FAQs about Stony Coral, Cnidarian
Identification 3
Related FAQs: Stony Coral ID 1, Stony Coral ID 2, Stony Coral ID 4, Stony Coral ID 5, Stony Coral ID 6, Stony Coral ID 7, Stony Coral ID 8, Stony Coral ID 9, Stony Coral ID 10, Stony Coral ID 12, Stony Coral ID 13, Stony Coral ID 14, Stony Coral ID 15, & Cnidarian
Identification, Stony FAQs 1, Stony FAQs 2, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Coral Compatibility, Stony Coral Behavior,
Related Articles: Stony

Coral ID (The Store Had No Idea!?) - 02/03/06 Howdy
everyone, <<Howdy>> As previously mentioned this is a
great website! <<Thank you>> I've been reading a
lot since my discovery of it and have learned a lot.
<<Excellent>> Attached is a pic of a frag coral that I
obtained from my LFS. They were not sure of the type of
coral <<Hmm, no idea at all? Might be time to find
another LFS.>> so if you could point me to the family or
genus that would be cool. <<Impossible to tell for sure by
this picture, but looks to be an Acroporid of some type.>>
Also it has a growth on it and a few tubes, I think they are some
type of worm. <<Possibly...there are organisms (a specie of
crab...barnacle) that will make their homes in the flesh of
acroporids. I suppose a worm could do the same.>>
Is this growth harmful or is it just part of the corals coloration
or maybe a sunburn? <<Mmm...again, hard to
say. The dark patches may be bruising from rough
handling...or they may be indicative of parasitic/bacterial
infection. I would keep an eye on this.>> I have a
65 gal tank with two 10K, 175 MH's and the coral is placed
halfway in the tank. <<Should be fine.>> Thanks for
your response and your time! <<Very welcome,
EricR>> |

Coral ID 12/22/05 Hi, I am hoping you can
help me ID this piece of coral that my loving husband got for me
today for Christmas. My husband can't remember the
name, only that it is a hard coral. lol I have looked
everywhere and the only thing that closely resembles it is a
brain. When he first brought it home, I thought it was a
clam cause of the shape of its mantle but it is indeed
not. There are spiky ridges all over it and if it has
tentacles/polyps they haven't extracted yet. The
crown is white with a pink center....the color of the pic is rather
poor. I hope this helps. <Sorry to say that you
either have a very ignorant or very unscrupulous fish
store. It looks like this was probably Lobophyllia, but
it is very much dead. If this is what it looked like
when purchased, I would demand a refund.> If you don't mind,
I have another coral question. I have two (red and
green) Montipora digitata frag, the green one seems to be secreting
this clear spider web like slime. Is this normal or
should I be worried? Thanks <If the coral looks
normal otherwise (good rich color, polyps extended, not tissue
recession), I would not worry at all. If it really
bothers you, you could blow it off with a turkey baster (a new,
clean one please!! Every reefkeeper should have
one.) Best Regards. AdamC.> |
Anthony and Steve, The upside is that it may actually be easier
to ID in this condition! Heartbreaking that some
store actually took this guys money. Adam |

