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Freshwater Pic
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Agelas citrina, /The Sponge Guide:
Notes: Pinkish,
tan or orange, ear-shaped thick fans; orange when filling crevices. It
may be confused with Agelas clathrodes (Schmidt,
1870), also pictured here, which is harder. A. citrina has
a thick skin, which in some portions forms conules or it is stretched
over depressions. When they co-exist in the same locality, they can be
distinguised by color, being milkier and lighter in A.
citrina. Spicules are acanthostyles.
Author Reference: Gotera
& Alcolado, 1987
Link: World
Porifera Database
2019. |
Anamobaea orstedii, the Split-Crown Feather
Duster, family Sabellidae. Radioles in a radial arrangement,
bilaterally symmetrically marked. Soft tubes generally unexposed.
Found solitary or in small groups. Bonaire 2019. |
Sabellastarte magnifica (Shaw 1800) Double row of
radioles showing a banded pattern; to 3-6 inches in diameter. Roatan 2016. |
Sonderophycus capensis
M.J.Wynne 2011. Sinai, Egypt Red Sea