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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Acanthurus dussumieri Valenciennes 1835,
the Eyestripe or Dussumier's Surgeonfish; palani in HI. This is a highly
variably colored fish. Some are drab gray, whereas some I've
seen from Hawai'i sported brilliant yellow around their body
margin with beautiful royal purple highlights. This surgeon is
more like the genus Ctenochaetus in its feeding habits, sifting
sand and detritus in addition to algae scraping. To eighteen inches long in the wild.
An adult off Kona, HI 2019. |
Acanthurus olivaceus Forster &
Schneider 1801, the Orange Spot/Shoulder Tang. A hardy fish out of
Hawaii and elsewhere, but unfortunately, a behavioral terror in the
ranks of A. lineatus. This is an active fish that grows to more than
a foot in length. Place only with MEAN tankmates. A juvenile of two
inches length, Kona, HI 2019. |
Acanthurus olivaceus Forster &
Schneider 1801, the Orange Spot/Shoulder Tang. A hardy fish out of
Hawaii and elsewhere, but unfortunately, a behavioral terror in the
ranks of A. lineatus. This is an active fish that grows to more than
a foot in length. Place only with MEAN tankmates. A dark variety adult
of about 10" overall length in Kona, HI 2019. |

Acanthurus thompsoni (Fowler 1923), the White-Tailed
Surgeonfish, a good name for this species except for its populations in
Hawaii which bear no white on their tail areas (at right). Another name
for this planktivore is Thompson's Surgeonfish. Though not a striking
beauty, this Whitetail tang is a good feeder and stays moderate small
(to ten inches). Rarely imported into the trade. Hawaiian specimens off
of Kona 2019.