FAQs about Marine Worms, Vermiform Animals
Identification 7
Related FAQs: Worm
IDs 1, Worm IDs 2, Worm IDs 3, Worm
IDs 4, Worm IDs 5, Worm IDs 6, Worm
IDs 8, Worm IDs 9, Worm IDs 10, Worm
ID 11, Worm ID 12, Worm ID 13, Worm ID
14, Worm ID 15, Worm ID 16, Worm ID
17, Worm ID 18, See
Also: Flatworm ID 1 +,
Nemertean, Proboscis, Ribbon Worm ID
1, Nematode, Roundworm ID
1, Nematomorpha, Horsehair Worm ID
1, Acanthocephalans, Thorny-headed Worm ID
1, Tubeworm/Featherduster ID
1 +, Bristle Worm ID 1 +,
Hirudineans, Leech ID 1, Sipunculids, Peanut Worm ID 1, Echiuran Worm ID 1, & FAQs on:
Worm Behavior, Worm Compatibility, Worm Selection, Worm
Systems, Worm Feeding, Worm Disease, Worm
Reproduction, & Invertebrate
Identification, Worms 1, Worms 2, Worms
3, Flatworms/Planaria,
Related Articles: Worms,
Featherduster Worms,

SW worm ID? 4/18/06 I found this worm in my
tank. Can you let me know if it's harmful or not?
I have a great video of it moving about but it was far
too large to send. Thanks for all your help! Lisa
<Please peruse here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/wormidfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner> |

Worm ID - 04/16/06 Hi, I found what i think is
some kind of worm in my kitchen sink on a scrub brush.
<I know your sink is technically a "wet" area, but...sink
bugs aren't really our thing. We deal with
aquarium-related queries, mostly.> It was about 1 inch and was
moving all throughout the bristles. It seemed to have 3
prongs on one end and on the other end it appeared to be producing some
kind of, thread-kind of like a spider. It was very think and
black, and had no other noticeable characteristics.
legs? Segmented? Shiny/matte? Everything
has characteristics.> I looked extensively over the internet trying
to identify it, and where it might have come from, but couldn't.
Please please please let me know if you guys know what this thing
was. Also when i killed it was green on the inside. <Good
to know. Did you not think to place it outside?> Thanks.
-Joy <Follow this link: http://www.insectnet.com/cgi/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=list&forum=DCForumID2&conf=DCConfID1 They
specialize in things like this. Jodie>
Worm ID Help - 4/11/2006 Thanks for the
quick response. It's amazing how fast you guys
are. I apologize for the mix up with the
links. Here they are again.
Thanks a million, again. Angel Hello. I
can't thank the crew enough for this very thorough and
informative website. I don't know where I'd be without the
wealth of information at my fingertips. Now to my question,
I've had this interesting worm in my tank that I noticed a
couple of weeks ago. By the way, my tank is about 10 months old and
thriving. I've seen it hovering around a xenia stalk that I
have and before that it was on a colt coral. It has an almost
fluorescent hue to it with many hairs. It's approximately 5
inches long. It's possible that it's eating my xenia but I
cannot tell for sure because I added a coral beauty about the same
time I noticed this worm on my xenia and the coral beauty reeked
havoc on some of my Zoas and Favia and I think this xenia. Anyway,
here's the link to the pics. Thanks a million. Concerned
aquarist, Angel <Is a polychaete of some sort/species... I might
use a small diameter flexible piece of tubing to siphon it out...
if you think it may be chewing on your cnidarians. Bob
Fenner> |
Worried About A Worm... - 03/29/2006 I have a worm in
my tank 72 gallon bow front, in my live rock I have this black worm
blue stripes, no tentacles it looks like an earthworm. It stays in
it's hole most the time, stretches across the rock occasionally to
eat. It's thin about as big around as a
paperclip. It's about 1 1/2 inches long the part you can
see it doesn't come completely out of the hole. I would take a
picture, however it's back in some rocks and would be hard to get a
picture. I would like to know if it's harmful to my fish or reef. I
appreciate any help you can give me. I have looked
everywhere to no avail on the type of worm this is. Thank you Amber
Adams <Hi Amber. It's really hard to say, actually. Most of the
worms that we find in our systems are essentially harmless, and perform
a function analogous to terrestrial earthworms, helping to keep the
sandbed clean and consuming detritus and uneaten food. Sure, there are
"Bristleworms", which do have some nasty little bristles that
can "zap" you if you touch them, and may or may not be
problematic in terms of damaging corals. However, the majority of these
worms are nothing to worry about. If you can get a pic we can make a
more accurate call. Good luck! Regards, Scott F.>
identification ... Bob's go - 03/29/2006 I have a worm in my
tank 72 gallon bow front, in my live rock I have this black worm blue
stripes, no tentacles it looks like an earthworm. It stays
in it's hole most the time, stretches across the rock occasionally
to eat. It's thin about as big around as a
paperclip. It's about 1 1/2 inches long the part you can
see it doesn't come completely out of the hole. I would
take a picture, however it's back in some rocks and would be hard
to get a picture. I would like to know if it's harmful
to my fish or reef. <Not likely> I appreciate any help you can
give me. I have looked everywhere to no avail on the type of
worm this is. Thank you Amber Adams <I would leave as is. Please
read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/polychaecompfaqs.htm
Bob Fenner>
Odd Gramma Beh.? and questionable worms
3/30/06 Per your instructions, below please find my original email
corrected for proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. Many
thanks. ------------- <Welcome> Dear WWM crew: I have a 37 gallon
reef tank that is not doing very well and I could use your help. I have
only one fish, a Royal Gramma. When it comes out to swim it
struggles but seems to maintain, and when it rests it does so on the
live sand up against the glass. This fish was fine for the
first month in my tank, but it has been this way for the last two
months, The breathing appears normal, however I cannot be sure, and it
maintains a voracious appetite. It seems alert and
responsive when I am near the glass. Other than the swimming
problem and resting on the sand, it seems fine. Could this
be a swim bladder problem? <Possibly... but what you describe is not
totally unnatural behavior for Grammatids> If so, what are my
options? <Mmm, well... there are some chemical
treatments that could be tried... best applied, snuck in the foods this
animal is taking... But if it were me/mine, I'd go for improving
the nutrition of this fish and leave it at that... by supplementing
such foods in Selcon or eq.> I'm afraid to add other fish to the
tank until I am able to figure out what to do. <You are wise
here> Secondly, there is some kind of parasite in the tank that
I'm having trouble identifying. I think it's some
kind of worm. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera that
is sharp enough to capture it so I will do my best in describing it to
you. Each one is no larger than a human hair and is tan in
color. They are congregated in small bunches, and many of
them attached on one end to my feather duster and the other end to the
live rock. They seem to be alive, and their movements strike
me as some kind of worm, not simply a hair algae. <Mmm, does sound
like some sort of worm, but I assure you, it is highly unlikely that
this is parasitic> I'm frustrated to all end with these things,
and I'm a little too embarrassed to bring this up at my local
aquarium store. <Please... don't be...> Any advice,
assistance, or otherwise would be greatly appreciated! Many
thanks, and please let me know if you have any further
questions. I love this hobby but I'm getting so
frustrated!! Best regards, Chris <Chris, consider availing yourself
of a cleaner organism... my choice would be a shrimp of the genus
Lysmata... will likely eat these querulous worms, and help cure/improve
your Gramma's behavior. Bob Fenner>
Worm me or my reef club can identify ...?
3/25/06 Here is a pic of the worm. Is it bad/good or just a
plus. thanks for everything. <... can only tell it's broken,
segmented... likely a polychaete of some sort... there are tens of
thousands of species. Bob Fenner> |

Spiny white worms... - 03/22/06 Hey Bob, I
have been doing some research on the wetwebmedia.com site looking for
an answer to my new found problem. I started to dabble in the salt
water hobby after being a fresh water enthusiast for a couple of years.
About 8 months ago I got started on a 10 gallon just to see how it
would turn out. It began a little shaky but after getting all kinds of
different info from the 3 or 4 sources that I have access to here. It
seems that no one has any definitive answers. So I have come to the
internet to try to gain some wisdom on the matter. Anyway the 10 gallon
is doing so well that I have recently set up a 27 gallon. Hopefully
once it is all settled and cycled I can start to transfer some
livestock from the 10 to the larger tank. So I have about 30 pounds of
aragonite and about 15 pounds of live rock. I recently purchased 8
pounds of the live rock and donated the rest from the 10 gallon. The
rock that I just bought came with it's own creatures, just as to be
expected, but one in particular bothers me. I have heard and seen
Bristleworms and I believe those ones aren't detrimentally
dangerous to your tank, but that's not what this is. Another source
tried to tell me I have a Peanut worm, which apparently isn't
harmful either. <Correct> But this is no Peanut worm. I first
noticed shortly after I bought the rock these patches of silky webbing
forming on the rock and the sand. I never noticed any activity in the
tank during daylight hours so this must be happening at night. One
night about 4 days ago I saw this centipede looking, slow moving,
white, spiny, segmented, about the diameter of a pencil, worm thing
intertwined into the new rock I bought. So I asked around to some
friends and aquarium shops and got all different answers to the same
question. Some have told me that this worm is a good detritivore (which
I'm guessing means scavenger), but I've also heard that I am
lucky to have seen it and that I have nothing else in the tank. That
this monster will eat any fish, inverts, or coral that I put in there.
<Not likely all these> I have also heard that these things can
get really long, like up to 4 feet in length and seriously clog up sump
and filter systems. <Some even larger, but not likely> Since I
first seen it I have been trying to locate it in the tank to get rid of
it but it's next to impossible to find. <Can be baited, trapped
out...> I need a straight answer to this one. I can't afford to
stock up the tank with fish and coral thinking this thing is harmless
only to serve up a smorgasbord to it. Even if it is reef safe I still
don't want all that webbing in the tank. Thank you for your time
and I hope we can work this out. Chris <Is likely a polychaete...
Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/polychaecompfaqs.htm
and the linked files above... Bob Fenner>
Unknown Marine Life, Sipunculid? - 03/17/2006 Hi Bob,
<Josh here. Sorry for the delay here.> I am hoping you can
shed some light on the identity of the critter in the attachments.
<I'll try.> I found him accidentally while relocating a
piece of live rock. This rock is home to a toad stool
that our maroon clown decided should live somewhere else! <The
nerve!> I am wondering 2 things, what is this creature and
should he remain a welcome resident in our reef tank? If you happen
to know I would be grateful for your insight. <Well
Dawn, I'm not 100% positive here but noticed that you've
re-sent this yesterday, and are still waiting. I would say this is
a Sipunculid or Peanut worm. Try throwing those terms into a
search.> Thank you so much for all of the knowledge and humor
you have provided since I have discovered the passion of Marine
Aquaria! <Thank you for allowing us to "spout off" to
any who will listen.> God Bless you, Dawn Borgstrom <And you.
- Josh> <<I forgot to add, if this is in fact a Peanut
worm, it's completely harmless and very beneficial. -
Josh>> |

Spiraling worm 3/14/06 Hello, <Hi
there> Thanks for your site, great
info. Need critter ID: Worm type organism,
which harmlessly crawls around during the day eating
detritus. Looks like a white centipede with head that
tapers down to the tail, with hundreds of small legs running down
the length of the worm. <Is an Errantiate polychaete
(bristleworm) thus far...> Also some of them have a black line
down the back some don't. <Might be more than
one species...> At night when the timer shuts the daylights
down, you can observe on occasion a worm spiraling through the tank
fro one side to the next. Figure the worm is just
propelling itself to get from one place to the next, in search of
food. Figure it must be a harmless hitchhiker until one
turned into ten. Please if you could identify these
critters. Mini pictures of the worms attached. Thanks,
Marc <Need closer images, larger, bigger resolution to make out
mouth parts, eye number and arrangement, podia characteristics...
to get to family ID... Bob Fenner> |

Worm ID 03/07/06 I noticed a small dark colored
worm tonight and am wondering if I should worry. I was
looking over my tank with the lights off as all of us do and I noticed
a worm that looked like it was possibly biting the side of a small
snail shell. Right when the light hit him though he began to
roll up and invert himself, retracting back into his
hole. He was kind of a grayish color and his mouth was a
reddish orange color. I have never seen any worms like this
and was wondering if you could tell me what it was. Thanks
so much for all your help. <Do you know what a bristleworm looks
like? Thinking this may be the critter. Photo
would help much. James (Salty Dog)>
Is this harmful to my fish? 2/17/06
Great web site! Many questions Master! <Okay> I have been
reading through the FAQ and thought this maybe
an interesting photo to add? I have found some kind of
worm (leach?) burrowing in my live rock, I understand that there
are many unidentified. So was wondering if they cause damage other
than to the live rock or eventually will become food for
my coral beauty? <Mmm, likely neither... looks like the feeding
end of a Spaghetti Worm... Google on WWM re> I have also white
thorn looking growths appearing out of the live rock,
any identification or advice would be very welcome. <...
not possible with the pic, data provided> I have a 55 gal tank,
50 lb live rock (may need 30 lb more), 25 lb crushed coral
which I am thinking of replacing with fine sand? Emperor 400 filter
(slowly removing filter media).(will replace with power head
for water circulation). AquaC remora Pro with Mag 3. Thick
dry'ish bubbles (love this unit and I make up words too!).
