FAQs on Marine Ich, White Spot, Cryptocaryoniasis Identification
Related Articles:
Marine Ich: Fighting The War On Two Fronts,
Parasitic Disease,
Quarantine of Marine
Fishes,Related FAQs:
Identification 1,
Identification 2, Identification 4,
& Best Crypt FAQs,
Crypt FAQs 1,
Crypt FAQs 2, Crypt FAQs 3, Crypt
FAQs 4, Crypt FAQs 5, Crypt FAQs 6, Crypt
FAQs 7, Crypt FAQs 8, Crypt FAQs 9, Crypt FAQs 10, Crypt FAQs 11, Crypt FAQs 12, Crypt FAQs 13, Crypt FAQs 14, Crypt FAQs 15, Crypt FAQs 16, Crypt FAQs 17, Crypt FAQs 18, Crypt FAQs 19, Crypt FAQs 20, Crypt FAQs 21, Crypt FAQs 22,
Crypt FAQs 23,
Crypt FAQs 24, & FAQs on Crypt:
Prevention, "Causes", Phony Cures That Don't Work, Cures That Do Work, Hyposalinity & Ich, & Marine Parasitic Disease, Parasitic Marine Tanks,
Parasitic Reef Tanks,
Marine Velvet Disease,
Biological Cleaners,
Treating Parasitic Disease,
Using Hyposalinity to Treat
Parasitic Disease, Best Quarantine
FAQs, Quarantine 1,
Quarantine 2, Quarantine 3,
Quarantine 4, Quarantine 5, Quarantine 6, Quarantine 7, Quarantine 8, Quarantine 9, Quarantine 10, Quarantine 11, Quarantine 12, Quarantining
Invertebrates ,
What looks like the crypt but is not?
Good day everyone,
Love this sight, always have, you all do a splendid job here.
<Ah, thank you for your kind, encouraging words>
My heart was on the floor this morning when I saw my purple tang and
regal tang covered in what appears to be Cryptocaryon irritans at first
glance but is clearly different on a more closer inspection.
<Mmm; well, there are other parasites, even "just congealed body mucus"
that may appear as such. The only definitive means of telling what is
what is to sample, examine with a microscope; as gone over on WWM and
most fish disease tomes>
210 gallon tank FWLR, stocked with angels and tangs.
Ammonia 0 of course
Nitrite 0, nitrate 12, phosphate 0.2
We run carbon, GFO, employ NOPOX and change our socks every other day.
This tank was established from zero-the long hard way of bleached rocks
and new equipment with a 2 month cycle.
We quarantine each fish as we have been rung through twice before.
<Hard to exclude the principal pathogens, but it reads that you've done
your best to>
We did just add 4 new fish in the span of 3 months, all quarantined.
My question is what disease is similar looking to ich? And what can we
do about it?
<I WOULD sample and examine as stated; in the meanwhile (ASAP) likely
drop (slowly, a few hundredths per day) specific gravity... begin
reading re your options (copper, anti-malarials...) on WWM:
and the linked files above>
Many thanks,
<Do please keep me/us informed of continuing developments, your actions,
thoughts. Bob Fenner>
Re: What looks like the crypt but is not?
Dear Mr. Fenner,
What an honor to receive an email from you having had read SO many of
your posts during research and hard times.
I failed to mention that we have been ich free for about 1 1/2 years, I
am quite sure the we nuked the horrendous, dreadful mofo of a
parasite...(throat clear)...
<Ah yes... very hard to eliminate, exclude from captive systems>
A skin smear is near impossible. And the only fish vet in the
surrounding area will not come to the house though I offered extra
<Easy enough to do by oneself; really>
The last time we went through this I ordered from Fishman Chemicals $350
worth of “pure” CP from America to Canada. It was a disaster. It was not
effective and cost me the lives of my beloved fish. I have used CP
before that a courteous and sympathetic LFS guy gave to me as a favor
and it did wonders. But that is not available any longer, he may have
got in trouble for giving it to me. I called every pharmacy in town, I
couldn’t get it except from Fishman. We all paid a heavy price with
lives and monetarily.
I think I will start with Cupramine, just dose the whole tank.
