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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Dascyllus albisella Gill 1862, the Hawaiian
Dascyllus. Central Pacific: Hawaiian and Johnston Islands. To five
inches. A poor shipper, and as nasty a biter as the similar
Three-Spot, Domino, Dascyllus trimaculatus. Hawai'i pix of an older
individual showing reproductive coloration and behavior. Kona 2019. |
Dascyllus albisella Gill 1862, the Hawaiian
Dascyllus. Central Pacific: Hawaiian and Johnston Islands. To five
inches. A poor shipper, and as nasty a biter as the similar
Three-Spot, Domino, Dascyllus trimaculatus. Hawai'i pix of older
individuals showing reproductive coloration and behavior. Kona 2019. |

Stegastes marginatus (Jenkins 1901), Hawaiian Gregory. To six
inches. Hawaiian endemic. Common in all but high surge zones.
Territorial. Feeds on algae, detritus. Kona 2019 pic of juvenile. |
Stegastes marginatus (Jenkins 1901), Hawaiian Gregory. To six
inches. Hawaiian endemic. Common in all but high surge zones.
Territorial. Feeds on algae, detritus. Kona 2019 pic of an adult.