credit for the Banggai Cardinal. <<Excellent>> So the
original price of 800Dkr ($135) went down a bit. <<Very
good>> My yellow tang chases it (a bit) but I suppose that is
"normal" in the beginning. <<Yes? It's letting the
new guy know who's boss. Should taper off?>> It is eating
well. It had been at the LFS for almost 2 weeks. At times it seems like
its swimming with it's head down, which I have read could mean that
it has been raised to quickly to the surface right? <<Resulting
in possible gas bladder damage, yes>> But at other times it seems
to be swimming normally. <<The fish will likely recover>> I
didn't observe the former swimming behavior at the LFS. But it only
seems to be when it is at the top of the tank. <<Little to worry
about here I think>> Thanks Again Eric. <<Always welcome
Michael. EricR>>
R4: Watanabei for Christmas? 11/29/08 Thanks
(again) for your reply. <<Quite welcome (again)>> It is
such a beautiful fish. <<Indeed>> I am hoping one day to
get a male so I can have a pair. The plan is still to upgrade to a 150G
tank, that should be big enough to have a pair right?
<<Yes>> The first day it was mostly interested in brine
shrimp. <<Not unusual>> Every fish seems to love that. Is
it the potato chips of the fish world? <<In my opinion, yes?
Little nutritive value versus other foods>> But today it took a
bunch of Nori and some New Line Spectrum Pellets, and a bit of Mysis
and krill. <<Excellent>> So I suppose that is as it should
be? <<Yes? These fish are planktonic feeders. Do try to provide
at least a couple feeding per day>> How often do you feed your
fish Eric, and for how long? <<I feed my fishes at least twice a
day? And I feed A LOT of food from a mix of sources (Spectrum pellets
along with frozen foods like Cyclops-Eeze, Mysis shrimp, reef plankton,
daphnia, glass worms, etc? And vegetable-matter like Sprung's Sea
Veggies). I really do believe in feeding one's fishes (and yes,
one's tank too) very well. It really annoys me to see/hear about
hobbyists (reef hobbyists mainly) starving their fishes in order to
avoid algae in/maintenance on their systems. It is my opinion that the
days of starving your reef tank should be long gone>> I have been
feeding my fish once a day; usually between 6-7 p.m. Around that time
they seem to be hanging around looking at me, like they are saying:
Well!!" <<Ah yes? They do become conditioned>> I
usually feed them what they can eat in 2 minutes. Does that sound all
right to you? <<Sure? Though much depends on your fishes as some
can consume a lot of food in two minutes while others tend to
scrutinize and pick at it over a longer period (e.g. tangs vs. cardinal
fishes). Another reason to feed more than once a day and to provide
enough for all>> Remember to send forward your bank account nr.
for your Christmas bonus, or do you prefer a cheque? (grin) Michael
<<Ha! Your thanks (and success in the hobby) is bonus enough my
friend. Eric Russell>>
Watanabei Angel questions, sys. ? 06/02/08
Hi all, and thank you for the help I've received in the past.
I'm currently planning my stock for my upgraded reef tank and I
have a couple questions about the Watanabei Angelfish. I really love
these fish and want to make sure I don't make a huge mistake if I
would purchase this beautiful fish. First let me tell you about my tank
setup. I currently have a 120 gallon Oceanic Tech Series
tank(48x24x24). Lighting is by Hamilton Technologies 300 watts of 10K
metal halide and 260 watts actinic PC. I run an Aqua C 180 skimmer in
my 20 gallon sump, a 25 watt UV sterilizer, as well as a 2-3 inch live
sand bed <Mmm, in the sump? I'd increase this depth> and 180+
lbs. of live rock for filtration. The current inhabitants are a 4 inch
purple tang, 2 tomato clowns about 2 inches each, a scarlet skunk
cleaner shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, an emerald crab and various
Acropora, Pocillopora and a couple LPS corals. Now to the Q&A! Is
the current setup adequate for a male and female Watanabei angel pair?
<Mmm, possibly... I give you good odds> If it is, would they need
to be added at the same time or could they be added at different times
due to being hard to obtain one, let alone both a male and female at
the same time. <Can be done simultaneously or synchronously... best
to place the smaller first...> And lastly, is there any advice you
could give for the highest probability of success because I know these
fish can be difficult to acclimate to captivity. <70-80 some
percent> Thank you again, and again and again! Shawn Baltimore, MD
<Welcome in number. Bob Fenner>
Male and female Genicanthus melanospilos,
comp. -02/20/08 Thank you for your wonderful site. I
have a 7 year old 150 gallon reef tank. I have had a female swallowtail
angel for a little over a year and would like to add a male. Assuming I
can find one (which is proving to be a little difficult) <Do check
with the larger, more-established etailers... (Dr.s Foster & Smith,
Marine Center)... they have reach and are reputable> would the
female accept him at this point? <Likely so, yes> She chases the
Lyretail Anthias very occasionally, but without any real aggression or
interest. The other angel in the tank is a Centropyge argi (fat and
feisty) but they don't acknowledge each other at all. <Will
likely continue to be unnoticed> I can give you more information
regarding parameters, occupants, etc. but I think it really comes down
to whether she would tolerate him after being single. Thank you in
advance, Jeanne Brown <I do give you good odds here that the new
Genicanthus will mix in... I'd introduce the new male early/ier in
the AM if possible, otherwise leave the lights on for the 24 hour
period... Bob Fenner>
Earlier question re: male Genicanthus melanospilos,
coloring ? 06/28/08 Hi, I sent this a week ago but haven't
received an answer so thought I would try again. Thank you. <Thank
you for re-sending... don't recall seeing this...> Good evening
to all of you, I hope I have an easy, quick question for you. In
February of this year, I contacted you about adding a male swallowtail
(sometimes called zebra or Blackspot) angel to my 150 gallon reef tank
where I had a female. Mr. Fenner kindly replied, said it would probably
work, and I was able to find one and they are both fine, although he
chases her more than I would like. <Mmm, maybe another female... if
there's room> Now he is a lovely big (4-5 inches, not including
tail) fellow with long flowing streamers off his tail, but he does not
have black stripes. None. He has faint yellow stripes or bars, really.
