FAQs on Sponge Identification
Related Articles: Sponges in Marine
Related FAQs: Sponge ID
1, Sponge ID 2, Sponge ID 3, Sponge ID 4, Sponge
ID 6, Sponge ID 7, Sponge ID 8, Sponge
ID 9, Sponge ID 10, Sponge ID 11, Sponge ID 12, Sponge ID 13, Sponge ID 14, Sponge ID 15, Sponge ID 16, Sponge ID 17, Sponge ID 18,
Sponge ID 19, Sponge
ID 20, Sponge ID 21, & Sponges 1, Sponges
2, Sponges 3, Sponge Selection, Sponge Compatibility, Sponge Systems, Sponge Feeding, Sponge Disease, Sponge Reproduction,
Are these sponges? 7/1/07 Hi James, <Hi Jon>
It's been almost 7 months since my last letter. How are you
my mentor? Hope everything is well. <Everything is fine here,
Jon.> As usual, I'll start with the story where we both
left off'¦J My tank is a little over a year now
(including the two month 'cycling period') and is doing
great. I have been seeing new things. New snails - not bought,
just popped up out of nowhere (hopefully not a pest). It is like
Christmas every month where Santa's been giving me freebees
here and there. <Is interesting, yes?> Those that came to
life that I was able to positively identify were some button
polyp and zoo's. My Cerith snails started laying eggs too.
<Ah, more freebees.> Other creatures in my tank that I have
identified so far. Spirorbid worms -- I got thousands. From the
rocks, glass, pipes, sump and refugium. Even my protein skimmer
has them (a pain to remove them in there). Bonellid Echiuran
Worm. Very hard to spot. Spionid Worm. Peanut Worm. Stomatella
Snail Keyhole Limpets Chitons Collonista amakusaensis snail
Amphipods, Copepods, and Isopods Scypha sponge and lots of
bristle worms that I control via weekly water changes, refugium,
and efficient protein skimming. As far as I could see, none is
longer than 2 inches though. So my question starts here. Can you
help me ID these creatures in my tank? I am almost sure these are
sponges based on the pictures and researches I have done on your
website. But same as any newbie here, I have to ask. Please refer
to attached photos (P1000646 to P1000676). <Jon, do resize
these photos to a couple hundred KB and resend, takes much too
long to open them, especially with my modem.> My
"purchased" corals were still the same since the last
time I wrote you. two Acropora (birds nest and green) Two
Frogspawn. Moreover, these frogspawn split into 4 stems already
<Great> Yellow leather which has gone bigger. xenia And
green mushrooms. I didn't purchase nor add anymore corals
because I am afraid it might create some imbalances (a scared
newbie) for the sponges to thrive in. I realize that these
inverts are quite difficult to maintain. I am a little
apprehensive of doing something stupid in my tank. I don't
want to loose these inverts (if they are indeed sponges) that has
continue to spread in my tank. Upon your advice, I let go of my
craving for a Copperband Butterfly fish. I tried a Blue Hippo
Tang instead. He grew from about 1.5" to 2.0' in just
about two months (1 month in quarantine tank and 1 month in
display tank). He is now about 3 inches long. Oh boy, if my fish
only knew that there will be a bigger tank for them. And speaking
of a new tank, I have already started laying out the plan for my
next reef tank. A 7'x3.5'x2' custom made tank which
will go hand in hand with the remodeling of my house. This will
be by June 2009. I feel I am now ready for a bigger tank thanks
to heaven sent people like you, God's noblest gift to a
newbie reef enthusiast like me J. This tank, btw, is going to be
SPS dominated with a few LPS and Softies. <Sounds good.>
Another question. I have taken some keen interest on a Blue Jaw
Trigger and for Lyretail and/or Bartlett 's Anthias. I was
thinking of 3 Anthias. A male with 2 females. Come to think of
it, these types of fish are so lucky they are not part of the
human race. If they were in the human world; one male with two
females is a recipe for frequent court hearings (LOL). Do you
think the Anthias and the trigger fish will co-exist with the
current fishes (please refer to attached photos - P1000681 to
P1000690) I have for my 2009 bigger tank? And no, you might
ask...LOL. These new fishes are for my upgrade tank and not for
my current tank. My skimmer is already working overtime taking a
cup full of waste everyday. And before I forget, I also have a
green mandarin that has gotten fat and big (about 3 inches long)
from eating pods in my tank. Like I have said before in my
previous letters, my tank is loaded with it. In fact I mean to
ask you if there is such a thing as 'plague proportions'
when it comes to pods? I mean they are everywhere -- sand, rocks,
protein skimmer collection cup, you name it. <A great natural
food source, no need to worry about plague proportions.>
Lastly, and I know it is too early but it is better to plan when
one still has time. How do I correctly/properly transfer my live
rock with sponges (if they are indeed sponges) to my bigger tank?
