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Crack in sump Please help
5/19/13 SW pump sel., appl. 07/28/07 Thank you again for your time today. It was, as I said, a pleasure to speak with someone who is articulate and knowledgeable. <A great pleasure to meet you as well Jonathan.> > Here is the original e-mail of which we spoke and I'll give you a call early in the week to set a day and time. <Ah!> I'm not a fishead but my wife is and we're setting up her second 250 gallon tank today. We have now two, large, saltwater reef tanks in the home and she is very good at her hobby with little if any restrictions on her financially or area-wise. But, we have two different ways of thinking of things. I'm a numbers guy and she's not. In setting up the new aquarium, I asked her how she chose her pump, in this case a Dolphin 3000. She said it was appropriate for the tank size but this doesn't work for me and I would imagine a lot of other people whose better halves are FishHeads. Question 1: How do you know how large a pump is sufficient. <Mmm... well... there are a few ways to go about this "decision"... but, as we chatted on the phone, you're well aware of just how turbulent reef environments can be...> If your pump pushes 2700 gallons of water up a 1.5" column 3' in height every hour, it equates to a certain volume of water in and a certain amount of water out. Maintaining> this equilibrium is effected via gate valve but it would seem to me> that if you're reducing the amount of water pressure created by the pump and thus the volume that enters the tank to match that which> exits, it would be more cost-effective to reduce the pump size and> thus the power needed to run it electrically rather than mechanically. <Strictly speaking you're absolutely correct. In a practical sense though... what she proposes... Using a well-designed and engineered pump, and throttling it down a bit possibly... is about the best one can do> That would equate to a lower cost of operation. So, with that said, my second question is that with 2700 gallons of water moving through the system each hour, we're filtering the complete tank contents just over 10X an hour or more than 240 times a day. I understand it depends on the filtration system employed (in this instance, she has a complete live rock setup in- tank, a 100-gallon sump w/ live rock, CO2 unit, UV and virtually every other system which explains why our home is host to so many fish tours a month), but just how many water changes are required for a healthy reef tank. Any help you can provide is well-appreciated. Jonathan Ames <When all energy inputs re considered, buying/using a well-made product like Dolphin's pumps saves a great deal more power (yes, even if slightly oversized) than opting for a possibly smaller, though less energy-efficient centrifugal. I think you're both doing fine here. Cheers, Bob Fenner>> Amped With His Pump! Scott, <Hi there!> I took your advice and purchased a Dolphin Ampmaster 3000. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! The pump is almost silent. It pumps a great deal of water and runs much cooler. <The Ampmaster is simply outrageous! Glad that you like it!> Thanks for the advice. I highly recommend this pump. Even though the Iwaki says it is "super quiet", it isn't! James <Yep...I love Iwakis...They are built like a tank...Reliable, powerful- everything that the manufacturers say about them is true...Except they are to darned noisy! The Ampmaster is in a class by itself. Like any pump, it has its own quirks- but it's ideal for most reef applications! Enjoy! Scott F> Pump Picks! What brand of pumps do you think are the best for outside of the sump? As in quality, quiet, and runs pretty cool? I'm looking to use the hole on the side of my sump for my 180, so I can use the Euroreef skimmer I want because the foot print is so big.... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. <I'm partial to Iwaki for their quality, power, and reliability. They are not the most quiet, but they are the best, IMO. Another good series of pumps is the Dolphin "Amp Master" series. Good power, and VERY quiet...Do a little chatting on the WWM Chat Forum and see what other fish geeks are using! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Big Pump Noise I currently have a 180g mini reef tank with an Iwaki 100 RLT as my main pump. I am really struggling with the noise level of this pump as the tank is in the same room where I have an entertainment system. I have enclosed the back side of the sump area and this has made it tolerable, but I am still tempted to turn off the pump when I watch a movie because of the noise. <Could you use some type of insulation as a sound barrier. I have also seen people use mouse pads under the pump to help deaden the noise> Is there a pump with similar output that would be substantially more quiet? <Others here have spoken well for the Dolphin AmpMaster although the longevity may not be as good as the Iwaki> Thanks, Marc <Hope this works out, Don> Dolphin/Ampmaster pumps Any insight on whether this bit of puffery is likely to be true: Dolphin claims that the "HHS pumps are great for applications where the pump is in the basement and the system is on another floor. The HHS 5000 or 5900 are the most popular for this use. The motors are 1/2, 1, 2, and 3 horse power respectively. The HHS 5000, and 5900 have dual voltage energy plus motors. They are one of the most efficient 56 frame motors available." For more see: http://www.dolphinpumps.com/highhead.htm <Hmmm... I am withholding my enthusiastic recommendations for this promising line of pumps. I have got an unusual number of detailed complaints regarding this line that has been disturbing. Leak issues, mis-wiring (failed ground) issues... and pumps not meeting the enticing low power consumption ratings cited. For anyone that wants my opinion: Iwaki is time tested and true. They are not the penultimate across the board... but they are categorically high marked in all areas. And as with all WWM crew members... never a single free sample here <G>! I have paid good money for a decade worth of Iwakis in hobby and business applications. They are just good products. Best regards, Anthony> - Return Pump, Follow-up - Cost is not a factor, so is there
a better return pump that you'd recommend. Not So Beautiful Noise! Hi! <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> I have a 175 reef aquarium that I am in the process of cycling. I purchased an Iwaki 100 RLT pump for the system. The noise is unreal! It sounds like a factory or an old appliance that is running. Is there anything that can be done to reduce the sound? Would you suggest another pump either Iwaki or another brand? I don't think I can live and enjoy the aquarium with this constant noise level. Thanks, James <Well, James- I have to agree with you to a certain extent...Iwaki pumps can be rather noisy. However, I think that they are the most reliable, rugged, and consistent pumps around! I guess if I were looking for another pump in this flow range, I'd go for a Dolphin Ampmaster...It puts out a ton of water flow, is virtually silent, and is of high quality. Not the same untouchable reliability as the Iwakis, but pretty close. Some people use mouse pads under heir Iwakis to deaden the sound, but I have not found this to be all that dramatic at reducing the noise...If you just cannot handle the sound, short of making major acoustic modifications to your stand, than I'd look at a different pump! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Re: Dolphin pumps? Hi Bob, Thanks for reply. As usual, I must keep bothering you for clarification. You stated: "They're fine products... do you need that much flow/pressure?" I always thought the general rule of thumb for circulation was 4-10x the size of your tank. At 5' of head, the DP-800 gives 600gph, the DP-1200 gives 1050gph, while the Eheim 1060 probably around 450gph (couldn't find a pump curve). From your statement, I kinda got the feeling that I may not need that much flow? <Hmm, clarity is pleasurable... sorry for the ambiguity... Can't tell from where I'm sitting what the application/s are... More of a "philosophical question" back to you. Yes to the "rule of thumb" for a circulating/recirculating designated pump... Do you have powerheads, submersible pumps as well? Advised> But then you recommended the bigger of the two Dolphin pumps. Sorry if I missed/misunderstood something. Thanks in advance for the reply. Hope you're having a good day. <You as well my friend. Bob Fenner> Question on pump sizing Bob, I am getting close to setting up my 150 to replace my 75. My question is do you think that the mag5 I am using for a return is sufficient one for each return? (I know sufficient for what? <g>) I would like to have enough movement that I do not have to supplement with too many power heads, but at the same time not thrash my softies.... <S/b fine... I might add a couple of smaller powerheads just the same... near and blowing across the bottom> If not Mag 5, what would you suggest - preferably brand/model but at least gph. <If this is what I already owned I would stay with it... If starting new, I'm presently partial to Dolphin... and the size/volume? A bunch (several times the capacity of the tank per hour)... divided amongst functions. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Marty - Sumps, Pumps, and Plumbing - Hello to all the staff at WWM!
<Hello.> First off, MAD PROPS and HUGE THANK-YOUs to the entire
crew! I wouldn't want to think what the hobby and industry would be
like without you folks! Late in 2003, and early 2004 I spent some
time building a very nice custom stand, canopy and sump for a planned
90 Gallon rig. In 2004, I was laid-off and my expensive project was put
on hold and I settled myself by enjoying my then current 40gal tank.
Recently, I moved from one state to another and destroyed the old 40
gallon tank before moving. However, all the life, rocks and some sand
from that tank are currently living in my new home office in a
Rubbermaid container awaiting their newer, nicer, roomier home. I
figured it is only fair since I got one. At this point, I have 200 pd.s
of very fine sand, have re-poly'd my tank and canopy, looked at
integrating the 440W VHO light system into the canopy, have the custom
sump leak-tested, have 88lbs of Tonga Kaelini LR curing in the garage
(Thanks Walt and ReeferMadness.us!), and am currently in the ordering
process for the tank (90 Gallon Acrylic). I posted some pictures in my
user profile here of the rock on receipt. I also plan on adding
pictures through-out the whole project. Anyways, I can't seem to
get a solid opinion on the boards and I am at the scary part (for me)
which is the plumbing and pump selection. This seems to be the hardest
area to research in tank construction due to the overwhelming number of
configurations. I was hoping someone might answer a few questions and
tell me If I am on the right track. Ok, here goes! |
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