He also has no black spot on his "chest. " Is this an
maturity thing, where he may develop them as he gets older? <Could
be... there is some (regional) variation in the genus> I hope
it isn't a vitamin deficiency, as I feed them quite well and
a very varied diet. ( He definitely isn't a female, as he looks
quite different from my female. ) Any information you can provide would
be helpful and thank you for such an exceptional site. Jeanne <Time
will tell developmentally. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Watanabei Angel (Making a pair) 10/16/07 WWM Crew
I am hoping you can clarify something for me. Do Watanabei Angel change
sex? <Mmm, can determinately... yes> I have a two hundred gallon
reef aquarium. I do not have a quarantine tank big enough to handle a
pair of Watanabei Angels, so I made an arraignment with my local
aquarium shop to purchase a pair of Watanabei Angels. The aquarium shop
held my the angles for six weeks. Before I could introduce them to my
aquarium unfortunately the male died. Luckily the female is alive and
doing just grate, one of my favorite fish! This brings me too the next
question. Can I introduce another female Watanabei, and if I due will
the dominate of the two change sex? <Maybe... I would wait off
myself... look for, order a male again... of a bit smaller size to
start> I have been told, that I can not introduce a male Watanabei
Angel, since they are not a pair and will fight. Any information you
might have on making a pair of Watanabei Angel would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks again Greg <I think you should be okay in a
system of this size with the slightly smaller male. Bob Fenner>
Re: Watanabei Angel (Making a pair) 10/16/07 Yes;
Do Watanabei Angels change sexes like clown fish? Thanks Greg <...
please see WWM re Genicanthus... they are protogynic synchronous
hermaphrodites... Amphiprionines are protandrous ("first
males")... RMF>
Ill Bellus Angel, flukes? ?
08/27/07 Good morning WWM Crew, <Greg> I've had a Bellus
Angel in my 150 reef tank for 9 months. Multiple times, it has battled
some type of bacteria initially causing cloudy eyes then extending over
the entire body. It doesn't seem to be clumpy, more like a fine
covering of white. None of my other fish seem to be affected. (4
Chromis, Sail fin Tang, Lyre tail Anthias, Copperbanded Butterfly and 2
clowns). <Mmm, perhaps a fluke (monogenetic trematode) being this
species specific...> Given all of the live rock and corals in my
tank, it's hard to catch. However, I've been able to give him a
freshwater dip about three times over the last 6 months which seemed to
help clear up the bacteria. <Mmm, not bacterial, but parasitic...
and no lasting cure returning it to your infested system> In time,
it always returned. About 6 weeks ago, I was able to catch it and give
it another freshwater dip in Maracyn Plus. (This was the medication the
local fish store recommended after coming to my house to look at the
fish). During the dip, the white bacteria attached to his side (behind
it's side fin) came off and revealed a sore which started to bleed.
