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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Pseudodiploria strigosa Symmetrical Brain Coral.
Large boulders and contoured plates, long
convoluted channels,
with curving valleys that get straighter near the edge.
Usually smooth ridge tops (no lines, grooves), or very fine.
Green/brown, yellow-brown to bluish. Bonaire 2019.
Pseudodiploria strigosa Symmetrical Brain Coral.
Large boulders and contoured plates, long
convoluted channels,
with curving valleys that get straighter near the edge.
Usually smooth ridge tops (no lines, grooves), or very fine.
Green/brown, yellow-brown to bluish. Cozumel 2017.
Dichocoenia stokesii Mile Edwards &
Haime 1848, Elliptical Star Coral. Flattened plates or
boulder-shaped. elongated corallites spaced evenly. Bahamas photos of a
plate-like colony, close-up of a typical shallow water and deeper,
more-shaded colony. Bahamas pix. Bonaire at night 2019. |

Eusmilia fastigiata (Pallas 1766) . Typically dome-shaped,
phaceloid colonies with well-spaced tubular corallites. Found sparsely
throughout the tropical West Atlantic. Extends tentacles at night.
Bonaire at night 2019.