Rate limiting materials like phosphates and
nitrates being released into coastal environments can/do cause
algal blooms, collapses of communities. Here is an image looking
toward Viti Levu, with the brownish stain towards land the effect
of burning, processing sugar cane (subsidized... largest employer,
largest income source in Fiji). Walt Smith Intl., located on the
water, actually trucks in, filters and chills the water they use to
hold, ship their marine livestock. |
Oils, fuels are bad news on the worlds reefs.
Occasionally (as in geological time spans) there are "natural
leaks"... most are from human activity. Military surface
ships, merchant marines, pleasure craft all "contribute"
substantially. |
The top four inches of the seas is indeed a magical place. Early
histories of all living phyla are spent here... And many along
shorelines where jet-drives are employed, mainly as pleasure
craft ("Sea Doos"). The frappeeing that occurs as a
consequence is tremendously destructive. Killing most everything
that passes through these drives. Additionally the motors that
drive these devices and outboards of two stroke design are
dismally inefficient, pumping fuel into the water.
Am proud of local gov't for disallowing the jet-drive
annual event in SD... for the calculation of several thousands of
gallons of gas it would have dumped into Mission Bay.
> > |
What is "the highest and best use" of
live corals? To make into cement? Rubble for roads? To cut into
blocks or use as entire pieces for building materials? Much ore
money to be made by carefully culling/removing small specimens,
selling to richer nations peoples... protecting the reefs for
later, continuous use. |
The cheapest source of hydrated calcium silicates
in many tropical island nations is sadly coral reefs. Perhaps
people angling to improve the world's reefs could send these
countries cement? |
The lovely Di (or at least her feet) on a
"rubble road" in Indonesia... made of smashed up coral...
replaced every few years. |
Some examples of coral block, pieces, whole
organisms used for building materials... Mortar made from? |
I suspect I could make you cry by showing some of
the pictures I have of corals destroyed from anchors being dragged
over reefs. |
Modern fishing gear "keeps fishing" when
lost or discarded in the seas... Please, if you find such gear on
the bottom, haul it up, see that it makes its way to a landfill or
fire. |
Discounting the incidental damage of divers
touching, kicking, generally beating on the reefs, getting and
staying at dive resorts, on live-aboards does take its toll. |
What is this illegal (in California) greenery? The
evil marijuana? Don't be a criminal, or at the very least,
don't be an idiot and release anything live to an environment
it is not naturally found in. Here are some members of the dreaded
family Caulerpaceae... Wonder if civil servants released that bit
in San Diego? |