<A worthy product... will state for others/browsers; WITH daily
monitoring, testing for free copper presence, cessation of chemical
filtrant use, possibly turning down, off skimming or running on a
punctuated basis (to retain more copper)>
Does the skimmer matter?
<Oh, yes>
Nopox with Cupramine? Does anyone have experience??
<In looking for the MSDS of this Red Sea product, I found this:
I suspect the totality of the ingredients include water and No3-po4-X,
it has acetic acid, ethanol, and methanol. I would hold off (not use)
this or other treatments during the Cupramine administration.
Bob Fenner>

Re: What looks like the crypt but is not?
Many thanks Mr. Fenner,
<Ms. Monroy>
I shall indeed keep you posted. Ever thank you for your hasty reply to
<Ah, I thank you. BobF>
Kind Regards,
Re: What looks like the crypt but is not?
Ummm, even if a skin smear is possible and it shows what parasite it is,
would the treatment still be Cupramine? If not copper then what?!
<I am (yes, olde) still a huge fan of (appropriate) use of
copper/compounds. Have used actually hundreds of gallons (by four
one-gallon packs) over decades time. VERY effective used correctly. B>
White barred boxfish with oodinium
Hi Crew,
We have 2 white barred boxfish that have been fine for the past few
months and last week broke out severely with white spots
(more like icing sugar than anything) all over their bodies.
<I see this in your accompanying pic>
We did freshwater dips which helped someone what but not a lot and moved
them into a separate quarantine tank where we treated them with Formalin
for 24 hours.
<Mmm; very toxic. Better to use this biocide in dips/baths only>
The boxfish live at 67 degrees.
<I'd keep much lower; like the mid-50's F>
Today, although they are better, they are no where near good. This is a
photo of them this morning after formalin.
Am looking for advice on next steps:
Here are my questions:
From the appearance in the photos, does this look like oodinium (or
related parasite)?
<Almost assuredly Cryptocaryon... can be easily checked w/ sampling,
microscope exam. IF Velvet they'd be dead>
As you can see the larger one has lost a lot of colour, which started
happening about 3 weeks ago. I believe that may have been the onset of
the outbreak but the cold water suppressed the advancing parasite.
<Yes; all the more reason to lower it still>
Would hyposalinity be effective for treating these cold water fish?
<Can help; rarely effects a cure>
Should we drop the temperature to change the progress of the disease?
<Ah yes>
We are picking up some Chloroquine Phosphate, but will not have it until
Thursday. How do we make it until then?
<IF you lower temp.; likely so>
Should the dosage of the CP be adjusted because of the water temp?
Would you recommend something else? (No, I have no access to a cold
water cleaner fish, but wondering if a tropical cleaner fish would
acclimate down to 67 degrees)
<Labroides et al. common cleaners; no>
Thanking you in advance,
and will be in your lecture at MACNA in a couple weeks!
<A good. See you then! Bob Fenner>
Re: White barred boxfish with oodinium
Thanks Crew,
<Cher bear>
Totally appreciate the comments. I am getting biopsy on Friday.
In your experience, are these fish beyond recovery?
<Mmm? No; genus Aracana are actually quite tough>
What would help
them in addition to the directions discussed. Vitamins? Omega Fatty Acids?
<In foods, added to water... to some extent? Increasing RedOx, much more
so... a myriad of "things" that might improve water quality, stability,
boost immunity.... BobF>
UV filter (which we keep on all our tanks). It is turned off
right now for medications.
Sick Purple Tang 2/12/14
I have spent multiple days searching the web looking for some image that
would answer my question, however, I have been unable to diagnose my
fish with any degree of certainty.
<Looks like this Xanthurum has Cryptocaryon or Brooklynellosis; you
don't see the SOP on WWM for sampling, looking under a 'scope to
identify such Protozoans?>
I have had this purple tang, Kalinda, for about four months now. She lives
in a 150 gallon FOWLR system and she has been a great fish, very lively,
great eater, and kind to her tank mates. A few weeks ago I decided to
rearrange the rocks in the tank and take out some faux sea grass that
the more timid fish liked, but that I could no longer handle looking at
with all of the growth on it. After doing this, I noticed that my tang
had a few white spots on her. I figured it was Ich, so I let her be and
decided not to stress her out and see if she could fight it off (I will
add that before I added her to this tank, my regal tang whom I had had
for 8 years died in the system. The regal became ill, had white on his
body, refused to eat, pretty much hung out at the bottom of the tank,
and did show some signs of labored breathing.
