FAQs about the Venustus
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Need ID please,,, Centropyge... cross?
Hi Bob,
Is this a Venustus Pygmy Angelfish?
<At least partly I believe. Have shared on FB, looking for others input>
We aren't sure because of the markings
on the anal fin. What say you?
<It's gorgeous... don't know if it's simply an aberrant Venustus or a cross.
Thank you for sharing.
Will hold onto this email and report if there is further input. Bob Fenner>
From FB: 2/1/16
Lemon Tyk, others; what do you make of this Venustus Angel pic? Just an aberrant
individual? A cross you've come across?
Lemon Tyk 2/1/16
Hi Bob Fenner. Not a venusta (although the nape and posterior dorsal
markings are highly reminiscent). I was just discussing this with Brian D.
Greene about a week back. We know this fish is definitely Centropyge heraldi,
but aberration or hybrid, we're not sure. Some literature suggests C. heraldi x
C. nox, and I can kind of understand see that happening. The body profile is
slightly taller in this fish (very elongate in heraldi). The convoluted
squiggling on the anal fin is also unusual. While C. heraldi has this, it is
usually quite nascent and difficult to see. The weird thing is, this phenotype
has the ability to lose the black almost completely. While not all of them do,
it certainly is possible. So the question of hybrid vs. aberrant is somewhat
equivocal (?) perhaps? All guesswork without molecular analysis.
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Bob Fenner 2/1/16
Wow! And to think years back there was discussion that C. heraldi was a nullum
nudum! Thank you for this. JanL note.
Lemon Tyk 2/1/16
FTR, both nox and heraldi have very similar fin counts. I tried
comparing this against the two and found nothing really conclusive....
Re: Need ID please 2/1/16
Thank you, Bob. Feel free to share...
<Ah; thank you Jan. I see you've seen Lemon's comments. Surprised to find this
labeled as a Herald's. Shades of Earl S.!
Re: Need ID please 2/1/16
Yes. Thank you for your help. LOL!!
<Welcome. B>
Re: Need ID please 2/1/16
<I still think this might be a cross. B>
Re: Need ID please 2/1/16
I don't discount it being a cross especially when we see fish like mandarin
cross breeding because of over fishing.... Nature still gifts us for our
<Thus far... B>
Venustus Angel sys. 8/8/10
I have a 65 gallon tank and its current residents are a 14"
Goldentail moray and a 1" or so damsel. I have been looking around
and I am really growing to like the look of the Venustus dwarf
<Mmm, this tank volume is too small for this species. It won't
be happy, nor likely live for any period of time here>
My eel is very timid and is extremely lazy he does not like the idea of
working to get his food. I was wondering if it is possible for a
Venustus and my Goldentail to co-habitate. The damsel will be gone I
just wanted a fish to add a little more movement.
Thank you in advance
<I'd start looking about for the room, saving for a larger
system really. Bob Fenner>
Venustus Pygmy Angel 03/26/2008 Hello, <<Hello Kerry,
Andrew with you today>> Thank you for your wonderful site. I have
a 55 gallon fowler, I have tried to house a Bi-color Angel twice with
no luck. I have had 2 die on me, so obviously I will no longer choose
this fish. I have no idea why they both died. <<Must be some root
cause why they are die. Marks / abrasions etc etc? Possible harassment
from the damsel>> I also have a 4 stripe damsel and an Ocellaris
clown, both which have been thriving. I want to add a few interesting
fish. One I have found is a Venustus Pygmy Angel. I love the coloring
but I am really nervous to try another Pygmy Angel. I also love
wrasses, but am not sure which would be appropriate here. I am new to
saltwater and have had this tank up for 6 months. What would you
recommend? <<I am hesitant to suggest a fish at this point as
there is obviously an issue in the tank as it stands. Either be it one
of the current inhabitants or a hidden predator like a mantis. Question
asked above about marks / abrasions>> Thanks, Kerry
<<Thanks for the questions. A Nixon>> <This is
"just" a very touchy aquarium species. RMF>
Mixing Angels 8/28/06 I was curious what the compatibility
would be of a Coral Beauty and a Sumireyakko venustus? I ask because I
have been told that Angelfishes will usually be compatible if they are
of different genera. However, I also saw on WWM (thanks!) that the
Sumireyakko venustus used to be classified as a pygmy angel - the same
as the Coral Beauty. Tank specs: 55 gal., 60+ lbs LR, Prizm Skimmer,
48" Satellite Dual lighting on timers, small sump, Lawnmower
Blenny, Coral Beauty, 2 Percula Clowns. Also, if the Sumireyakko
venustus is a possibility, would it be detrimental to soft
corals/anemones/etc? Thanks, guys! WWM is second to none! Alex B. <I
would not mix angels in this sized tank, the risk for aggression is too
high. The Sumireyakko venustus is most likely reef safe
given a proper diet, however they will be more prone to sample if there
is a nutritional deficiency.>
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |