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Wrasse on wrasse hate 5/28/18 Green Bird Wrasse and Lunar Wrasse Compatibility
2/23/18 mixing Thalassoma wrasses?
Female Thalassoma Wrasse Temperament (Shrimp eaters? I think
so!) – 06/19/14 Traumatic Injuries To Freckled Hawkfish…Chance For Recovery?
– 06/05/13 Wrasse compatibility.... 2/19/13 Introducing a 3 inch lunare wrasse....with a 6 inch Aussie
Tuskfish 7/12/12
Hogfish With Wrasse
9/5/11 Compatibility; Thalassoma Lunare
5/28/11 Thalassoma and Coris <Bodianus>
compatibility 3/27/11 Lunar Wrasse/Lyretail Wrasse (Thalassoma
lunare), comp. 1/21/11 Two questions: Inter Genus wrasse
compatibility, Crosshatch Trigger Behavior -- 06/09/10 Problem with Lunare wrasse
compatibility 1/16/10 Wrasse eating snails Lunare wrasse compatibility 9/20/08 Hello crew, Shea again. I was just wondering about the compatibility of a 3" Lunare wrasse with a 3" emperor angel. <Should be okay in a large enough volume with cover...> I know the wrasse can hold it's own, but what about the angel? My plan is a 150 gallon that my LFS is getting rid of with all of the equipment. It is 1 of 3 live rock tanks, he decided he only needed 2. I'm trying to "blueprint" the tank, it will be a FOWLR with the Lunare wrasse and emperor angel assuming compatibility. The other fish I'm considering is a maroon clown and another wrasse species like a blue head, green bird wrasse, or paddle fin. Do you think this selection of fish would work? <In this size, shape volume, yes> Is there space for a harlequin tusk (love that fish!) <Likely so as well> Thank you for your advice it is always very helpful. Shea <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Lunar Wrasse Compatibility with Blenny and Dottyback 07/28/2008 Hi guys, <<Hello, Andrew today>> before my question I'd just like to thank you for all the informative faqs and articles; you've really helped me with my tank. About the tank: 75 gallon rectangular FOWLR, 2 BakPak protein skimmers and, 1 Emperor 400, 70lb live sand, 50lb live rock. <<Ok>> Inhabitants: 4.5 inch Picasso Trigger, 4.5 inch Fox Face, 3.5 inch Midas Blenny, 1.5 inch Blue Bar Dottyback, and most recently, a 2,5 inch Lunar Wrasse. <<Ok>> Question: I recently got the Lunar Wrasse acclimated him normally. He's not very aggressive, just bobs around normally. It's the other fish, particularly the Dottyback and the Midas Blenny, that I'm concerned with. They're not normally aggressive towards any of their tank mates or each other, but they chase the Lunar Wrasse if it comes any where near their territory. <<Quite normal, in my opinion>> With my tank, if I turn off the lights, the fish all go to sleep in their caves and barely move, so I've kept the light off to give the Wrasse a bit more time to adjust. But the tank has been pretty peaceful without the Wrasse, and I don't want it to get killed, so what do you think: Should I give it a week and see if the Blenny and Dottyback adjust? OR Should I get him out of there immediately? <<I would give it a little time to adjust. The fish in there, I would not class as incompatible. A word of caution here, these do get quite large in captivity, about 10 inches or so, and I would suggest a larger tank be available in the not too distant future.>> If I do have to get him out of there, I have a second tank with a 4.5 inch Niger Trigger. Could I put him in there temporarily, or will the Niger (whose been on his own for a year) tear him apart? <<Depending on tank, I would probably tend not to use this route. Thanks for your help! <<Thanks for the questions, hope this helps. A Nixon>> Saltwater tank question, Thalassoma comp., fdg. 06/24/2008 Hi, <<Hello, Andrew today>> Thanks so much for setting up this resource - I've really learned a great deal from reading your FAQs. I've got a couple questions please, hopefully these are not redundant with something in the FAQ already. <<Sounds good>> I've got a 60 gallon marine tank (although probably only ~45 usable gallons thanks to a built-in wet/dry filter in the back) and am still very new to the process (6 months now with the tank). We've got a tiny 1-2" damsel, a 2-3" clown, a 2" clown, a 3-4" yellow tang, and a very spirited (e.g. insane) 4-5" lunare wrasse (which I learned from your FAQ is just a baby due to two black spots). <<A bigger home will certainly be needed for the yellow tang and lunare wrasse>> I've also learned the hard way about the lunare and hermit crabs - we foolishly bought 10 crabs, 8 margarita snails, and 4 turbo snails from our dealer at the same time as the wrasse - suffice to say we only have 3 turbo snails left and the leftover carnage is frightening. The lunare was our last addition to the tank - and so far he seems to be in a tenuous alliance with the tang - they are constantly together, but occasionally chase each other. I'm more worried about the other three - I've read in your FAQ that adult lunare's will feast on smaller tank mates - is this true for fish that were there before it was introduced? <<Yes, these can be pretty voracious eaters, and if it will go in the mouth, it will be considered lunch>> <<Due to size of this fish, which can grow up to around 10 inches, i would seriously consider taking this back to the store>> Also - our smaller clown has recently started acting "lazy". I always feed them from the same side of the tank (the furthest spot from the intake for the filter - I've been feeding them algae flakes and Mysis shrimp now for months - but recently the smaller clown will just hover under the area I feed them waiting for me to give it food. I only feed them twice a day - and I think I am feeding enough (I know the tendency is to overfeed). <<Certainly, i only ever feed fish once every other day. I would cut down on your feeding and vary the diet you provide>> He used to swim around the tank - but now he just stays there until I turn off the light. I don't think the light is the problem because I've moved it directly over his "spot" and he still remains there. He will come right up to the surface when I feed them - but he will not pursue food that gets to far away from him. <<Bored of food, too much food available, does not want food>> I think his eyesight is okay, because he definitely reacts to me when I move close to the tank - and will move away from my fingers outside the tank if I move them rapidly. But if a small piece of food is too far from him (i.e. down below him or whatever) he will start towards it but then turn around to hover in his "spot" again. I've started spooning out shrimp to him to verify that he will eat - which he does - but this is ridiculous :) I cannot keep hand-feeding this fish. <<He he he...I have always hand fed my clowns, they love it>> Any advice? <<Seriously, change your feeding regime for them, to once every other day, change / vary their diet.>> thanks very much, Glenn <<Thanks for the questions Glenn, i hope this helps. A Nixon>>