<All classical symptoms>
Even with fresh water dips and copper,
<... have you searched, read on WWM re the use of Quinine?>
I could not get this poor regal to recover. I figured that this might be
caused by his age, but, after the outbreak I just went through, I am
questioning that). After a few days, the white spots on my purple did
not go away, the coverage on her didn't really look like Ich, and she
stopped eating. At this point, I pulled her from the system, gave her a
fresh water dip, and placed her in a hospital tank with Cupramine. I sat
up with her overnight (may sound weird, but I really like my fish) and
she did not show any signs of improvement and her berating became very
labored. I did not think she was going to make it to morning and as I
sat up all night, I continued researching and considered that she might
have velvet or Brooklynella. However, looking at her and looking at the
images online, I couldn't tell. She did make it through the night, but
spent the night dipping to the bottom and hovering at the top for air
and she seemed to be getting worse. I debated on whether or not to
continue copper (for Ich or velvet) or switch to Quick Cure in case it
was Brooklynella. Because my regal did not recover with copper and
because my purple seemed to be getting worse, I set up a tank with
Quick Cure and Stress Coat and transferred her. By the next day,
she had most of her color back and her breathing was improved but she
refused to eat. By the second day, she was breathing normally
and she went to town on seaweed and her frozen food! It has now been
five days since the crisis and she has all of her color back, her fins
are healing, and she is swimming all over and eating like crazy.
So now my questions: 1) Based on the attached images, what do you think
attacked her? 2) The Quick Cure said to treat the fish for three
<Either this or dips/baths in just the Formalin component>
I did this and I am now running carbon and Purigen through her filter. I
am also doing daily water changes and have lowered the salinity in her
hospital tank. Do you think I should put her through another treatment
of Quick Cure at the two week mark (or four week mark - I am thinking
about the life cycle of the parasite). 3) Should I treat her with any
antibiotics (her tail fin did become frayed on the back edge)?
<Just the handling, copper and formalin exposure... I would not add to
the med.s>
Finally, I am not sure what introduced this problem into the tank. I did
place three small rocks in the refugium before the regal became ill.
These were dry rocks, originally from the ocean, they sat out in the sun
for some time and then I soaked them in fresh water. I also
added an Allardi clown to my tank at some point.
<A ready source of/for the Brook>
I don't remember if the clown came before or after my Regal became ill
but he had been in quarantine for over a month and I didn't see any
signs of illness. In any case, I removed all fish from the 150 and I now
have them in quarantine tanks (there are a lot of tanks in one room
right now). I plan on allowing the tank to go fallow for 2 months - is
this a good plan?
Is 6 weeks enough? I don't want to stress the fish out for any longer
than I have to, but whatever this killer is needs to die.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Jackie Gill
180 Bow Front Reef (SPS, LPS, Softies); 4 AI Hydra LED; 2 Vortech MP40;
Reef Octopus POV DC2 (downright sexy!); 36" Trigger Ruby Sump/Refugium;
Apex Standard Control System. // 150 FOWLR, 2 Kessil Sky Blue LED, 3
Tunze Nanostreams, 36" Trigger Crystal Sump/Refugium; Apex Light Control
<... As the combo. product WITH Formalin seemed to remove the symptoms,
I would read re:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Ich or Velvet? 11/18/13
Thanks for all your help.
I have all fish in QT… and Kole tang died, one Chromis died… and it now
looks as if the ocellaris are on their way out.
I have been treating with Cupramine for 5 days now (and testing copper
levels). Began to see an improvement, however this morning the
clowns don’t look so good.
I have attached a pic of the female clown.
Could you help me in identifying the diseases/parasite?
<See WWM re... do you have a microscope?>
I though it was crypto, but now I think velvet. Shouldn’t
Cupramine have helped?
<.... IF velvet all would likely be dead. Looks symptomatically like
Cryptocaryon in this pic. Cupramine at proper levels should have helped.
See WWM re this as well. Too much to re-re-re-state, esp. from an
airport terminal.
Bob Fenner>
Thanks again,
Matt K
Ich or Velvet? 11/10/13
I have a Kole tang that suddenly is covered in a velvety substance.
I’m assuming it’s marine velvet… but I also thought it could be marine
Could you confirm which disease it is for me?
<.... doesn't look like either of these Protozoans to me...
Something "more sinister", like poor water quality issue, perhaps
stinging... What else is in this system? What additives, supplements et
al. are you pouring in? Bob Fenner>
And I believe this guy is probably <sic> to far gone.
Friday he seemed fine… today (Sunday) he looks terrible.
Thank you for your help.
Matt Kasperski
Unfortunately, this is the best pic I can get. It does appear more
velvety than sprinkled with ‘salt or sugar’.
I’ve probably just answered my question. But I thank you for your
Re: Ich or Velvet? 11/10/13
It’s a 6 month old system… (75 gallon).
Other fish are 2 ocellaris clowns, 3 Chromis, 1 melanurus wrasse.
Also 2 Birdsnest corals and a Montipora, cleaner shrimp… assorted snails.
<All these should be okay>
I moved from VA to TX back in June…
The system was set up immediately in June and was ‘seeded’ with a few pieces
of live rock from my old (4 year running) system.
I thought I had Ich in this new setup (even though all fish were quarantined
for 6 weeks in a smaller tank). I have been treating with ‘Kick Ich’
<... here's the problem. Ala pepper sauce. You've been scammed>
for two weeks… (I know, it probably doesn’t work but I was desperate).
Was performing 25% water changes twice a week before a new dose of Kick Ich
was added.
Aside from adding the Kick-Ich, I have added buffer (sodium carbonate)
occasionally to combat low Alk. Regular water changes are performed
every two weeks and I would have assumed water quality was ok.
All the fish look a little ‘off’ today but the Kole tang looked the worst.
All are in hospital tank now… and I was wondering what would be the best
course of treatment.
OH… and how long should I leave the DT fallow? 8 weeks?
<... posted on WWM... I'd look into quinine cpd.s>
I have attached a better pic of the Kole tang in the hospital tank.
<... poisoned by the scam product. Search, read re this on WWM as well.
Marine Ichy Possibilities 9/17/13
Dear Crew,
Possible Marine Ich problems. When I got into fish
keeping(freshwater) three years ago, you helped me beat Ich. Thank
you! Now, a year into saltwater fish
keeping, I might have another Ich fight. I have read up on how to
beat it, but I have one reasonable question and one that might be
ridiculous. For two days I’ve seen what looks like one
singular Ich spot on my Royal Gramma.
<Looks like are the operative words here; highly unlikely this single
spot IS Ich; instead an accumulation of body mucus from some sort of
irritation; perhaps a run-in with a hard object>
I’ve had the fish for seven weeks with two week quarantine. The
other fish are 2 Ocellaris Clowns & 1 Blue Damsel. When should I
start the Ich treatment? Is one spot enough to go for it, or
should I wait till it is more obvious?
<I would wait>
Getting all the fish out is going to require a teardown of all the live
rock, and there is always a risk of fish injury. Second question;
Would I be crazy to go buy a cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) and
put it directly into the main tank (skipping qt) in hopes that it will
eat the first few Ich and push the balance in the fish’s favor?
<Not crazy; again, I would do this as well>
Water parameters are all good except my phosphate is between .25 and .5
<And this is no big deal of and by itself>
I await your advice. Thanks again.
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Marine Ichy Possibilities
<Nick... your email got kicked out of our sys. for too-large file size... no
sense sending six megs of poorly resolved mess... Crop, re-size ahead>
Thank you so much for the last quick response. I have an update and
would like additional advice please. I do not think the condition is
Amyloodinium, but it still might be Cryptocaryon because of the larger
<May be... but can only tell... Have we been over this?>
I've attached some pictures for you to take a look at. I'll start a
little closer to the beginning with this fish. I bought the Royal
Gramma two months ago. I quarantined for two weeks. It seemed
very healthy except it had some splotches of slight discoloration on top.
