FAQs on Freshwater Angelfish
Related Articles: Freshwater Angels, Discus, Juraparoids, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Asian Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Angels 1, Angels
2, Angelfish Behavior, Angelfish Compatibility, Angelfish Selection, Angelfish Systems, Angelfish Feeding, Angelfish Disease, Angelfish Reproduction, & FAQs on:
Wild Angels (P. altum),
Cichlids of the
World, Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,
A gorgeous gold-flake Angelfish.
08 Interzoo.
Angelfish; ID... 3/7/14
I have kept a marine aquarium in the past and i have now gone back to
keeping fresh water fish, could you please tell me what type of
Pterophyllum this is, please see attached picture, as i want to
set up a biotope with them as the centre piece to my aquarium? Aquarium
is the Jewel
Rio 300, ph 6.8 , NH3/NH4 0ppm, NO2 0ppm, NO3 10ppm. The tank is planted
with drift wood, there are 5 Angels and 3 Ancistrus... Thank you.
<Well, this is a wild-type Angelfish of some sort, or at least, a
Pterophyllum species with colours similar to those seen in wild fish (as
opposed to the tank-bred varieties like Golden Angels, Marble Angels,
Koi Angels and so on). It's clearly neither an Altum Angel (Pterophyllum
altum) which has a much different body shape, nor the Dwarf Angel
(Pterophyllum leopoldi) which has a distinctive spot at the base of the
dorsal fin between the two vertical bands on its flanks. There are a
bunch of other regional varieties sold under names such as "Peru Angels"
and "Peru Altums" and so on, usually at a premium price, and these may
or may not be true Pterophyllum scalare, the species upon which the
tank-bred Angel was largely derived from (the farmed Angel being a
hybrid rather than a true species). So, to cut a long story short, your
fish seems to be some sort of "Pterophyllum scalare" though it doesn't
seem to have the red eyes typically seen on true wild-type Pterophyllum
scalare (whether wild-caught or carefully tank bred). In terms of
biotope, the fish we call Pterophyllum scalare actually comes from quite
a range of habitats, though invariably ones with slow water flow.
Swamps, sluggish streams, vegetated riverbanks, that sort of thing.
Water chemistry is fairly variable, rather than the typical extremely
soft and acidic water favoured by, say, Altum Angels and of course
Discus. A deep (at least 40 cm/16 inches) aquarium with lots of vertical
objects (which Angels use for setting territorial boundaries as well as
spawning) is recommended. Lighting should be subdued if possible
(floating plants are ideal) but to be honest unless your Angels are wild
caught they'll be extremely tame and much like goldfish in their
readiness to settle down and even beg for food! The classic Angel
aquarium has a sandy or gravel substrate (sand is more authentic for
South America) some vertical bogwood roots and some tall plants like
Amazon Swords (not actually that common in the Amazon!) from the same
part of the world. Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Angelfish
Thank you very much for your quick response. Just wanted to make sure on
which type of angelfish so that i can get it as near as possible to correct
biotope. There are five angelfish and three Ancistrus species, no more fish
are being added. Thank you again.
<Most welcome, Neale.> |
Trying to figure out what kind
of angelfish I bought 1/20/12
Hi There,
I have a 50 gallon tank that has been set up for over a year with
various Tetras and a Pleco. I spent many months researching and trying
to figure out what kind of fish I wanted as my "featured"
fish. I debated Angels and Discus for quite some time, and finally fell
in love with Angels. I followed your advise and purchased 6 of them and
so far they are schooling really well and seem to be getting along.
Angels are a rare commodity in my area so I jumped on the chance when
my local pet shop got 6 juveniles in.
Three of them look to be the tank bred silver with black stripe
variety, but have kind of a gold/yellow color instead of silver. They
were accompanied by one which is all yellowish-gold, one that is mostly
yellow/gold with one black fin on the bottom, and one that looks like
it might be a Koi or marbled. I'm not sure, but I would guess
because they are all the same size (quite small) that they are
siblings.... How can I determine what kind of Angel they are? Also if
you have any suggestions for me I am all ears.
<Good question... all commercially produced angels (other than
Altums) are the same species or dihybrid cross... And these have not
been "pure bred" ever in terms of varieties... So, what you
have are Pterophyllum scalare (poss. cross), as sport crosses (akin to
domestic dogs and cats), that can/do interbreed. Bob Fenner>
Re: Trying to figure out what kind of angelfish I bought
So is this set up recommended for their species?
<S/b fine. See WWM re Angel systems>
Are they typically more or less aggressive with one another than pure
bred Angels?
<No discernible pattern of more/less>
Are the more or less sensitive to ph and alkalinity levels,
<Ditto. "Real" (as in very) black angels of years back
were far more touchy...>
I know some angels tend to me more aggressive an some tend to be
more hardy and easier to keep.
Any recommendations for a new Angel owner?
<Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwangelfishes.htm
and the linked files above. BobF>
Re: Trying to figure out what kind of angelfish I bought
Also, Thank you for your time! I really appreciate what you all do.
This is not a hobby for the weak, that is for sure! I love it, and
appreciate that there are people out there like yourself who care
enough to share you knowledge to the rest of us that aspire to be there
one day. :)
<Ah, good. B>
Can an angel change it's stripes? Angelfish With
Eyebrows 10/06/06 Hi. My husband and I have a small hobby
tank (20 gal) with 2 medium sized angel, a few platies, and some
scavenger fish to keep things clean. One angel is mostly black and the
other is silver-yellow with black stripes. We can always tell when
they're hungry because Blondie (the silver-yellow one) will flash
her stripes. So we're used to her chameleon effect. This morning we
discovered Blondie had a new black spot, a HUGE black eyebrow. She
seems to be doing fine otherwise, water levels are OK, and none of the
other fish are bugging her. But it's still weird to see
Charlie-Chaplin eyebrows on this elegant fish. Can angles normally
change color like that? Should we separate her from the rest of the
tank? I've already looked for info online, but there doesn't
seem to be much out there. Hope to hear from you soon Jamie < Unless
you fish are wild, the genetics of most genetic angelfish are so varied
that almost any pattern is possible. I suspect that your angelfish has
some marbled angelfish gene in it. It is not a disease and they can all
stay together.-Chuck>
Freshwater Dwarf Flame Angel?? - 5/11/06
Mr. Fenner, <Just Bob, please> Enjoyed your
appearance a few months ago at the Dallas MAS meeting, as well as your
reference books. <A pleasure to share> A question: Is there such
a thing as a FRESHWATER dwarf flame angel? <Mmm, have never seen or
heard of...> My wife saw a book that described a dwarf flame angel
as a freshwater species, but we believe it is a typo or factual error.
<Do believe so> All I know of is Centropyge loricula, which is
marine. All my Google searches for 'dwarf flame
angels' come up with is the marine fish. Thanks, <All marine
angels are strictly marine... Cheers. Bob Fenner>
Beauf Lancaster