FAQs about Stony Coral, Cnidarian
Identification 9
Related FAQs: Stony Coral ID 1, Stony Coral ID 2, Stony Coral ID
3, Stony
Coral ID 4, Stony Coral ID 5,
Stony Coral ID 6, Stony Coral ID 7, Stony Coral ID 8, Stony Coral ID 9, Stony Coral ID 10, Coral ID 11, Coral ID 12, Stony Coral ID 13, Stony Coral ID 14, Stony Coral ID 15, & Cnidarian
Identification, Stony FAQs 1, Stony
FAQs 2, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Coral Compatibility, Stony Coral Behavior,
Related Articles: Stony

Euphyllia cristata Chevalier 1971, Grape Coral. Colonies of 1-2
inch diameter. Large, circular polyp tentacles with round to
flattened knobbed ends.
Live Rock Critter Question - Not A
Critter, A Coral, Perhaps A Fungiid 03/19/2009
<Hi there, Mich here.>
This little guy is growing out of a piece of live rock in my
<I see.>
I am not sure what it is. Can you help?
<It looks to be a coral>
It appears to be some sort of anemone, but not sure what kind.
<Don't think so.>
Its "body" has a hard shell similar to a volcano, and the
tentacles go into the rock and come back out.
<If it has a skeleton, which it sounds and looks like it does,
it is not an anemone.>
Three other "volcanoes" have formed on this same piece of
live rock. But I haven't seen any "anemone" arms pop
out of it yet.
Is it some type of coral?
<Likely so, perhaps a baby Fungiid. More here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fungiidae.htm >
<Welcome!> |
Scleractinian for sure. RMF |
Coral Identification - Goniopora
<Hi there, Mich with you.>
Can you tell me what type of coral this is?
<Yes it is a Goniopora, commonly called a flowerpot coral, and
they typically don't do well in captivity as each and every
individual polyp needs to be fed, i.e. each of the little
"flowers". It is generally not a
coral that should be tried by a beginner. Please don't take
this the wrong way, but if you don't know the name, it is not
an animal you should be keeping. You should always know the care
requirements of any creature for which you assume responsibility
and if you don't know what it is, you are not likely to know
the animals care requirements. The animal is at your mercy. I
implore you to learn about the needs of any animal in your
custody. Not knowing is irresponsible. I am hoping you are in the
researching stage and this is a photo from the LFS, which is
where this coral should be left in my opinion. More here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gonioporapix.htm >
I cannot find a picture of it anywhere to identify it.
<Hope this helped.>
Anemone identification 2/14/09
Any idea what genus/species this anemone is? It showed up in some
live rock after about 6 months in my tank (that I could see
anyway). Thanks for all you guys do!!!!
<Mmm, an Aiptasiid... a Glass Anemone... Read here re:
and the linked files above... BobF> |
Daily Questions, Anem./Scler. ID --
02/14/09 Dear Crew, I was reading the daily questions
today and wanted to offer my thoughts on one of the ID requests.
In "Anemone identification 2/14/09", Bob suggested that
the creature in the picture was a glass anemone. I don't
think so--I think it's a non-photosynthetic stony coral that
comes on a lot of live rock, like the one featured at the top of
this page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stonycoridfaq.htm Andy
<Thank you for your input Andy. Will accrue. BobF>
Coral and Anthias ID
1/17/09 Hi, Can you please ID the coral and the Anthias?
<I believe the this is a Dispar Anthias (Pseudanthias dispar).
More here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anthiina.htm
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anthiinFAQs.htm and related links in
blue and the coral looks like Galaxea fascicularis to me. More
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/oculinidae.htm > Regards Beta
M India <Cheers, Mich L in warm and sunny Los Angeles>
Hitchhiker... Single polyp,
Scleractinian 12/10/08 I have a
hitchhiker coral on a piece of Tonga branch I have been trying to
identify it for a couple of months now. It has been in the tank
for about 4 years but it has not grown much, I started to spot
feed it and has now spawned into to 3 polyps. It looks like it
might be Rhizotrochus??? <Mmm, maybe... definitely a Stony...
my bet is on the genus Balanophyllia, a Dendrophylliid here. BTW,
the emergence of such animals is testament to your good care>
but I am not sure. It is very hardy from what I can tell, it has
what looks to be a mouth in the center and the tentacles are
white tipped and a light brown see-thru. See attached photos they
are only about a 1/4 inch so it is hard to get the details in a
picture. Thanks in advance Nick <Should you have one of these
polyps perish Nick. Please do try, make some close up pix of the
skeleton and send them along. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Thanks in Advance - 2 quick...? questions, Scler.
recruitment 11/17/2008 Gang (think that
covers both genders), <Okay> I have 2 questions I was
hoping you could shed some light on. The first is a mystery that
seems to be repeating itself. I first noticed about 9 months ago
that I had what looked like 1 -2 small pink Pocillopora (sp?)
<Mmm, Pocillopora?> polyps growing on my return. High up
many feet from my colony. I thought it was odd. About a month or
so after that I saw a path growing on two other rocks also a good
distance from that. Again after some time I saw a patch growing
on my glass of my tank on the opposite side of the other action.
Now I have a 2-4" multi arm colony growing on 2 of my rocks,
<Usually discoid...> on my return, a 2 inch disk growing on
the glass and notice that at the water line along the back of my
tank, on other live rock and on different sections of my returns
I have new little growths... My question is what is going on?
<Asexual repro.? Or... possibly another organism/species...
phylum altogether> If it was already on the live rock, fine,
but not the glass of my tank. If was displaced when I had an
algae issue and was scrubbing rock a year ago, OK, but how is it
spreading now? Is it reproducing? <Or just growing...> I
can't imagine that. Could my urchins be spreading it?
<Mmm, doubtful> I am at a loss... a happy loss, but thought
I would ask. <A photo (or three) please... something close up,
well-resolved...> My second question is star polyps... They
are getting close to my corals and onto larger rocks I don't
want to pull out... can I control them or should I get the out
now before it is too bad? <Up to you... there are many
instances of adaptation twixt Clavulariids/Stoloniferans and
other Cnidarians... learning to "get along" well
enough... but if it were me/mine... I'd keep them
separated...> (ok worse.) Also where they are on big rocks can
I fight back? Who will win when they hit my birds nest? <The
Polyps> Tooth coral? <Here too> Lastly, since I am
cleaning them out. I put some on the back wall of the tank (on
the glass) it too is spreading. Should I get rid of that too?
<Up to you...> Thanks, counting the number of question
marks, I think I may have exceeded two.... Jim <Do read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/polypcompfaqs.htm Bob Fenner>
Re: Thanks in Advance - 2 quick...? questions
11/18/2008 Here are some photos. One from Top of the tank
fuzzy sorry water reflection. Another of the largest new piece. One
on the side of the tank. One of the newest small piece. One on the
return and one of the tank... just for fun. <Mmm, do look like
colonies of some stony coral. B> Re: Thanks in Advance -
2 quick...? questions One with the wife's Camera...
better I think. This is a piece that started as the small one in
the last set. It has been about 9 months to get to this size maybe
less. Again and always. Thanks <This as well... I'd leave as
is... enjoy. B> Re: Thanks in Advance - 2 quick...?
questions any idea how they got there? <Yes... very
likely "recruits" from some errant (as in wandering)
polyps on your live rock or base/s of other hard materials
organisms placed in the system. Quite common. Bob Fenner> |