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Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus 1758), the Moorish Idol.  Indo-Pacific. Can be kept in captivity, though rarely lives due to trauma in capture, holding, shipping, starvation during this time, damage to their mouths... Omnivores that mainly feed on benthic invertebrates. Principally sponges... and algae. Adults have a prominent spine in front of their eyes that is larger in males. Here is an adult off of Kona, HI 2019.
Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus 1758), the Moorish Idol.  Indo-Pacific. Can be kept in captivity, though rarely lives due to trauma in capture, holding, shipping, starvation during this time, damage to their mouths... Omnivores that mainly feed on benthic invertebrates. Principally sponges... and algae. Adults have a prominent spine in front of their eyes that is larger in males. Here is an adult at night off of Kona, HI 2019.

Zebrasoma flavescens (Bennett 1828), (lau'ipala) the Yellow Sailfin Tang. This is a "standard" in the marine aquarium hobby if there ever was one. Only certain damselfish species grace the tanks of aquarists more than Z. flavescens. To plate size, eight inches, in the wild. A large one off of Kona, HI 2019.  


Ostracion meleagris Shaw 1796, the Blue (male), Black (female) or Whitespotted Boxfish. Vying with the common Cowfish, Lactoria cornuta, for most commonly offered species in the family. Like other (demersal) Boxfish species, this one needs to be well fed... on the tank bottom, not the surface or mid-water. Take care with aggressive feeding tankmates. A juvenile female of about  2.5" off Kona, HI 2019.
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