FAQs on Sponge Identification
Related Articles: Sponges in Marine
Related FAQs: Sponge
ID 1, Sponge ID 2, Sponge ID 3, Sponge ID 4, Sponge ID 5, Sponge
ID 6, Sponge ID 7, Sponge ID 8, Sponge ID 9, Sponge ID 10, Sponge ID 10, Sponge ID 11, Sponge ID 12, Sponge ID 13, Sponge ID 14, Sponge ID 15, Sponge ID 16, Sponge ID 17, Sponge ID
18, Sponge ID 19,
Sponge ID 20,
Sponge ID 21, & Sponges 1, Sponges
2, Sponges 3, Sponge Selection, Sponge Compatibility, Sponge Systems, Sponge Feeding, Sponge Disease, Sponge Reproduction,

Mystery stuff growing in my
established marine tank -- 02/01/09
Hi, I tried to search through all I could at your sight and
didn't come across anything I could find that would describe
what this is in my tank. I attached 3 pictures, 2 of the one and
1 of the other. Here is what I have:
1.This white, almost leather looking stuff that has LONG stringy,
root looking things growing all off it and around it. Doesn't
seem to move. I took really great pictures so someone could help.
I have this same white or off white leather looking globs on
other rocks but the stringy stuff isn't growing there...all
is gathered in the area you see in the picture.
<This is a sponge... a Poriferan... See WWM re... not
2.The second question is this cotton ball looking growth, it
actually reminds me of a dandy lion after you blow the stuff off
of it. Its round in shape with short spike things all around it.
Doesn't move either. The rock in the tank has been in my tank
for years and these things are just now showing up. I can't
think of any reason for the changes at all.
<Mmm, how large is this? It looks like an Urchin of some
sort... may not move much... also not harmful...>
Any help to point me in the right direction would be awesome!
Thanks! Leann
<Enjoy them! The sponge can be "cut back", the
"Urchin" removed entirely if they bother you. Bob
Re: Mystery stuff growing in my
established marine tank 2/1/09
Thanks! As far as size to the cotton ball, spiky looking
things I sent a picture of, its about the size of a paint
ball....it doesn't ever move, I re-attached the picture
just in case you still didn't have it. Are there growths
on tanks that look like that?
FWIW, I think it's just a sponge... - Sara M.
<Mmm, yes... Am changing my guess to another Sponge.
BobF> |
Maybe a sponge?
Hello, I saw this thing growing in my 55gal reef tank about a
month ago.
Appears to be some kind of sponge, but I was hoping to get an
opinion. It's light gray and has a soft/spongy texture. Has a
very strange pattern and a distinct hole in the middle of it.
It's about the size of a nickel. Any ideas?
<If there's only one main hole, yes, I'd say it's
likely a sponge. If there are two holes, then it might be a
Thanks so much,
<De nada,
Sara M.>
Is it a sponge? 12/16/08 Hi
Crew, <Hello Peg.> I have read all of your postings on
sponges, but have not seen this yellow critter that is growing on
my live rock either in the article pictures or sponge ID FAQs. I
think it's a sponge, although I can't see any mouths. It
kind of looks and feels like yellow stringy cottage cheese and it
is spreading. I tried to get the best close-up I could. <From
description and picture I think this is a sponge. Sponges come in
many shapes, can be soft or solid, hey'¦ they are entire
phylum. Their osculum (mouth) is not always as obvious as shown in
morphological sketches, but I guess when you look exactly at your
sponge, each of the small longitudinal structures I see on the
picture might possess a small one on the top.> Thank you for
your help. Your site has helped me prevent and solve many problems
with my reef tanks. Peg <Thank you for your kind words.
Marco.> |
Is |
Re: Is it a
sponge? From 12/15/08 01/20/09 Hi Crew and Marco
again, <Hello Peg.> I found this sponge photo on
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/spongesysfaqs.htm , posted just
prior to 8/16/05, and it looks exactly like mine (OK, this
is a closer, clearer pix than mine), so you were right,
Marco, it is a sponge. (If you look long enough on
WetWebMedia you'll find what you're looking for,
just maybe not in the place you think it should be!)
<Hmm, you found it on the page about sponge systems, I
think that's quite an adequate place.> So makes
sense because my sponge is growing on live rock from FL.
Also this sponge pix is from near my hometown of Wabasso,
FL, next to Sebastian, FL. I learned to dive in the
Sebastian Inlet as a young kidlet. Anyway just thought
I'd do a follow-up when I found this photo! Thanks for
all your hard work! Peg <Thank you for your kind update
and the pictures. Marco.>
Hi, Sponge ID 12/4/08
<Hello Alma>
Good Day!!
I am Maria Alma Quiao, a graduate student of Iligan Institute of
Technology- Mindanao State University, Iligan City,
I am amazed to find a website like yours that showcase the marine
riches. I came to be interested in your site since I am in study
on marine sponges. If it would be possible of you can look up the
sponge attach to this message. We really need your help.
That would mean so much if somehow you can do preliminary
identification of such sponge, if possible...just something to
start with on this research journey. The pictures came from the
same sponge. Hoping for your help.
Thank you so much.
<Other than to concur with you that this is indeed a sponge, I
cannot identify it to even family level. I would look about on
the Net a bit more, seek out a University level investigator,
perhaps a professor/lecturer who deals directly in Poriferan
taxonomy here. Bob Fenner>
20gal Nano Reef/Sponge ID
11/21/2008 Good day Scott V/WWM Crew, <Hello
Adriel, Mich here.> Thanks for all your help!!! <On
behalf of Bob and the crew, you are welcome.> I have a
couple more questions. I've enclosed a picture of a sponge
(I don't know what kind it is) just purchased recently.
<Very few sponges can be positively identified without
examining the internal skeletal structures. Sponges like yours
are typically quite challenging to keep alive.> The sponge
is the only livestock (apart from a purple tang from my 150gal
FO). <Oh, I'm hoping you don't plan on keeping the
Purple Tang in the 20 gallon for anything other than temporary
quarantine.> I was wondering if the sponge would be better
off in a separate 25 gal that houses only Tubastrea? <The
problem with sponges is, they can die and take out the other
inhabitants of the tank with them.> Is any light required at
all? <Not typically.> Would placing it in a well lit
sump/refugium (150w MH 5200k) of a FOWLR be a better option?
<Better be placed in the dark in a high nutrient
environment, again, sponges are often very difficult to keep
sustained in the home aquarium.> Thanks for any help that
you can offer, <Hope this is helpful.> Adriel
