FAQs about Seahorse & Pipefish Identification
Related Articles: Seahorses & their Relatives, Color
in Hippocampus, Part I, by Pete
Giwojna and Ben Giwojna, Fresh to Brackish Water
Pipefishes, Seahorse Care
Related FAQs: Seahorses
& their Relatives 1, Seahorses
& their Relatives 2, Seahorse Behavior, Seahorse Compatibility, Seahorse Selection, Seahorse Systems, Seahorse Feeding, Seahorse Disease, Seahorse Reproduction,

Pipehorse video from Fiji dive trip
Our friends just returned from a Fiji live-aboard trip. Their
dive masters (www.Naia.com.fj) edited this 5-minute video montage
from their dives.
The video is posted at:
<Mmm, oh yeah. Sammie's Gates housing/Sony combo... w/ Mo
as dive guide... I was on the Nai'a just a week or two
Lots of wonderful sea life throughout...but in a very special cut
at 2:08 into the video, they have a long and up-close look at
what appears to be a pygmy Pipehorse. My best guess (and that is
all) is Acentronura australe based on the location (Fiji) and the
few visual cues.
WetWebMedia and Fishbase.org don't have much information to
be more definite. (This one definitely doesn't show the head
structures of A. tentaculata as illustrated on fishbase.)
<Well... I took a dozen or so pix... have looked at
Kuiter's TMC book, what other Gasterosteiform ref.s I have
and think that this may well be an as-yet undescribed Pipehorse
Can anybody on the crew provide a more precise (or confident)
<Am going to send your query and two of my pix to Dr. John
Randall, asking him whom we might ask re further. Jack?
Gary (Artful-Dodger)

Re: Pipehorse video from Fiji dive trip,
Jack... A Pipehorse 11/16/10
Great video. I would say your Pipehorse is an undescribed species.
You should try to collect one or more specimens.
Aloha, Jack
<Good gosh Jack! That was/is quick! Mahalo! BobF> |
Identifying seahorses Kuda or
Reidi? 11/24/06 Dear WWM Crew I recently wrote to you
after my seahorses bred and have now done a lot of research
unfortunately how ever many pictures I have looked at I still
cannot identify my seahorses. To prevent interbreeding I am
acquiring another pair. <From? Easy to have your source discern
between these two... Kuda is found in the Indo-Pacific...
Reid's in the tropical West Atlantic> I believed mine to be
Hippocampus Kuda <Me too... Reid's has a much more
attenuated rostrum> as that is what LFS said however after
talking to local SeaLife centre I am not sure and they could be
hippocampus reidi. Please please look at these photos and see if
you wonderful people could identify for me. They are approximately
5 inches. By the way the first batch of fry we have 3 surviving and
the second batch which arrived 15 days later we have approx 60
surviving although I expect that number to decrease yet. Thanking
you for your assistance. Yours Rache Hill <Mmm... I strongly
encourage you to join the large "seahorse/syngnathid"
forums... particularly the L-serve of OceanRider... there is much
known re the practical husbandry of these tube-mouthed fishes...
and this getting much easier to access. Bob Fenner> |

Seahorses... horses? 9/25/05 My 11 year old son wanted to
know if a seahorse is a fish or some other animal? Can you please tell
him. <They are fishes. Some reading for
you. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tube-mfi.htm <James (Salty
Dog)> Thanks,
Joseph's Mom