FAQs on Aquatic Viral
Diseases: Case Histories:
Related Articles: Lymphocystis, Environmental Disease,
Related FAQs: Viral Diseases 1, Viral Diseases 2, Aquatic Virology,
& FAQs on Aquatic Virus Disease: Identification, Causes/Etiology, Cures/Medications, Case Histories: Non-Lymphocystis, Lymphocystis,

Lymph on Coral Beauty angelfish? 12/27/17
Crew! This fellow came in with a few other fish and he had some cotton on a
dorsal ray and some minor damage on a pectoral fin. I did a FW/MB dip on
everyone and put them all in QT. The other fish didn't develop any issues
and I moved everyone else to a holding tank. He's been eating and behaving just
fine. The cotton went away after the dip and he's been healing. Now, 2 weeks
later, the dorsal ray and pectoral fin look fine but this granule on
his caudal fin showed up. I'm thinking this is Lymphocystis and I'm wondering if
there's any benefit to keeping him in QT after the 1 month mark (I have a
Butterflyfish in my DT with Lymph). Also, do you recommend any immunosupportive
treatments while in QT? Thank you!
<I do concur w/ your observation. To me, this looks almost certainly to be
Lymphocystis. T'were it me/mine, I'd pinch off (with your finger and thumb, this
bit, while enroute moving this fish to the main-display. And do what
you can to optimize nutrition and environment to help the fish fight off viral
return. Bob Fenner>
Lymphocystis in Silver Scat... rdg.
I have a 5" Silver Scat with Lymphocystis (my best guess). It is a
small fleshy, white/pink , wart-like growth in between nostril and
mouth. At first i did not know what it was. I
treated with Pimafix and Melafix with no luck.
<... they're worse than worthless. If you were sick, would you drink
leaf extracts?>
Next I tried Paraguard (aldehyde based) in quarantine tank and after a
couple of days it seemed to dissolve away. He was in there for
about 6 days and I returned him back to the 55g with tanks mates (a
green scat, freshwater moray and 3 Mono argenteus). After a few
days I could see it returning.
<Of no use here either>
Should I retreat it again but for longer time with ParaGuard in
quarantine tank?
If it cannot be cured will my other fish be at risk of getting infected
Should the fish be removed/euthanized if it cannot be cured?
If he will just have an ugly growth and live a healthy life I can live
with that and leave him be.
<Good conditions and nutrition... perhaps a bit more. READ:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Disease Diagnosis 5/9/11
I have a Regal Angel (from Divers Den) in my 40g
QT that I received on 4/28 (Thur)...looked fine, and eating live
Tubifex worms.
The tank also housed a Powder Blue Tang with
<Mmm, I would not quarantine Pygoplites, and definitely not
quarantine anything w/ Acanthurus leucosternon>
About 4 days later, I noticed on the left rear dorsal fin what
looks like fungus or bacteria. I treated with Maracyn-2 but not
much change.
Now it is more fluffy but not spreading, and I tried a couple of
days of Furan-2...no apparent change.
<Why would, did you do this?>
I am also now noticing what appears to be the start of a few
spots similar to Lymphocystis on the caudal fin.
So, I am beginning to think what looks like bacteria (also
treated with Quinine Sulfate for three days), is actually
Have you seen anything that looks like this?
<Like what? The pix? Yes... Lymphocystis>
<I would summarily dip/bath the Angel, place it elsewhere; if
you have nowhere else in the main display. Bob Fenner>

Question regarding Lymphocystis --
Dear Crew,
Your site has been immensely helpful to me as I get underway in
I've been in the hobby for 8 months and am having my first
brush with disease. A week ago I had three female lyretail
Anthias delivered to me.
One of them came with some white "stuff" on the edge of
her tail that I didn't notice until she was already in the
tank. I was hopeful that it would clear up on its own being in
the clean water, but the white "stuff" has grown even
<I see this>
At first I thought it was fungus, but then I read online that
fungus in saltwater fish is extremely rare. After doing some
internet research, I came across Lymphocystis. I think that's
what it may be.
<I do too>
It looks like cottage cheese on her tail. She is very active and
eating well. I read that Lymphocystis is not extremely
contagious; but whatever this is, is definitely spreading quickly
in my tank. My female flame wrasse, as well as pygmy angel, have
some white spots on their side fins,
<Mmm, these spots on the other fishes could be something else
in addition>
and my male clownfish has some cream/pink-ish lumps on his side.
It has spread this much in a week's timeframe. Do you think
it could be Lymphocystis, or does it sound like fungus?
<The material on the Anthiine pictured is likely Lymph, the
others... not. Judging by your descriptions and the rapidity of
I've enclosed a photo of the Anthias. It is not the best, but
it's very hard to get a clear picture of an active fish!
Again, the white on her tail looks like cottage cheese, and the
round parts keep growing larger.
Any help and advice you could give is greatly appreciated! Thank
you for taking the time to read this.
