FAQs on Discus
Related Articles:
Plants +
Discus = Wow! by Alesia Benedict, Planted Aquariums: Plants and Discus: What They Need To
Thrive By Alesia
Benedict, Discus Divas, Glitz,
Glam and Lots of Demands by Alesia Benedict, Juraparoids, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Asian Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Discus
1, Discus 2, Discus Identification,
Discus Selection, Discus Compatibility, Discus Systems, Discus Feeding, Discus Disease, Discus Reproduction, Cichlids of the World, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid

Female Discus chases all Males.
Hi Mate,
I have a scenario in my tank. One of the Female Discus (who is the Queen
of the Tank) keeps chasing the Blue diamond males (Both small and big
He does not seem to disturb the other pair.
In total I have:
Males: 4 (2 small Blue diamond, 1 Big blue diamond and 1 with green and
blue patterns))
Females: 4 ( 1 Green and Blue pattern, 1 big with blue dots, 1 big with
blue patterns and 1 small yellow).
Sorry for the rough description.
Please suggest what would be the correct ratio and what changes should I
be doing to have the right ratio.
<Mmm; more really has to do w/ the amount of space/room for all... such
that they can form pairs, engage in tolerable fighting (with enough area
to get away; avoid further pummeling). Sex ratios of about 1:1 are fine.
IF one or more fish are getting "too beat"... as evidenced by darkening,
hanging out at an angle, in corners, the surface; it is best to
immediately move the one doing the damage elsewhere.>
Waiting for your response as always.
Thanks and regards,
Shriram Natarajan
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Discus Aggression 2/28/19
Hi Crew,
I recently came to know that that WWM crew works out of time to respond to the
high email traffic you guys get and run the site. YOU GUYS ARE DOING A GREAT JOB
by providing sensible and practical advise to the fish keeping fraternity.
<Thanks for the kind words.>
I am sure I have dropped in many annoying emails to you guys and I keep checking
my mail waiting for your response.��
<Sure thing.>
Here is my question for today.
I have 3 pairs of discus in my tank out of which 2 are bigger in size and the
other 4 are smaller. Out of the 4 2 are blue diamond which seem to be more timid
and of the weaker section.
<Can happen. All the artificial varieties are inbred, and a rule, the more
extreme the variety compared to the wild fish, the more inbreeding has happened.
Consequently things like genetic diseases, poor growth rate, inept breeding
behaviour, and overall lack of vigour can be commonly seen in such varieties.
Not always for sure, and farmed Discus are generally easier to keep than
wild-caught specimens. But there's a fine line between breeding fish to favour a
particular colour pattern and inbreeding them so much they're demonstrably
weaker than the more genetically mixed wild-looking (rather than wild-caught)
I observed recently that one of the bigger discus seems to chasing the blue
diamonds every time they try to come out to the open. This bigger guy seems to
only like to chase the blue diamonds alone. He doesn't seem to disturb the other
smaller pair. This has led to the blue diamond to hide and stop eating. I would
like to know if adding another pair of smaller discus would reduce the
aggression or do I need to add a pair of bigger discus to divert the bully.
<It's a challenge. Yes, usually adding extra specimens reduces bullying. So
often people keep Discus in large groups, 8-12 specimens, if they want to keep a
school of them. Bear in mind that wild fish only school together outside of
breeding, so it's entirely normal for them to form territorial pairs once
The count of my discus (3 pairs) is it a good number or are any changes
required. My tank should be around 50 gallons
<Here's part of the problem. A pair of Discus will hold a territory with a
radius around 30-45 cm around their egg-laying rock or whatever. So you really
need to allow a circle maybe 60-90 cm in diameter for each mated pair, and any
extra Discus will be chased away if they get into that patch. Realistically,
you're not going to be able to have that sort of space in a 50-gallon tank.
You'd do rather better keeping a single pair, perhaps alongside suitable dither
fish (Silver Hatchetfish, Rummynose Tetras and Cardinals are classic choices)
and bottom dwelling catfish (Corydoras sterbai is the definitive catfish for
Discus set-ups). I doubt additional Discus will be tolerated for long in a tank
this size.>
Waiting for your advise as always.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Discus behavior 11/8/12
I have 70 gallon tank, with 2 discus in it (they were given to me) , as
well as 3 angels. I'm in the process of building a 150 gallon tank,
which I plan on obtaining 4 more discus at that point. My water
parameters are:
Temp- 82F
nitrate 20 ppm (working on getting down- have live plants)
nitrite 0
GH- 75 ppm (also working on bringing down in case of breeding- ideas?)
KH- 40ppm
ph- 6.4
<All sounds fine.>
my question is about some behavior between the 2 I've noticed, I'm
almost positive they are male and female,
<Given Discus are almost impossible to sex visually except by examining
their spawning tubes (spawning papillae) I wouldn't be too sure…>
But they've been pecking at each other, I've noticed some tail shaking
when they're around each other, they stay at each others sides
constantly like they're friends, so I thought perhaps it was breeding
But at the same time I've noticed they start to go for a mouth grab and
then back down, and also will swim next to each other and try to slap
each other with their side. I've bred angels, and a few other kinds of
fish, but I'm not really sure on how Discus courtship goes,
<Virtually identical to Angels, only with the added bit about Discus
producing mucous from the flanks to feed the fry.>
I've searched for some kind of details on their breeding behavior,
including your site, But it seems like no one really has any description
of how they act, mostly just how they lay their eggs and raise the fry
and what not. So could you help me, perhaps explain the behaviors of
breeding discus?
<Discus will do much the same thing as Angels; pairs may spar a bit,
flick their fins, but basically spend time together cleaning their
favoured spawning places (typically more or less vertical objects).
They're a bit more gentle than Angels though. The male shows his
spawning tube within a day, and the female within a few hours of
or do you think mine are just being aggressive because they're not in a
school setting yet?
<Could easily be Only time will tell.>
Any help is appreciated,
<Real good. Cheers, Neale.>
Discus Bullying
Problem! 2/10/12
Last year I purchased 5 discus from Chens discus. When I bought
them they were roughly sized; 1 being 2.5-3.5" and the other 4
being 3.5-4.5". In hindsight this was a very bad choice as
the smallest is 2.5" and the other 4 are just over 4"!!
Sadly I lost one of my larger discus rather quickly, so now there are 4
in my tank. They're in a 3ft tank with 3 Siamese fighters, 8
guppy/Endler's hybrids, a Bristlenose and a whiptail catfish.
From the beginning the hierarchy was obvious. My Alenquer Red
ruled the roost, although it was not aggressive, it was never bothered
by any other fish and would very occasionally peck them. My
Brilliant Turq was number 2, he would actively chase the other 3 a lot
but particularly the one that sadly died, and the smallest one (my
Leopard Spot). He was also first to eat and would chase any that
tried to steal some (except the Alenquer)!!
The next in line is my Mosaic Turq who seemed to be able to stick up
for himself, and of cause the little Leopard Spot was bottom rank.
Now I have to admit that I left my tank cleaning a little late on one
occasion (just over a week), that may not be relevant? But when
cleaning it next, I done a large water change and moved some plants and
re-arranged the ornaments to make it look tidier (I seem to struggle
with keeping plants alive, even aquatic ones!! And they were a
little sparse) I also added a small amount of salt to the tank as
my little discus was looking a little fragile, he was dark and
reclusive (he's now got all his colour back but is still a little
shy of the others). This new set up seemed to cause the Alenquer
to turn almost immediately in to a bully. Again he seems to leave
the Brilliant Turq alone and will constantly chase the Mosaic and the
Leopard Spot. The new layout means that there are less hiding
spots due to the plants being laid out thicker but all together at one
end, they were previously along the back of the tank (there are more on
their way to add hiding places) and the other 2 are getting harassed a
lot! The other odd thing is that the Brilliant Turq who was
originally my problem is now completely placid and will pretty much
leave the others alone? The bullying gets quite bad at feeding
time so I have come up with 2 options I would like your opinion on.
I was thinking of getting more discus to add to the group. As my
local fish store only sells small discus (around 2") I was
thinking of getting 2 and putting them in a separate tank with my
Leopard Spot until they've grow a bit. The other option is to
put them in (after quarantine) to my big tank but as they're small,
they may just end up being bullied. I'd like to know if you
think any of the above would work, or if you have any more
suggestions? I'm also curious as to what you think of the
sudden change in character of the 2 top fish. They don't seem
to be making any signs of pairing (and I really hope they're not!)
but these are my first discus.
Thanks for your time and help!
<Discus should be either kept singly, in pairs, or in groups
of NOT LESS than six specimens. The fact you're
keeping 5 of them, and then in an aquarium far too small for Discus,
will practically ensure bullying! Six Discus need at least 60
gallons/275 litres of water, and preferably twice that much space, so
your 36" tank is bound to be far too small for them.
Fix both these problems and you should find things improve. Cheers,
Re: Discus Bullying Problem! 2/13/12
Hi Neale,
Thanks for the response -
<Most welcome.>
That only really leaves me with the option to sell 2-3 of my
Discus. Would a pair or a single discus be okay in this sized
It contains 200 litres.
<The tricky part if you keep two is ensuring they're a mated
Thanks again.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Discus Fish
Thank you so much for your quick reply.
<Welcome Kaitlyn>
I will add three more of about the same size and see if that calms
things down. If not I may try a tank divider or move the bully into my
40 gallon tank that just has 6 Bloodfin tetras and 3 Cory Cats in it.
Once again, thank you.
<Do please follow up w/ how your situation goes. Cheers,
Controlling Discus Aggression
Hi. WWM crew. I had 5 juvenile discus of approx 2 to 2.5 inch size
housed in my tank. Recently I added a pair of Blue diamond discus of
the same size. But to my surprise the new pair has got really a warm
welcome from others, I mean they are all pecking them like hells broke
loose. The new pair is just hiding in all sorts of places. I would like
to know as to whether this behaviour of other discus towards the new
pair will last for some days or will be forever? I am really worried
about my blue diamond pair. Can you suggest me some tips to control the
aggression? I will be really obliged. Thanks in advance Amit
<People sometimes forget that discus are in the cichlid family.
Cichlids get very territorial and usually set up a pecking order for
food and space in an aquarium. When you added the new fish the
established fish felt threatened and wasted no time letting the new
fish know who is the boss and that they are at the end of the line.
Late in the afternoon you could rearrange the aquarium so the next day
all the fish are busy trying to establish a new territory and they will
then be more concerned with all the fish rather than just the new
discus pecking order question
Hi! I have a 125 gallon planted aquarium and a couple of months ago I
decided to make it a discus tank again (had a discus tank a few years
ago before a big move). I purchased 8 juvenile discus from Jack
Wattley. While at the facility buying my fish, it was mentioned that
larger discus emit a hormone that inhibits the growth of other discus
in the aquarium. Once made aware of this occurrence, I realized this
was my problem previously when I would acquire a new smaller discus and
add it to my tank with larger adults, as they just never really grew
and never knew why. So, I thought I would avoid this problem by buying
8 all basically of the same age. However it seems that 4 of the discus
are growing well but the other 4 are seemingly stagnating in their
growth, even though they are all eating and should have plenty of room.
I am assuming this is due to this growth inhibiting hormone? Is the
only way to get the smaller 4's growth to pick up is to separate
them? I am willing to set up another aquarium if necessary, but I would
eventually like to put them all back together in my larger display
tank. Is this a feasible goal? Thank you for your help!
<Hello Andrea. My understanding is that growth in cichlids depends
on five key factors: diet, gender, genetics, dissolved metabolites, and
social stress. Diet should be uniform among your cichlids and not an
issue here.
Gender is simply that males grow faster than females in most cichlid
species. Genetics is more of an issue with "fancy" varieties
than the natural sorts -- the more different the cichlids are from the
the more inbred they will be, and the more inbred they are, the less
well they generally grow (among other handicaps). Dissolved metabolites
are what some people refer to as "hormones" but really
aren't. Dissolved metabolites cover all those things that come out
of fish and accumulate in the water.
Ammonia, nitrite and eventually nitrate are well known, but there are
others. As these build up in the water they tend to suppress the growth
of fish, particularly those lower down the pecking order. Frequent
changes will help dilute these metabolites, and under experimental
conditions at least, 100% daily water changes have allowed quite large
fish to grow rapidly even at high stocking densities. That leads us to
factor five, social stress. Dominant fish can bully weaker fish, and in
doing so, not only prevent weaker fish from eating as much, but also
cause build up of stress hormones inside the weaker fish that slow down
that fish's growth rate. Do remember that the growth rate of all
fish is time dependent. In the case of medium-sized cichlids it will be
very fast between ages 0 to about 6 months, somewhat slower for the
next 6 months, and very much slower thereafter, likely imperceptible by
the time the fish is 18 months old, and
slowing down all the time after that. So while fish grow their entire
lives, the rate at which they grow is variable. In other words, if your
Discus are a year old now and half of them are quite small compared to
the other, you'll likely never get those smaller ones to catch up
with the bigger ones. Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Discus size - 8/1/10
<Hi there>
I have 6 2 - 2.5 inch discus in a lightly planted 72 gal. I've read
so much about the water changes and feedings for young discus. I
currently change the water weekly (about 10%-15% with gravel vac)
<I'd increase this volume to about a quarter of the tank's
volume with time/growth>
and I feed twice a day (mix it up with flakes - regular and veggie,
bloodworms, and pellets). They are eating well and appear to be
comfortable - a little pecking here and there. I'm not trying to
grow giant discus or max them out. I'm not trying to breed them
either. I would like them to reach about six inches and be healthy.
Would they reach that size with my current care and good water quality
- no ammonia, nitrites, and below 10 nitrates?
<Yes... even larger... could be "forced" as you state,
w/in a half year to this size, or more leisurely and recommended, to
about a year from now>
<Welcome "my man"! Bob Fenner>
Discus hanging in corner, beh., hlth. --
Hi crew,
Last Monday that I moved my eight Turquoise Discus to my 240.
They all seem to be doing fine, but one hangs in one of the corners and
I don't really see him eat even when the food passes right by his
He seems to be the runt.
<Perhaps. But do be aware of the symptoms of worm infections, e.g.,
Camallanus, and also Discus Plague.>
He doesn't seem to be getting skinny, but he also doesn't seem
to be growing like the rest. I also thought I saw white poop coming out
of him soon after the move.
<A common symptom of Hexamita infections, treated using
Prompt treatment is essential. Although contagious, it's likely
latent in all farmed cichlids, and only becomes problematic under
certain circumstances, typically stress, non-zero nitrate levels and/or
the use of a poor quality diet. I wouldn't treat the other Discus
unless they were obviously sickly. Note that Metronidazole needs a
clean aquarium to work well, so remove as much organic detritus from
the aquarium and filter as possible.>
Any ideas?
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Discus hanging in corner -- 5/18/10
Hi crew,
I've isolated the discus in a ten gallon bare bottom quarantine
tank with a product called Parasite Clear.
<Never used this, so can't comment from personal
After I contacted you, I noticed 2 more not eating so I've included
them in with the first one. The remaining 5 are really eating
aggressively. The package lists the following ingredients:
The package does not state quantities.
The directions say to add one tablet per 10 gallons of water.
My question is:
How long do I need to treat these fish?
<Follow the instructions on the packaging. Doing otherwise rarely
Again, the only symptoms are not eating. Their fins are erect, not held
close to their body, respiration seems normal. I mentioned that I saw
white poop, perhaps I should watch for poop in the ten gallon. It
shouldn't be
too difficult since it's bare bottom.
Thank you very much for your help!
<Do read the articles linked to last time. Cheers,
Re: Discus hanging in corner
Hi crew,
I'm happy to report that my sick discus are eating today after just
24 hours after being treated with API General Cure which contains 250mg
of Metronidazole!
<Ah, good>
After 4 days treatment of Parasite Clear, I wasn't seeing any
I found another LFS about 90 miles away that still didn't have
exactly what I was looking for, but better than what I was using.
I changed out all the water from the ten gallon quarantine tank,
refilled with fresh water from my 240 gallon tank, added the medicine
and fish at about 11:30 AM yesterday. As of 2:00 PM today all 3 fish
are eating. There is still 3 more days of treatment based on the
directions, but I was so excite, I wanted to share the good news!
<Thank you for doing so... and do continue to monitor water quality,
do such change-outs. Cheers, BobF>
Re: Discus hanging in corner, now FW
quarantine 5/25/10
Hi crew,
I can't remember ever having fish survive a quarantine procedure.
When its complete, do I just remove them from the quarantine tank and
reintroduce them to the display?
<Is the standard method for freshwater fishes... Though some folks
use the opportunity to run them through prophylactic
Or should I do a 100% water change on the quarantine tank (using
display tank water), and allow them more Time?
Thank you!
<Welcome. BobF>
nervous discus? 5/18/10
Dear All,
Really hope you can give me some suggestions as to what may be
bothering my discus. I have a group of 5 juveniles (approximately 3.5
inches) in a 550l heavily planted tank.
<Five isn't the magic number with Symphysodon, six is. Discus
are best kept in either mated pairs or groups of 6 or more.>
Ammonia, nitrite both 0, nitrate barely detectable and temperature is
82.4F (28C). Lighting was originally using LED solid state lighting
however as I was concerned about the brightness for the discus I
reduced the lighting so
now the tank is lit with two fluorescent T8 lights.
<Floating plants will help a lot, or at least tall vegetation with
leaves that cover the surface. Discus come from dark, gloomy conditions
and don't like bright light. They can settle into planted aquaria,
but a lot depends on their tankmates, the size of the tank, water
current, etc. Do read:
The tank has 20% water changes twice a week and all parameters have
been stable for at least a year. The discus were bought from a breeder
about 4-5 months ago and since then have grown but are rarely seen.
<Is their wont.>
They tend to stick to the very back of the tank and only come away from
the back if no-one is around and there's no movement near the
<Very typical. Check for things like noise levels in the room and
vibrations. Discus aren't happy in "busy" rooms.>
As soon as you approach it they all dive for cover and look fairly dark
a lot of the time which makes me concerned that somethings stressing
The other fish in the tank are a mixed shoal of tetras (Neons,
head-and-tail-light, Congo and Pristellas), hatchet fish and a small
group of juvenile Bristlenose catfish.
<Congo tetras could easily be too large and active for Discus, and I
wonder if removing them would help. Discus expect to be "top
dogs" in their aquaria, and anything larger than Cardinals are
often viewed with suspicion.>
I've kept discus previously so know they can be skittish fish, but
they've always settled down after about one month or so and come to
recognise me as the food provider... these fish just don't seem at
all happy and I'm at a loss as to what could be the problem? The
only thing I can think of is that at the breeder they were in bare
tanks with lots of other discus - however, I'm loathed to add more
discus due to the potential aggression problems.
the last thing I want to do is stress these poor creatures even
<Indeed. If you haven't already, do real Paul Loiselle's
'Cichlid Aquarium' book, especially his sections on dither fish
and the requirements of Symphysodon spp.>
Any suggestions would be gratefully received,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Discus care 3/12/10
Hi Crew,
I just purchased 8 juvenile turquoise discus 3 to 4 months old.
I was wondering what your feeding and food recommendations are.
<Posted here:
Also, how long do they grow?
<Mmm, most growth occurs in the first year, but does continue
through out life>
I've heard 12 months, 18 months.
How big should they be now?
<2-3 or so inches overall length. Bob Fenner>
Discus help... sys., beh.
Hi there, (it would be great if Neale could get this!) I really need
some help with my discus.
I have one discus in a 30 gallon tank, with nothing but gravel.
I have been on tons of sites and spoken to a good amount of breeders
and they all suggest keeping discus in an empty tank.
<Yes. Breeders often maintain their fish in a different way to
people keeping them as pets. There are pluses and minuses to the
"no gravel" approach. On the plus side, removing gravel makes
the tank easier to clean. This is important because eggs and fry are
very sensitive to poor water quality, and gravel can also hide
egg-eating animals like snails and flatworms. However, glass reflects
light, and that terrifies most fish, including cichlids. Breeders keep
their fish in dark rooms so this is less of an issue, but you can't
keep them like that as pets in a living room or den. So if you're
going to make the tank look pretty, gravel is a must. I'd also make
a general point that breeders aren't necessarily keeping their fish
in the best way in terms of psychology. Yes, the fish are breeding, but
then farm animals breed and that doesn't mean they're enjoying
the same quality of life they'd have in the wild. At least some
breeders keep their fish primarily as "cash cows", constantly
breeding fry they can rear and sell. I'm closer to the other kind
of breeder who keeps their fish in nice, planted tanks most of the
time, but will remove them to a breeding tank once a year if I feel
like rearing some baby fish.>
Well, just a few minutes ago my fishy friend started freaking out for
no apparent reason, striking himself on the glass sides of the tank and
even jumping out of the water to strike the glass top!
<Discus will do this if alarmed. Adding floating plants such as
Indian Fern will help a great deal.>
Now he is swimming at a 45° angle.
<Fish will adjust their swimming angle if light comes from the side
of the tank rather than the top. In a nutshell, they use both gravity
(which pulls from below) and light (which is normally right above them)
to determine up and down. If you move the light to the side of the
tank, they try to adjust themselves as a compromise.>
I called a fish store that prides itself on their expertise and they
told me that it was because he has no where to hide, so he got
<Yes, certainly possible. It's important to remember wild Discus
are fish that live among tree roots in the flooded forest. Their flat
shape evolved so they can slot into gaps between those tree roots.
Under aquarium conditions floating plants work almost as well,
particularly if you add a few big bogwood roots and tall plastic plants
into the mix.>
I am not sure that I believe this. His tank has been empty since we
have had him (5 weeks) and he has had no problems before this, and he
is located in a fairly busy room (not saying that we run all over and
startle him).
<Not ideal.>
I have since placed a few objects in the tank to give him opportunity
to hide and he avoids them completely.
<Discus don't use caves or really anything at the bottom of the
tank. You need tall, vertical hiding places and above all shade at the
top of the tank. Indian Fern is cheap and cheerful, but some folks find
giant Vallisneria just as good.>
Some advice on this would be great! I need to know whether or not to
keep him in an empty tank again or create some places to hide, and also
what could have caused his temporary confusion?
<Depends what you're after. An empty tank may be okay for
breeding in a dark, quiet fish room; a thickly planted, shady tank is
essential in the house.>
But please do not just send me links, as I was highly disappointed the
last time I wrote to this site looking for help and all I was sent was
a bunch of links to pages that did not answer my questions.
<Well, not sure what you're referring to here, but do remember
we're volunteers, so your "disappointment" should be
balanced against the fact we're free!>
Thank you so much, Lena
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Discus -- 2/5/10
Hi there, and thanks for the advice. I am definitely going to add some
plants and bogwood to his aquarium. He seems a lot happier today, and
is eating again. Thanks again for the great advice, Lena
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Discus Not Growing 7/23/09
Hi, I have a 75-gallon tank with 5 Discus, a Uaru, a Rummynose, and a
small assortment of various Cory catfish. The Discus and, especially,
the Uaru, are growing nicely; however, one of the two Cobalt Blue
Discus I have is as small as he was when I got him and the others about
9 months ago. Even the one that is growing is doing so at a very slow
pace, but at least he's growing. The runt, or "little
guy," which is what I tend to refer to him as, seems to be eating
his fair share of food, which consists primarily of frozen blood worms
(mosquito larvae), brine shrimp, and plankton, during every feeding.
Also, the water is always crystal clear and kept at a steady 82
degrees, at times, 83 or even 84 on the really hot days of Summer. 30%
water changes are done once a week as well. All things considered, in
addition to him acting healthy and his colors being so vibrant, I am
stumped as to why the "little guy" is not growing. I say,
"little guy," but, for all I know, he could very well be a
she. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Regards, Gregg
< Three things could be the cause. The first is nutrition. With a
varied diet like that, nutrition should not be the problem unless he is
being chased away from the food and actually getting less food than the
fish.. The second is water quality. High nitrogenous wastes interfere
with the growth of young fish. High protein diets do produce lots of
this waste. The ammonia and nitrites should be zero and the nitrates
should be under 20 ppm. <<Much lower. RMF>> The last
is genetics. In the wild small fish are removed from the gene pool by
predators. No such predators are usually found in an aquarium. Most
commercial discus breeders sell everything they produce with little
concern for long term results. I'm afraid you just may have a
Discus... stress beh., hlth., incomp. with angels
12/12/08 Good afternoon, I am hoping you can help
me out with a discus problem. Currently I have a 330 litre tank with a
ph of 6.4 and temp at 28C as well as quite a few fishes, 20 Rummy nose
4 bristle nose 4 angel fish (paired, very territorial) 10 Zebra Danios
1 blue diamond discus 4 red melon discus (Is this too many for the
tank?) <Sounds great. But Angels can be quite waspish, so I'd
watch how the Discus behave. It's pretty common for Angels to bully
Discus. There's also a risk of transmitting diseases that Angels
don't seem too bothered by, but can cause real problems for
Discus.> The red melons were added 6 days ago. On the 1st day they
got "head butted" by the blue diamond a fair bit, I read up
on a site and dismissed it as a greeting of some sort. <Well, Discus
are hierarchical, but if you upped the group to six, I'd fully
expect them to settle right down.> Now the 4 red melons are slowly
showing black patches on their face. There is one that is particularly
bad, his upper and lower fin has a dark shade around the edges while
his back fin has gone from clear to black. I've read your previous
posts about unhappy discus turning black, in my case it is only to
their head and fins their body is still bright red. <Could well be
stress; Discus when stressed typically show a series of dark vertical
bars on the flanks. I'd carefully observe the interactions within
the Discus group, as well as between the Discus and Angels. But as ever
with Discus, do a quick check of water quality and especially water
chemistry. In soft water tanks pH can drop rapidly, and as pH drops,
biological filtration becomes less efficient, basically stopping
altogether at around 6.0. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Discus 12/14/08 Thank you Neale,
for the prompt reply, I will move the Angels out in the next couple of
day and put in 2 more red melons. Will let you know how it goes.
Regards, Leon <Sounds like you have a good plan there. Let me know
if things still don't work out. Good luck! Neale.>
Discus aggression and 'dither' fish
7/19/08 Hi Crew, <John,> Thinking that more than two
juvenile discus in a planted 29-gallon tank would be too many, I
didn't take seriously enough the thought that the 'pecking
order' really would be an issue -- my new (in the tank for a week)
Santarem is preventing his Snakeskin tankmate from settling in. The
snakeskin is eating very little, and is chased whenever it strays from
hiding. I have installed a divider in the tank, but I want the discus
ultimately to coexist. <Discus do indeed work best in fairly large
groups when young, since they're schooling fish and when kept in
insufficient numbers you run the risk of all the usual social problems
with hierarchical fish. It's easier to maintain pairs once
they've paired off by themselves.> My question is this: would
adding some dither fish (or something like dither fish -- not sure if
this is exactly the term for what I have in mind) be expected to
partially or totally relieve this aggression? <Not really; if you
have fish picking on each other, that's likely because the dominant
fish is already considering the whole tank his domain. Dither fish
serve to help fish feel less frightened. Cichlids (and many other
benthic fish) decide whether it is safe to leave their hiding places to
feed by observing surface fish. Because surface fish can see predators
above the waterline first, they act as a kind of "early warning
system".> I've read (on WWM and elsewhere) infrequent
comments on the possibility of discus picking on such fishes as rams,
Apistos, or checkerboard cichlids; could this fact be exploited to
reduce the aggression of the Santarem on the Snakeskin? <Unlikely.
What you're describing are called "Targetfish", the idea
being that territorial cichlids need to focus their aggression on
something, and if you put something in the tank for them to "have
a go at", it helps the pair form a stronger bond. This approach
works great if you use super-fast, semi-aggressive things like
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri or sturdy Synodontis.> If so, are there
better choices than others here? <Additional Discus.> Or would
the distraction of other tankmates such as tetras be sufficient to
distract the aggressor? (I currently have nine marble Hatchetfish in QT
waiting to go in with the discus...perhaps even these would help?)
<Hatchets are great dither fish for Discus, but I don't think
they will have the effect you're after.> I don't want to add
fishes that will cause further problems -- I had planned only the
discus and hatchets for this tank, but would be happy to add any others
to make the discus more comfortable. Your experienced advice would be
greatly appreciated. <I'd go with an odd numbered group, at
least three, ideally 5+.> --John in Minneapolis <Neale in
Question- Carbon Stunting Fish
06/15/08 A discus breeder I know, who appears
quite knowledgeable, told me that activated carbon in filters stunts
the growth of fish. Is there any truth to this? < I have never seen
any scientific documentation validating this claim. If this breeder set
up six tanks of baby discus with activated carbon in their filters and
then set up an additional six tanks of baby discus without activated
carbon, then raised them together with all the other factors being the
same, then we can compare both the tanks to see if the carbon made a
difference. Carbon removes organics from the water. A good example
would be tannins from driftwood. What does affect fish grow is
nitrogenous wastes. If the filter is not cleaned then the organics in
the filter begin to decompose and these waste products inhibit the grow
of fish. This is why water changes are so heavily stressed in raising
baby fish.-Chuck>
Discus Behavior, was stand adjusting
Q 5/29/08 Hello
Bob, <Eric> Thanks again for the help and website.
<Welcome> I ended up going with the 75 gallon and am very
happy I did so. I used (2) 4ft long 2x10inch boards to support the
weight evenly... There's tons more room for my livestock. As
for my specific Discus related question, the five I have are all in
their juvenile stages (2.25-3inches) and are starting to display a
bit of aggression towards each other. Nothing 'too crazy'
but it's enough to make the smaller one (or two) hide more than
the others. I'm concerned it will start to inhibit their eating
and with the subsequent health problems this will cause. <At
least a stunting effect on growth...> I have read and heard that
a similar, less aggressive yet more sturdy 'durable' fish
can help with this issue. If I were to purchase a smaller (1.5
inches or so) Uaru, do you think this will help the issue here?
<Possibly... but I would opt for small "ditherfish" at
least as well> As in, they won't pick on the smallest Discus
quite as much? I could also try some other middle dwellers such as
appropriate Tetras/other similar fish in an attempt to
'distract' the 5 Discus, but I'm not sure this will
work. <Ahh! Actually am confident this will work> The only
other loop to throw in here is that I've only had the Discus
for about a month or so and they're all still very skittish
around me. Thank you for the website Eric <Try feeding more
frequently, smaller amounts... Symphysodon are indeed train-able.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Discus Behavior 5/29/08
Bob, <Eric> Thanks again! Another real quick question. Do you
think the Penguin Tetras (Thayeria boehlkei) would be an all right
mix for fish? I'd probably buy about 6-10 of these guys. I read
on this site and searched but didn't come up with anything.
Thanks! Eric <I do think this/they are an excellent choice...
particularly if, as I suspect, your Discus are
captive-bred/produced (so the Penguins behavior won't be too
much for them). More here re:
Similar water quality range... Bob Fenner> |
Discus Behavior
4/1/08 Good Day Crew: I have a few questions about my
Discus' behavior. First, here are the tank specs: -55 gallon,
4 ft. long tank. -1 AquaClear 70 filter w/ extra Biomedia (all is
rinsed out on a bi-weekly basis, will increase this regimen when
it becomes necessary.) -1 Marineland 170- BioWheel filter (same
as above, rinsed) -Temp: 82 degrees - constant. -pH. 7.1 --
constant, very little fluctuation (night/day cycle a bit)
-Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, all Zero. (Nitrates between zero
and 5 ppm, but that's due to the test card.. I'm not sure
which it is, either zero or 5ppm).. this is largely because I do
water changes of about 30 gallons/week (10 gallons each time, 3x
per week with water that is the same pH, temp, and is treated for
chlorine, chloramines, etc.) I may switch this to 2x per week, 15
gallons each time instead. -LFS testing of water confirms the
above. (second opinion) <Good.> The rest may be too much
information, but I'm trying to be as specific as possible: -I
have 2 medium sized pieces of driftwood (made esp. for aquariums)
about 10-12 inches long, 3-4 inch diameter each. -the substrate
is a natural (ex: non painted) brownish colored stone (smaller
sized) -I have 5 small sized (about 5-6 inches tall, each.) live
plants (mostly of the Anubias variety) -3 med sized plastic
plants -3 tall plastic plants (reach top of aquarium) - a few
med-large sized aquarium safe rocks/stones/pebbles. -The lighting
is about 1 watt/gallon -I have a bubble-wand thing in the back
that's about 1ft wide, in the middle, attached to the lower
back wall for aeration. The pump is rated for a 30 gallon tank.
-All the plants, stones, etc. are arranged throughout the
aquarium so they're not 'just along the back' as to
provide more hiding places for my fish. <Sounds nice.>
Livestock: Each round was added at least 1 week after the
previous round, sometimes closer to two weeks. The tank was
previously cycled (fishless for 2 weeks, then I added a few of my
healthy, disease free fish from my other tank to be sure they
were doing well and to boost the bacteria, then waited 2 weeks or
more, then tested (again)'¦ Then removed them). 1st
Round: (1) 2.5 inch Discus, (1) 2.5 Inch Gold Nugget Pleco 2nd:
(2) 2.5 inch Discus 3rd: (10) Cardinal Tetras, (10) Ghost Shrimp
For all the livestock, I made sure they were in the LFS's tank
for at least two weeks, that they looked exceedingly healthy,
acted the same, and ate in front of me. After which point, I
brought them home and all livestock was quarantined for 1 week
prior (in my QT tank). <Good.> I feed a variety of foods,
including frozen bloodworms, flake, Cyclop-Eeze Micro Crabs, and
other very small pellet foods. For my Gold Nugget Pleco, I also
feed ½ of an Algae-wafer tab that he devours every
day. <I think you can risk a whole wafer here, but perhaps
only 5 nights a week. Baryancistrus aren't really algae
eaters as you probably know, but are adapted to eating small
invertebrates and a certain amount of carrion. So bloodworms,
chopped shellfish, and the occasional piece of white fish will
all make good supplements to its diet. Plant matter (rather than
algae) is also eaten; try cucumber and courgette.> Here's
my question: My Cardinals, shrimp, and Pleco all are doing
exceedingly well. They're eating, swimming and behaving
absolutely normal. However, my three discus are always hiding in
the corner behind a number of plants that I've arranged for
them. <That's what they do. Let them settle in and become
"tame", i.e., accustomed to their new home.> Their
colors are great, and they don't lie on the ground.
<Good.> However, they're not all that active. (I know
these fish resemble hot air balloons and won't ever be
constantly swimming and active like Cardinals or other Tetras,
but....) <Do try adding Hatchetfish or some other peaceful
surface dwellers. These convey an "all clear" signal to
Discus that encourages them to swim about. Such fish are called
Dither Fish are widely used with other Cichlids.> It looks
like they're scared and very timid. They spend probably 90%
of the time (that I'm around anyway) behind the plants or
driftwood'¦ A few times when I come home from work
I'll notice they're out, but then I approach (very
slowly) and they've BOLTED from one side of the tank to the
other. Further, they only eat about 1x every other day. I've
tried to get rid of all the excess food afterward. I let them
'graze' while observing from a distance of about 10 ft or
so, but have only seen them eat every other day. <Discus
aren't big eaters to be sure, but do try using wet frozen or
live foods. These sometimes encourage reticent fish to more
outgoing. I guess because they taste so yummy!> There was a
goldfish (who was in there in the beginning to make sure my tank
was completely cycled, and I could NOT catch. until yesterday)
that beat them to the punch (eating wise) for the first few days,
and it looked like the goldfish was intimidating the Discus a
bit.. but not 'too much'. <Hmm... will take Discus a
time to get over this.> It wasn't acting aggressively,
just beating the Discus to the food. <Still... it's
enough.> I have been doing a lot of reading about Discus on
your site and many others (for months.. before I bought the
substrate for my tank even), and from what I've read, I think
they're just 'acclimating' to the new surroundings
and getting used to me, but I want to make sure I'm not
missing anything. <Yes, they will need some settling.
Increasing their numbers might also help. Typically people keep 6
Discus, as this seems to be the magic number for getting groups
to settle down.> So, to 'remedy this', should I wait
for a few more weeks so they'll be able to get more
comfortable? <Yep.> Keep the lights off? <Nope.> Try
purchasing more dither fish? (one reason I bought the Cardinals,
but..) <Ah, you see Dither Fish need to be at the top of the
tank. The idea is that Cichlids look for surface swimming fish as
an "early warning system" that terrestrial predators
aren't about. Cardinals swim close to the bottom, and frankly
are just as nervous as Discus. You need something bold and
swimming at the top. Silver Hatchets are ideal, but I've even
seen people use things like White Cloud Mountain Minnows (though
these don't really like very warm water). Danios might work,
but some species are simply so aggressively active themselves
they might have the reverse effect.> Add 1-2 more Discus of
approximately the same size so they'd be more comfortable in
a somewhat larger school? <Quite possibly.> As a
precautionary, I'll read up on the general disease and
treatment articles again, but let's hope it doesn't come
to that. Sorry for the long e-mail. Thank you (as always) for the
exceptional help and assistance. E <Cheers,
Re: Discus Behavior 4/3/08 Neale,
Thank you for all the help. I've been watching the fish and
the Discus are starting to get out a bit more.. Hopefully this
will continue! I'll buy Hatchet fish tonight, and add them to
the QT tank. I'm thinking 1/2 a dozen should be sufficient,
right? <I'd go with a few more than that, if you can.
Partly because Hatchets can be difficult to settle in, and you
may lose a few. Depends a lot on how well they've been looked
after by your retailer. But also because they're quite
"flighty" -- in more ways that one! So if you can
stretch to 8 or 10, so much the better. There are two sorts in
the trade, the smaller Marbled Hatchets (Carnegiella spp.) and
the bigger Silver Hatchets (Gasteropelecus spp.). The latter are
bigger and easier to keep.> Also, if I buy one additional
discus, would this actually be enough? <Difficult to say.
Depends on the fish, environment.> Thanks again! E <Cheers,
Disappearing Discus -
10/25/06 I have a 55 gallon tank. I had [at the time] 7 discus
& 2 Plecos. About a month ago, I noticed my little 2-inch Yellow
Siam Master had turned very dark. I was scared he would die. I
changed the water almost 3/4 of it - all tests were good. Then a few
days later - I just couldn't find him OR my little Pleco (2
inches)! I cleaned out the tank - took all plants (plastic), big rocks,
etc. out & searched. Nothing. Just gone. Now it is 3 weeks later
& I just got 3 new discus - all doing fine BUT now my 2-inch Blue
is completely gone!! I have never found a body, bones, from ANY fish in
my tank. I have also searched all around my tank in case they
jumped out. I feed them 2 x day & change water 3-4 x month.
Are my discus creepy little cannibals or what?? Does my tank have
a wormhole? Alien abduction? This is completely freaking me out. PLEASE
tell me what is happening (if you can.) < Your discus turn very dark
and start to hide when they are sick. When they die the bacteria start
to break them down and their bodies decompose very quickly in an
aquarium. If your water is soft and acidic then the skeleton will
dissolve pretty quickly too. Remove some of the decor so you
can watch them more closely.-Chuck>
Dashing Discus 7/14/06 Hey guys! I have a few
things that I wanted an opinion on. Let me give you my tank and fish
specs first. I have a 55 gal, a couple medium sized plants, sponge
filter and eight discus under 3 1/2". My problem is three
different fish who all display different symptoms. 1.) I have a blue
snakeskin who was breathing through one gill for long periods of time.
He would use both if agitated by a tank cleaning, or during feeding (I
assumed just from the activity). I consulted my local fish store and
was told to let the fish ride it out as long as he was eating properly
and not getting any worse as medication can be pretty intense for fish.
So that's what I've done. I came home from work tonight and he
is at the bottom of the tank bobbing up and down hitting the gravel
bottom each time. He seems to be breathing heavily (using both gills)
and one of his fins (right side) is torn up pretty bad in the webbing.
I gave him some stimuli by turning on the tank lights and stirring him
with my hand. He was completely unresponsive until I touched him, at
which point he darted around aimlessly hitting every decoration and
wall in the tank multiple time, often swimming upside down and on his
side. He came to rest in a corner of the tank on his side and resumed
the bobbing behavior. Is this later stages of a gill problem I should
have taken care of earlier? < Probably should have treated for gill
flukes with Fluke-Tabs but hind-site is always 20/20.> 2.) My red
snakeskin has always been a good and healthy fish (still young though)
at the time that I came home tonight, he was swimming around the tank,
upright, and running into anything in his direct line of swim. Almost
the way a blind person would walk if they couldn't spot to avoid
objects. He has no outer signs of abuse from the others, or anything
that would look like disease. Could this be related to the fish I
mentioned in #1? Or is this a part of night time discus unresponsive
behavior? < Internal parasites or trauma like a blow to the head may
be the problem. Fish sleep when it is dark and it could take a few
moments to let his eyes get adjusted to the lights and shadows.> 3.)
I know this is getting long, but thank you so much for anything you can
help me with. Lastly, I have a brilliant turquoise that is kinda beat
up looking. Again, all the fish looked fine today (except for the one
with the gill problem) and when I came home tonight I noticed that
there were white scratch marks along his sides and towards the back of
his body. No other symptoms though. Is this just normal pecking order
battle scarring? < The fish could
have been startled and inadvertently scratched
himself against an object. Fish do not do this kind of damage to each
other.-Chuck> The only other thing I can say is that I performed a
water change today, but I tested the water right before I emailed this
and everything checks out fine. Very consistent with previous water
conditions. I love my fish and I would hate to lose one to something I
should have prevented a while ago. Thanks again for what you guys do.
I'll look forward to hearing back from you. Ryan
Discus Being
Aggressive 5/14/06 Hello, I recently purchased two discus
(one brilliant turquoise and one red turquoise). They are the most
exquisite fish I have ever seen. They acclimatized really well, much
better than expected. So, the tank is a 70 gallon heavily planted and
going swell with my first two fishies. The next day I brought a German
purple discus and a solid white discus. Again acclimation was very
good. Now here's the problem: the brilliant turquoise constantly
chases the German into the back corner even though the German is 1
and a half times bigger!!! I was told that in order to
reduce this aggression the brilliant is showing I should add a couple
more, is this a wise idea? < The idea is to create a tank with many
targets so the most aggressive discus picks on all the others and not
just one. You could use angelfish or Festivums too.> I really
am starting to get upset as I knew discus were cichlids but have
never seen them this bad. The German is still eating and is happy
but the brilliant is not making his life overly happy. Your advice
would be highly valued!!! If you think I should add more discus how
many? < Sometimes people get by with just two discus in a tank. It
all depends on how territorial the most aggressive one wants to be.
Sometimes you can just rearrange the tank but this is not practical
with a planted tank. I would stock the tank with a total of at least 6
discus since they like to be in schools anyway.> Do the discus get
better as they mature??? < They will get a pecking order established
and things may ease up a bit.> How soon should I add
more discus? < If you planned on adding more discus anyway then
I would do it sooner rather than later. If you want to keep it as is
then you could wait and see if things settle down.> Thank you very
much for your precious time, and happy fish keeping. Jarryd.
Discus Help!! 11/19/05 I'm such a moron! Ok,
I always QT new animals before I put them in the 150 gal show tank. I
leave them in QT for at least 2 wks... normally 4+. I add animals
carefully and slowly... until this week. I ordered 8 discus that
weren't supposed to be shipped until after Thanksgiving... but
there was a mix-up and they got here Tues. My QT is a 20 gal and I just
moved some loaches, an angel, and a Farlowella into the main tank. I
didn't put the discus into the QT because a week ago I lost an
angel in it to fin rot and the dealer who sold me the discus said that
it would be better to just put them into the main tank instead of risk
picking something up from the QT. <Possibly the better route> My
wife noticed a little fungus on one of the dorsal fin rays of one of
the larger discus (about 2.5" sv) Wednesday and from what we'd
read in the FAQs we left it alone. Thursday evening we noticed that the
condition had worsened on the fin and moved to the sides as well...a
white, cottony patch about the size of a lima bean on the side and
another the size of a pinto on the dorsal fin. I have always had
success treating fungus with Melafix, <...> so I dosed the tank
per the directions (5ml/10 gal) as a preventative and did a separate
dip for the affected fish of 1 drop QuickCure <Too toxic...
malachite and formalin...> and .5 ml Melafix in 1 gal system water
for 5 min. The fish was returned to the system and seamed much improved
that night. This morning all of the discus are cowering in the corners
and black as pitch. <Bad...> The treated fish doesn't show
signs of the fungus, but instead has two streaks along his lateral line
that looks kind of like hard water stains on glass. Another of the
larger discus also has the same condition. Other discus are laying on
their sides and generally acting miserable. I haven't tried to feed
them yet, but they were taking flake and frozen bloodworm just fine
since Tuesday. My water parameters are 0 nitrates (yes, I check
everything I possibly can), 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, 0 ammonium, pH 7.6,
<Better below 7.0> 3dKH, .5dGH (yes, that's 1/2dGH) 82
degrees F, though when I went to raise the temps to assist their
immunity, I accidentally dropped it to 79. (turned the knob the wrong
way!) <Argggghhh!> I've fixed the heater (300w Theo Hydor) so
the temps are slowly on the rise, I also have a 250w MH lamp that will
do the same... slowly. Conspecifics are 1 - 1" angel, <I would
not mix angels and Symphysodon... reasons posted on WWM> 3
-2.5" reticulated loaches, 1 - 2.5" clown loach, 1 - 6"
Farlowella sp., and 2 - Otocinclus. None of the other fish are showing
any problems at all. I had to take back a 2.5" angel, 6 - lg.
giant Danios, 1 - 3" Severum, and 2 - 5" Plecos because of
stress/aggression concerns. All but the lg. angel were removed from the
system Monday. The lg angel was removed Tues. night due to bullying.
I've got 40gal of water aerating to do a water change this
afternoon... but I'm leaving town tomorrow morning for a week!
That's one of the reasons I didn't want the fish shipped until
then! What do I do!?!? Thank you. Branon. <I would not have bright
light on these fish (turn off the MH), I would lower the pH (slowly),
raise temperature as you're doing... and hope. The fish are
stressed... from being transported, handled, dosed... no more of these
"med.s", please. Bob Fenner>
Re: Discus Help!! addendum 11/19/05 I forgot to
tell you about the rest of the system... JIK. I have a 250 GPH return
from a 200 gal rated wet dry filter. I have a Whisper 60 gal OTB power
filter at the same end as the return. I have a 600gph closed loop to
Under Gravel Jets for flow and to keep detritus off the substrate. I
also have a Maxi-Jet 900 by the surface skimmer box to increase gas
exchange and about a 12" wall of bubbles in the middle of the back
for oxygenation/gas exchange/circulation...is there too much flow for
them? <Should be fine> Is it too bright?...I have 250w 10000k MH
on left side, 1 - 25w. 6500k CFL in middle, and 2 40w 6500k standard
t-12 bulbs on the right. I have a good amount of plastic plants and 3
pieces of med. bogwood and some rock-work as well. For a 72x18x28"
tall tank, that shouldn't be too much light, should it...I mean to
add live plants soon...mostly under the MH....I think I'll kill the
lights to give them a break....any other suggestions/questions to help
with this? I really appreciate all the help you give. Branon Rochelle.
<I would turn off the MH for now. Bob Fenner>
Discus stocking/Aggression 11/10/05 Hello
<Howdy> I have read a lot of your FAQ pages and find them to be
one of the best resources for aquarists that I have come across in a
long time. Thank you for your obvious love and dedication to what you
do. It's nice to see other people get upset about abuses of the
Piscean kind as I do. I thought I was alone in being concerned about
goldfish in bowls and jam jar sized "tanks" for Bettas.
<Oh, no... there are many of "us"> At the moment I have
a 3 foot, 120 litre (I think in feet and litres, my only defense is
that I'm Australian and they changed it on me in 1966) fairly
heavily planted tank with 9 cardinals 3 small Cory cats and 2 1.5 inch
Discus. Water parameters are spot on. One of my Discus seems to be
quite aggressive toward the other, <Happens> they have been in
the tank for 5 days. I can't determine if they are of the same sex
or not at the moment, I thought they would be to immature to breed
<Correct> and it does look like one is nipping the other. I think
it may have something to do with feeding as it seems to be worse in the
areas near where I feed from. They get a commercial flake food in the
morning and I usually give them frozen blood worms or brine shrimp (I
was surprised they eat it, the cardinals love them) or discus mix at
night. I have read that they may be better off in odd numbers,
<Yes... gives the "odd fish out" some rest...> I think
I can probably squeeze one more in although I am not overly fond of
stocking to my limits. Would you think that the addition of another
fish may ease the situation at all? <Yes, this is what I would
do> I'm in a bit of a dilemma as to the best way to handle this,
and the quick skim through the archive didn't really cover my
question. Maybe I missed it? <It will be added thanks to your
thoughtful query, under FAQs About Discus Behavior> Thanks for your
help Nita <Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Discus stocking/Aggression 11/11/05 Hi Bob
Thank you for the quick reply and valuable advice. Adding
another was where I was leaning towards, but seeing they are my
first foray in to Discus I thought I'd check with someone who has
more experience with these fish. Now all I have to do is convince the
long suffering "fish tank widower" husband of mine that
another $75 fish is a good investment! Cheers Nita <Understood...
