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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
A species regularly offered is
the Ambon Sharpnose Canthigaster amboinensis (Bleeker
1865). I also like the science of ichthyology's name for this
species, "Spider-Eye Puffer" for obvious reasons.
Tropical eastern Pacific and Indo-Pacific. To six inches long in
the wild. Here's one in
Kona, Hawai'i. 2019. |
Canthigaster jactator (Jenkins 1901), Hawaiian Sharpnose Puffer.
Hawaiian endemic. To three inches in length. A pair here off Kona, HI
Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus Randall, Matsuura & Zama 1978, the
Blue-Line Triggerfish. Indo-west Pacific. To thirteen inches. Kona, HI
Sickle, Lei or my favorite, Boomerang Triggerfish, Sufflamen bursa
(Bloch & Schneider 1801), (mainly out of Hawai'i).
Kona, HI 2019.