<Mmm... where to begin? Likely at the beginning... of
ID, prevention and treatment: http://wetwebmedia.com/mardisindex.htm
Peruse at your leisure... Do send along your further
observations, keep good notes of your actions. Bob Fenner>
Re: Question regarding Lymphocystis
<Big K>
Thank you so much for your quick response! I will read up on that
link you sent me and will let you know how my Anthias and other
fish are doing.
Thank you!
Katherine (Kacy)
<Welcome! BobF>
White spot on Anthias (not Ick), Lymphocystis
I cannot seem to determine what is on my female Lyretail Anthias.
I have three small females in a qt tank for 6 days now. It
appeared on day 2 and seems to be increasing a little? They are
all super active and I feed them vitamin soaked Mysis three times
a day. It appears to be a little white bulge, maybe similar to a
little piece of cauliflower? I have furan two by aquarium Pharm,
would this be helpful to dose? I included a picture, not super
good but after 40 pics it's the best I got :)
<Looks like Lymphocystis to me, a viral infection that the
furan will not be effective against. While there is no real
treatment for this disease it does not usually cause problems
unless it grows over the mouth or gills which is not the case
here, and most likely will eventually fade as the fish's
immune system catches up to the infection.>
Re: White spot on Anthias (not Ick),
Lymphocystis 3/4/10
Thank you very much for the reply.
From a little research it seems my best course of action would be
to leave all three females in qt until there are no more signs of
the virus so this does not spread to my main tank?
<Lymphocystis is not terribly contagious, so there is not too
much risk there. If they are otherwise healthy at the end of the
QT period I would add them to the main tank.>
16/02/10 Naso Tang disease
Hey guys
<Hello Antonis>
just found this Naso tang in one crappy LFS and I felt so sorry
about him when I realised that the LFS didn't know what was
wrong with it or how to treat it.
<Have you left this fish in the shop or taken it home? Never
take sympathy on a fish, it just encourages shops to peddle bad
He told me I could have him for 15eur if I knew how to treat this
poor fella and I so much want to rescue him if I can with your
help of course! I don't know the guys parameters
<it would be very useful to find out>
but I know that the Tang has been this way for almost 2 weeks and
these reddish/whitish ''wound'' marks have gotten
bigger since he got him although he fed him at the time I was
there and the Tang was eating like a pig. I hope you can help my
when you look at the pics champs.
<Are these wounds or lumps? This looks like Lymphocystis to
me, not particularly concerning. Read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lymphfaqs.htm. Nothing you can do if
it is, the fish should recover on it's own without medication
if good care is taken of it>
Thank you very much,
<No problem>
I hope for your prompt reply, if you need anything else please
just ask,
<Do let us know the water test results, with the fruits of
your research into this>
<Cheers, Simon>
Re: 16/02/10 Naso Tang disease
Thank you very much Simon for your prompt reply :o)
<No problem Antonis>
No of course I haven't taken it home with me it's still
at the LFS. I just thought to take some action in order for this
fella to recover because the man at the LFS is over 60 years old
and I don't think he can use the internet.
<Heee! Like my mother in law!>
And yes these were lumps not wounds. The spots were growing on
top of the surface of it's tail and the colour was mainly
white with a bit pink/red in the middle as you can see from the
pics and the white stuff's appearance was like fungus I
<Yes, this does sound like Lympho to me. Search re. and see if
the images coming back match! Simon>
Re: 16/02/10 Naso Tang disease
<Hello Antonis>
I think so.
<Yes, me too>
Although most pics I can find the lumps are mostly white and not
reddish like the Naso I showed you.
<They do go this pinkish colour sometimes>
Why is it getting bigger though? Poor water conditions?
<I do think it is related to poor water quality, as many
things are. Improved conditions should see a halting and reversal
of this. Simon>
Re: 16/02/10 Naso Tang disease
It can clear entirely Simon?
<Yes it can Antonis. Good luck>
Disease Question'¦How Long To Hold In
Quarantine 'After' Lymphocystis? -- 03/19/08 Hey guys and
gals- <<Hey, Jay'¦Eric here this AM>> I hope all
is well with the crew. <<Haven't heard otherwise, so will
assume so'¦thanks>> I just have a quick question about
cauliflower, (Lymphocystis). I adopted a Sailfin tang with cauliflower
about 45 days ago from a pet store. <<I see>> She went
straight into a Bio Cube aquarium for quarantine and has, (thanks to
aggressive water changes and proper nutrition), made a complete
recovery, (no more 'polyps'). <<Very good'¦and
often all that is needed>> I have treated many fish before (Ich
and what-not), but this is my first cauliflower case. <<You seem
to have done well with it>> Everything that I have read says that
treatment is quarantine, time and good water quality (that I knew
already), but I can't find any info on how long she needs to be in
a QT. <<Hmm'¦>> How long should she stay in
quarantine -after the spots are gone- before I can put her into my main
tank? <<A good question'¦ Considering this malady is
thought to be only very slightly (if at all) infectious; and the root
cause is environmental (poor water quality/diet), this fish could be
removed from quarantine and added/returned to a healthy and properly
fed display tank within a few days of 'clearing
up''¦though you might want to consider giving it a week to
'just be sure' the fish's immune system has indeed
recovered>> She has been clear for about 10 days now.
<<Should be plenty of time, in my opinion>> Thanks! -Jay
<<Happy to share. EricR>>
Lympho on Copperband butterfly 12/2/07
Hello, Thanks for all of the help in the past and the great site.
I will try and keep this short. I have read through the Lympho
FAQ's and couldn't find what I need. I received a
copperband from LiveAquaria.com about 2 weeks ago, I put him in
my 20 long quarantine and after a couple of days I noticed the
white clumps developing on his fins. They have spread to his tail
and even some on his body. He eats extremely well, only mysis
though (I have noticed in the past that I only have luck getting
Copperbands to eat "white" food, anything to this?)
<Don't know... but interesting speculation> which I
soak in Selcon. I have read that there is no direct cure for this
and that good water quality and food are the best medicine, there
is also a cleaner goby with him but I don't see him clean him
though. My question is, would you keep him in quarantine until it
goes away or would you put him in the display? <I would do the
latter... This viral complaint is "not that infectious"
and yet, won't begin to self-cure unless the Chelmon is
"in a better place"> The only fish in the display
are a tomato clown, lawnmower blenny, and very expensive juvenile
chevron tang. <Oh! Just wrote a piece for this Ctenochaetus
sp.... one of a few while am out in HI... "in spare
time"...> Thanks for all of the help. Merry Christmas,
Jeremy <I do hope the frenatus clown doesn't go after your
Butterfly. Only experience will tell... do remove/float the clown
in a plastic colander for a few days if apparently so. Cheers,
Re: Lympho on Copperband butterfly 12/18/07
Just wanted to let you know that the Copperband is looking great
now. He is still eating and seems to be happy. I removed the
tomato clown just in case, as I had seen it chasing the chevron
and noticed the fins on the chevron looked "nipped". He
is still eating great so I assume they will grow back. Any reason
to think it was caused by anything else? <Mmm...> Only a
few small crabs, lawnmower blenny, and butterfly with him in the
tank. Looking forward to reading your article on the Chevy tang
on the website. Have a great Christmas. Jeremy <Will download
after it runs in print... have attached here for your perusal.
Cheers, BobF>
Queen angel w/ lymph Dear Bob, I have recently gotten a
queen angel, Its been about 2 weeks and he has developed a
cottony like substance on his lower left fin at first and then as
time went on he has developed flaky stuff on his left main fin
and 2 white heads on his tail fin and along the top side of his
blue line looks rough from his head to tail. His mannerisms are
fine though, he is eating and is very receptive so I do not
believe this is ick related. From reading your articles it seem
to be Lymphocystis. <Agreed> I am pondering using copper
but I'll wait to see what you say first. I am going to send
you a pictures but I do not think it is very clear, although it
looks as if he is developing a white head on his face also as you
can see in picture 3. Thank you for your help. Rene Brunetti
<I would not use copper here... maybe a cleaner organism (like
a Lysmata sp. shrimp) would help... improved nutrition (soaking
foods in a HUFA, vitamin mix before offering)... improved water
quality... Otherwise, time going by... if the growths/clumps get
large enough (over months time) they may be "picked
off" with your fingers... perhaps awakening the fish's
immune system to the eradication of the virus. Bob Fenner>
Mystery Bump... Dear Mr. Fenner, <Scott F. here for
Bob today!> Thank you so much for the quick response and for
your help, just like you said my Queen Angelfish had
Lymphocystis, and has since then recovered fully and looks
awesome. <Good to hear! That Fenner guy knows a few things
about fish, huh?> Unfortunately, I have a new problem in my
125 gallon tank. I have a 5 or 6 inch clown trigger, he has been
without any problems for the longest time. I have just thrown in
2 new fish in with him, 1 being an Emperor angel, the other an
harlequin tusk. <A tricky mix...especially in a 125. This is
the same tank with the Queen, right? That's a lot of
potentially large and messy fishes in there...May be time to go
tank shopping in the near future...> The first night all he
would do is chase around the Tusk and try to attack it. He
generally would leave the Emperor alone, probably because the
Emperor wasn't scared of him. <They are surprisingly tough
fishes...> Well I went ahead and put the tusk in quarantine to
make sure he doesn't have an ich breakout, because I'm
going to go ahead and move him to another tank. <Not a bad
long-term plan> And, since I moved the tusk, he has not been
terrorizing anything including the Emperor Angel, but he has
developed a fleshy colored pebble looking object right on the
area where his left side fin begins, its about 3/16 ths of an
inch long he has had it for about a couple of days now, I have
never seen anything like it and was hoping that you might know
what this could be. <Could be anything from a fish louse or
other external parasite, or even a tumor. A picture would make it
more helpful.> I cant take a picture at this moment but if a
picture is needed just let me know, Thanks for everything. Rene
Brunetti <Well, Rene- I'd start by trying to get a
positive ID on the bump. Many times, these types of symptoms
clear up spontaneously, much like Lympho, with good environmental
conditions and consistent maintenance practices. However, there
is, of course, the very real possibility that it could be
something more serious, so careful assessment and observation is
critical. If you can get us a pic, we might be able to get a good
ID for you...Hang in there! Regards, Scott F.
