Related FAQs: Euphylliids/Caryophylliids, Caryophylliid Corals 2, Caryophyllids 3, Caryophyllids 4, Caryophyllid ID, Caryophyllid Compatibility, Caryophyllid Systems, Caryophyllid Selection, Caryophyllid Behavior, Caryophyllid Feeding, Caryophyllid Disease, Caryophyllid Disease 2, Caryophyllid Disease 3, Caryophyllid Disease 4, Caryophyllid Propagation/Reproduction,
Elegance Coral, Elegance Corals 2, Elegance Coral Identification, Elegance Coral Selection, Elegance Coral Compatibility, Elegance Coral Selection, Elegance Coral Systems, Elegance Coral Feeding, Elegance Coral Disease/Pests, Elegance Coral Reproduction, Stony Coral Behavior,
Related Articles: Dyed Corals, Stony/True Coral, Coral System Set-Up, Coral System Lighting, Stony Coral Identification, Stony Coral Selection, Coral Placement, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Growing Reef Corals,
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
Frogspawn, Grape, Anchor, Bubble... and
Elegance Corals, Family Euphylliidae (formerly of the
Caryophylliidae), Pt. 4
To: Part 1, Part. 2,
Part 3, Part 5,
Part 6
Euphyllia paraancora Veron 1990, Branching
Hammer Coral. Polyps very similar to E. ancora, but arranged
in circular patterns. Aquarium photo. |

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Euphyllia yaeyamaensis Shirai 1977, /Doug Fenner:
these thick, finger-like tentacles with uniform short side branches with
knobs on the ends. E. divisa has thinner tentacles and the side branches are
more irregular in length."
Characters: Colonies
are phaceloid with corallites circular or flabello-meandroid with short
valleys. Valleys are up to 40 millimetres wide. Corallite walls are sharp
edged. Septa are closely compacted. There are no columellae. Tentacles are
short and fleshy and covered with short uniform branchlets, each with a
terminal knob. They are aligned radially to polyp centres and can retract,
but only slowly.
Colour: Usually
a distinctive purple-grey, sometimes greenish-grey, occasionally
translucent. Branchlets sometimes have pale tips.
Similar Species: Euphyllia
divisa, which does not have such fleshy radiating tentacles or
short uniform branchlets."
Wakatobi pix

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Genus Eusmilia: See Family Meandrinidae
(moved by Veron, 2000)
Genus Nemanzophyllia Hodgson & Ross 1981, Fox, Ridge,
Jasmine Coral. One species.
Nemanzophyllia turbida Hodgson & Ross
1981, very thin-walled skeletons of flabello-meandroid construct.
Distinctive lined polyps that are joined and truncated by living
and dead portions of colonies. Best kept in medium current in low
light conditions. A wholesale specimen at right, and two below in
aquariums. A great aquarium species. |

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linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
To: Part 1, Part. 2,
Part 3, Part 5,
Part 6