<Once the new tank has cycled, just simply transfer. Do ensure
parameters are equal, such as pH, SG, etc. Do resize and resend
the photos, and I will try to ID them for you.> Thanks James
and again more power. <You're welcome, James (Salty
Dog)> Until next time. Jon Glorioso
Re: Are These Sponges? 7/3/07 James,
Resending photos. Thank you so much James. Jon <Thank you for
resending, and yes, these are sponges. Keeping in mind I'm no
expert at sponges and since there are over 5000 known
species...well. The descriptions that follow below are my
educated guesses, Bob, please correct if I'm incorrect in
some of the ID's. OK, photo 646, a Clathrina species, 648,
Haliclona, 649, pic isn't clear enough, 657, again quite
possibly a Haliclona species, 659, a Sycon species, 661,
Haliclona, 664, possible a Chondrilla species, 665, no guess,
669, Chondrila species, and 676, not real clear and/or unknown to
me. As for the two Coral Banded Shrimp you mentioned, do make
sure they are a mated pair or more than likely fighting and death
to one will occur. As for the triggerfish...would not place one
in a reef tank. Too destructive and doesn't fit in with the
rest of your crew and the shrimp would be a tasty snack. I was
hoping you would resend the entire message as I deleted the
original in error, but I believe I've answered your
questions. If I missed one, my apologies and do resend. Your tank
looks well maintained and very healthy. James (Salty Dog)>
Poriferans? Yep. RMF
White Sponge or Cocoon? - 6/2/07 Hi there WWM
crew! <Hi there, Debbie!> I had a quick question about this
white thing that is growing rapidly in my 24g Nano (see attached
picture). I think it is a sponge, <You're right!> but it
kind of looks like a cocoon of some sort. <It does, doesn't
it?> If it is a sponge, it is not a pretty, colorful one like
I've read about online and in your book! :-( <Awww,
that's okay little sponge, I think you're pretty!> Even
so, should I just let it be, or will it continue it's meteoric
growth and take over my tank? <No worries, I'd leave it and
enjoy it. However, if it concerns you, you could carefully scrape
it off the glass (keeping it whole) and remove it immediately from
the tank. If you have something like a Python to suction it out,
that would be even better. Please see more information on sponges
starting here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sponges.htm > Any
advice would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!! :-) -Debbie
<You're very welcome! --Lynn> |

Green Star Polyps and unidentified?
5/30/07 I have attached pictures of some Green Star Polyps I
bought in February. They are doing really well with the exception
of one area which has something growing that I can't identify.
This area was covered with the polyps when I bought it but they
have gradually disintegrated wherever they touch this unidentified
thing. <Are being out-competed for space, likely chemically by
the apparent sponge colony> It is greenish gray and wraps around
the tip of the rock. My research leads me to suspect that it is
some kind of sponge <Agreed> (possibly chicken liver sponge)
but wanted an expert opinion of what it is and what I should do
about it, if anything. I have searched the internet and your
website but couldn't find a picture or description that
convinced me what it is for sure. Thank you for your help. Kristen
Lourenco <Mmm, you could try removing it/this... via a siphon,
while you're scraping at it... to prevent further negative
interaction... I would avoid removing the rock/Polyp colony to the
air if it were mine. Bob Fenner> |
Weird White Pod or sack on tank - looks like
something that was attached to Alien Or Syconoid
sponges 5/18/07 <Greetings Earthlings!> Well,
we have been up and running almost 16 weeks now. I just
posted the pics at http://www.mmrcsl.org/fish <I see, a nice record to
have.> I'm having an identity crisis!!! <Dissociative
Identity Disorder, shades of Sybil or Dissociative Fugue, shades of
Agatha Christie?> About 3 weeks ago I noticed the Gracilaria in
my refugium was no longer growing. <OK.> Is it
possible that running a poly filter all the time is starving
it? <Mmm, I would be more concerned about other
issues such as circulation, is the algae tumbling, getting enough
light? More here and many related links in blue:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/redalgpropfaqs.htm > Anyway,
attached are 3 pics. I see quite a few of these growing in the
refugium on the inlet side probably 15 or so, but I don't even
know what to begin with for search criteria as to their identity,
of course white spot and white pod are really bad search criteria.
<Heeeheeeee! Vague.. wait, no more
vague! Close to 2000 hit combined on WWM
alone! Looks like harmless Syconoid sponges to me.>
Enjoy the pics at the address above, if you have the
time. <Thank you for sharing!> As always I
appreciate your help!! <A pleasure to assist!> Oh
and for some perspective, these guys range in size from tiny booger
<Niceee description!> to real small pea.... actually 2/3 of a
small pea! <Are you sure 2/3 of a small pea, and not 3/5 or
9/16? Perhaps the size of a
lentil? Hee! Mich> |

Re: Weird White Pod or Sack on Tank - Looks Like
Something That Was Attached to Alien Or Syconoid Sponges Identity
Crisis - Dying Gracilaria -- 5/19/07 <Hello Earthling,
now called Dan, Mich with you again.> Hmmm, I think the problem
is one in the same Mich. More in depth look in the
fuge. This pod seems to turn into a two antennae white
slug. <Mmm, nope! You have two different creatures
here. Sea Slugs and Syconoid sponges> I've seen
two crawling in the fuge...very small & they appeared white.
