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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Gymnothorax meleagris (Shaw & Nodder
1795), the White Mouth Moray. Brown to black with numerous white
spots. Dark spot around gill opening. Indo-Pacific. Most common
Hawaiian puhi/moray. To about forty inches in length. Kona, Hawai'i
image 2019. |
Myripristis vittata Valenciennes 1831, the
Whitetip Soldierfish. Indo-Pacific. To ten inches long. Another
under-utilized species available in good numbers. Like most
Soldierfishes, feeds on motile invertebrates at night. Kona, HI 2019 at
night. |
Sargocentron tiere (Cuvier in C & V 1829), the
Tahitian Squirrelfish; ala'ihi in HI. Blue-violet iridescence is indicative.
To 25 cm. W. Indian Ocean to Mid Pacific tropical islands. 2019 Kona, HI
here. |
Acanthurus. achilles Shaw 1803, Achilles tang. Widely distributed
from Hawaii westward through Micronesia and Melanesia, an area called
Oceania (also reported from Mexico's Baja tip). Though the best
specimens do hail from U.S.s 50th state success with this species can
only be had by securing a healthy specimen, providing a large
well-established living space, with high, consistent specific gravity
and oxygen concentration. One off of Kona, HI w/ unusual bluish
coloration on the face, breast and around the eye. 2019.