Lunar Wrasse Trouble: 4-6-08 I have an aggressive tank (45) with a 10" Snowflake Eel, Dwarf Lion, Lemon peel Angel and Lunar Wrasse. I just bought another wrasse (Red Coris Wrasse) and added him in, I haven't seen the two of wrasses go at it yet, but have noticed that the new red Chromis (a little bit bigger than the lunar) has been very timid, shy and burying himself. (He did come out a little bit for a while and then went back into the sand). I seen the lunar take a strike at the red Chromis wrasse once in the 3 days I've had them. I don't want either one of them to die, WHAT SHOULD I DO??? Can I put the Lunar Wrasse with my other (65) tank with: Coral Beauty Angel, Neon Velvet Damsel, 2 Blue Damsels, 2 Yellow/Black Striped Damsels, Arrow Crab, and couple of Chromis? Take the Lunar back, be patient?? What? <Okay, let's start with the aggression: Lunar wrasse are very aggressive fish by nature and will bully other fish and definitely other wrasse especially if she was there first. In the other wrasses defense, Red Coris wrasses do bury themselves quite frequently so this is not abnormal behavior. You can wait this out and see if it's just your Lunar Wrasse having a superiority complex, which she will get over. Now with that being said, both of these Wrasse are going to get massively huge and require a 75 gallon minimum tank. You will not be able to keep them with small fish like your damsels because then the Wrasse will have an easy meal. So I would look into a larger tank for the future, or take them back to your LFS before you get too attached to them. Good Luck, --Yunachin> Please Help Emergency Lunare Wrasse in Distress 3/3/07 <Hi Ivy, Mich here.> A few days ago I was replied to very promptly by your staff, All Thanks. <Good to hear!> My Fimbriated moray attacked my lunare wrasse. <Yipe! Yipe! Yipe!> I was instructed to separate them if possible. <Gotta keep'em separated.> I did. <Good.> I took all invertebrates out of the 55-gallon reef. I took the lunare wrasse out of a 90 gallon with 100ppm <!> of nitrate, a work in progress. Well he was moved to a 55-gallon reef with only one other fish that does not bother with him, shrimp goby. Anyway the 55-gallon has about 10 ppm of nitrates. <Much better.> As well other parameters would be different. <!> The levels of calcium would be higher, as well as the overall salinity and the temperature would have dropped from 82F to 80 F. Well I acclimated the wrasse for an hour, with a heater and drip line. He lay quite still. All last night and today he has laid still eyes move around, he looks around. Respiration is high but not exceedingly for this fish. He seems to always have breathed faster than some others. <OK.> I put my hand in the tank today and he let me stroke his face before he swam off. <STOP TOUCHING HIM!!!> He swam about half the tank and then stopped again and still isn't swimming around. He swam without difficulty though. He is not eating. <Not a good sign, but still may recover.> Anything I can do to help him. <Stop touching him! Leave him alone and stop stressing him.> Already treating with MelaFix and the cleaner shrimp gave him a once over. <I would stop the MelaFix. Better to concentrate of high water quality.> His wound from the eel was severe. <I'm sorry to hear this.> But by this time it had begun to close up, rather rapidly. He was vivacious and active just before I moved him,. eating well. <So he was doing better and now is doing worse?> He is my pet. He has been in the tank with high nitrates for two years. I need him to live. The wound doesn't look bad, it looks like it is healing but it has white stuff on it, right in the crevice of the deepest wound. Is this healing tissue or fungus? <Hopefully healing tissue. Don't pick it!> Oh my god I am just terrified I will lose him. How can I help him? <Stop stressing him first off. Maintain the best water quality you can, offer foods soaked in Selcon and give him time. -Mich> Concerned Ivy Genus Thalassoma Question of compatibility 1/30/07 I have read on your site that the Thalassoma lunare (aka Lunar Wrasse) is known to truly become a killer once mature. Does the same hold true for the Thalassoma lutescens (aka Banana Wrasse)? <Mmm, both species can produce/become rogues... but the vast majority of specimens are fine in a "medium aggressive" setting> Was curious if the later could life peacefully in a 240 with a Harlequin Tusk, Miniatus Grouper, V. Lion, Yellow Tang, and a Queen Angel. Or will he declare war on the angels fins and kill the Tusk? Thanks, Joe <Should get along fine in/with this mix... as long as it is large-enough to avoid predation by the Bass, Lion initially. Bob Fenner> Porcupine Puffers (Diodon holocanthus) and selecting compatible wrasse 1/5/07 Hey guys, <Hey Gary!> I'm looking for a wrasse that would be compatible with my porcupine puffer. <Porcupine Puffers (Diodon holocanthus) may nip or attempt to eat smaller active fishes. I would avoid smaller wrasses such as Fairy (Cirrhilabrus) and Flasher (Pseudocheilinus) wrasses.> Would a Lunare wrasse be a good tank mate with my Porc? <Yes, I think this would be an appropriate choice, assuming this is a fish only system and your tank is at least 75 gallons.> The Lunare wrasse is beautiful and has lots of personality, but it seems that they also have a bad reputation as a nasty fish. <Obviously there are many variables. But I think as long as the Lunare (Thalassoma lunare) is not housed with smaller fish, or fish that are similar in shape and size it should be okay, but it goes without saying that any new introduction should be carefully observed for any type of problems.