<These Sea Slugs look to be of the order Sacoglossa or
Sap-Sucking slugs which feed mainly on algae. Likely
they are part of the genus Elysia. More here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seaslugsopisthobranchs.htm >
This one in the pic was in the tank... not so white. <Perhaps
greenish?> Also is a pic of what I would call a bunch of Pupa
entwined in the Gracilaria. <Nope, still Syconoid sponges.>
Thanks with the help. <Welcome!> Man I am scratch'n for
an answer... <I won't ask where...> with out
the Gracilaria, my nitrates are beginning to rise. <Gracilaria
can be a challenge to grow. If it's growing sponges,
it's not tumbling enough.> I could put Chaeto in there but
would that be fuel for these things as well? <No, but Chaeto or
Caulerpa may be a better food source for the slugs which can be
difficult to keep in captivity. Mich> DanH Picture
Too Large! 5/18/07 <Please return with a smaller
picture attached. This one is overloading out
bandwidth. Thanks, WWM Crew> <No worries.> |
Orange Sponge ID... Tree Sponge
03/23/07 Hi Crew, <Hi Marti, Mich here.> I
searched WetWebMedia to ID this orange branching sponge that came
with some live rock that I recently purchased (see attached photo),
but only found a couple references to what I think might be a
Ptilocaulis species? <Identification of most sponges is very
difficult without the microscopic examination of mineralized
internal skeletal structures called spicules. Generally
this would be referred to as a tree sponge. That's
about as good as it gets.> Right now I have it in my QT, where
there is only a Fluval 304 canister filter and 2 fluorescent lights
(not HO), with one small powerhead and a heater. Temp is
78, pH 8.3. Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates are all 0.
Calcium around 480. I didn't want to put it in the main tank
for fear of it "crashing" my system if it dies.
<Wise. Have experienced, not fun.> Also, it might
be better off without the protein skimmer I have in the main tank,
if all I have read is correct about their need for more nutrients
in the water. <Yes> It came well packed, without any air in
the bag. I unloaded it into the QT underwater, and was careful not
to expose it to any air. It now looks like there are tiny pores
opening up on the surface of it, which I think must be a good sign.
<Yes, very!> So I have two questions. 1.) Can I feed it with
live phytoplankton to keep it alive? <Depends if that is
it's food source, for many nutrition comes in the form of
bacterial aggregates. A deep sand bed may help here.>
2.) Does this look like a "healthy" specimen to you?
<Yes> Do I have a chance at keeping it in my main tank <I
would advise against. Likely there is too much light in
your main system and trust me a dying sponge can do a lot of damage
and take a lot with it.> (OK, that's three questions, but I
thought I'd sneak it in anyway.)
<Hee! Nobody's counting... well except maybe
you!> Thanks so much for all your help. <Welcome!> I
don't think I could ever be in this hobby without the safety
net of WWM! <My feelings exactly!> Best <And to
you, Mich>
Marti |

Unknown Sponge 12/29/06 <Hello Sue>
Yesterday, I noticed this foamy white life form on the bottom of a
piece of live rock that has been in my tank for six months now. I
had never seen it before, but thought that it might be a form of
sponge. Today, while checking out my tank, I noticed
that it had extended itself from beneath its rock onto a
neighboring one in a more lighted area. Furthermore, it
appeared to have a spiral shaped appendage flapping from its
side. In less than three minutes, during the time that I
went to get my camera, this life form had withdrawn to its shady
area. I was wondering if someone there could help me
identify this life form and could help me know if it is
dangerous. I have not added anything new in my tank
(with the exception of two emerald green crabs) for two months
now. At that time, I added five pounds of live rock that
I had cured for a month. Is it possible that this life
form came in on that? <Yes, very possible. The sponge
in your photo appears to be a Clathrina type sponge, commonly known
as the Leather Latticework Sponge. They are a filter
feeder that take in dissolved organic matter and do not require
supplemental feeding. They do not like bright light,
generally growing on the undersides of live rock, and it is reef
safe.> Thanks in advance for your help. <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Sue in Houston |

Aging Tap Water and creature ID
9/26/06 Hello all, <And to you> After filling my 30
Gallon Brute with Tap water should the lid be left on, off or
partially covered to allow the dissipation of the chemicals the
city uses to treat the water? <Of small matter... if not much
risk of stuff "getting in", I'd leave askew> There
is a power head and heater in there and I have both fresh and salt
tanks so I do not add salt right away. I let it stand for 5-7 days
before using for fresh than add salt to the remaining for another
3-5 days. <Good practice, protocol> Also any idea on what
this creature is? I am guessing it is a sponge of some sort. <Me
too> The clear "straw" coming out of it is definitely
neat. There are several and they are the size of an m&m.
<Yummy! Bob Fenner> |