Coral ID and Econ. Lesson - Supply and Demand
11/14/05 Hey guys hope everything is going well, the far northeast
is really starting to get chilly!!! I had a quick question for you and
please take your time with your response if you're really busy. My
local LFS is always poor at identifying livestock they get in and they
have a LPS that they are selling as Favia sp. and feel it could
possibly be an Acanthastrea sp. (it is unlike any Favia I have seen for
sale) but am unsure of how to distinguish between the two.
<See J.E. Veron's works re... and the references beyond> It
is a rather large piece with many corallites and from the pictures on
the website, a few species of both genus <Genera> look rather
similar. I have never seen any Acanthastrea sp. in person which makes
possible obvious visual distinctions difficult for me. <A diverse
genus... morphologically and in terms of color> Most of the taxonomy
information in my textbooks deals with the physical coral skeleton and
bare corallites which is obviously the best and sometimes only means of
ID, and I understand the possible difficulty in taxonomy of coral from
a coral ecology class I took with Bob Steneck (are you familiar with
him?), <Nope> but these identification means are not so helpful
to me who wants this coral alive and fully intact! I also have
one more question about Acanthastrea sp. if you don't mind. Why
does this species command such a high price in the trade?
<Demand> My text books say it is a rather common species of coral
throughout much of the Indo-Pacific and eastern coast of Africa and am
confused to the correlation between common coral and high price. Thanks
for all your help, you guys are great. Matthew R. Tyree University of
Maine School of Marine Science <Mmm, your family name has a friend
in this field... Steve Tyree... Do look at/up Veron's works here.
Bob Fenner>
Review of Coral ID CDROM & Veron Books
9/17/05 Dear Crew, <Paul> I am interested in coral
identification and have found two pricey coral reference materials
available from the following URL:
www.aims.gov.au/coralidcd. One is a "Coral ID"
CDROM and the other is a 3-volume set of books by Dr. Veron, entitled
"Corals of the World." If any WWW Crew member is
familiar with these materials, I'd appreciate reading his review or
comments. Thanks very much. Regards, Paul. <Am very familiar with
both... My review of the CD is here: http://wetwebmedia.com/fis.htm and have Veron's works...
they are excellent... for identification purposes... not so much for
aquarium use though otherwise. Do take a look at the survey text by
Eric Borneman... Bob Fenner>
Re: Review of Coral ID CDROM & Veron Books
9/19.5/05 Dr. Fenner, <Just Bob, please. No doctorate> Dr.
Veron is the author of the "Coral ID" CDROM in the URL:
www.aims.gov.au/coralidcd. It is not part of the 3-CDROM set
from Quantum Leap or Two Little Fishes that you had reviewed
earlier. <Oh... yes... sorry for the confusion.>
Nevertheless I appreciate your comments regarding Dr. Veron's
"Corals of the World" 3-volume publication that is often
packaged with this CDROM. <Yes... None other than another
"Fenner" involved in these projects, sheesh> Between Eric
Borneman's "Aquarium Corals" book and the CDROM's
that you have reviewed, which would be better suited for the average
aquarist such as myself trying to identify his corals? <For ID, the
CD's... but if only one choice period, Borneman's book for
overall usefulness. Bob Fenner> Thanks very much.
Quick coral ID 8/6/05 Greetings Bob & Crew!
<<Hello Ray. Ted on this end>> Sent this one off about
2 weeks ago and still no response. Lost in
cyberspace? <<Sorry>> Anyway, found this little guy
growing on a small LR frag. Thought it was just
coralline when I got it but it looks like coral as it is
growing. It has very thin clear-white filaments that
come out of the ends during the day and at night (from what I can
see). No idea what it is. I've done searches and
nothing looks familiar. Perhaps some sort of
SPS? I've also had sun coral suggested, but does not
look right to me. It's currently near the top of a rock pile,
under MH lighting and seems to be doing fine after a few weeks.
<<Identifying corals from pictures is difficult. Having said
that, I am going to take a stab at this and suggest it may be
Tubastrea coccinea (Orange Cup Coral). See http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dendrophylliidae.htm.>>
<<Your welcome - Ted>> |


Coral ID help 7/18/05 Good afternoon, I am hoping that
you can help me determine the species of coral that is in the
attached picture. At the LFS, all they said was that it
is a brain coral. Thanks for you help! Kim <A Cynarina. See
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mussids2.htm Bob
Fenner> |
Acanthastrea echinata 8/3/05 Hello (again) <Hi Niki,
Ali here...> Hope your day finds you well.....could you possibly
identify this coral for me? <Sure can...> I looked around,
and I couldn't make a definite I.D. It was shipped to us as a
Micromussa (not what it looks like to me!) <Acanthastrea
echinata, great coral, I just hope you didn't pay too much!>
<Take care, Ali> |