<Bad...> Thrilled that I was finally able to catch it, I moved it
into my 55 gallon QT tank. <Ah! Good... can break the reinfestation
cycle> Fed it normally and added vita-chem. and garlic to its food
every so often. Since then it has had a miraculous recovery with all
signs of the bacteria gone and sore completely healed. Two days ago, I
noticed one of the eyes starting to cloud up again. I immediately
placed a dose of Maracyn Plus into the QT tank. The next day, it was
worse, so I gave him a freshwater dip in Malachite Green. This morning,
the other eye is starting to get cloudy. I've got to be on the
wring <wrong?> track here, huh? What am I missing? <Mmm, the
general prognosis likely... if the problem were indeed bacterial, the
other fishes would likely be involved...> QT Tank info: Sand, 20lbs
of live rock, 5 snails, 10 hermit crabs, 2 lawn-mover blennies and 2
yellow-headed gobies. Salinity = 1.0235 <I'd raise this...>
Ammonia = 0 Nitrites = 0 Nitrates = less than 10 PH = 8.4 Alkalinity =
3.5 Phosphates = .2 Temp = 74 Recently added protein skimmer.
<Good> Thank you, Gregory E. Esposito <While this Genicanthus
is elsewhere... I'd treat with an organophosphate for the likely
Fluke infestation... leave the host out for a good two months... see if
this fallow period is long enough to have the parasite lose
pathogenicity, die-off. Please read here: and the next linked
Related FAQs file... above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Ill Bellus Angel 8/29/07 Hi Bob, Thanks for
your response! First off, I was a bit surprised at your comment to
raise my 1.0235 salinity. I thought this was towards the high end for
saltwater tanks? <Mmm, no> You'd suggest raising it to what
level? For how long? <... permanently, posted: scroll down to the
royal blue tray...> As for the Bellus Angel, I'm very distraught
as it's getting worse and I've had to leave town for business
for four days. He's in the qt tank <Very stressful...> will
be fed food & vitamins by my wife... but that's about the
extent of her ability to help while I'm away. Yesterday, I was
researching the health problem and was generally led to use of
formalin. Then I stumbled upon the National Fish Pharmaceuticals
web-page. I spoke to a lady at their
help-line. She said that the symptoms I described matched exactly with
a new form of ick occurring in the last 12 months that she's dubbed
Asian Ick. She said the only remedy they've found is Quinine
Sulfate....which of course they sell. I ordered the medicine, but fear
that the Bellus won't last until I get it or back home. Have you
heard of this company, medicine? <Have met the owner and chatted
with him over the years. Very nice people. Know this drug very well...
as you will find from reading my works through the years> By the
way, I've asked for your help before when I purchased a LTA with
two clowns. The LTA didn't make it but the clowns adopted my bubble
coral...and all seem to be thriving. I've included a picture from
my 150 tank of the clowns, bubble and my Copperbanded butterfly who
tries to get into all of my pictures. What a ham! Threw in my bully
Sail fin Tang, too. Thanks, Greg <I do hope your Genicanthus
rallies. BobF>
Re: Ill Bellus Angel 8/30/07
Thanks Bob, <Welcome Greg> From your suggested readings it looks
like I should slowly raise my 150 reef tank's salinity to 1.025.
Heaven help me if my bubble, elegance and other corals get even happier
as their growth has been explosive to date. I never thought I'd
outgrow my 150 tank. <Oh yes> And by the way, your book The
Conscientious Marine Aquarist is nothing short of PHENOMENAL! I
purchased it about a month ago and have been learning so much. I use it
as a reference before purchasing any type of new livestock, corals,
etc...and reach for it first with any tank issues....and generally read
more of it everyday even if there are no issues. So much to learn, so
little time, but I love every minute of it. <Agreed... and we're
finally getting around to a new edition of CMA... am about a quarter
through with the re-write... and will be adding as much of a
non-published title on reef systems along with it as the Editor and
Publisher's will allow> Unfortunately, my wife found the Bellus
Angel alive, floating on its side on the top of the tank and breathing
heavy this morning. Looks like I will not make it back home in time to
treat it. I'm left with two baby lawnmower blennies and two yellow
headed gobies in the 55 tank. It has sand, live rock and some
ornamental Nature's Image corals. I plan to leave this tank fallow
for two months in hopes of getting rid of the parasite. As the parasite
did not affect the blennies and gobies, do I have to remove them to
really have a fallow tank? <Yes; all fishes. Two nets... make that
four, with two people...> After my last weekly water change in the
150 reef tank, I noticed that my two yellow headed gobies seemed to be
trapped under the live rock they usually hang out under. <Mmm, not
trapped> (I could see them by looking up from underneath the tank.
They had about 4 inches of sand to get though before finding their way
out). I guess my sifting the sand clean around the rock really boxed
them in. Frantically, my wife and I siphoned out the sand around and
under the rock in order to free them. Going forward, any advice besides
"be more careful" next time. I'm wondering if I left them
as is, would they have dug their way out anyway or were our efforts to
free them immediately a good thing? <Best to be conservative here.
Cheers! Bob Fenner> Greg
Spot on Marine Angel fish... owee from decompression
procedure? 7/31/06 Hello crew, <Laurie> I've
been researching on your website, but can't seem find an exact
match for a possible issue with my marine angel. I purchased a
Swallowtail angel two week ago. She is isolated in my
QT. I did not freshwater dip her prior to putting her in
the QT. <Not always advisable> A few days after
bringing her home, I noticed a small white bump on her
side. It's about the size of a scale. I
thought that perhaps it might be a single parasite, so at that time I
did capture her for a buffered (baking soda to ~8.2 pH) freshwater dip
(with Methylene blue). However, I removed her after only 1
minute, as she started to thrash, which scared me. <Can be scary>
Now, after about 10 days, it has turned a yellow-brown. No
other spots are on her. I have decided to leave her in the
QT until that spot is gone, but feel that I should know what it is, so
that I can further treat her properly, if needed. <Good. This is
what I would likely do as well> I tried to get a picture, but she
freaks out at the camera and I can't catch her in a frame! Oh - I
added a skunk cleaner, thinking that if it is a parasite,
<Excellent> or actually, anything else that needs to be cleaned
off, that he could assist. I have seen her letting him hop
on occasionally. But, the spot is still there. Would you
know what this spot might be? <Mmm, likely a "sore" from
the process of capture... most likely a/the entrance of a needle to
"decompress" this animal... Many marine fishes are caught at
depths that make such "gas bladder bleeding" expedient,
rather than the long-wait of bringing to the surface slowly...>
Thank you for your help - both past and present. Regards, Laurie O.