> Thanks for your advice and guidance. <Welcome, good luck! -Mich> Gary New Tank Mates and a Dead Cleaner Shrimp... Coincidence? 12/21/06 Hey guys, <Hi there, Mich with you today.> First of all, thanks for putting up this great site. <Welcome! Glad you find it valuable.> It has helped a lot of people including me. <This is good to hear.> Yesterday I introduced a Copperband butterfly and a lunare wrasse in my tank and this morning I could not find my cleaner shrimp, I searched everywhere and found him dead. <Uh oh!> Could it be that one of the new fish ate him, or could it be that both of them ate it. <Yep.> I really need to know. <Yes, unfortunately it is certainly possible that one of your fish took out your shrimp. Many possible causes ranging from aggression to hunger to defensive behavior. I would tend to suspect the Lunare Wrasse (Thalassoma lunare) as the more likely culprit. They can be highly predatory. Sorry for your loss.> Thanks guys. <You're welcome. -Mich> Lunare Wrasse Rescue, comp. scavengers 9/5/06 I recently went to purchase some miscellaneous aquarium supplies from someone breaking down their saltwater setup. He had three fish (a maroon clown, a yellowtail damsel, and a lunare wrasse) sitting in putrid, stagnant, water in the bottom of a bucket. All three were very very near death, so I went ahead and got them to attempt a rescue. The yellowtail didn't make the 30-minute trip home (very sad). After some time and effort, the other two are recovering well -- though the clown is still a bit lethargic and the wrasse seems to twitch now and then. I put a BTA with the clown, and I think that's helping his recovery. I'm planning on integrating the clown in my main (150g) reef tank, but don't think the inhabitants will appreciate the wrasse. <Much more likely the BTA...> The local fish store doesn't want the wrasse, and so I decided to keep him since I invested so much effort to keep him alive. I'm setting up a separate 55g tank (it's the biggest tank I have available right now) just for the wrasse. I've been told, and have read that they like to eat things like snails and crabs. So, to my question (sorry for being so verbose)...Do you know of any species of tank cleaners (snails, crabs, etc.) that can reside in the wrasse tank without getting munched. If not, what sort of critter would you recommend putting in this tank to remove detritus and any uneaten food? <Mmm, I'd look to fishes instead of invertebrates here...> By the way, the wrasse is about nine inches long. Thanks for any tips. Chris. <Perhaps sand sifting Valenciennea... Salarias/Atrosalarias blenny... a small Siganid... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marscavart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Wrasses & Triggers - 03/06/06 Hello, <<Howdy>> Just a quick question. I will still look on the site but I don't seem to get the answers I want although a lot of helpful information. <<Indeed>> My question is this; what wrasse can live with a lunar wrasse, if any? I was thinking green bird or (banana/sunset) is it possible to have any of them live together? <<Mmm, the Lunar Wrasse can be feisty...but this "could" work in a large tank (100+) if the Lunar is added last (the Banana Wrasse <Halichoeres chrysus> is probably the better choice to house with the Lunar Wrasse). Second question is can a Niger trigger fish live with a Huma-Huma trigger fish. I know that size of tank plays a factor in this. I have a 100 gallon. <<Too much fish flesh for this tank my friend. The Niger trigger will outgrow this tank pretty much on its own (please take mature sizes in to consideration), but I think you could get away with the Huma-Huma and the two wrasses.>> I have been scouring your site for these answers and everyone has all kinds of questions about them but never for the ones above I'm looking for. Thanks, Michael <<Regards, EricR>> Lunare Wrasse, compatible? Bob, I was doing some surfing looking for wrasse info when I found this site. <Pleased to meet you> I'm very new to the aquarium hobby (started a 75 g. last November) and hoped you could give some advice. My tank consists of a yellow tang, Huma trigger and speckled Hawkfish (no coral/inverts). I purchased a lunare wrasse a couple days ago and the Hawkfish seemed particularly annoyed with the new guest. <Yes... they don't particularly care to share... space, food, attention> When I released the wrasse into the tank, he swam casually across the tank and was promptly attacked by the Hawkfish. <Yes. I have seen this and other genus Halichoeres wrasses chasing, eating Hawkfishes in the wild> Since then, he hasn't left the protection of the lace rock. I have been feeding my three regulars a steady diet of frozen plankton and an occasional piece of Nori on a food clip, but none of the plankton even makes it to the wrasse. I tried feeding him some brine shrimp, a few of which he ate, but I read that they aren't very nutritious. <Not able to sustain such an animal as this, no> Do you think the wrasse is going to fit in with the others? <Doubtful. I give the situation less than 50% of likelihood.> I tried adding more rock and rearranging the tank a little before adding the wrasse. I heard this can reduce the territorial aggression of the other fish. <Yes, a good move> Any suggestions about feeding would be greatly appreciated. Also, can I add any type of snails or conch with these types of fish? <Not really a good risk with the trigger. I would trade in the Lunare and look for a hardy tang species instead... or one of many other choices. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Allen Lunare Wrasse and hippo tang fighting! Just wanted to say first that your book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" is the greatest saltwater fish book out. I really enjoyed it and I still use it all the time. <Glad to find ones work of use> Now, I have a 150 gallon fish only tank and it contains a yellow and Naso tang, emperor angel changing), Koran angel small), and a lunare wrasse(7"). I have a 30g QT that I had to put my hippo tang in because the wrasse and him fought relentlessly-and this is after being together for about 6 months! The wrasse had puncture wounds all over him and the hippo had all of his fins frayed from the wrasse biting him. Are these two fish not compatible? <Not these two! Larger Thalassoma wrasses can be very tough on animals they perceive utilizing similar habitat, foods. Perhaps a smaller Lunare would have mixed in okay.> I tried to put the hippo back in after a month and the same thing happened immediately! The hippo tang is about 5". I also have plenty of coral dead) and hiding places. Thanks, Kevin Ballard <Looks like it has to be just one or the other. Perhaps another wrasse species? Please see the review of the Labrids on our site: www.WetWebMedia.com for much more. Bob Fenner> Longnose Butterfly (Thalassoma Wrasse) Thanks Anthony, <very welcome, good sir> I kind of knew that would be your take on things. <I have had a reputation as a bit of a marine Nazi...hehe> However I must VERY respectfully disagree with you on the compatibility of my Levi (Eibli) angel and my Emperor, and tangs. The tangs totally ignore the small angel and the Emperor only occasionally chases him as if he was a pesky fly or something....nothing ever malicious or sustained. The Levi merely gets out of his way and the confrontation is over. <I respect and appreciate the difference of opinion> Anyway, point taken on the butterfly and tank size. Trust me my friend, I know I will need to upgrade and I look forward to doing so. <I believe it to be try... a wonderfully addictive hobby! I'm still thinking about sealing up the basement with glass doors and windows and just filling it with seawater...perhaps I'll cut a whole in the ceiling and view/service the tank via a PVC fireman's pole from upstairs...hehe> I'm going to avoid the flame wrasse and all butterflies as per your advice. However I "may" still add one more fish. Perhaps you would be willing to help me ID this fish. I'm looking at a smallish wrasse that they're calling a Paddlefin Wrasse? I can't find it on WWM, but it had the body of a Lunare (perhaps a slightly rounder face). It's white with about 3 navy blue-black horizontal strips. There is some red on the dorsal fin. <Hmmmm... the Paddlefin wrasse as it is commonly known in the trade sounds nothing like what you describe. The LFS may have a mis-ID fish. Also known as the Cortez Rainbow wrasse or Mexican Rock wrasse...only the males of the species (Thalassoma lucasanum) are called Paddlefins. Do look up this species to see if we can rule it out. If your fish looks similar enough in type that you still suspect it to be a Thalassoma sp like T. lunare and T. lucasanum...then I would agree that it is not even close to being reef safe> My LFS guy says it's reef compatible but I'm not buying that just yet as it is certainly not a fairy wrasse. I don't have a reef but I do have a couple of cleaner shrimp. Do you know what this wrasse is and if so is it a threat to my shrimp? <the shrimp are fair game for the Thalassoma and all larger wrasse genera> Thanks Anthony. Rick <quite welcome! kindly, Anthony> PS. My LFS would have had me keep the yellow tang AND add the wrasse and then some. <yes.. they think they will make more money by selling more fish to folks in the short run, but the truth is that they will sell more fish to successful aquarists that don't struggle and stay in the hobby> I truly feel I can add another fish with no problem. I'm upgrading next winter. <I will trust your intuition and good husbandry> Problem wrasse I have a lunar wrasse in my 55 gal tank. Was other damsels and I previously had yellow tangs who died . I am new to this. So here is my dilemma. My wrasse is a creep. Thinks he's king of the world. <S/he may well be king of his/her world> I added a spotted grouper last week he did fine for a few days then started to get pale looking. Luckily my pet store lady is a great person she had me bring him in back into the same tank he was before and he is doing much better now. Come to find out my wrasse was beating him up. He (the grouper) had been in the same tank at her store for quite awhile before I got him he is sharing this space with a Huma Huma trigger. As soon as he was put back in his original tank the Huma went up to him and rubbed against him almost like he missed him! The grouper is doing so much better by the next day his eyehole wrasse boy must have socked him) looked much better and his coloring was back. Anyway any suggestions on what to do with Mr. wrasse? <Your tank is too small for two "alpha" fishes... You could trade it in or place sub-dominant animals with it> She says I can bring him back and trade for something else but I really like the way he looks. But I don't want him to be problematic with anyone I put in there. We want to ad a porcupine puffer and nigger trigger in this tank. I would also like my grouper back. Could part of the problem with him been having at all to do with separating him and the Huma? <Doubtful> Should they be bought as a pair? I plan on by the middle of this summer switching to larger tank to be sure of room for these fellows. But I don't want a tank with only one wrasse and few crabs. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you Nanci Cowman <You might try removing the wrasse, placing the bass for a week or two... then replacing the wrasse to see if a new hierarchical dynamic can be established... but eventually you will need/want a larger system. My real advice is to start over with a workable stocking plan for your 55. Please read through here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/MarInd3of6.htm on the articles and FAQs files on stocking marine systems. Bob Fenner> Wrasse and angel hi guys, 2 Quick questions. Tank
is 72"x18"x18". Home to my Asfur angel and volitans
lion. Each about 2.5 to 3". (1). I know how big Asfurs get in the
wild, but how big is he likely to get in my tank, given an average diet
and water quality. <About eight inches standard length, ten overall
(ends of unpaired fins)... six in a year... the rest within two
likely> (2). I love a lunare wrasse (Thalassoma lunare). If I got a
small one, is he likely to cause havoc. <Should be fine with
the Asfur. Bob Fenner> I had one before, but I was very
inexperienced, and I made the mistake of him being one of the first
introductions to the tank ..... as he result he was a bit of a bully.
Cheers, Matt Wrasses I have two female Rainbow Wrasses and was thinking of adding a male Banana Wrasse. I know there should only be one male wrasse per tank, but would like to know how mixing a different variety of wrasse would affect the mix. <Mmm, how large a system is this? How big are your current Thalassoma wrasses? If the system is 100 or more gallons, has few other fishes, should be okay. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Rich Wrasses Hello Bob! <Hi Kat> Recently purchased a lunare wrasse, juvenile, for my 75 gallon tank. Other occupants are 2 damsels, 2 Clarkii clowns, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 Sebae anemone, 1 sand sifting starfish , turbo snails, emerald crabs, and several hermit crabs. My question is this: I had a cleaner shrimp in my tank, he has mysteriously vanished without a trace, and most of my hermits are gone now too. I have had the Lunare for only 2 weeks, could it have eaten these items? P <Yes my friend. Expensive meals, lesson. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/thalassoma.htm and particularly the FAQs associated with this page> lease let me know as soon as possible before I add anything else to my tank. Thank you! Kat <Be chatting! Bob Fenner> Are Blue Leg Hermits subject to predation by a Lunare Wrasse? <Yes> I put one of these into my tank and suddenly all of my hermits have disappeared. <Into his belly> They've been living very happily in their FOWLR 55 gallon home with a Yellow Tang, a Clark's Anemone fish, a 3 Stripe Damsel, a Niger Trigger and a Blue Green Chromis. I also have a Chocolate Chip Starfish, a Serpent Star and a bunch of Astrea Snails. Thanks, Ana M. Saavedra <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> A Lunar Phase? Hi there. <Good morning! Scott F. here!> I have a quick question for you, that I didn't find any info on your site about. I set up a 209G tank several months ago and is now home to a couple of baby triggers (3 inch Niger, 2 inch Queen, and 4 inch Blue line), "true" Black Volitans Lion (pitch black!), and a Arothron manilensis puff. <Wow! That's a lot of fish that get HUGE in one tank, even a large one. These are pretty messy eaters, too, and can degrade water quality in no time if you don't stay on top of things (but I know that YOU will, right?) You may need to move everyone around for the long term in order for this community to work. The Queen Trigger is absolutely one of the nastiest fishes around...do keep an eye on the interactions in this tank as the fishes mature..> Today at a LFS I work at a guy brought in a 4 inch Lunare or Moon Wrasse. I bought him from him for only 5 dollars since he has HLLE (didn't know wrasses could get it, but I guess anything is possible). <Yep- just about any fish can contract this malady> I know how to cure it and the 209 tank gets Formula One, Formula Two, Brine Shrimp Plus, Prime Reef, VHP Formula, Angel Formula, and Spirulina Formula all in the Variety Pack made by Ocean Nutrition. <All great foods- good choices! remember, water quality is also thought to play a role in HLLE, so be sure to keep on top of water changes and other maintenance relentlessly!> I figure this should cure it in no time. But the question is my boss said it is possible to keep a male female pair together in a large tank (Scott W. Michael also states this in his Marine Fish book). <Yes- I've seen it done before> We just got a 1.5inch baby Lunare in at my store. So if I were to add the smaller one would they pair up or would they fight? <Wow- really hard to say...could work, or could be a problem, due to the size disparity. also- there is the outside possibility that this little one could become "trigger food" in this tank...Personally, I'd think long term (particularly about how 3-4 fishes that can potentially reach 15-20 inches will live in this situation), and really avoid adding any more fishes to this tank. What a great excuse to set up another large tank! :). Seriously, you seem like a keen observer and fish lover, so I hope that you'll take this long-term view and make good decisions> Sadly, our store has not had good luck with the Lunare's but the one I got today is doing great. He is very active and is like a sky blue neon kinda color. Thanks for any help provided. Kim <Once again, Kim-I'd hold off on the purchase. Enjoy the fishes that you have now...Think about another tank in the future. Best of luck! Scott F.> A Reef Safe Wrasse 5/27/03 Are the lunar or sometimes call ed moon wrasse reef safe? <Around corals they are fine. But they may nip at crustaceans and small invertebrates.> Thanks Michelle <No problem! Phil> Bluehead wrasse, and a mystery critter. 07/20/03 <Hi Fred, PF here> So here's a question for you... If I put 2 terminal phase blueheads in a 90 gal what will happen? I suspect that they will just fight but wondered if it was possible for one of them to revert back to a previous phase. Now here's the real question... I went out snorkeling today in S. Florida and found what I would have to call a worm of some kind. Its small <2" and dark green/brown. It looks like a little Cuke, but it moves by sucking in a big ball of water at one end and moving it through to the other end. It looks like the little guy keeps swallowing a marble twice as big around as him. It has a pinkish snout of some kind that extends out of one end. When I first saw it, it was not all stretched out and it looked just like a snail. That's what I thought it was until I got back to the boat for a closer look. When I fist picked it up it was kind of hard too (like a snail) or at least very firm, but it can and does get very squishy too. Any idea what this thing might be? As usual, thanks a million for this fantastic web site and oracle of marine knowledge you guys run. Fred <Well Fred, I wouldn't recommend putting them together, they could well kill each other before working out the hierarchy. As for the mystery critter, your guess is as good as mine. There are hundreds of thousands of undocumented species out there. It sounds like some kind of worm to me. I'd say take a picture, or the specimen itself to a local university and see if someone in their bio department can't help you. Have a good night, PF> Bluehead Wrasse, Or, "You BETTER Watch Your
