FAQs about Merulinid Corals
Related Articles: Merulinids, SPS
Related FAQs: Merulinids 1, Merulinids 2, & FAQs on: Merulinid Identification, Merulinid Behavior, Merulinid Compatibility, Merulinid Selection, Merulinid Feeding, Merulinid Disease, Merulinid Reproduction/Propagation,
& Stony/True Coral,
Coral System Set-Up, Coral System Lighting, Stony Coral Identification, Stony Coral Selection, Coral Placement, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Growing Reef Corals, Stony Coral Behavior, SPS Identification, SPS Behavior, SPS
Compatibility, SPS Selection,
SPS Systems, SPS Feeding, SPS
Disease, SPS Reproduction,
help with coral, ID, lambda....
3/6/08 Hi Crew! Donna here needing help again. A local reefer
gave me a frag of this coral about 4 months ago. She told me it was
a Pink Birdsnest <... a Poritid? Mmm, no... Looks more like a
Hydnophora species; a Merulinid...> and she had it under PC
lighting so I thought it would be okay in my tank. A 20L with PC
lights. I put it pretty close to the top. It was doing fine all
this time and then I decided to change my lights. It was under 130W
PC and I just got the Hagen Glo T5 HO 2X29W one actinic one
daylight. I did this 4 days ago and now the coral looks like this.
Am I correct in assuming the light is too strong? I moved it lower
in the tank for now until I receive your response. Thank you in
advance! Donna P.S. the pictures are reversed I couldn't figure
out how to get them in the proper order...Sorry <Mmm, I would
borrow (check with the stores about, or the local marine/reef club)
a PAR meter... Too "guessing" to gauge how much useful
light/change otherwise here. I would in the meanwhile use a bit of
shading material as discussed here: Bob Fenner> |
