FAQs about the Striped Sailfin Tangs,
Zebrasoma desjardinii, Z. veliferum:
Related Articles: Striped Zebrasoma Tangs, the Genus Zebrasoma,
Related FAQs: Striped Sailfin Tangs 1, Striped Sailfin Tangs 2, & FAQs
on: Striped Sailfin Tangs
Identification, Striped
Sailfin Tangs Behavior, Striped Sailfin Tangs
Compatibility, Striped
Sailfin Tangs Selection, Striped Sailfin Tangs Feeding,
Striped Sailfin Tangs
Disease, Striped Sailfin
Tangs Reproduction, & Zebrasomas I, Yellow
Tangs, Purple Tangs,
Surgeons In General, Selection, Tang Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,
At the very least a hundred
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Flasher Wrasse Question 11/10/18
Good morning crew!
A quick question on stocking Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses. My current system is a
75 gallon reef (plumbed in line with a 30 gallon mangrove tank
and 20-tall sump) - so total system volume around 100 gallons. My
current fish stocking list is as follows:
Desjardinii tang
<Yikes; will get MUCH larger in time>
Potters Angel
Helfrichi Firefish
pair of Ocellaris clowns
Tailspot blenny
I've been planning to add a small harem of Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses - 1 male,
2 females.
<Mmm; I wouldn't w/o re/moving the Zebrasoma first... not enough
psychological/room here>
I finally found someone who has females in stock. I wanted to clarify a couple
of things:
1 - I've read in 1 or 2 places that it is best NOT to quarantine these fish. I
wanted to get your opinion on this. My usual quarantine is 6 weeks for all new
arrivals. Thoughts?
<IF the fish/es are in good (apparent) shape, full-bodied, feeding, they may
benefit from quarantine... THEY ARE JUMPERS! A small opening may find them out
on the floor; more so in small/er volumes. IF they were mine, I'd likely utilize
a dip/bath (see WWM re) and simply place them in the main/display>
2 - I've read that I should add the females first. Is that advisable, or would
it be ok to add the females and male all at once. My concern is one of the
females turning male while the male is in quarantine if I wait.
<For a trio... this setting, I'd place all at once>
As always, your input is greatly appreciated.
<Again; I'd trade out your Tang in advance of introducing the Wrasses. Bob
Re: Flasher Wrasse Question 11/11/18
<Hey Charles>
Thanks for the prompt reply. I do plan to upgrade to a significantly larger
system in the next couple of years (though I’m well aware of the danger of using
that as a plan for fish size). Are there any particular signs in the tang’s
behavior I should look for to indicate it has reached a size that is “too big”
for its current home?
<"Jousting" so to speak... chasing other fishes, swiping at them w/ its caudal
If I were to remove the tang and replace it with, for example, a purple tang,
would there be enough space for the wrasses, or is this a case of either the
wrasse harem or a tang?
<More time; yes. Z. xanthurum is "more calm" and doesn't get as large as the
other Sailfin sp.>
Am I just all full at this point with species space in the tank?
<Per the livestock you list fish-wise, yes. Again... you can review what I
stated earlier. >
I’d like to have one more species in there to provide additional movement and
<For me; I'd go w/ the Flashers, maybe switch the tang out for a Ctenochaetus
species. BobF>
Re: Seeking second opinion on FOWLR stocking.
(Scott F.) FOWLR Stocking: Long Term Sailfin Tang Husbandry
11/25/08 Hi Scott, <Hello again!> Thank you for the
answer and insight, I will give the Wrasses that you suggested some
thought. <Good! I think that you're bound to find a species
among the Halichoeres genus that appeals to you!> I agree that the
Sailfin will in all likelihood need much larger quarters in the future.
In your opinion, as this juvenile is under three inches (7.5cm) long ,
would I have a year before the Sailfin gets too large for this tank? As
my wife has grown rather attached to the fish (she names them), and we
are in the process of looking for a larger home, it will be easier to
justify the purchase of a 300 gallon (1135 liter) tank in the next
year. After that, I am thinking of making the 150 a dedicated species
tank of some sort. <Hmm..I'm always hesitant to give the thumbs
up to temporary quarters for a fish that we know can get huge, but
here's my two cents worth: In my experience, this fish can grow
surprisingly rapidly. Given a good diet (rich in marine macroalgae,
such as Gracilaria), a decent amount of space, and good water quality,
it's not uncommon for this fish to grow as much as 4 or more inches
in a year! Just make sure that you really get that 300 gallon system in
the next year...And you might need to go larger still to accommodate
this guy for anything approaching a natural life span!> Regarding
your comment that it was somewhat unusual to have two types of Gramma
in one tank, I was somewhat nervous adding both types of Grammas
myself. However, as both Grammas and the Cherub Angel were in the same
small holding tank at the LFS, I figured I had better than even odds
that some sort of pecking order had already been established and
everyone would get along. After an hour of open mouth displays to each
other in the tank, the Blackcap settled in to a cluster of rock, with
the Royal finding a home on the other side of the tank. Their behavior
is markedly different, the Royal is more of a free swimming fish, while
the Blackcap likes to stay close to "home", never venturing
very far from his rocks. <Excellent observation. I would love to see
some intrepid hobbyist with the right combination of creativity, skill,
and space (AND finances!) try keeping a dedicated aquarium with a
colony of either one of these fishes. Not only do I think that it would
make for a spectacular display- I think it will afford the opportunity
to witness spawning behavior in these beautiful fishes! Somebody out
there: Take my challenge and show the world your unique species
aquarium!> Thank You Again, Mike <My pleasure, Mike! Best of luck
to you! Regards, Scott F.>
Yummy tangs... Hey Lorenzo,
Just have a quick question for you. My current 54 gallon corner has a
pair of true Percula clowns, a flame angel, an algae blenny, a Kole
tang, and a couple dozen misc. hermits and snails. I have 45 lbs of
live rock, a DSB, and a Prizm protein skimmer as filtration.
