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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Bryaninops yongei (Davis & Cohen 1968),
the Whip Goby. West to Mid-Pacific; Australia to Rapa, Hawai'i.
To four cm. This one off of Kona, HI in a typical pose
where a pair will reside, the antipatharian Cirripathes
anguina. |

Aphareus furca (Lacepede 1802), the
Small-Toothed Jobfish. East Africa to Polynesia in distribution. To
sixteen inches in length. This one off of Queensland,
Australia. |
Aphareus furca (Lacepede 1802), the Small-Toothed Jobfish. East
Africa to Polynesia in distribution. To sixteen inches in length. This
one off of Kona, HI 2019. |
Pristiapogon menesemus (Jenkins 1903), Bandfin Cardinalfish. May
be same species (A. taeniopterus) as found elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific
(according to Distinguished by bar on caudal according to
Randall. Night dive, Big Island 2019. |