FAQs about the Sohal Tang
Related Articles: Sohal
Surgeonfish, Genus
Acanthurus, Naso,
Related FAQs: Sohal Tangs 1, & FAQs on: Sohal Tang Identification, Sohal Tang Behavior, Sohal Tang Compatibility, Sohal Tang Selection, Sohal Tang Systems, Sohal Tang Feeding, Sohal Tang Disease, Sohal Tang Reproduction, & Acanthurus, Acanthurus Tangs 2, Acanthurus Tangs
3, Acanthurus ID, Acanthurus Behavior, Acanthurus Compatibility, Acanthurus Selection, Acanthurus Systems, Acanthurus Feeding, Acanthurus Disease, Acanthurus Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Tang
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,

Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Sohal Success; stkg. 2/14/20
I was reading your glowing perscpective in the stunning Sohal. Many
horror stories exist out there of these fish becoming belligerent to
even killers as they reach 8-9”.
<Indeed they can; and do often become a/the "alpha" fish in their
All compatibility issues are a gamble, but in your experience to I have
a decent chance of success with a Sohal combined with a Vlamingi, a
Fowleri, Naso, Dussemeri, Hippo and maybe a couple zebrasomas in a 650
gallon system?
<Mmm; I would likely skip this Acanthurus introduction here. You have a
goodly number of compatible surgeonfishes... and it would be a bear to
try removing a troubling specimen. I would go ahead w/ adding the
Zebrasoma, maybe some Ctenochaetus here.>
Other tank mate will include 3-4 large angels, pair of sunset wrasse,
red breast and Broomtail wrasse and a Spanish hog.
<All else I give you good odds in getting along. >
Steve Offutt
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Marks on Niger trigger face
12/23/08 Good deal, thanks for alleviating my concern. I
was pretty sure it was physical trauma but it's so hard to
tell, I don't have a lot of experience of fish self abuse I
guess. <I have seen such "pitting" times before...
does generally heal over in time> Thanks for the compliment on
the pictures, I recently bought a new camera and have been having
a blast. I'm going to Hawaii January 31st, I'm really
contemplating buying the underwater covering for it so I can get
some fish pictures :) <Ahh! I encourage you to purchase the
housing, try your hand here> I attached a couple of my
favorite pictures I've taken over the last week I've had
the camera. Feel free to use any of them you want, if you had a
use for them, it's the least I can do for the help you
provide. <Thank you for sharing... I esp. like the pic of the
young Sohal> I didn't want to bog down the email with lots
of pictures, but here's a couple links to the other
noteworthy images, if you enjoyed the ones I attached you'll
like the ones I've linked to.
http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i236/Recty/sohal012.jpg My
clown's chipped tooth!
http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i236/Recty/clown016.jpg I
particularly like this feeding shot. I put a small Sohal tang
into the mix a couple months ago and started feeding Nori, I
didn't realize how much the triggers would dig into it. I
cant even use the standard "Nemo" looking algae clip,
the clown trigger is such a brute he just rips it right out, so I
have to use my magnetic cleaning pad to hold the algae on.
Anyway, I love this shot :)
Well anyway, you get the idea, I'm a proud fish papa ;) Grant
<Thank you for sharing Grant. Bob Fenner>
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |