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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Scolymia lacera, Atlantic Mushroom Coral.
Tropical West Atlantic. To six inches in diameter, most a couple of
inches. Fleshy w/ definite concave centers. Have prominent triangular septal
teeth ridges and a "warty appearance" compared w/ other TWA members of
the genus. Roatan 2019. |
Manicina areolata, Rose Cactus, to 6 inches. Either small
elliptical encrusting colonies with a central canal, or hemispherical
with winding valleys and a flat bottom. Brown, gray, tan, green in
color. Roatan 2019.
Manicina areolata, Rose Cactus, to 6 inches. Either small
elliptical encrusting colonies with a central canal, or hemispherical
with winding valleys and a flat bottom. Brown, gray, tan, green in
color. Roatan 2017.
Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus 1758).
Typically hemispherical in appearance. Often with some valleys
being parallel, spaced about 5-8 mm. apart, trough-like, appear
double-walled, with deeply incision on walls. Gray or tan in color. Roatan
2019. |