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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Ctenochaetus strigosus
Bennett 1828, the Yellow-eyed or Kole Tang; since
this and the Chevron Tangs range encompass the principal islands of
Hawaii they are the principal species utilized in the West. The
Kole ("coal-ay") is more shallow water, surface to sixty
feet or so, and the chevron is generally collected in fifty feet
plus. At right: in an aquarium. Below: in Kona and Maui. There
is only one species of Kole... all have a variably yellow circle of
yellow around their eyes. A 2.5" juv. off Kona, HI 2019. |
Ctenochaetus strigosus
Bennett 1828, the Yellow-eyed or Kole Tang; since
this and the Chevron Tangs range encompass the principal islands of
Hawaii they are the principal species utilized in the West. The
Kole ("coal-ay") is more shallow water, surface to sixty
feet or so, and the chevron is generally collected in fifty feet
plus. At right: in an aquarium. Below: in Kona and Maui. There
is only one species of Kole... all have a variably yellow circle of
yellow around their eyes. A six inch adult off Kona, HI 2019. |
Naso lituratus, the Naso Tang to most aquarists; it is also known as
the tricolor or lipstick tang. There are some who claim that
"blonde" and "streamer" versions are
different species; they're all Naso lituratus. To eighteen
inches in the wild. Kona, HI 2019. |
Naso unicornis (Forsskal 1775), the Bluespine, Large or Bignose
Unicornfish, is a deep-bodied species that develops a prominent rostral
horn starting at about five inches length. The body is light olive to
gray with yellowish highlights on the abdomen; to more than two feet.
Adult trying to get some rest during a night dive off Kona, HI 2019.