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Pic of the Day Link,
Actinodendron sp. N.
Sulawesi. One with a bonus Periclimenes brevicarpalis
shrimp. |

Allogalathea elegans (White 1847). Color
variable with species of commensal crinoid it's found on. Bear
a mid-line "racing stripe" except in cases of all red (on
red featherstars) individuals. Western Pacific; Australia,
Enewetak, Indonesia. To 2 cm. N. Sulawesi pix. |
Amphiprion bicinctus
Ruppell 1828, the Two-Band or Red Sea Anemonefish. Bright orange
and brown bodied, with two vertical body bands, the first expanded
above the head. Yellow tailed. Found in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden
and Chagos Archipelago. To five inches in length. Aquarium
image. |
Antennarius pictus (Shaw & Nodder
1794), the Painted Anglerfish. Indo-Pacific. Principally imported
from Indonesia and the Philippines. To 16 cm. overall length. Comes
in all colors, and mottled, matching with local decor. Typically
found amongst sponges, rock near the bottom or on the mud/muck. N.
Sulawesi image. Distinguished by bony part of "fishing
rod" being about twice the length of second dorsal spine and
"lure" being an elongated and flat tuft. |