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Aplysina cauliformis, the Row Pore Rope Sponge. Long rows of
excurrent siphons. Occur in tints of purple, reds. Bonaire 2019. |
Diplastrella sp. Red-Orange
Encrusting Sponge. Areas of tightly arranged collected areas of incurrent
siphons, with scattered larger excurrent. Caribbean. To ten
inches, seventy five feet in depth. Found in shaded areas, even under
rocks, overhangs. Bonaire 2019. |

Diplastrella megastellata Red-Orange
Encrusting Sponge. Areas of tightly arranged collected areas of incurrent
siphons, with scattered larger excurrent. Caribbean. To ten
inches, seventy five feet in depth. Found in shaded areas, even under
rocks, overhangs. Bonaire 2019. |

Agelas sventres, /The Sponge Guide:
Orange, football shaped to crevice filling with lobate outgrowths; round
oscules with a collar. Areas with fields of pores. Previous authors
called it an orange morphotype of Agelas dispar (Duchassaing
& Michelotti, 1864). It can be confused with small Agelas
clathrodes (Schmidt, 1870), also pictured here. A.
sventres usually has softer, cavernous lobes crown with
holes or oscules. Spicules are acanthostyles.
Author Reference: Lehnert
& van Soest, 1996
Link: World
Porifera Database
Bonaire 2019. |