Related FAQs: Meandrinids, Stony/True Coral, Coral System Set-Up, Coral System Lighting, Stony Coral Identification, Stony Coral Selection, Coral Placement, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Growing Reef Corals, Stony Coral Behavior, SPS Identification, SPS Behavior, SPS
Compatibility, SPS Selection,
SPS Systems, SPS Feeding, SPS
Disease, SPS
Related Articles: Large Polyp Stony
Corals, Stony or True Corals,
Order Scleractinia, Dyed Corals,
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
Maze Corals of the Family

Bob Fenner |
Eusmilia fastigiata, Bahamas
Family Meandrinidae: Easily mistaken for Faviids, the
widely separated species of Meandrinid corals can be discerned by
their solid skeletal structure. With polyps closed their
corallites septa are clearly seen as prominent, exsert (sticking
out), of equal size and spacing.

Three genera (Eusmilia, Gyrosmilia and Montigyra)
were moved by Veron (2000) to here from the Caryophylliidae. Four
genera in the tropical West Atlantic, three in the eastern Indian Ocean
and Red Sea.
Genus Dendrogyra: Veron now places this genus in the Family
Dendrogyra cylindrus, Pillar Coral. Upright,
generally arising from sandy areas. Polyps typically open, feeding during
the day. Cancun, Mexico image. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are
linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |

Genus Dichocoenia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848
Dichocoenia stokesii Mile Edwards &
Haime 1848, Elliptical Star Coral. Flattened plates or
boulder-shaped. elongated corallites spaced evenly. Bahamas photos of a
plate-like colony, close-up of a typical shallow water and deeper,
more-shaded colony. Bahamas pix. |

Genus Eusmilia Milne Edwards & Haime 1848, one
Eusmilia fastigiata (Pallas 1766) . Typically
dome-shaped, phaceloid colonies with well-spaced tubular corallites. Found
sparsely throughout the tropical West Atlantic. Extends tentacles at night. Images
taken in Bahamas of small and large brown colonies at right, and
Tobago and at night, feeding in Bonaire below. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are
linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
Genus Meandrina Lamarck 1801. Veron now places this genus in
the Family Astrocoeniidae.
Meandrina meandrites (Linnaeus 1758), Maze,
Butter Print, Tan Brain Coral. Occurs as flattened and
hemispherical colonies. Thin ridge at top of septa where plates
come together; shallow valleys that bifurcate at their ends. Right, at night in Bonaire. Bahamas photos
below. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are
linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
Bibliography/Further Reading:
Borneman, Eric H. 2001. Aquarium Corals; Selection, Husbandry and
Natural History. Microcosm-TFH NJ, USA. 464 pp.
Fossa, Svein A. & Alf Jacob Nilsen. 1998 (1st ed.). The Modern
Coral Reef Aquarium, v.2 (Cnidarians). Bergit Schmettkamp Verlag,
Borhheim, Germany. 479pp.
Hoover, John. 1998. Hawai'i's Sea Creatures. A Guide to
Hawai'i's Marine Invertebrates. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu HI.
Humann, Paul. 1993. Reef Coral Identification; Florida, Caribbean,
Bahamas. New World Publications, Inc. Jacksonville, FL.
Veron, J.E.N. 1986. Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. U. of
HI press, Honolulu. 644 pp.