It was faint and what I looked up online made me think it was maybe a trauma
on the voyage or a past scrape, and not an ailment.
I put it in my display tank. Everything was fine until I emailed you
the last time. The RG had a white spot on it that it flashed off
within ten seconds of me seeing it. I thought maybe it was sand.
The next day I saw a smaller white spot on it's side. On the 4th day
the spot disappeared. Four days later I see one spot in
a different location. The 2nd day after that the spot is gone.
The next day there is one spot on my Blue Damsel. It is still on there
today for two days. The RG has always had a few tiny splotches, but it
is now a little bit more so. On the top it has a little less color and
a few places on the side are actually a little deeper purple. I
couldn't get a picture of the damsel because she doesn't ever stop swimming.
The last thing I added was that fish. I almost always give every fish
a good look over each day, so I think this started when I first saw it.
Any advice on a diagnosis/course of action?
<... read (as usual)... Here:
Am changing my mind re penning an ID work (marine diseases, fresh separately
of course) for the pulp press ('zines) and WWM. Am going to hold off and
just sell as an e-book; adding to list as you read this). I would not treat
w/o confirming there's something to treat for... these white spots may be
coalesced body mucus... due to... Keep reading>
I was not able to get a cleaner shrimp yet, but maybe I can this weekend.
Thank you,
<Welcome. B>
Re: Marine Ichy Possibilities
Thank you for your time and effort.
<Ah; welcome. BobF> |
Marine Ich, reading 5/5/13
Hi there, I am currently treating all my fish in a quarantine tank
for Ich. I have a ten gallon tank and am treating with
Cupramine at .5 mg/L We have kept them in
for four weeks now until all spots disappeared. Now,
about four days ago I noticed a white spot on my Trigger's side and two
small ones around his mouth. My clown also seems to have
two spots on him.
I read that the treatment should be done for two weeks but then why would
they have new spots on them after being treated this long?
<Mmm, well, the first explanation is that what you see, these
spots, may not be Cryptocaryon. Do you have a 'scope?>
I understand the stages of Ich and read that they can only susceptible to
copper when free floating, so shouldn't they have all been killed off
the first time they detached from the fish?
I am using Seachem MultiTest Copper test kit and do add copper with every
water change. I do a 2 percent water change everyday to help keep
the tank clean.
<More than two percent.>
We just changed our thermometer to a Fluval Digital one since our other
one didn't seem to keep our temp as constant as we wanted it to. Thank
your for your help
<... See WWM re Crypt, copper use... Much to discuss here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Marine Ich... still 5/6/13
Hi there, I do not have a scope,
<... then you can't really be very/that sure of what you have... these
spots here. They could be mucus accumulations from the copper exposure
for instance>
and I meant that I do a 20 percent water change every day with added
copper to help maintain level at .5You had mentioned that it might not
be Ich, what else do you think the spots could be?
<.... you were referred to read. WWM is not a bb>
It seems like the trigger has two clearer spots around his mouth area.
I was told today to bump up the temp to 83 and that would kill off
fungal and parasitic diseases.
<No. Ignorant>
It has been at 80 until now. I have had main tank empty for four
weeks now. I left my Spotted Mandarin in there though. I was
told that they are not as susceptible to Ich because they have a thicker
slime coat. Since he eats the pods, I didn't think I could keep
him alive in the quarantine. It seems like my pod numbers are
growing fast, and I don't know if I am sure on this but I have an SPS
coral (maybe a Cats Claw?) which we think the pods are feasting
on. His skin is receding from some of the tips and around the
base. It's not happening at a fast rate but not getting better.
Any advice on this problem? All the other coral seem to be okay.
We do a 20 percent water change weekly with good quality salt and RODI
water. I've got a carbon/phosphate reactor and a good size protein
skimmer. I add trace minerals to the water.
<... for what reasons? Don't add anything you can't, won't test for>
How much longer should the fish be kept in the copper before adding back
to the main tank and when do you think the Ich has died off in the main
tank? Thank you for your help
<... read on. B>
Disease Identification... Marine Disease> Protozoan?>
Crypt?> ID f' 4/10/13
Hello WWM Crew!