Wrasse!" >Hello, >>Hello. >I recently set-up an 85
gallon fish only saltwater aquarium. It contains about
60lbs. of live sand and about 40lbs. of lace rock. It is
equipped with a large protein skimmer and 2 Whisper
5s. There is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and very low
nitrates. >>Alright. Right now I have the following
fish: 1 Yellow Tang (3 inches) 1 Clark Clown (3 inches) 1 Tomato Clown
(3 inches) 1 Black and White Striped Damsel (1inch) 1 Blue Damsel (2
inches) (Both the Clownfish get along fine)
>>Whew! Let's hope it stays that way, they should
have enough elbow room in there, though. >I recently added a (5
inch) Blue-Headed Wrasse to the system. >>Uh oh,
trouble in paradise? >How big will this fish get? The dealer told me
up to 8 inches. Is this true? >>Ok, not being positive
of the species you're calling "blue head", my first
inclination is to think of one of two wrasses, both will hit about that
size, and one of them was known to me by a most UNflattering moniker,
relating to one particular nickname of Richard ("Richard" head
wrasse), taught to me by my favorite old-timer. He was
RIGHT. This fish was aggressive, and constantly harassing
other fish. >If it will eventually become incompatible I am willing
to change the tank mates. >>It *may*, again, I
can't be positive. Of the fish you have in there, I
would expect the clowns to be the first to develop sufficient moxie to
deal with him, possibly the tang, definitely the Dascyllus once they
hit panfry size. >Right now it shows no sign of
aggression. Also I was thinking of adding a Kole or Scopas
Tang. >>I would expect either of those fish to be too
timid to deal well with the wrasse I'm thinking of, of course, it
would be more helpful to both of us if you could get a positive ID on
him/her. >If I rearrange the decor and purchase a slightly smaller
specimen then the tang in the tank already could it work?
>>You would have to purchase a specimen of significantly
different size, and considering their personalities, I would get one at
least 5", NOT smaller than the present yellow tang. >Food would
not be an issue because I usually add fresh macroalgae from a large
refugium every week. Thank you, Dennis
>>AWESOME! We like that (refugia AND feeding your fish
fresh macros.. yum!). Marina Lunar Wrasse, Why Won't you Be Nice? >Hi >>Greetings, Marina today. >Was hoping you could help me out with a query.. >>Indeed. >I bought a lunare wrasse today as I was advised by the store owner that they were non aggressive and reasonably hardy. >>HA! That's amusing. I cannot repeat some of the other names this Thalassoma is referred to by, suffice it to say they're all quite descriptive about its propensity to harass other fish to DEATH. >I couldn't find much on your site about this.. but from what I just read in a faq that maybe this is not the case? >>Maybe? The correct answer would be this is definitely NOT the case. These fish can and should be housed with like aggressive, it can hold its own with the likes of undulatus and blue-line triggers (assuming they're not cramped into tiny quarters). >I currently have 2 Chromis as I have only been running the tank for about 8 weeks. (it is cycled). >>Of the damsels, those called "Chromis" are among the most timid. Not a good mix. As for the cycle, please remember that with each addition the bioload is increased, and it will take time for the cultures of nitrifiers to increase sufficiently to handle nitrogenous waste (ammonia and following). >I have put him in the tank and noticed that all he is doing is swimming around in vertical circles. >>These fish do at times have an odd tendency to swim in a vertical fashion, using mostly their pectoral fins. I've noticed that once the fish is comfortable and becomes more established in its territory that this will tend to disappear, and the lovely harassment of other fish begins. >Is this behaviour normal or are his days numbered? >>Can be normal, but you've made a new addition whose size of which I haven't a clue, let alone the size of the system. For all I know it's a smallish tank and it's become thick with ammonia, though I'd think the Chromis would exhibit some different behavior as well. Also, you've made no mention of quarantine, so, if the animal has been introduced and is diseased, this stress can likely "bump it up a notch". This means that what was latent may become obvious. >I am hoping that maybe he just needs to settle in and could just be a bit stressed? >>Yes, this would be my tendency, but again, I know nothing else of this system other than the fish and age. >He is also occasionally attacking my thermometer which leads me to believe that he might be a bit nasty to my fish / future fish. >>Hee! He'll settle in just fine. Then he'll be having Chromis for dinner, thank you. Can we have a side of shrimp with that, please? >What are your thoughts on this? >>As above, my friend. The store owner doesn't seem to know this genus of wrasses very well, or perhaps has been quite fortunate not to have seen at least one going full bore. Watch the animal closely, and know that the if he should become aggressive, it won't pass, and that in that case you'll need to make a choice regarding what you wish to keep with good results. >Your help is much appreciated. Regards, Simon >>You're quite welcome, and I wish you the best of luck! Marina Lunar Wrasse I Love You >Dear Marina >>Hello Simon. >Thank you for your prompt and detailed reply regarding my lunare wrasse. >>My pleasure, Simon. >Okay.. there is a slight problem. It turns out that I have grown an affinity towards my Lunare Wrasse. >>Heh, alright. >He is very funny - he reminds me of Homer Simpson - very clumsy and greedy. >>Is he eyeballing your doughnuts and beer yet? I'd allow a bit of the doughnuts, but the beer is where I'd draw the line. >He has settled in quite nicely and has not "YET" hassled any of my Chromis. But given your response it sounds like that could change. >>Yes, it could. >-My tank is 38x18x18 with a sump/skimmer/live rock/no corals >>Are those