<Keep your eye on water quality, and don't be too wary of
moving/placing this Genicanthus sp. in your main system. Very likely it
is relatively disease free. Bob Fenner>
Re: Spot on Marine Angel fish 7/31/06
Hi Bob, <Laur> Thank you. That's great
news. I will plan on moving her this coming weekend,
then. (That will be a full 3 weeks in QT.) <Good>
Water quality is pretty good in the QT - ammonia and
nitrite at 0; nitrate at 20 ppm. I just did a 5% water
change, too. I have another, unrelated question for you, if you
don't mind? <Sure> I was poking around yesterday, and found
on this page:;
under the section "Biological/Pathogenic Disease: Identification,
Pathogens/Agents, a photo that shows zigzag lines/trails on what may be
live rock (or is it a fish?). <Oh! Is a pic of nematodes, Roundworms
encysted in the dermis of a Moray Eel...> It is the fourth photo
down in this section. I looked at all of the links to the
left, but could not find that photo in any of those
links. Do you know what the zigzag lines are? <Yes...
please see here:
about mid-way down... the same pic> We've had three occasions of
something looking exactly like these in our 110 display tank.
<Mmm> Twice on the glass wall, once on a
rock. We thought they were snail eggs. But, now
I'm worried, because your photo is under the disease
section! Thanks again, Laurie O. <There are many
such-appearing living "things"... likely what you saw were
actually eggs... most likely of a mollusk of some sort. Not to worry
re. Bob Fenner>
Mixing Genicanthus Angels 6/21/06 Hi
Guys, <Hello.> I recently had a pair of Watanabei Angels die due
to a power outage of 12+ hours. <Ooh, very sorry to hear
that...especially with Genicanthus being my favorite genus of fish.>
Since then I have added a female Genicanthus
melanospilos. My question is how compatible are these
angels? <With what?. Other species each other?...Need to be a little
more specific> Can I still get either a single female Watanabei or
another pair or is it likely that they will fight with my current
Melanospilos. <I would not mix species of Genicanthus, especially in
home aquaria, which I am guessing is 180 gallons or less?> When I
got my Watanabei pair at the LFS, they were in the tank with the female
Melanospilos (same one I bought) and didn't seam to fight, but I
understand that the LFS not an ideal environment. <Bingo.> If it
matters, I only like to get them small, my Melanospilos is only 3"
(head - tail). <Choose one species or the other, not both.>
Thanks, <Good luck.> Craig <Adam J.>
personatus 3/17/06 Dear
Crew, <Lawrence> Couple of questions here. 1. Does the
G. personatus do well in captivity? <I wouldn't
recommend it. They are a deeper/cooler water fish.> 2.
Where can I go (online) to purchase this angel
fish? <Think you will have a difficult time
finding. Do a Google search.> I understand that they are
rare and come from Hawaii. <Yes.> If they are too hard to come
by, my next choice would be an Emperor angel. I do have a
reef tank loaded with Xenia, Gorgonia, green star polyps, Zoanthids,
mushrooms (green hairy, purple and red) colt coral, pagoda, galaxy and
a handful of sps coral. I've read where the Genicanthus angels are
the safest and the emperor is somewhat safe but will nip at some of the
coral mentioned above. I'm very nervous about putting the emperor
in, but have heard success stories as well, unless they were
delusions. <Wouldn't do this with corals present,
especially if the angel is adult size.> I have a collection of tangs
(4 yellow, 1 purple, 1 unicorn, 1 sailfin and 2 regal blues) that the
fish will be introduced to. There should be plenty of space (500
gallons). 3. What would you do if you had to have an angel
fish? <Remove the coral.> thanks for your
help...<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Genicanthus bellus, Marine Angels 12/7/05 I
apologize if you've covered this. I searched your FAQ's for
about 1 hour before I gave up and decided just to ask. <Okay, I'll
see what I can do.> I purchased a beautiful bellus angel about 4
months ago (established 175g reef tank). It is thriving and has become
my favorite fish. <I too l-o-v-e angels in the Genicanthus
genus.> Beautiful, energetic, and peaceful. I was sure she was a
female because she had no red on her lower body (excuse my ignorance if
this was oversimplifying). <No worries, I understand what you
mean? these animals are sexually dimorphic.> Went to LFS months later
and saw they had a pair. They had paired these themselves, but one
didn't look that healthy. <Can be a tough species.> He asked
if I would like to buy the male to put with my female. I gave it a try
and they didn't get a long. <The female was alone for to long,
there are only two ways I have ever seen multiple Genicanthus angles
kept together: 1.) Collected and Sold as pair 2.) Introduce 1 mail, and
then multiple females to create a harem.> <<I'd
introduce a male, myself, sometimes the mail is just bills.
Marina>> Very quickly, my "female" showed a red
patch and I deduced that I now had two males living together.
<Possibly.> They fought a bit, but I had no good way of getting
one out of the tank. After 2-3 days they stopped fighting. One stays
pretty much on the right side of the tank, while the other (original
inhabitant) roams throughout. <Not a good sign, for the new
comer.> Is there any chance that these will eventually pair up?
<Either that or they will fight to the death.> I was unclear from
reading other FAQ's, but it seems like once they are male they
can't go back to female? My LFS said that if they are going
to pair it will happen immediately or not at all. Can you comment?
<I would attempt to remove one or the other.> Best regards,
<To you too.> Steve Lytle <Adam Jackson.>
Watanabei Angel in a 90g Tank 8/22/05 Hi <<Hello - Ted
here>> Just a little question: I was wondering if I could have a
Watanabei angel in a 90 gallon tank? (35 gallon sump) and can this fish
live with a yellow tang in this tank? <<The Watanabei Angel will
probably be OK in a 90 gallon tank. Genicanthus angels and Tangs are
active swimmers so the bigger the tank the better. The Tang and Angel
should get along although the Tang may be aggressive initially>>
Thanks !!! <<Cheers - Ted>>
Re: Watanabei Angel in a 90 Gallon Tank 8/22/05 Hi it's
me again <<Hello Marie - Ted again>> And its for
information on the Watanabei... again. I hear that the Watanabei are
best keep in couple, and that they are hard to keep in captivity so you
said that it would probably be ok for me to have a watanabei in my 90g
tank but do you think I can have a couple??<<Genicanthus Angels
can be difficult to keep but the Watanabei is easier than some. Your
90g tank is pushing it size wise. Some people feel that Genicanthus
Angels shouldn't be kept in anything smaller than 180g while others
think that 100g is the minimum. A 90g tank with a pair of Watanabei
Angels and a Yellow Tang is not advisable.>> If not, do you think
the Watanabei will be sad (more inclined to stop eating, etc.) to be
alone in my tank?<<Whether the Watanabei is inclined to eat will
have more to do with the condition of the fish, the trauma of capture
and shipment and it's new environment (your tank) than being single
or a pair.>> Is it true that they are very difficult to keep in a
tank??<<Genicanthus angels are not the easiest of fish to keep
but they are not impossible.>> I don't consider myself a
beginner but I'm not an expert either so I don't want to buy
one if he is likely to die.<<Good for you. I would consider other
fish, including Centropyge Angels, until you upgrade to a larger tank
(did you need an excuse to go big!).>> Thanks again! Marie
<<You're welcome and good luck - Ted>>
- Fish Question - Hi! I bought a male and female
Watanabe Angels from your company a few weeks ago. <Very interesting
- considering that we're not a company and we don't sell
fish.> I am noticing that the male is having more difficulty staying
down than floating up. When he does try to swim down his
face is down on an angle - it doesn't really look that serious, but
is there any prevention that I can do without putting him in my
quarantine tank (it's only a 20 gallon). <Hmm... not much you
can do beyond quarantine.> I know I broke the rules and put him
directly in the main 110 gallon reef tank when I first got them, so
catching him won't be that easy or fun. I've heard
"shelled peas" might work? <Work with what? The floating
problem? Have never heard of this and would not rely on it. If
you're having issues with this fish eating, then you want to offer
a proper fish food - for instance Pygmy Angel Formula or Formula
Two.> Any insight you have would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Jim
<Cheers, J -- >
Genicanthus care I recently purchased a pair of Japanese
Masked Swallowtail Angelfish (Genicanthus semifasciata). I have looked
all over the web for information on this fish and its captive care and
have found the available information sparse. Would you
please email with whatever information you have on this species and its
care. Thanks Rich Jones Indianapolis
<We have a few files on this Angel Genus:
and the Related FAQs (in blue, at top), otherwise there are some more
general notes to be had by following the Bibliography/Further Reading
posted. Other than this, I have only seen "picture" articles
on this species, mainly in Japanese pet-fish magazines. Bob
G. watanabei Hello crew, I read the daily questions and
answers and I think your site is awesome! Great job! <Hey
thanks!> I have 55 gallon reef setup tank. My fish stock currently
consists of: Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), ocellaris clown
(Amphiprion ocellaris) and Naso Tang (Naso lituratus). I was
considering adding a Watanabei angel, but I am not sure of the tank
size requirements. Also, would my Yellow and Naso tang would be too
aggressive to it (they harassed a powder blue tang-Acanthurus
leucosternon- and, before I could separate them, they killed him)?
Furthermore, I was thinking that the fish load for this tank would be
too much. Would the fish load be good enough to be able to add a G.
Watanabei if I sell the Naso tang? Thanks in advance, Robertino
<Whelp, I do think the tank is inadequate for all those fish even if
you were to ditch one of the tangs because the angel grows to be
6'' and with the 8'' tang that makes for allot of fish
in 55g I would upgrade to a 90g and you'd be good! Good
Luck, LinearChaos>
G. watanabei Hello crew, I read the daily
questions and answers and I think your site is awesome! Great job!
