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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Apogon planifrons Pale Cardinalfish. Pale,
pearlescent body; two body bars, one behind second dorsal and broader one on
caudal peduncle. Bonaire 2019 night dive. |
Equetus punctatus (Bloch & Schneider 1801), the Spotted Drum. To
27 cm. Tropical West Atlantic. Bonaire 2019.
%20MD.JPG) |
Pseudupeneus maculatus (Bloch 1793), the Spotted Goatfish.
Tropical west Atlantic, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. To
about a foot in length. An occasional catch/import for the aquarium
interest. A group of 4" juveniles out by day in Bonaire 2019.
volitans ("Tare-oh-ease
vawl-it-tanz) (Linnaeus 1758), is the Lionfish to most folks. It is the most commonly displayed
and sold member of the family; the quintessential marine aquarium
specimen, with it's long flowing pectoral and dorsal fin rays. Volitans
lions span the color range of banded red to black against alternating
creamy white. Invasive; along w/ smaller numbers of P. miles in the
trop. W. Atlantic (P. v. w/ 11 vs. 10 D1 spines, 7 vs. 6 Anal). A three
inch one down in Bonaire 2019.