FAQs about SPS Coral Identification
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Corals, Acroporid Corals, Dyed Corals,
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Behavior, SPS Compatibility,
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SPS ID Wanted - Any idea 05/07/10
Howdy Crew,
I have searched through many websites and have posted on RC (
as well as an Australian Reef Board (
the following pictures. Yet, no one has been able to
suggest with any certainty. The coral with rock stands at 3 - 3.5
inches. Can anyone ID this coral? Thank You <It looks to be
the beginning of some type/species of Acroporid... growing
over/on another likely stony coral, but of what sort, the
corallites aren't distinct, too large for the genus
Montipora... at any length, two organisms. Bob Fenner>
Pink Birds nests my graphics on my computer are not
that great I was wondering whether the birds nest is a soft or
hard coral I don't know anything about them >> The genus
Seriatiopora... are hard corals, family Pocilloporid... keep studying!
Bob Fenner