<Thanks!> I have 55 gallon reef setup tank. My fish stock
currently consists of: Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), ocellaris
clown (Amphiprion ocellaris) and Naso Tang (Naso lituratus) <The
Naso will outgrow this tank eventually. They get 18"
long! The yellow is doable, but it puts a large bioload on a
small tank.> . I was considering adding a Watanabei angel, but I am
not sure of the tank size requirements. <I usually consider 75
gallons the bare minimum for Genicanthus angels. They come
from areas of high water motion and need a lot of swimming room and
places to hide. Hard to accomplish both of those in a 55
gallon tank.> Also, would my Yellow and Naso tang would be too
aggressive to it (they harassed a powder blue tang-Acanthurus
leucosternon- and, before I could separate them, they killed him)?
<It's very possible, although Nasos are usually fairly
peaceful.> Furthermore, I was thinking that the fish load for this
tank would be too much. <Depending on how big your fish are,
agreed.> Would the fish load be good enough to be able to add a G.
Watanabei if I sell the Naso tang? <I'd pass on this fish until
you can get a larger tank. They really are quite delicate,
often suffer from improper decompression, and can be quite finicky in
accepting prepared foods.> Thanks in advance, Robertino
Hermaphrodites I'm hoping you can
help me answer this puzzle! My friend has a 65 gal marine tank with a
captive mixed community. In this tank she placed a male and
female Genicanthus melanospilos. The male acted very
dominant in the tank. She went on vacation and came back and
found the female had been attacked, where she died shortly thereafter.
Now, we've noticed the male has become much more calm and is
actually changing into a female. His coloring is
completely changing to match that of the female that had
died. Why would this be happening? I cannot find any info on
this! Thanks, Suzanne >>>Hey Suzanne, As you know, Genicanthus
angels are sequential hermaphrodites, which means only 1 set
of sexual organs is functional at any one time. Further, these angels
are protogynous hermaphrodites which means they develop into
females first, with the possibility of changing into males later.
Unlike clownfish for instance which are protandrous hermaphrodites in
which they develop in to females first, with the possibility of later
changing into males. In both cases, it's the dominant fish of the
group that changes. When the dominant fish is removed, the next one in
line steps up and becomes the male or female depending on which group
we're speaking of. So what does all that
blabber mean? It means that normally what one would be witnessing with
a Genicanthus angel is the opposite of what you are describing with
this fish, and exactly what I would expect from a protandrous
hermaphrodite such as a clown. Remember that males of certain species
vary chromatically when a female is present. So, you may be witnessing
a simple color shift given the absence of the female, a chromatic
stress response, or less likely an actual wavering from male to female
in this fish, which somehow I doubt. Given that the
remaining angel is dominant without question, there is no reason it
should be changing into a female. Of course, you are the one witnessing
the event! Some sequential hermaphrodites can change back and forth,
gobies among them. I haven't heard of angels reverting back to
female though once they've made the "change". I'll
try and find further info on this and let you know.
Genicanthus bellus System Hello WWM crew.
<Hi! Ryan with you> I'm setting up a 90-gallon reef tank and
would like to add a Genicanthus angel (only one) once it's
established (preferably g. bellus). I'm finding mixed
information on the Internet about appropriate tank size for a
Genicanthus angel and am hoping you can help me out. <Picky fish,
but do-able> I'm also planning to add a Firefish, a
pair of Banggai cardinals, and a Sailfin blenny. One
possible restriction (other than tank size) is that I will only be able
to feed the fish twice a day (morning and evening) due to my work
schedule. I've read that Genicanthus angels like to eat
throughout the day like Anthias. Do you think twice-a-day
feedings will be sufficient? <Be sure and get high quality foods-
Angel specific. He needs sponge in his diet to be healthy,
and a highly varied diet. If you can justify spending what
it would take to feed a kid, you're about there ;) > (I have a
UV sterilizer on the tank, so there definitely will not be much in the
way of live plankton in the tank)<Not good- this angel is a plankton
feeder. Refugium?> . Finally, would a
Genicanthus angel be compatible with a dwarf angel (I might like to add
a Coral Beauty or Flameback Angel)? I know Centropyge angels
don't generally like sharing tanks with other Centropyges, <I
would go with something as drastically different as possible- Perhaps a
flame angel? Beware: This is a dangerous, expensive
road!> but I'm not sure how one might feel about a Genicanthus
