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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link

Sertularella speciosa, Branching
Hydroid. Branches alternate in single plane per stalk, with white polyps
alternating. Mostly 1", but up to several inches in length in places. Solitary or colonial;
found in caves or attached to underhangs. Worldwide in tropical
seas. Kona, HI 2019. |
Palythoa tuberculosa (Esper 1791),
Zooxanthellate; widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical
Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea. Green, yellow to dark brown and ochre.
A small colony off of Kona, HI 2019. |
Montipora capitata (Dana 1846), Rice Coral.
Encrusting to massive colonies to thin plates in calm water. Dark
to light brown in color. Hawaiian endemic. Structural
elements of polyps appear like grains of rice. Kona, HI 2019.
Pocillopora meandrina Dana 1846. Flat, short, curved branches,
small verrucae. Regular arrangement of branch growth, verrucae
placement. A small colony off southern
Kona, HI 2019.