I have a couple of questions regarding disease identification and
Tank info: Fish only, 55 gallons, 3 months old, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0,
Nitrates 5, pH 8.0, salinity 1.010 (undergoing hyposalinity right now).
<... see WWM re>
Inhabitants: 1 Flame angelfish, 1 royal gramma, 1 Barrett's Anthias, 1
Striped mandarin fish (which is eating Selcon/Vita-chem. supplemented
Nutramar ova and can be fed pods from a culture I have if he starts
losing weight), and 2 tank-bred ocellaris clowns. All fish quarantined
for 3 weeks before introduction.
I know that hypo is not a great idea with clownfish, but I'm afraid my
fish may have Ich and, for moral reasons, I'd prefer to lose the
tank-bred clownfish because of hyposalinity (I'm happy to have paid
money to support this industry) than lose the wild-caught flame angel
because of copper.
<There are other (better, more effective, sure) treatments; i.e. quinine
compounds. See WWM re>
I've been watching the clownfish and they are very lively with good
appetites. Hypo treatment has been going for 5 days now. Would you
please help me diagnose?
<Need samples and a microscope... all else is guessing>
Symptoms consistent with Ich: small .5-1mm spots that disappear in a few
days, spots do not move from place to place on the fish, somewhat rapid
breathing, visible on all fish (each fish only has between 1 and 5
visible spots but this number is growing slowly), no excess mucus being
Symptoms that don't match Ich: the spots are more of a greyish/white
translucent color, growth in number of spots over time seems slower than
usual for Ich (although this may be due to the hyposalinity treatment
limiting them), fish are not scratching on rocks but do twitch on very
rare occasions, all fish have 1 or more spots, spots are located on the
body but not on the fins (yet).
I already treated the fish with general cure (Metronidazole and
Praziquantel) during quarantine, so I don't think worms are the issue.
Do you think the fish have Ich or something else?
<Can only guess w/ what is presented. Again, simple enough to do a real
look/see... from what you describe, these markings, mucus could well be
just body slime, reaction to the med. exposure, handling and low spg>
If so, I'd rather not treat with copper... After doing a lot of digging
and research, I have found some info on Chloroquine Phosphate and
Quinine Sulfate (Crypto-Pro).
<Ah yes; preferred treatments currently>
From cruising WWM, it seems that you prefer Chloroquine Phosphate out of
those two. Do you think that this medication will eradicate whatever
protozoan/parasite my fish have?
<... I would NOT treat them, these fishes, w/o sampling and examination.
ALL treatments are toxic, debilitating in kinds, degrees>
Also, can it be combined with hyposalinity? If you think I should just
do hypo, I'd love to know that. But I'd still like to know if CP or QS
is safe in combination with it. I know copper is not. Finally, does
either CP or QS stain aquarium sealant, decorations, etc? Since the tank
only contains the fish, dead base rock that was bought dry, and
nitrifying bacteria that I added from the brand "Stability," I'd like to
treat that tank.
Thank you for you advice and this wonderful resource! Sorry for the
lengthy email. I have realized that attention to detail is essential in
this hobby. Brielle
<Welcome little Bri. Bob Fenner>
Re: Disease Identification– 04/10/13
Thank you for your advice, Bob! I'll stop the hypo treatment and
continue to watch the fish/not treat them. I am hoping that you can
answer the last questions on my email though, in case the symptoms
worsen. I have had saltwater fish before (about five years ago) and they
died from an Ich outbreak because I didn't know how to handle it.
<This is, unfortunately, the "end" to many salt water aquarists
involvement in the hobby. Worse/worst for the fact that if people in the
collection to wholesale ends of the trade would employ simple pH
adjusted freshwater dips/baths, the vast majority of such infestations
would be avoided>
I would love to have the proper knowledge/medications on hand, since I
have to order meds online and know they take awhile to arrive. I know
Ich is very common, so since I am still quarantining/introducing fish to
this tank, I'd like to have the proper med. on hand and the knowledge on
how to use it correctly. Your thoughts are much appreciated!