<Under-skimmed, big time.>
I just added the Kole tang and the cleaner shrimp about two weeks ago
but I just lost my 4 eyed butter fly last weekend due to starvation. (I
never could get it to eat consistently)
<OOOH. Darn.>
Anyways, I was at a restaurant and I saw a Desjardin Sailfin Tang.
<On your plate?>
I was wondering if I could add this fish in without causing any major
<You should ask your doctor about this and other gastro-intestinal
problems. Many ornamental fish are quite poisonous...>
I also plan to upgrade my skimmer to a Remora Pro and add another 45
lbs of live rock.
<Ah Ahh! GREAT skimmer, definitely will do the trick on your 54g.
You really have room in there for 45 more pounds of rock? 90 pounds in
a 54 gallon tank is pretty serious! Sounds nice though.>
De you think this fish will fit in ok or should I look towards
something else?
<Mix with other fish should be fine... but don't do it until you
have the bigger skimmer - your tank is already heavily loaded,
especially with just the Prizm. And don't eat any more valuable
Tangs... :-P > Thank You,
Jonathan Pac
<You're welcome! -Lorenzo> <<Zo... this fish gets way
too big for this size, shape tank. RMF>>
Pacific Sailfin Tang-- is this a problem? Hi Bob,
I hate to be a pest, but I think I might have made a mistake? (or
should I have said another mistake?) <To err...> Yesterday, I
went out to get a Kole Tang, however when I got there the Kole in
question was a little thin. They didn't recommend me buying it.
(Very good LFS if you remember.) So I thought I'd look at some
other Tangs that were in the Zebrasoma Family <genus>, as
recommended. They had Yellow Tangs, Purple Tangs and a couple Sailfin
Tangs. <A nice assortment> I want something a little different.
And the purple Tangs were really expensive. So I've got a Sailfin
Tang. I remember reading about them in your book, and I couldn't
remember anything negative about them. <They get big...> When I
got home are read some more. I was surprised to find out that they get
to be 15 in. in the wild - probably means around half that in an
aquarium, but still... you also didn't especially recommend them in
your new book, giving them a two (not sure if that was because of how
big they get or something else?) <That reason.> The strange thing
about this is that it was one of the smaller Tangs there, <So was
I... once.> Not counting the purple tangs, which were quite small. I
think the Sailfin is about 3 1/2-4 inches or so, of course not counting
all the fin. <And just a juvenile> So my question to you is this:
Just how long his this fish quite to fit in my 40 gallon tank? (I
don't think it's a juvenile as I've seen some pictures of
them.) <Months...> Should I take it back or something radical
like that? <Likely no... better to be thinking of, gearing up for a
larger system in future> BTW, it appears to be healthy fish, getting
used to the tank and ate some brine shrimp mixed with Spirulina. I also
put some Nori in there for it. <They are very tough, adaptable>
Thanks again for being there! --Jane <A pleasure my friend. Bob
Taken By A Tang! My email address has changed. Sorry
about the incorrect email address and thank you. <No problem>
I have done some more reading on your site today at work and think
I have found an interesting fish. The Sailfin Tang seems to have
caught my attention. <A beautiful fish- one of my all-time
favorites-but they get HUGE!> I also know that in 1 year or so I
would need to upgrade the tank <Yep- substantially!> but when
that comes, I would do it as before. Thanks for the wonderful web
site and your valuable time need to start charging lol.
<Yep-I'm glad that you will plan on upgrading to a larger
tank with this guy- they are awesome fish- but they demand a very
large tank to live out their full life span in comfort. You just
have to be prepared for this if you want to keep this fish! They
make terrific aquarium species if you can meet their needs. Plan,
prepare- and make it so! Good luck! Scott F.> Taken By A Tang
(Pt. 2) The Sailfin Tang seems to have caught my attention.
Well, another question: What size tank would this fish be
comfortable in full grown? I have the time to do it right the first
time and some what the money to do it right. <Good for you!
That's really the correct way to approach keeping any fish,
especially one that can reach 15 inches! I'd say that to house
this fish comfortably for its full life span, you'd want an
aquarium that is 8-10 feet long, and holds around 300 to 500
gallons or more, IMO. I have spent plenty of time swimming with
these fishes around Kona, and I can tell you that they maintain
very large territories, and require a large amount of swimming room
to be happy and comfortable. If you take the time to create a
system suitable for their requirements, your fish will reward you
with many years of enjoyment. Take Care! Scott F.> |
Mixing Tangs, lights for an LTA 8/29/05 I have a very small
sailfin tang in my 55 gallon tank along with 2 perculas clowns, a
bullet goby, and a cleaner shrimp. I want to know if I add a blue hippo
tang would it fight with the sailfin because I would also like to add a
yellow tang but I would much rather have the blue hippo. also is a
260watt light enough power for an LTA <... The Sailfin will grow too
large for this tank... your compatibility and lighting questions are
answered, archived on WWM... learn to/use the indices and/or Google
search tool there. Bob Fenner>
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |