FAQs on Convict Cichlids 2
Related Articles: Convicts, Freshwater Angels, Discus, Juraparoids, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Asian Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Convicts
1, & Convict Identification,
Convict Behavior, Convict Compatibility, Convict Selection, Convict Systems, Convict Feeding, Convict Disease, Convict Reproduction, & Cichlids of the World, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,

Convict; repro. mostly; comp.
Hey there I actually have a question on my one single female convict
that I have in a tank. In my tank there are also five ghost cat fish
a few tetras two twig catfish, And only one single female convict.
<Not a combination I'd recommend. Twig Catfish, Farlowella spp.,
need strong water currents, relatively low temperatures, and an
abundance of green algae. Otherwise they end up dead. Very few
people keep them alive for long, sadly. No idea what your tetras
are, but Ghost Catfish, Kryptopterus spp., are sensitive fish that
are easily bullied. Again, not obvious companions for a hard water
cichlid species know to be highly aggressive.>
So my question is would she be able to lay eggs even though there is
no male?
<Unlikely, but can happen. Remove the eggs. They will be
unfertilised, of course, and will rot and go fungussy within a few
days. Once that happens, it's no better than leaving a dead fish in
the tank -- one more source of ammonia for the filter to deal with.>
There are eggs in my tank that she started to protect do you think
it is one of the other fishes eggs that she is protecting?
<Defensive Convicts can be extremely troublesome, so keep an eye on
this tank. If it's 100 gallons you'd probably be fine, but 20 or 30
gallons, I'd be getting that female out ASAP. Frankly, Convicts
aren't community fish, and shouldn't be kept as such.>
Thanks Vee
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Please help... 6/3/19
Help I own both albino and zebra convicts cichlids and have for
2 years I have 3 running tanks and can't figure out for the life of me what is
going on with my albino cant seem to narrow it down he has growth on pectoral
fins and underneath his bottom gills it's always been there and never spread
there are 3 others in the tank as well please help me possible diagnose what
wrong so I can properly deal with it thanks in advance amber
<Most likely viral, though the blurry photo doesn't really help. If you can send
a sharp photo up to 500kB in size, that would help. (We do ask for small images
because our crewmembers are all around the world and reliant on mobile phones
even satellite links, and really can't handle big image files.) In any event,
viral infections are essentially untreatable. They tend to be caused by
environmental stresses, such as chronically poor water quality or exposure to
heavy metals. That said, inbreeding does seem to
make them more likely because viral infections are particularly characteristic
of things like Bettas, Angels, and Koi carp, so there's probably an element of
genetic predisposition at work here as well. Many viral infections will clear
themselves up eventually, but this may take years, and of course optimal water
quality and diet. On the other hand, viral infections are rarely lethal; while
there are some exceptions that do kill fish quickly, these do not seem common in
the tropical fish hobby. So provided the fish is not in distress, and it can
move, feed, ventilate its gills, and defecate normally, there's no immediate
danger. Of course secondary bacterial and/or fungal infections are a risk and
will need to be
treated accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Central American cichlids, info. re convicts
<<RMF>> 1/15/12
Hi, my name is John. I came across your page during a Google search. I
was looking up some information on why my male nicaraguensis cichlids
mouth was stuck open. After reading on your site that it was most
likely a dislocated jaw from a fight. This was all that I needed and
wanted to thank you for the information.
<Thanks for the kind words!>
But I did see a couple things that were incorrect on the central
American cichlid page. One being the photo of the "convict
cichlids", those are actually nicaraguensis.
<Which page is this? Sounds a silly mistake to make! We'll fix
this.><<URL please>>
And secondly its stated that male nicaraguensis are bigger than the
females. This is actually opposite The females usually grow a couple
inches bigger than males.
<Really? Many reports to the contrary. Perhaps there's no
hard-and-fast rule. But Bob will add your comments to the CA Cichlids
FAQs for others to read and consider; thank you.><<Not so as
far as I've ever encountered; females are always smaller, often w/
orange patching on their sides>>
Thanks for your time and all of the information you have given.
<And thanks for writing. Cheers, Neale.>
Albino Convict Cichlid 5/28/2009
Mutant Convict Death And Breeding
Good day to you guys, I have a 35gallon tank with 4 tailless albino
convict (most commonly known here in my country as toffy parrot) and
all paired with one another) but I was able to determine that it was a
convict after comparing notes from different websites and studying my
fish physically and its personality. I had a couple whom a few days
back just spawned some eggs. The male was protective of its territory
and was not letting the female leave its cave and does the job of
running after tankmates who were getting close to their cave, The
female then just tries to grab a quick pellet or two every time its
feeding time. That aside, on the 3rd day after spawning, I noticed that
the water was a bit cloudy, even just after changing water 3 days ago
(same day I saw the convict eggs). So I made partial water change
leaving a siphon and a hose on at the same time and then stopped after
a few minutes after I saw the water cleared. I added some rock salt and
a few teaspoons of anti-chlorine - which I always do after water
change. However, after about 30 min.s I saw the male inverted dead.. I
would like to know if the water change affected the male since I still
saw him eating and energetically chasing his tankmates before the water
change was done. Now the female is doing both taking care of the eggs
and chasing tankmates off the area. Did the water change stressed him
too much and would his death affect the rearing of the fry once
Thank you and hoping for your response...
< You probably should have placed the water in a bucket and then
added the dechlorinator before adding this water to the tank. Water
high in chlorine or chloramines can be deadly to fish. The female will
attempt to take care of the fry but her job will be much more difficult
without the help of the male.-Chuck>
Re: Albino Convict Cichlid 05/29/09
Quick Convict Death After Water Change
Thanks for responding quickly... I did not use the process of putting
the water in a bucket and dechlorinating it overnight because our water
is deep-well (spring water) and does not go through any process like
what city water goes through. I just had the habit of putting
anti-chlorine on it for safety purposes but has not had any effect on
my community tank for the past 6 months (since I started the hobby).
The water change did not have any effect on the other tank mates nor
the other convicts, I was wondering if the water change stressed the
male more since all day long he was chasing other tankmates away from
their lair, and doing the water change might have increased the stress
level to the point that it killed the fish. would this be possible?
<Well water may have compressed gases that are released when the
water is brought to the surface. I would still recommend letting the
water sit overnight before putting it in an aquarium. The water change
may have startled the convict and it may have accidentally hit an item
in the tank.
Trauma to the head could quickly injure or kill it.-Chuck>