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Genus Lobophyllia Blainville 1830.
Lobed/Flat Brain Coral. Sometimes massive colonies that tend to be
dome-shaped. Flabello-meandroid or phaceloid. Large corallites with
distinctive knobby, long septal teeth. Valleys (columellae) long
and deep, often of contrasting lighter color. Tentacles typically
light tipped. N. Sulawesi 09. |
Genus Lobophyllia Blainville 1830.
Lobed/Flat Brain Coral. Sometimes massive colonies that tend to be
dome-shaped. Flabello-meandroid or phaceloid. Large corallites with
distinctive knobby, long septal teeth. Valleys (columellae) long
and deep, often of contrasting lighter color. Tentacles typically
light tipped. N. Sulawesi 09. |
.jpg) |
Lybia tesselata (Latrelle
1812), the Pom Pom or Boxer Crab. 1-2 cm. Carries anemones of the
genus Bunodeopsis on its claws. Indo-West Pacific;
Mozambique, Seychelles, Indonesia, PNG, Philippines. Here in N.
Sulawesi. |
Nemanzophyllia turbida Hodgson & Ross
1981, very thin-walled skeletons of flabello-meandroid construct.
Distinctive lined polyps that are joined and truncated by living
and dead portions of colonies. Best kept in medium current in low
light conditions. N. Sulawesi 09. |