<Useful> Power glow and eclipse natural light tubes. What
tube lights would you choose for this small size tank? <Posted
on WWM> I think I can fit 3 tubes. FasTest shows; Temp 78 of
Gravity 1.023 0 ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate PH 8.2 1 coral beauty.
3 false clowns (one getting bullied by other 2) 3 fire fish 1
cleaner shrimp. 1 rock covered in small tube worms Suggested tank
mates, clean up crew and stocking capacity? <... Posted>
Inverts? Caulerpa for grazers? behaved in captive fish?
Thank you for your time in advanced! Lots to learn.
Paul Atkinson
<Oh yes. Bob Fenner> |
Flatworm id? - 2/15/2006 Bob, I don't know if
this is the right place to ask questions, but we found this critter
swimming very very fast in our tank tonight and netted it to put in
a plastic cup. http://www.cupids-playground.com/reefbug.jpg <Nice
pic> It is about 1/2 inch long, kind of clear, black eyes and
has many legs like a bristle worm or centipede. Is this
a bristle worm? Is it reef safe? It
doesn't look segmented like an isopod, but it's so small, I
can't really tell. Any help would be
appreciated. I can't find anything anywhere that
resembles it. Thanks, Mary O. <Mmm, looks like a flatworm, but
could be a polychaete juvenile... no worries either way. Bob
Fenner> |

Worm id please 2/14/06 Greetings WetWebMedia
crew!. My question is last night i was cleaning my tank " lights
off " when i noticed something that swam by really fast. At first
i thought it was my imagination, but then i saw it again. I was able to
catch it, and it looks like some kind of worm. It is about 1 inch in
length. the color is a light tan. and it has a flat head with a
millipede like body, with thousands of what looks like legs?.
<Yes... podia...> This critter swims REALLY fast but seems like
it is blind. And the body is just a little transparent. I know a pic
would a lot of help, but unfortunately i do not have a digital camera
nor can i afford one =(. I've tried to do research and really cant
find anything that looks like this. Could this be some sort of flat
worm?. Oh and by the way i have a 60 gallon reef tank with about 60 lbs
of Live rock, Half Fiji and half Tonga. THANKS!. Roger. <Many
organisms come out, reproduce, feed in the water column by dark of
night... including thousands of species of polychaete annelids. Put
these words in the Google search tool on WWM... and/or your subject
title... and read. Bob Fenner>
Worm ID (better pic - 2nd request) 02-05-06 Hey
guys, I searched and did find this from your site, but
you were unable to id the little critter. I have
included a picture & description of my own below.
- Worm ID - Hi. Are you guys
able to identify this thing in my tank, which I think is
some kind of worm. <Beyond agreeing with you that it
is some type of worm, the picture is just too blurry to
say much more than that.> It lives in a crack in
a rock and can extend the arm like thing in the photo
about 8 inches and uses it to pick over
rocks. Thanks, Matt <Cheers, J
-- > I knew as soon as I saw
this little guy I have one too. Here's a picture
& my description. OK so I have been using a flash
light lately trying to catch some nocturnal critters in
action. Well I knew there were little bugs, shrimps
& other little buggers around, BUT tonight I
something caught me eye. Strung across one of the top of
a flat rock that is about 12/13in wide was a bright
green worm like thing, it was about the size of a piece
of spaghetti and about as long. The head (I guess) was forked. As I
shined my flash light on it, it sucked it's self
back into a it's hole in the LR (I guess it's home). I
waited about 30 min and went back - instead of turning
on the flash light I took a picture in that direction
with only the flash on. I got a little bit of the
"head". Any idea what it might be???? My
picture also has the forked part out & is separated
about 2 in. while most of it is secure in the hole.
Attached Images <... not able to discern what this is from the
description or pic. Would need a much higher resolution image
and/or microscopic examination... Bob Fenner> Thanks for any
further info!
Cheryl G. |