and glad to share. Thank you for yours. Bob Fenner>
First Discus, Lonely Discus, Finicky Eater? -
10/22/2005 Hi again guys. <Hello.> I have a couple saltwater
tanks, but decided to try discus. I tried as my first fish, not a wise
idea. <Not a terribly bad idea, if done correctly.> I have
a 55g with a penguin Bio-wheel and a Mag 350. PH 7.0, 0am, 0 nitrates,
and nitrites, and ammonia. We bought a discus online last Tuesday,
<One? Just one?> 14 days ago, and cannot ever see him eat.
However his color is good, and he is semi- active sometimes, and not
too active other times (mostly hangs out in a corner, and sometimes
swims). We feed him bloodworms, but never see him eat. <These
fish are mostly only comfortable in groups.... Unless you are breeding
a pair, a group of four is almost a minimum; they really feel/act/look
better if there are a few of them.> It looks as though a lot is
gone, and he looks fine, but no matter how much we watch, he won't
eat. Is it possible he is eating while we are not watching?
<Possible, but not highly likely.> If he hasn't eaten in this
much time, seems as though he would look bad. I am doing daily water
changes, 5G. The only other fish we have in there is a golden nugget
Pleco. I have a piece of driftwood and a white arrowhead plant, and a
gravel bed. <In all honesty, he's likely not eating
because he's too insecure to do so, without some buddies around.
One good idea would be to call the breeder from whom you purchased and
ask what they were feeding him.> One more thing. If we have success,
and want to add more fish, how many total discus can we put in there?
<Four or six until they're close to adult size.... then a pair,
if you wish to breed.> Your have helped me out in a lot of my
saltwater questions, and I do appreciate it a lot!!!!!! <Glad we
could be of service.> Thanks, Jon <Wishing you well,
First Discus, Finicky Eater? - 10/24/2005 Thanks a
lot!! I just ordered 3 more. -Jon, discus newb <Hope he perks
up some with some friends around. Wishing you well,
Discus Pecking Order - 8/10/03 I have 5 discus that I
was expecting to be a happy little shoal from everything I have read
about them. This is not the case, all they do is chase each other
around and fight. <they simply have to establish a pecking order as
they mature. The chasing can be brisk... but you will notice they are
not murderous... and rarely cause wounds. No worries> I have had
them about three weeks and was wondering if they are just establishing
pecking orders and this will stop or are they going to kill each other.
<actually continues until they are over a year old... but still no
worries> They are in a 90 gallon aquarium. <a fine size to rear
all to adulthood. Do weekly water changes or better for best growth
here> I have tried rearranging driftwood and plants and such to no
avail. Please advise as I am at my wits end. <wits end... after just
3 weeks. Yikes! Relax bubba. Do get some of the many fine books on
discus husbandry too. You will be reassured and better prepared. Jack
Wattley's book is a classic> Thank you <best regards,
My Discus pair I have a pair, a couple, so to speak.
The were happily in love, until my filtration system died a slow death.
Anyway, to make a long story short. All is well now with the tank,
everyone seems to have recovered. The water is perfect. But, the male
is now beating on the female. He is chasing her non-stop, batting her.
Why?? < You may have stimulated spawning with a large water change
simulating the year rainy season in the Amazon. The male is ready to
mate but the female is not. She needs some TLC to build up her reserves
and generate some eggs. In the wild she would swim away until she had
fattened up with eggs. She would then approach the male and they would
spawn and raise the fry. As long as the male continues to chase her
around she may be utilizing all of her energy swimming away and not
making eggs. I would recommend separating the two until she has had a
chance to catch up with the male. Fatten her up with some washed
earthworms for about a week. and try to put them together again.>
What happened to change the love nest they had?? <If your filter was
slowly dying then it probably wasn't working very well. High waste
build up in the aquarium is a sure way to prevent fish from
spawning.> Will he kill her?? <Discus aren't the meanest fish
around but over time he might inflict enough damage to kill her. More
likely she will find a hiding place and stay there afraid to come out,
even to eat and may waste away or get sick and die from a disease
brought on by stress and malnutrition. -Chuck>. A worried
fishy mom. Thanks in advance. Janet
Discus Disaccord Hi Crew,
Before my questions, I wanted to thank you for all the valuable
information you put out there for all of us Discus
lovers. After searching your site I did not find a similar Q
& A so I hope my question will help others. I'll try to sum
this up, I have a 250 gal tank with 11 harmonious discus. I
had two (blue and snakeskin) in a quarantine tank, (20 gal) the blue
one was constantly picking on the snakeskin, so after a safe amount of
quarantine I moved the blue one to my display tank. He's
about 4" and seemed to fit in fine with everyone but by the end of
the day my 5" pair of wild discus began bullying
him. The tank is 8' long with plenty of hiding spaces
and although I felt sorry for him I figured he'd be O.K. He kept
himself in hiding most of the time and came out for feeding avoiding
the wild pair. (I've added 2 1/2" discus in the past and the
wild ones didn't even notice them.) A few days later I
added the 4" snakeskin assuming he would be treated the same
way. Everything was calm and I had to run out for a few
hours. On my return I was horrified, the pair of wild discus
had the beautiful snakeskin in a corner and they were taking turns
sucking off his slime coat. He didn't try to get away
from them. ( Is beauty a trade off for stupidity?) I put him
back in the quarantine tank and 4 days later he seems to have
recovered. I put two smaller discus with him and the three
of them are all doing fine together. 1) How do I introduce him back
into my 250 gal tank? <Before turning off the lights you should
rearrange all the decorations in the tank. This is not easy in a large
planted tank. Add the fish and then turn off the lights. In the morning
all the fish will be busy establishing their new territories and less
likely to pick on the new guy. 2) Would the attacks from the pair of
wild discus eventually have killed him? < Although discus are not
well known for their aggressiveness, you must keep in mind that they
are cichlids. I think it would have taken a little while for them to
kill the discus but over time it is definite possible. 3) Should I
consider moving the wild discus to a different aquarium and how big
would it need to be? <You might have to move the wild discus because
of question #4> Would 55 gal be O.K for just the two of
them and some companions? < That would be fine> 4) Could the pair
of wild discus be preparing to spawn? <Absolutely! In fact this is
probably the main cause for all of your problems. Separate the pair to
the 55 gallon. They like to spawn on a vertical surface an keep the
water at 80 degrees. Discus like all cichlids guard their eggs and fry
from all intruders. When they frt become free swimming they will eat
the slime off the parents. Very amusing to watch. Good luck.-Chuck>
Any and all answers will be greatly appreciated. Joni