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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Ricordea florida, rounded tentacles that are larger around the
edge. Pale/r centers. About 1 1/2 to 2" across each polyp. SaraL pic in
Roatan 2019. |
Madracis carmabi (Vermeij et al 2003), Ten Ray Finger
Coral. Colonies light orange to tan in color. Branches of bilobed, rounded
tips. Small polyp mouths are greenish yellow. To five foot. Small colony
here in Roatan 2019. |
Mussa angulosa (Pallas 1766), Spiny Flower Coral. Large, fleshy
polyps that are well-separated. When retracted, skeletal elements/septa
appear spiny. To two feet in diameter tightly packed dome shapes. Occur
in greens, blues, reds, browns. An aberrant (growing in the shade of
rocks about it...?) colony in Roatan 2019. |
Scolymia lacera, Atlantic Mushroom Coral.
Tropical West Atlantic. To six inches in diameter, most a couple of
inches. Fleshy w/ definite concave centers. Have prominent triangular septal
teeth ridges and a "warty appearance" compared w/ other TWA members of
the genus. Roatan 2019.