Related FAQs:
Sources of Reef Mortality,
Marine Mortality
2, Stocking, More Stocking FAQs, FAQs
III, IV, Five, VI Cyanide and Marine Livestock
To Parts II, III,
Related Articles: Use of Marine Life as Ornamentals,
Cyanide Use, Cyanide
Usage in the Aquarium and Live Food-Fish Industries: Causes,
Impacts and Management of a Pervasive Practice by Ivan
/The Conscientious Aquarist Series:
Sources of Mortality on the Worlds Reefs, An
Aquarist's Perspective
Bob Fenner |
Pardon me for being an old ex. H.S. science
teacher. Here are the principal points I hope you will come away
with consequent to this exposure. |
Mortality here will mean "death"... the
differentiation of causal or intentional loss of life is not
germinal to our discussion (Latin terms "to kill",
"cease"), including |
A stylistic bar graph showing a typical pattern of
rapid initial die-off of sex cells, larval forms in aquatic
environments. Reasons, causal mechanisms for mortality are
listed. |
Examples of the abundance, dominance of filter
feeding life on the world's reefs. Here are some of the many,
usually hidden (cryptic) sponges, phylum Porifera. Dominant life
forms in the tropical West Atlantic, live rock by weight. |
Gorgonians, aka Sea Fans, worldwide, tropical to
temperate seas. |
Some anemones are facultatively photosynthetic,
others detritovorous (a nice term meaning they eat
"poop"... most get a great deal of energy from filter
feeding. |
Mushrooms, corallimorpharians are mainly filter
feeders. |
As are Soft Corals. |
And the tunicates. |