metric or English measurements? Hrm. >-The lunare wrasse is about 5 inches >-The Chromis are about 1 inch each. >>Doesn't sound a fair match, does it? If those Chromis were dominoes, white/black tailed, sergeant majors, or similar Dascyllus, or anything that ends with 'devil', you'd have little to worry about. >So my dilemma is do I take the wrasse out? >>Not if you like him, no. But you'd probably want to pull the damsels if/when the picking starts. Even if the tank's 38"x18" you'll be committed to a lower fish load because the wrasse is an active, voracious animal. >How much should I feed him? He eats like a pig. >>Speaking of the devil, eh? >At the moment I give him a quarter of a cube of brine shrimp and he annihilates that. I think he wants me to upsize it but I'm not sure if I should give in? >>I wouldn't give MORE, but I *would* give different. Silversides, krill, squid, shrimp, octopus, etc. Also, if you can get him on a decent dry staple food, that should help your wallet. In any event, as long as he's nice and fat, I wouldn't give him more feed. If the area behind the head/eyes becomes sunken looking, then you know he's not getting enough. >Do you think I could add a tomato clown? >>IF you took out the Chromis, most definitely. A tomato, skunk, or maroon would all be able to hold their own. >I have been told that they can hold their own. >>Yes, yes you have. >Do you think I can get turbo snails or will they get eaten? >>I would worry for smaller snails, and 'shellfishes' (mollusks/crustaceans/arthropods) in general with this guy. Larger specimens may be able to hold their own, but it's not guaranteed, especially whence he gets larger. >I am proactively planning for a future algae bloom. I know there is one around the corner. >>Maybe, maybe not. It's common, but not necessarily a given. >The alternative is to get rid of the wrasse and cut my potential losses? >>More than one alternative. Just decide who/what you *really* want. Then go from there. It can be sorted out, I'm sure. >What would you do? ;) >>If I loved the wrasse, then I'd reconsider my plan so I could keep him. I think he'll do alright in a tank this size for a while, but do take care not to be too generous with the food. Know, also, that the hungrier he is, the more aggressive and less trustworthy he'll be. >Your help is much appreciated. Regards Simon >>You're welcome, Simon. It seems you may have found a friend, and wrasses certainly aren't without strong personalities. Coloration could never be beaten by any damsel I've ever come across, even if he never morphed into a super male. Should you decide to keep him, get tough mates for him, but not too many. Keep the rockwork very open, but with lots of hidey-holes for him to explore and keep his mind occupied. He may like some sushi Nori (dried seaweed) to nibble. The clowns are a good idea, as would be a Pseudochromis of some sort - most come with lots of moxxie. Beyond the physical space issues, these are fairly hardy fish in my experience, often tougher than damsels. Will you be naming him "Homer"? Or mayhaps "Santa's Little Helper"? Marina Lunar Wrasse Greetings and Salutations Bob Fenner, <Salutem dicit Chris> Bob I recently purchased a Lunar Wrasse and presently house it in a 90 gallon tank with a bunch of other fish like; tang, clown and other. I also have a predator tank or more aggressive tank with lionfish, trigger and butterfly. The question is this, I need to buy a bunch of snails and stuff however the wrasse annoys them and probably eats them. <Yes> Every time I buy a new order my wife say's that the Lunar is fine dining. I have been trying to scoop him out over the past 3 days (I leave a net hanging in the aquarium) with no luck, however the other fish are starting to get annoyed, any suggestions? <Two nets... and perhaps help from your wife to net this fish out and move it in with the other tanks inhabitants. Bob Fenner> Aggressive Lunare Wrasse (You Can Say That Again!) - 5/11/05 Hi, <Hello, Steve Allen with you tonight.> I have a 75GL tank with 40lbs of live rock. I currently have a maroon clown, Foxface, Flame Angel, and Lunar Wrasse, and a coral banded shrimp. <Both the Lunare Wrasse and the Foxface will eventually need a much bigger tank.> Since adding the wrasse about a month ago we have lost a camel shrimp, bi colored blenny and diamond goby all of which he had for dinner. <These Wrasses are voracious eaters of pretty much any creature they can get in their mouths either whole or in pieces.> We recently added the flame angel and for the first couple of days the wrasse wouldn't leave it alone. They seem to get along okay now and it does not seem to bother the rest of the fish except for a clipped fin on the clown every so often. <Which is always an infection risk.> I would like to add one more fish and wonder if you have any suggestions on what type of fish could hold his own with the wrasse and be compatible with my existing fish. <Your tank is already full. Adding more would be a mistake. Nothing small enough that can be added will be able to deal with the Flame or the Lunare, both of which tend to be aggressive. Time to start saving and planning for a 120+G in a couple years or to trade the Wrasse and the Rabbit in for more suitable (i.e. smaller adult size) fish.> My other option would be to return the wrasse but I actually kind of like him. <They are beauties, but grow to nearly a foot and are very active swimmers--need more space.> Thanks, Mike <You're welcome. There are a lot of hard decisions in this hobby. Good luck.