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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Anampses chrysocephalus Randall 1958, whose females are typically
sold as Red Tail and males as Psychedelic or Psych-Head Wrasses.
Gorgeous, but a radical swimmer and jumper that frequently "just dies"
overnight. An initial phase/female one off Kona, HI 2019. |
Macropharyngodon geoffroy (Quoy &
Gaimard 1824), Potter's Leopard Wrasse (3). Found in
Hawai'i to Micronesia and the East Indies. A Batesian mimic,
look-alike for Potter's Dwarf Angelfish, Centropyge
potteri. A very delicate species. A 1.5" juv. off Kona, HI 2019.
Macropharyngodon geoffroy (Quoy &
Gaimard 1824), Potter's Leopard Wrasse (3). Found in
Hawai'i to Micronesia and the East Indies. A Batesian mimic,
look-alike for Potter's Dwarf Angelfish, Centropyge
potteri. A very delicate species. A 4" adult off Kona, HI 2019.

Macropharyngodon geoffroy (Quoy &
Gaimard 1824), Potter's Leopard Wrasse (3). Found in
Hawai'i to Micronesia and the East Indies. A Batesian mimic,
look-alike for Potter's Dwarf Angelfish, Centropyge
potteri. A very delicate species. A 3" juv. off Kona, HI 2019.