1. Is Chloroquine Phosphate more effective than Quinine Sulfate?
2. Can either/both of these be combined with hypo?
<Not really; no>
3. Does either CP or QS stain aquarium sealant, decorations, etc?
<Neither do; though semi-semi-relatedly they're both better applied in
lower (less bright) light settings>
4. It seems that these two meds harm the biological filter somewhat, but
don't completely disable it. Is this true?
Again, thank you so much for your help!
Little Bri :D
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Re: Disease Identification– 04/10/13
Have a wonderful day and thank you for the quick responses!
Little Bri
<Ahh! B>
Re: Puffer Disease - fin "spots"?
Bob: Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Quick updated, the puffer is
still eating, but seems very lethargic, breathing heavily, and his
coloration is much darker. I do see a few (2-3) distinctive new white
spots on the Rabbitfish as well.
This is a game of tough calls - what would you do?
<Get out one of my microscopes... have a cheapy old fashioned one and a
QX 3 USB type two arms lengths away... and take a smear sample of the
skin mucus and look/see what this is. BobF>
Continue to watch and leave as-is? Or, transfer the puffer to a hospital
setting so he can fight and build immunity in a non-infested tank?
I have two other fish that have been in QT for an extended period. Seems
at this point I should wait for a period of time before introducing them
into the display, and continuing to inoculate them with display tank
are generally hardy specimens with regard to parasites (Chinese Hawkfish
/ C. Pinnulatus, Engineer goby). How many weeks would you wait until
after seeing the last display tank spot before introduction?
<See WWM re>
Thank you, Dave
Re: Puffer Disease - fin "spots"? 1/3/12
Bob, continuation of questioning on puffer disease as per the previous
emails below...
I see these spots beginning to return to the porcupine puffer,
<... review my previous writings to you re hyposalinity... Am hunting
for an appropriate axiomatic statement: "Oh, if I only had a dollar for
now that I have exited hyposalinity. If you will recall from the pics
and descriptions previously provided (I can recap if this would help) -
these are not spots, but larger splotches on the fins.
<... can't tell w/o sampling, microscopic examination>
I began the hyposalinity treatment when the puffer seemed to be almost
overwhelmed by this affliction (stopped feeding for days, labored
breathing, clearly near death). He made a complete recovery during hypo,
with splotches responding to this treatment and completely disappearing
(although there was a curious eye splotch that occurred at one point).
As of now, there is clear progression but no other visible symptoms. I
am afraid to wait/observe as the last round of this battle didn't go
very well...
I just did a 4 minute freshwater dip, to see if evidence of flukes/worms
may be seen. I saw no effect from this dip.
Honestly, I don't see how I could get a scrape from the puffer without
causing damage to its delicate fins and/or significant distress.
<Some damage, stress... worth it... Think on "going to the doctor or
dentist" yourself... procedures...>
I do not see any other fish developing any such external problems.
<So? What you going to do?>
Any thoughts on what I could be missing in terms of possible disease
This is frustrating, I'm tempted to re-establish perfect water quality
then return to the <1.010 hyposalinity level and attempt a full 6-8 week
treatment. I maintained this level initially (despite the system
distress) for a full 2-3 weeks after observing the last splotches on the
puffer, but clearly that duration did not eliminate this pathogen. When
he was first placed in the tank, water conditions were near perfect
(Am/NO3/NO4, pH/temp, etc).
<Just the usual; for you to keep reading... WWM is not a complete,
direct, nor well-organized compilation re fish disease... as yet. There
are works that are, and these are cited on WWM. Did we discuss Ed Noga's
"Fish Disease, Diagnosis and Treatment" tome? Am given to understand an
e- version of the second ed. can be downloaded for about ten dollars.
I'd be "casting your net" a bit further than simple e- chatting on the
Net... Bob Fenner>
Re: Puffer Disease - fin "spots"?
Bob, thanks for whacking me with the idiot stick. I find that a whack a
day keeps me on track, although probably more annoying for those who
need to administer than it is painful for me...
<Uhh, well, happy to help>
I (of course) decided I needed to proceed exactly as you prescribed, but
also that I couldn't stomach a smear without first observing, so I
loaded the puffer in the car and took a long drive to the well-known
"fish doc" in the area (at an LFS...not a biologist but well versed in
disease ID and, as I understand, is consulted by the Denver Aquarium on
He did several smears, which I was able to observe. His
diagnosis was that no evidence of pathogens and a generally healthy
slime coat seemed apparent. Hmmm.
So I am still left with some questions, but at this point will continue
the march to normal SG, observations, and continued reading (as you have
prescribed)...Keep the stick handy in case I get off course again...
<I'd be moving this fish to the permanent display. BobF>
Re: Clown and royal gramma scratching 12/30/12
Thanks Bob! At home is the best place to be! Jennifer
<Agreed. Feliz anno nuevo! B>
Ich, microbubbles or oolite sand 12/31/12
Hi crew..I'm in need of expert advice. I've noticed my Royal
Gramma scratching on the sand yesterday and today. Also he has not been
hanging out around his cave. He has not had any spots until today.
Also my Coral Beauty has spots but is not scratching. It also looks like
he has spots on his eyeballs. No other fish (Falco Hawk, Bicolor
Blenny, Ocellaris clown, Sleeper Goby) has spots or is scratching..well
the clown does scratch occasionally and has for some time. . About
a month ago I upgraded my tank and added oolite sand which I did not
have before. Also I notice a lot of microbubbles in the tank.
I've attached some pics. I hope I resized them to the recommended
size. Thanks crew!! Jen
<Does appear to be Cryptocaryon in terms of size, distribution... I'd be
reading re the various approaches to treatment and not; starting here:
and as much of the linked files above, that you lead yourself through
that you deem prudent. Bob Fenner>
Re: Ich, microbubbles or
oolite sand
Thank you for your reply. I came to the same conclusion after my blenny was
scratching. I have been doing copious research on your site. After which I
have several questions but I'll just ask this one: Which of the following
fish are copper sensitive?
<Let's make up a scale... 1-10, more to less sensitive>
Coral Beauty <5>, Bicolor Blenny <3> Sleeper Goby <4>, clownfish <3>,
Falco Hawkfish <7>, Royal Gramma <5>? From what I researched it appears all
but the later two are sensitive. What is recommended to treat them?
<... that you read; make up your own mind. Am partial to none, the use of
cleaners and quinine compounds in that order in general>
All sensitive fish will be put into a separate QT. Thanks again. Jen
<Cheers, BobF>
Re: Ich, microbubbles or oolite sand 12/31/12
Wow! They are all pretty sensitive. When you mention cleaners are you
referring to shrimp?
<... please learn to/use the search tool, indices on WWM. B>
Re: Ich, microbubbles or oolite sand 12/31/12
Please forgive me but it's been 7 years since I've had to deal with a case
of Ich and the last time I researched it "cleaners" were not on the top of
the list for curing an outbreak.
<Ahh, they're near there for me... though not a "cure" per se... but tipping
of a balance perhaps>
But as in everything vast improvements/research have produced more options
to curing this pest. I did research on the quinine and I think that is the
way I am going to go. Thank you.
<Please do send along your further observations. B>
Re: Ich Chloroquine 12/31/12
I would like to give cleaner shrimps a try but my Hawkfish killed the last
shrimp I had in the tank.
<Ah yes; and any other likely to be added. It (the Cirrhitid) would have to
be removed>
I'm having a hard time finding somewhere that sells the quinine online.
<... sources are posted on WWM:
I researched WWM for suppliers and the ones I've talked to sell it in 50
kilos or more. Also I recently came across a blog
(http://www.kevintaylor.ws/tag/chloroquine-phosphate/) where you stated that
the Chloroquine could be added to the food. Is this something that still can
be done with efficacy in a reef tank?
Can either Chloroquine or quinine be added to a reef tank?
I thought about just taking out the corals, rocks and inverts. I did
research this but the posts were 4 years old or older. On a different note
with it being the holidays I won't be able to get anything for at least a
couple of days. What can I do in the meantime? Water change, lower salinity?
Thank you again!
<... keep reading. B>
Re: Ich Chloroquine 12/31/12
Thank you!
<Ah, welcome. B>