> Compatibility of Lunare Wrasse, Intro. to a Tough Crowd Hey Crew!! <Lucius> I am a fellow hobbyist who has been a daily reader of your FAQ's. I have learned so much from you guys! Thank You! This is my second time asking you guys a compatibility question. The first time I asked about adding a clown trigger to my tank. Thank you for steering me clear of that disaster! I have another compatibility question this time. I have a 250 gallon tank that has a Eheim 2028 canister filter, a 10 gallon refugium with macro-algae, a UV sterilizer, an Aqua-C Remora Pro skimmer, a denitrator, about 100 lbs. of live rock, and 3-4 inches of crushed coral substrate. I have a rough and tumble system with a 7-inch blue-lined grouper, a 6.5-inch Hawaiian black trigger, a 5-inch Picasso trigger, a 6-inch regal blue tang, a 4-inch porcupine puffer, a 4-inch yellow tang, and a 4-inch maroon clown. Everyone gets along well except for an occasional nipped fin here and there. I would like to add one more fish to complete my masterpiece!! I am thinking about adding a lunar wrasse to this fun bunch. I saw a beautiful 5-inch lunar wrasse and my LFS that I would love to add for its color and personality. I have heard that lunar wrasses can be extremely aggressive, but, honestly, that is the only kind of fish I could add to these aggressive fish. Please let me know what you think. Your help will be much appreciated and needed. <Actually this is a very good choice for your system, current livestock... fast and smart and otherwise easygoing... should do fine here. Bob Fenner> - Lunare Wrasse Problems - Hi- I recently got some saltwater fish for my saltwater fish tank. It's a 40 gallon tank. I had 2 clownfish, and a Firefish. They were all living together for about a week. I just got a lunare wrasse. When I bought it in the store, they told me it was a marble wrasse, but I looked it up on the internet, and the picture for the marble wrasse did not look like my fish, but the lunare wrasse picture does. My fish has a long, green body, with pink swirls on the face and yellow on the tail, which I think looked like the lunare wrasse. If you could verify that for me, that would be appreciated. <There are a couple of wrasses that bear this facial coloration. Would suggest you look here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/thalassoma.htm > My main concern however, is that the wrasse apparently killed my Firefish. They were fine last night when I first put the wrasse into the tank, and this morning they were fine too. I went home on my lunch break, and discovered that the wrasse had the Firefish in its mouth, and it was dead. <Circumstantial evidence - quite possible the poor Firefish was already dead before the wrasse decided to snack on it.> Now, I was told when I bought the wrasse, that it was a peaceful fish, and would not harm the other fish. <Mmm... well, it's true to some extent, but they are territorial and given to fairly boisterous behavior which other fish can find distressing. Not necessarily mean like a queen trigger.> I really don't think that the Firefish died on its own though, because it seemed to be doing fine. <Can happen.> I just called the store where I bought the wrasse, and they said that it was very unusual that the wrasse would kill another fish, even if they are much smaller than it, and that wrasses are generally peaceful fish. <Generally. Is like the line from the young girl, Newt, in the movie Aliens, "The mostly come at night... mostly."> The only thing I can think of is that the Firefish had a long spike on top of it's head that would move up and down, I wonder if that could have provoked the wrasse. <Doubt it.> Please let me know what I should do. I don't really want to take the wrasse back to the store because I like it, and hope that this was a one time thing that happened, but I don't want it to harm my clownfish, and any other fish that I will get. <Well... if you truly like this fish, you need to consider your future plans as this tank is too small for its long term needs.> Please tell me as soon as possible what to do here. Your response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. <Cheers, J -- > Lunare Wrasse - 06/08/05 Hi, recently purchased a lunare wrasse and have him in a quarantine tank. <<Kudos! to you.>> After doing some research I am a little nervous about adding him into our 45g tank with a spotted Hawkfish, bar goby, green Chromis, snails, shrimp and hermit crabs. <<Um...that's why we advocate doing the research "before" you make the purchase <G>.>> Do you think I have any worries about everybody getting along. (while in the quarantine tank we have lost a snail). <<Susie...I think your snails, shrimp, and hermit crab are all in jeopardy from the wrasse...and a mature (4") Spotted Hawk may reek some havoc in the future as well.>> Can you also suggest some additional tank mates? <<You're gonna fill that 45 up pretty quick, but if you want to keep your inverts, and considering your current residents, I would suggest returning the wrasse and replacing it with one of the pygmy (Centropyge) angels. Flame angels (Centropyge loricula... my vote) are hardy, beautiful specimens.>> Thanks for your help. Susie <<Regards, Eric R.>> Lunare wrasse I love your site. It is at the top of my favorite bookmarks. I have a 110 gal tank with a dogfaced puffer and a Fiji Damsel (blue). I have 40 lb of sand and about 25 lbs of rock (base rock and live rock mixed). The tank has been running for about 3 months. I am thinking of getting a lunare wrasse but I don't want anything that is going to hurt my puffer: I love him way too much ;) I am looking for something to add color and more character to the tank. (not that the puffer isn't full of character!) I am also looking for something hearty. I have a 10 gal QT that is well established, even has some snails in it. That is where any new fish will spend at least 3 or 4 weeks. Do you think a lunare wrasse would be a wise choice for my tank? If not a wrasse, how about a yellow tang? <The Lunare Wrasse would be fine, keeping in mind they can attain a length of 10 inches. They do like meaty foods and should not be placed in a reef tank. You didn't mention corals or inverts so I'm assuming this is a fish only tank. The lunare does like to burrow in sand for the night as other wrasses do, so be sure you have about three inches of sand. James (Salty Dog)> thanks very much <You're welcome, Beth> Beth Do you consider a Lunare Wrasse reef safe (except with shrimp)? - 02/16/2006 <... on a sliding scale of 1 to 10...> Will it damage other inverts and corals? Thanks, Kent <Unless in a large (hundreds of gallons), I give this and most Thalassoma species a low score. Bob Fenner> |
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