FAQs on Aquatic Viral
Diseases: Non-Lymphocystis Case
Related Articles: Lymphocystis, Environmental Disease,
Related FAQs: Viral Diseases 1, Viral Diseases 2, Aquatic Virology,
& FAQs on Aquatic Virus Disease: Identification, Causes/Etiology, Cures/Medications, Case Histories: Lymphocystis,

Eel cauliflower on nostrils -- 06/29/09
I saw a question about this type of problem on your site. The
response was ok
I guess if that is how these growths occur. My eel is 36"
plus in length and his color is great and his eyes are sharp.
These growths started on one nostril and then appeared on the
other. The water quality is as close to perfect as you can
<That's good.>
The eel is the only inhabitant in the tank. He is not eating as
well as he did before these growths appeared. I don't know if
fish feel pain like humans but if I had these things on my nose
eating would not be easy for me either.
<I agree. Especially bad for an animal that uses its smell as
a most important sense.>
Anyway it does not seem possible that this is simply from banging
around. Please see what you can find out. Thanks Vini D.
<Likely the same as the post you found: EV2 (Eel virus 2),
which is a Orthomyoxovirus. Keep oxygen as high as possible by
skimming and intense surface current. Also, as long as it still
feeds soak the hopefully varied diet in vitamins for fish. If
this does not stop or reverse the growth, you should consider a
treatment with inorganic di-phosphates. In this case you probably
need the assistance of a veterinarian to properly fight this
virus. Don't exchange equipment with other tanks! Good luck.
Queensland "Super" Grouper 8/25/06 First
Fish To Undergo Chemo Dies At Shedd Bubba the Queensland
"Super" Grouper Passed Away Tuesday (CBS) CHICAGO Bubba the
Queensland Grouper was born a female but became a male. More
remarkably, this Shedd Aquarium resident was the first fish to
successfully undergo chemotherapy. Now, staff members at the Shedd
Aquarium are mourning the death of a most 'super grouper.'
Bubba died suddenly on Tuesday. Teams were mobilized to provide
emergency medical care to Bubba, but efforts to save the fish were not
successful. 'The past twenty-four hours have been extremely
difficult for our staff as Bubba was truly a member of the Shedd
family,' said George Parsons, director of the Fishes department, in
a news release. 'Bubba overcame some incredible odds over the
years, and that's what made him so special to us. His story of
survival inspired so many of our guests and the public that followed
him.' An initial autopsy revealed Bubba had health issues related
to old age and a number of abnormal growths. A more extensive report
will come back in a few weeks. Bubba was born a female, but later
became a he because groupers can actually change gender as they mature
because of social and other factors. Bubba was left as an abandoned pet
at the Shedd in 1987. Bubba was diagnosed with a type of cancer and
successfully treated in 2003, earning him the nickname 'super
grouper' by the media who followed his story. He became an
inspiration to cancer patients and even has a tile in his honor at the
Hope Children's Hospital oncology division in Oak Lawn, Ill.
Picture to ID spot/growth 2/5/08 Would you agree with this
estimation? Subject: Picture to ID spot/growth To:
nationalfishpharm@yahoo.com Hi Dr. Aukes, Here are two images of
the Emperor I was asking you about. What does it look like to
you. I am not sure if you can see in the image that the spot is
protruding and it is slightly red in the center. It was first
visible less than two weeks ago as a small whit dot and has grown
from then to the size it is now. It is a mature male from Tonga.
I have had it in my tank for 6 or 7 weeks and I don't see him
eat very often but his stomach does get slightly pinched and then
it seems full then it gets pinched a few days later so assume he
is eating something. Please let me know you were able to download
the files as they are quite large. His reply: Hi Mike, Looks like
lymphocystis virus to me. Whatever you do... do not cut on it,
swab it with anything or treat the tank with any medications to
try and eliminate it. Just keep your eye on it. It might grow a
little, or even disappear altogether. Cannot tell you the outcome
at this stage. Best Regards, Dr. Brian G. Aukes; PhD c/o national
fish pharmaceuticals www.nationalfishpharm.com Mike PS I sent the
previous e-mail from my office re: the resellers for your
products. <Is very likely viral in nature... for which the
term Lymphocystis is often applied as a large catch-all... I have
had success with excising such "papillomaviruses" and
daubing them with mercuricals... w/ and w/o anesthetics...
Waiting, perhaps utilizing a purposeful cleaner organism may
resolve this growth as well... Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Picture to ID spot/growth, virology f'
2-05-08 Thanks Bob. Is there any risk to other fish in the
community or is he OK to stay put? <Not much risk... akin to
whether you'll "get" a planter's wart from
shaking hands> I was one of the lucky ones to get a Clarion
and do not want to put it at risk for obvious reasons. Secondly
do have any specific suggestions that qualify as a purposeful
cleaner organism. Mike <... posted...:
http://wetwebmedia.com/clnrfaqs.htm B>
Re: Picture to ID spot/growth 2-05-08 Ok
thanks for the help. You guys are great. I do have the Cleaner
shrimp and a wrasse in the tank. So should be good. Sounds like
it is better to leave the Cleaner wrasses in the ocean to do
their work there. Regards
<Is. B>

What Are These Bumps on My Navarchus?
>Hi, >>Greetings, Marina here. >I bought a 3"
Navarchus Angel from TMC around 6 months ago. Around a month ago, I
noticed a small white bump under his mouth. At first, I thought it
was an infection from him possibly getting an abrasion from darting
in/out of the rockwork. He was still eating fine and otherwise
behaving normally, so I thought that by keeping the tank conditions
optimal the injury would heal itself. >>I would do the same.
>Well, it's been over a month later and now the original
white "bump" is bigger and now there are even two more
"bumps"! Now I'm worrying that it may be some kind of
disease that may require more hands-on treatment. I've attached
two photos of the fish for you to look at. >>Excellent that
you've presented the pics. If I am not way off base here,
I'd wager that it might be Lymphocystis, though I'd like to
get another opinion on that. >I really struggled with the
decision to put the fish in the main tank early, but because he was
not eating in the quarantine tank, and on the recommendation of
TMC, and since he was the only fish in the tank, I moved him to the
main tank after only one week of qt. >>For the LIFE of me I
cannot fathom why anyone would recommend shortening/eliminating
quarantine. Well, it is what it is at this point. Unfortunately,
I've discovered that Bob's "article" on
Lymphocystis is non-existent, so I'm linking you to the
Lympho-faq page. Should it be Lymphocystis, I can tell you it is a
viral infection that, in my own experience, has never been fatal. I
liken it to warts, it's ugly, we don't want it, but it
won't kill us. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lymphfaqs.htm
This is the link to the FAQ, and try a Google on the subject for
more information. Typical presentation is on the fins, though the
body is not unheard of by any means. To the best of my knowledge
this is not something that readily spreads or is highly infectious,
and because there is no treatment we find that it, just as
mysteriously as it began, corrects itself with time. >The only
fish in the tank are the angel and a Royal Gramma. The tank is
mostly LPS and a few mushrooms. It's a 90 gal tank, with 30 gal
sump, Aqua-C EV120 skimmer, 3" sand bed, ~125lbs live rock.
Water parameters are within the normal accepted ranges. Any advice
will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. >>I've attached
your pics so the powers that be may have a look as well, but it
really looks to be Lympho to me. I do hope this helps in that
it's something, but not a terribly bad something, which is a
good thing since it's something you really can't do
something about. Best of luck! (And don't skip q/t anymore! 30
days, mate.) Marina |
