Related FAQs: Chaetodon Butterflyfishes,
FAQs 2, Chaetodon
Identification, Chaetodon
Behavior, Chaetodon
Compatibility, Chaetodon
Selection, Chaetodon Systems,
Chaetodon Feeding, Chaetodon Disease, Chaetodon Reproduction, Butterflyfish Identification, Butterflyfish
Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Butterflyfish Compatibility, Butterflyfish Behavior, Butterflyfish Systems, Butterflyfish Selection, Butterflyfish Disease, Butterflyfish Reproduction,
Related Articles: Best/Worst
Butterflyfishes of
the Genus Chaetodon
Part 4 of 4, Unknown Choices
To: Good, Medium, Poor Chaetodon Choices pages:
Split up to save download time... for now.

Bob Fenner |
Chaetodon bennetti |
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
The Unknown Chaetodons: Not enough data in the
literature, credible firsthand accounts, or personal experience to
Chaetodon andamanensis Kuiter & Debelius
1999. Known only from India. To 15 cm. in length. Hiroyuki Tanaka
pic of a 3 cm. individual in captivity. |
Lost pic
Chaetodon blackburni Desjardins 1836,
Blackburn's Butterflyfish. Rarely seen in the west. Found along
much of Africa's east coast to around Madagascar and the
Mascarene Islands. Five inches total length. |
"I'm leavin' on a jet plane" with
my camera gear!
Chaetodon dialeucos Salm & Mee 1989, the
Oman Butterflyfish. Only recorded from the Middle East
country's coast in the Arabian Sea. To six inches maximum
length. |
I wanna go on the next trip with Drs. John Hoover
and Randall
Chaetodon excelsa (Jordan 1922), the
Hawaiian Brown-Banded Butterflyfish. A bit too deep for pet-fish
collection (usually more than 200 m), occasionally seen in
diver-friendly depths. Hawaii and Guam in distribution. |
No pic yet
Chaetodon gardineri Norman 1939,
Gardiner's Butterflyfish. Found around India to Oman. To about
six inches length. Almost unknown in the trade, but stomach
contents analyses show it to be a wide feeder on algae and benthic
Photo courtesy of Peter Martis |

Chaetodon jayakari Norman 1939,
Jayakar's Butterflyfish. Similar to Hawaii's C.
excelsa; also deepwater and exceedingly rare in the trade.
Known from all the waters surrounding the Middle East over to
India. |
Fuji, I'm looking for a travel sponsor
Chaetodon leucopleura Playfair 1866, Somali
Butterflyfish. From lower half of Red Sea, along Yemen and Oman,
around Horn of Africa. Uncommon in the wild and trade. |
Hope Di can handle the long range live aboard
Chaetodon litus Randall & Caldwell 1973.
Easter Island Butterflyfish. Known only from that part of the
southeastern Pacific Ocean. To six inches in length. |
"Mr. Christian, I'm coming after
Chaetodon modestus Temminck & Schegel
1842, the Brown-Banded Butterflyfish. Very like the species, C.
excelsa of Hawaii, and C. jayakari of the Middle East
regions, this deepwater B/F is recorded from parts of the far west
Pacific. |
I need to get out more often.
Chaetodon nigropunctatus Sauvage 1880, the
Black-Spotted Butterflyfish. Mainly a coral eater according to
Allen (1999). Range restricted to Persian Gulf out to the Arabian
Sea. |
See comment for C. dialeucos image
Chaetodon robustus Gunther 1860, Robust of
Ghana Butterflyfish. Found along Africa's tropical west coast.
To seven inches.
Photo courtesy of Peter Martis |

Chaetodon sanctahelenae Gunther 1868, St.
Helena Butterflyfish. Known from two island groups off of
Africa's west coast, way off. The Canarys, St. Helena and
Ascension. To six inches. |
Let's go
Chaetodon selene Bleeker 1853, the
Yellow-Dotted Butterflyfish. Known from the western Pacific around
Indonesia up to Japan, over to PNG. Not common or used in the
trade. |
See below
Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are
linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on
"framed" images to go to the larger size. |
Chaetodon smithi Randall 1975, Smith's
Butterflyfish. Only recorded from some of the southernmost island
groups of French Polynesia. To seven inches long. Aquarium photo of
a 9 cm. specimen by Hiroyuki Tanaka. |
Lost pic
Chaetodon trichrous Gunther 1874, the Tahiti
Butterflyfish. Very similar to Klein's B/F, C. kleinii,
but confined to parts of French Polynesia in the lower central
Pacific Ocean. To five inches in length. Nuka Hiva, Marquesas,
Polynesia pic, the most common Butterflyfish here by
far. |
Lost pic
Chaetodon tricinctus Waite 1901, the
Three-Stripe Butterflyfish. Only found in Australia on the east
coast from Lowe Howe and Norfolk Islands. To six inches in length.
A very nice pic by Ryan Dwyer of his specimen. |

Tricinctus Butterfly
Hey Bob,
Greetings from rainy Shanghai. Question: have you run into /
heard of anyone that has had success with Chaetodon
<Rarely, but yes>
I note an individual named Ryan posted on WWM quite some time
back that he was successfully raising one, but I've been
unsuccessful in locating others. I have an opportunity to take a
pair in the fall, but would like to squeeze as much husbandry
info as I can out of what appears to be a very small rock of
experience with this species.
Many thanks,
<Mmm, well... you know this is a cooler water species... needs
a good deal of room (hundreds of gallons), uncrowded/no
aggressive tankmates... well-established system w/ a good deal of
live rock... Bob Fenner>
Re: Tricinctus Butterfly 6/20/11
Thanks Bob!
<Welcome Chris!>
To: Good, Medium, Poor
Butterflyfishes for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |