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Dendrochirus brachypterus
("Brack-hip-tur-us") (Cuvier 1829), The Shortfin Dwarf or
Fuzzy Lion is a rarer, more heavy bodied dwarf, often showing up
with a good deal of yellow, brown and green mixed with red
markings. Brach dwarfs are aptly named in reference to their very
large pectoral fins with almost no emerging ray tips. This is one
of the most personable marine species, quickly getting to recognize
and respond to it's owners presence. N. Sulawesi
09. |

Genus Turbinaria Oken : Form large colonies
with mainly laminar growth forms, common with several species.
Round corallites which are immersed to tubular in
appearance. A commonly offered and kept aquarium genus, whose
members prove hardy amongst a wide range of conditions. Being
hermatypic and sponsors of symbiotic algae, they do best in medium
to bright (25k-50k lux) light and brisk water movement. The
thinner, more laminar species and individuals (growth dependent on
conditions...) are harder to keep than the more fusiform members of
the genus. KBR 09 |
Diadema antillarum, the Long-Spined Urchin.
Tropical West Atlantic. 4-8 inch diameters with spines. Come out at
night to feed, hide during the day within rock crevices. Younger
ones with white banded spines. What the world needs more of now...
Here at the Denver Aquarium 09. |
Diagramma pictum (Thunberg 1792), the
Painted Sweetlips. Indo-West Pacific; Red Sea, eastern Africa to
Japan and New Caledonia. to about a meter total length. N. Sulawesi
09. |