angel. <I would recommend the Genicanthus watanabei, it has a better
survival rate than g. Bellus- and is more prone to taking prepared
foods.> Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide. <Good
luck! Ryan>
Genicanthus Angel Question pt. 2 Thanks for the information,
Ryan. <Back with you today, quite welcome> I actually saw a
female Genicanthus melanospilos at my LFS this weekend that looked very
healthy and was eating flake foods. Seems like a safer
choice -- do you agree? <Look for a nice, robust fish that's
aware of his surroundings.> By the way, there will be a refugium
under the tank. <UV sterilization is counter-productive in this
application. By producing plankton, and then killing it,
you're going to harm water quality. Use one technology
or the other.> It won't be very large,
though. I'm going to have a 20-gallon sump under the
tank with a built-in refugium (complete with fluorescent lighting) --
the refugium will probably take up 1/3 of the sump. I live
in an apartment in New York City, and I just don't have the space
for a larger sump or separate refugium. I'm currently
reading Reef Invertebrates by Bob Fenner and Anthony Calfo, and there
is a great section on refugiums. Unfortunately, I'm more
confused than ever about how to use my small refugium. I was
originally going to grow Caulerpa (at the recommendation of my LFS),
but having read about the toxic releases from Caulerpa in Reef
Invertebrates, I don't won't to go that route (I'm planning
on having SPS and some soft corals in the tank). <Then I certainly
would not use a UV Sterilizer. Refugium will be a much
better tool for the job of feeding corals> Given that I'm going
to have less than 1/2" of substrate in the main aquarium, my
current thinking is that I should just put a deep bed of live sand in
the refugium (and not even use the lighting on the refugium)<Cheap,
artificial sun lights are available and grow macroalgae quite well.>
to cultivate bacteria that will lower nitrates. Sorry about
the follow-up question (I know you guys get so many questions!), but if
you have any thoughts on how best to use a small refugium in the tank
I've described, I would really welcome the
advice. Thanks! <I'm not sure I can help offer a
solution- I don't know anything about your tank. Is it
drilled? Are you using an overflow? Are you using
PVC to plumb it, or a kit? I would read through the prior
refugium FAQs- They're quite good. is
another great place to get some feedback on your
design. Good luck! Ryan>
Genicanthus, sumps and slime algae - 3/22/04 Hello, I have a
few questions for you, I have a 60 gal reef tank about 2 years old (40
gal Q tank) 2- 55W fluorescent 2- 55W actinic, Magnum 350 with carbon
and a BioWheel on the return, CPR BakPak, powerhead (528 gph) with
rotating arms, I have 3 clams, 2 anemones LTA, a brain (debatable), an
elephant ear sponge, a colony of buttons, frogspawn, and a hammer 100
lb LR, we also have 2 cleaner shrimp and a lawnmower blenny and crabs
and snails. <Wow, you can keep corals with that little
light??> We have recently purchased a 4x65 (2 white 2
actinic) pc fixture and are awaiting delivery. <I would have
personally went with all four bulbs at 10000K with no actinic but you config will be fine.> We would like to go to a sump but don't
know where to begin, I am currently looking through your sump info.
<The best place to begin. Develop questions then email them in>
Our skimmer used to produce a good amount of waste but now has backed
off a bit. <Need to clean the dickens out of it and be sure the cup
is about 1/8 of an inch under the water line. Also as tanks age, they
sometimes seem to go through changes as more waste is used by animal
and processes.> Our water readings are: Am 0, Ni 0, Na 20
ppm (big concern?) <Nah> Ph 8.2, Cal 440, Alk around 3 and KH
around 10 (or vice versa, problem switching these two) We
feed BioPlankton about every other day, Mysis and brine- occasionally
to use it up. <Sounds like a good regime to me.> I also add Kent
Marine Essential Elements approx every 2 weeks and directed on the
bottle. Everyone is happy in the tank and growing. Unfortunately our
ballast went out on the light & only two work and we are rotating
between white and blue and the new one wont be here 'til Friday so
we are hoping to get through that, if its not one thing it's
another (second time in 3 months so new one was in order- Helios
brand). <Cool. I hear ya though, reefkeeping can be a hassle
sometimes> My question- finally- is this an acceptable system?
<Sure. Why not? Two years is a new tank for sure. I would upgrade
the light though. If you plan on any more light needing inverts like
the clams> would a sump be a good idea? <If the fish load is
high.> also we seem to have recently developed a problem
with black and red slime algae I don't want to go throwing stuff in
to get rid of it unless there is no other recourse, <Check out our
site for more info on this> we did upgrade the powerhead
from a PowerSweep 228 (approx 295 gph) to the stronger one (528 gph).
<Good idea but be aware of dead areas in the tank. Powerheads have
very laminate flow. Meaning a straight and narrow scope of water
output> I read the following in regards to the slime algae and would
like some more info "investigate and solve the root causes of this
problem... Poor circulation, poor aeration, too much nutrient due to:
Overfeeding, poor filtration, poor maintenance, lack of competing
organisms for light, nutrients" <What's to say here? More
water changes, less food, more water movement will most times solve the
issue.> Also when feeding the BioPlankton should I turn off the
skimmer for awhile? <Yes.> I have been investigating
angels and reef and found that many places recommend the family
Genicanthus as "reef safe" due to be planktivorous, what are
your thoughts on this? <Genicanthus angelfishes in general are
"Reef Safe"... best to start small (3" maximum), keep in
large (hundreds of gallons), fully-established reef systems with plenty
of healthy live rock, flourishing refugium for foodstuffs> I really
appreciate your time and help so that we can make our tank the best we
can within our means. <Thanks for being part of it all ~Paul>
Thank you Melissa Recla
Question about Genicanthus melanospilos Mr. Fenner, Thank you
for all the help with WWM and FFE (hobby Q and A) both sites are great
to find most info. My question is a have recently acquired a black-spot
angel. (Genicanthus melanospilos) Male. Is it a good idea to look to
buy a female or do they prefer two or three females? <In the
size system, with the livestock you list below... I would try just one
or two females... Would be better (ideally) to even have a larger
system, one w/o the other Angel even though of a different genus... and
under those conditions to add 2-3 females... but not under your
circumstances... I'd try one at a time... place the female in the
early AM when you can be present (to remove if necessary)...> Also I
have a 160 gal FOWLR set up. Some of my other fish are. Yellow tang,
Naso tang, Singapore angel, Green Chromis (2), Cleaner wrasse, Green
Coris, Ocellaris clowns (3). Would this be a problem with the
Singapore? <Likely not... but one can never tell> Would I be
wrong to think later on about some corals to add to the tank?
<Not at all. I would definitely try some of the species that are
hardier to captive conditions, don't require intense lighting...
Please peruse WWM re your choices here> Would the female black-spot
be a problem with over stocking the tank if I plan to add corals later?
<Not really... it's more the dynamics of social interaction with
your other fishes, particularly the Pomacanthids that potentially
concerns me. Bob Fenner> Thanking you in advance, David Miller
Watanabei angel Dear Bob and company, Thank you so much for
this great service. I try to read the FAQ's everyday. My question
deals with the Watanabei angel and their requirements. I have not been
able to find much on them other than they are planktivores. I have a
100 gal reef that has been up and running for a little over 9 years
(where were you when I started?). <Here my friend> There
are 3 fish (royal Gramma, pajama cardinal, and a maroon clown) and lots
of corals (mostly soft). My concern is that I have no little critters
remaining in the tank. I think my long nose hawk (who lived about 7
years) cleaned out the tank. Is this going to be a problem for the
angels? <Mmm, not with necessary supplementary feeding...
would be ideal to rig up one or more large refugiums with a leaning
toward production of Zooplankters, small Errantiate worms,
amphipods...> One last question, am I pushing my luck and the fishes
luck trying to raise 2 angels in a 100 gallon tank? <IMO/E yes...
best to look into a two hundred plus aquarium, try a trio (two... or
more) females with the Swallowtail male. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Dan
New fish (Genicanthus Angels) Bob, I just received a pair of
Genicanthus watanabei. They don't seem to be eating at the present
time. I received them shipped from San Francisco on Friday and they
were supposedly net caught from Tonga and arrived in US on Monday.
Should I start to be worried about them not eating and what can I do to
entice them to eat. Bill Crockett MASLAC <Keep
enticing them with meaty, plankton/like foods... No need to really
worry in so few days. It's a horrendous trip. Bob Fenner>
Genicanthus melanospilos Hello all, I'm considering
getting a male and female Genicanthus melanospilos for a 125-150 gallon
reef that I will be setting up in several months. They will be the only
fish of any significant size in the tank - everything else will be no
more than 2-3" in length. I've read the info on WWM and
perused through the scanty info on BB's like Reef Central, but I
have a few more questions: 1) Will a male and female, if purchased
small, fight or form a mated pair? <In a large enough system, with
plenty of cover, should at least co-exist> 2) I'm considering
purchasing them from Etropicals because of the great price. Probably a
long shot, but would you know if this is a quality source for these
fish? I've been really satisfied with inverts from Etrop, but these
are a more delicate/rare selection. <Don't know about this
company. I would check with chatforums, BB's with the actual users.
Ours:> 3) Are they reasonably hardy?
<Yes... for the genus, even the family> Everything I have read
suggests that they are pretty unselective planktivores, but are there
any obligate feeding patterns that I should know about? <Mmm, you
will soon know the most of any human re these husbandry issues> 4)
Are they aggressive towards other fish, particularly other planktivores
like Firefish, chalk bass, etc? <Not really aggressive at all. Sort
of "autistic" toward other fishes in captivity and the
wild.> Thanks for any help you can provide! You all run an
exceptional site! Jason <Thank you for your kind, encouraging
words/acknowledgement. Bob Fenner>
Question? I see that you don't have a pic of a
Japanese swallow tail angel. i was just wondering what one of
these fish look like could you please describe the color or
marking on the fish i mean i was mislead by a mail order company
thinking that the black spotted angel was a Japanese swallow
tail. thanks, Keith <Instead, go to and
insert the name Genicanthus in the "Genus" search space...
and follow the species to their images, descriptions. Bob Fenner, who
is trying to help folks teach themselves to fish>
Genicanthus: reef safe? is the swallow tail angels reef safe?
your article didn't say. thanks Keith <On a grand "sliding
scale", yes, Genicanthus angelfishes in general are "Reef
Safe"... best to start small (3"
Maximum), keep in large
(hundreds of gallons), fully-established reef systems with plenty of
healthy live rock, flourishing refugium sump(s) to provide food... Bob
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
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