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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Porites compressa Dana 1846, Finger Coral. Another common
(endemic) species in Hawai'i (85% or so of Kaneohe Bay, O'ahu).
Generally light brown in color. Finger like deeper, to knobby boulders
in shallow. Kona, HI 2019. |

Porites evermanni Vaughan 1907,
Evermann's Coral. A massive form that is sometimes similar to
P. lobata (below), but never yellow in color (is brown to gray
to purple). Commonly knobby and fuzzy at close inspection (the
latter due to partly retracted polyps). Likely endemic to
Hawai'i. Image with P. lobata in background. Kona, HI 2019. |
Porites lobata Dana 1846, Lobe Coral. The
most common coral species in Hawai'i. Found as encrusting
colonies in high wave action areas to fifteen foot high mounds in
protected areas. Yellow to greenish in color. Often with grooves
caused by the Snapping Shrimp Alpheus deuteropus. Below:
close up of an encrusting colony, one showing shrimp space parasite
marking (both Hawai'i) and a huge colony (grow about an inch
tall per year) in the Maldives. At right, Hawaiian specimen with
pink worm parasites (Trematode, flatworm) that Butterflyfishes pick
at, consume, continuing the life cycle. Kona, HI 2019. |
Sarcothelia (formerly Anthelia) edmondsonii (Verrill 1928). Blue Soft Coral. Light
blue in color this is one of the few soft corals found in
Hawai'i (and only there). Predated nightly by the Nudibranch
Tritonia hawaiiensis. 1/4" inch across polyps in colonies 3-12"
across. Kona, HI 2019.