Related FAQs: Marine
Crabs 1, Marine
Crabs 2, Marine
Crabs 3, Marine
Crabs 4, By Species/Group: Arrow Crabs, Emerald Green Crabs, Decorator Crabs/Sponge Crabs,
Fiddler Crabs,
Pom Pom Crabs, Sally Lightfoots, &
FAQs on: Marine Crab
Identification, Crab
Identification 1, Crab
Identification 2, Crab
ID 3, SW Crab ID
4, SW Crab ID 5,
SW Crab ID 6, SW Crab ID 7, SW Crab ID 8, SW Crab ID 9, Marine Crab ID 10, Marine Crab ID 11, Marine Crab ID 12, SW Crab ID 13, SW Crab ID 14, SW Crab ID 15,
Crab ID 16, SW Crab ID 17,
SW Crab ID 19,
SW Crab ID 20,
SW Crab ID 21,
SW Crab ID
& Crab Behavior, Marine Crab Selection, Marine Crab Compatibility,
Marine Crab
Compatibility 2, Marine Crab Compatibility 3,
Marine Crab Systems,
Marine Crab Feeding,
Marine Crab
Reproduction, Marine
Crab Disease, Micro-Crustaceans, Amphipods, Copepods, Mysids, Hermit
Crabs, Shrimps,
Shrimps, Banded
Coral Shrimp,
Mantis Shrimp,
Anemone Eating Shrimp, Arrow Crabs, Emerald Green, Mithrax/Mithraculus
Crabs, Crustacean
Identification, Crustacean Selection, Crustacean Behavior, Crustacean Compatibility,
Crustacean Systems,
Crustacean Feeding,
Crustacean Disease,
Articles: Hermit
Crabs, Squat
Lobsters, Crustaceans,
Crabs, Arrow
Crabs, Algae
Control, Nutrient Control and
/A Diversity of Aquatic Life
Crabs For Marine Aquariums?
Part 2
Part 1, Part
Bob Fenner
Boxing... Lybia |
Family Majidae; the Spider or Decorator Crabs
(includes Mithrax Crabs)
Achaeus (Oncinopus?) japonicus Haan 1839, the Orangutan
Crab. Bodies have long processes that the crab attaches algae et
al. for camouflage/protection. Usually found in association with
cnidarians: Plerogyra, Dendronephthya, Parazoanthus... N. Sulawesi
pix on Bubble and Euphyllia Corals. |
Verticals (Full/Cover
Page Sizes Available) |
%20vert.JPG) |
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Composcia retusa. Decorator crab.
Indo-Pacific; Red Sea to Japan. N. Sulawesi (Lembeh Strait) pic. To
4 cm. carapace width. Stick hydroids, sponges, algae on their
shells. |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Unknown Cyclocoeloma sp. On a sea whip in N.
Sulawesi... Bizarre looking. |
Huenia heraldica Haan 1837, the Arrowhead or
Caulerpa Crab. Indo-Central Pacific; South Africa, India,
Australia, Indonesia to Hawai'i. Here carrying a big of algae
in N. Sulawesi. |

Hyastenus bispinosus Buitendijk 1939.
Indonesia and Fiji. Small decorator crab, usually utilizing
hydroids and detritus for camouflage. N. Sulawesi pix. |

Loxorhynchus grandis Stimpson 1857, the
California Sheep Crab. West coast North America. A cool to
coldwater animal. This one at the Birch Aquarium is about a foot
across. |

Genus Mithrax, now Mithraculus:
Banded Clinging Crab, Mithraculus (nee Mithrax) cinctimanus in
residence in a Condylactis gigantea that
its commensal with. Cozumel pix. |
Mithrax forceps, Red-Ridged Clinging Crab.
Family Majidae. Tropical west Atlantic. 1/2-1". Here clinging
to a piling at night off Bonaire. |

Mithrax (Mithraculus) sculptus, the Green/Emerald Crab.
Tropical West Atlantic. A noted eater of algae (even
Valonia), but can turn into a fish eater... some references
state to 2.5 others to a maximum of four inches carapace width. Now
in its own genus Mithraculus. Family Majidae. |
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Mithrax (now (Maguimithrax) spinosissimus (Lamarck 1818),
Channel Clinging or spiny coral
crab; the largest crab of the Caribbean; to a reported 2 kg., 7" maximum
carapace. Males solely have large claws; body red above, white below. |
%20MD.JPG) |
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linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
%20MD.JPG) |
Schizophrys aspera (H. Milne Edwards 1834).
Prominent spines on carapace and first two segments of chelipeds.
Reddish to brown overall color. To 15 cm. Indo-Mid-Pacific; East
Africa to Hawai'i. N. Sulawesi pix. |

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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Schizophrys dama, Decorator (Sponge) Crabs.
Many other species called, sold by this name. |

Bigger PIX:
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to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |

Xenocarcinus conicus (H. Milne Edwards
1934). Elongated, triangular body. Variable color; silver, red...
Found on hydroids, gorgonians, black corals. Western Pacific;
Australia, New Guinea, Japan. N. Sulawesi pix. |
Xenocarcinus tuberculatus N. Sulawesi
(Lembeh Strait) pix. "Xeno Crab". Indo West Pacific;
South Africa to Japan. Most always found on whip corals. To
1.5 cm. |

To: Part
1, Part
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Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner